App Alipay payment

Posted by subesc on Mon, 04 Nov 2019 18:53:24 +0100

1. Transfer payment process:

Step 1: create an app and get APPID

Open platform to ant golden clothing( )To create an application in the developer center, an app unique ID (APPID) will be generated and the payment function will be applied for..

Step 2: configure the key

  1. The Alipay public key: Alipay's RSA public key. The merchant uses the public key to verify whether the result is returned by Alipay.


  • 2. Download the RSA key tool of Alibaba cloud to generate the key and public key (download address:
  • 3. Upload the public key generated by the tool to Alibaba cloud, put the private key to the server, and use it when calling the interface

Step 3: integration and development


1: import jar package


 <!-- Ali cloud Alipay paid jar -->



2: specific demo

a: Alibaba cloud basic parameter class:

public interface AliPayConfig {

        /** Alipay paid appid */
        String APP_ID = "";

        /** Application of private key */
        String PRIVATE_KEY = "";

        //Application of public key
        String APP_PUBLIC_KEY = "";

        //Alipay public key
        String ALI_PUBLIC_KEY ="";

        //character set
        String CHARSET = "utf-8";

        //data format
        String FORMAT = "json";

        //Encryption mode
        String SIGN_TYPE = "RSA2";

        /**    The following parameters are call addresses   */

        //Receive Alipay callback address notify_url
     //It can be mapped to the local address for testing, not necessarily deployed online
        String NOTIFY_URL = "";

        String GATEWAY_URL  = "";




b: unified single interface

    public JSONObject aliPayOrder(String outtradeno) {
        JSONObject returnValue = null;
        //Instantiate client
        AlipayClient alipayClient = new DefaultAlipayClient(AliPayConfig.GATEWAY_URL, AliPayConfig.APP_ID, AliPayConfig.PRIVATE_KEY, AliPayConfig.FORMAT, AliPayConfig.CHARSET, AliPayConfig.ALI_PUBLIC_KEY, AliPayConfig.SIGN_TYPE);
        //Instantiate concrete API Corresponding request class,Class name and interface name correspond,The name of the interface is currently called:
        AlipayTradeAppPayRequest request = new AlipayTradeAppPayRequest();
        //SDK The public parameters have been encapsulated. Only the business parameters need to be passed in. The following methods are sdk Of model Entry mode(model and biz_content In case of simultaneous existence biz_content). 
        outtradeno = WeixinPayUtil.getOrderIdByTime();
        AlipayTradeAppPayModel model = new AlipayTradeAppPayModel();
        model.setSubject("App Payment test");
        try {
            //This is different from the ordinary interface call, which uses sdkExecute
            AlipayTradeAppPayResponse response = alipayClient.sdkExecute(request);
            //Namely orderString It can directly request to the client without further processing.
            returnValue = new JSONObject();
            returnValue.put("errCode", ErrorCode.SUCCESS_RETRUN);
            returnValue.put("errMsg", "ok");
            returnValue.put("data", response.getBody());
  "[Alipay unified order --- Success],Order number is:{}",outtradeno);
            return returnValue;
        } catch (AlipayApiException e) {
  "[Alipay unified order --- Failure],Order number is:{},The reasons are:{}",outtradeno,e.getErrMsg().toString());
            returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Order failure");
            return returnValue;



c: payment callback interface

    public void aliPay_notify(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        //Get Alipay POST Come and give feedback
        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        Map requestParams = request.getParameterMap();
        for (Iterator iter = requestParams.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            String name = (String);
            String[] values = (String[]) requestParams.get(name);
            String valueStr = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                valueStr = (i == values.length - 1) ? valueStr + values[i] : valueStr + values[i] + ",";
            params.put(name, valueStr);
        try {
            //Verifying signature
            boolean flag = AlipaySignature.rsaCheckV1(params, AliPayConfig.ALI_PUBLIC_KEY, AliPayConfig.CHARSET, AliPayConfig.SIGN_TYPE);

            if (flag) {
                if ("TRADE_SUCCESS".equals(params.get("trade_status"))) { //Business logic processing

                    //Payment amount
                    String amount = params.get("buyer_pay_amount");

                    //Merchant order number
                    String out_trade_no = params.get("out_trade_no");

                    //Alipay transaction number
                    String trade_no = params.get("trade_no");

                    //Additional data
                    String passback_params = params.get("passback_params");


            }else {
      "[Alipay payment--Asynchronous callback] callback failed,Signature verification failed");

        } catch (AlipayApiException e) {
            logger.error("[Alipay payment--Asynchronous callback] callback failed,Alibaba cloud interface call error,The reason is:{}",e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("[Alipay payment--Asynchronous callback] callback failed,The reason is:{}",e.getMessage());

d: refund interface

    public JSONObject aliPay_refund(final String outTradeNo,final String transactionId){
        JSONObject returnValue = null ;
        try {
            //Instantiate client
            AlipayClient alipayClient = new DefaultAlipayClient(AliPayConfig.GATEWAY_URL, AliPayConfig.APP_ID, AliPayConfig.PRIVATE_KEY, AliPayConfig.FORMAT, AliPayConfig.CHARSET, AliPayConfig.ALI_PUBLIC_KEY, AliPayConfig.SIGN_TYPE);

            //Instantiate concrete API Corresponding request class,Class name and interface name correspond,The name of the interface is currently called:
            AlipayTradeRefundRequest request = new AlipayTradeRefundRequest();

            //SDK The public parameters have been encapsulated. Only the business parameters need to be passed in. The following methods are sdk Of model Entry mode(model and biz_content In case of simultaneous existence biz_content). 
            AlipayTradeRefundModel model = new AlipayTradeRefundModel();

            //Priority use of Alipay orders id
            if(transactionId == null || transactionId.length() == 0){
            }else {
            //Test amount 1 cent
            String price = "0.01";
            //Test refund reason
            model.setRefundReason("Test refund");

            //refund amount


            AlipayTradeRefundResponse response = alipayClient.execute(request);

                returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Refund successful");
                return returnValue ;

            } else {
                returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED(response.getSubMsg());
                return returnValue ;
        }catch (AlipayApiException e) {
            logger.error("[Alipay payment -- Refund failed] because:{}",e.getMessage());
            returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Refund failed");
            return returnValue ;


e: close order

    public JSONObject aliPay_close(final String outTradeNo,final String transactionId){
        JSONObject returnValue = null ;
        try {
            //Instantiate client
            AlipayClient alipayClient = new DefaultAlipayClient(AliPayConfig.GATEWAY_URL, AliPayConfig.APP_ID, AliPayConfig.PRIVATE_KEY, AliPayConfig.FORMAT, AliPayConfig.CHARSET, AliPayConfig.ALI_PUBLIC_KEY, AliPayConfig.SIGN_TYPE);

            //Instantiate concrete API Corresponding request class,Class name and interface name correspond,The name of the interface is currently called:
            AlipayTradeCloseRequest request = new AlipayTradeCloseRequest();

            //SDK The public parameters have been encapsulated. Only the business parameters need to be passed in. The following methods are sdk Of model Entry mode(model and biz_content In case of simultaneous existence biz_content). 
            AlipayTradeCloseModel model = new AlipayTradeCloseModel();

            //Priority use of Alipay orders id
            if(transactionId == null || transactionId.length() == 0){
            }else {


            AlipayTradeCloseResponse response = alipayClient.execute(request);

                returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Order closed successfully");
                return returnValue ;

            } else {
                returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED(response.getSubMsg());
                return returnValue ;
        }catch (AlipayApiException e) {
            logger.error("[Alipay payment -- Close order] failed to close the order,The reason is:{}",e.getMessage());
            returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Order closing failed");
            return returnValue ;


f: query order status

    public JSONObject aliPay_query(final String outTradeNo,final String transactionId){
        JSONObject returnValue = null ;
        try {
            //Instantiate client
            AlipayClient alipayClient = new DefaultAlipayClient(AliPayConfig.GATEWAY_URL, AliPayConfig.APP_ID, AliPayConfig.PRIVATE_KEY, AliPayConfig.FORMAT, AliPayConfig.CHARSET, AliPayConfig.ALI_PUBLIC_KEY, AliPayConfig.SIGN_TYPE);

            //Instantiate concrete API Corresponding request class,Class name and interface name correspond,The name of the interface is currently called:
            AlipayTradeQueryRequest request = new AlipayTradeQueryRequest();

            //SDK The public parameters have been encapsulated. Only the business parameters need to be passed in. The following methods are sdk Of model Entry mode(model and biz_content In case of simultaneous existence biz_content). 
            AlipayTradeQueryModel model = new AlipayTradeQueryModel();

            //Priority use of Alipay orders id
            if(transactionId == null || transactionId.length() == 0){
            }else {


            AlipayTradeQueryResponse response = alipayClient.execute(request);

                    returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Transaction creation, waiting for buyer payment");
                    return returnValue ;
                }else if("TRADE_CLOSED".equals(response.getTradeStatus())){
                    returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Overdue closing of unpaid transactions or full refund upon completion of payment");
                    return returnValue ;
                }else if("TRADE_SUCCESS".equals(response.getTradeStatus())){
                    returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Transaction payment succeeded");
                    return returnValue ;
                }else if("TRADE_FINISHED".equals(response.getTradeStatus())){
                    returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Transaction closed, non refundable");
                    return returnValue ;
                }else {
                    returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Unknown state");
                    return returnValue ;
            } else {
                returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED(response.getSubMsg());
                return returnValue ;
        }catch (AlipayApiException e) {
            logger.error("[Alipay payment -- Failed to query order,The reason is:{}",e.getMessage());
            returnValue = ErrorCodeUtil.ERROR_FAILED("Order query failed");
            return returnValue ;


3: last to go Ant gold business platform View amount!!!

Topics: Delphi SDK Java JSON