Arithmetic operators and logical operations based on python

Posted by lanas on Sat, 05 Feb 2022 13:24:44 +0100

Arithmetic comparison

(1) Arithmetic operator: + - * / / /%**


var1 = 7
var2 = 90
res = var1 + var2



var1 = 7
var2 = 90
res = var1 - var2



var1 = 7
var2 = 10
res = var1 * var2

/ (the result is always decimal)

var1 = 10
var2 = 5
res = var1 / var2
print(res , type(res))

//Floor except

Divisor ÷ divisor = quotient

Note: if the divisor or divisor is a decimal, after the normal result is obtained, the value followed by. 0 becomes a decimal

var1 = 10.0
var2 = 3.0
# var2 = 3.0
res = var1 // var2

% remainder

var1 = 7
var2 = 4
res = var1 % var2
res = -7 % 4  # -3 + 4 = 1
res = 7 % -4  # 3 + (-4) = -1
res = -7 % -4 # -3 (divisor and divisor are both negative, normal result plus minus sign)
res = 81 % 7   # 4
res = 81 % -7  # -3
res = -81 % 7  # 3
res = -81 % -7 # -4

**Power operation

res = 2 ** 3


(2) Comparison operators: >, <, > =, > =, = ==   

The result of the comparison operator is either True or False. There are only two values

res = 10 > 5
res = 10 >= 10
# ==This symbol is used to compare whether the values on both sides of = = are the same
res = 5 == 9
res = 5 != 9 


(3) Assignment operator: = + = - = * = / = / / / =% =**=

=The assignment operator assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left

a = 5 <= 3

var1 = 10
var2 = 5


"""var1 = var1 + var2"""
# var1 += var2
# print(var1)


"""var1 = var1 - var2"""
# var1 -= var2
# print(var1)


"""var1 = var1 % var2"""
var1 %= var2

(4) Member operators: in and not in (for container data)

① When judging a string, it must be a continuous fragment

strvar = "It's going to rain today,Hurry home and collect your clothes"

res = "this" in strvar
res = "weather" in strvar
res = "hurry back" in strvar

② For lists, tuples, collections

container = ["Shenyang Zhao","Zhao Wanli","Zhao Shichao"]
container = ("Shenyang Zhao","Zhao Wanli","Zhao Shichao")
container = {"Shenyang Zhao","Zhao Wanli","Zhao Shichao"}
# res = "Zhao Shenyang" in container
# res = "Zhao Wanli" not in container
res = "Zhao Shichao 1223232" not in container

③ For the dictionary (the key of the dictionary is judged, not the value)

container = {"zsy":"Shenyang Zhao","zwl":"Zhao Wanli","zsc":"Zhao Shichao"}
res = "Shenyang Zhao" in container # False
res = "zsy" in container

(5) Identity operators is and is not (detect whether the two data are the same value in memory)

① Integer - 5 ~ positive infinity

var1 = 100
var2 = 100
print(var1 is var2)

② Floating point nonnegative number

var1 = -9.1
var2 = -9.1
print(var1 is var2)

③ bool is the same

var1 = True
var2 = True
print(var1 is var2)

④ complex is different between real number and imaginary number (except for imaginary number)

var1 = 6-8j
var2 = 6-8j
var1 = -10j
var2 = -10j
print(var1 is var2)

⑥ Container: the same string and empty tuple can be the same. All the remaining containers are different

container1 = ()
container2 = ()
print(container1 is not container2)

container1 = "you"
container2 = "you"
print(container1 is not container2)

container1 = [1,23,3]
container2 = [1,23,3]
print(container1 is not container2)

(6) Logical operator: and or not

① And logic and

One truth is true, one false is false

res = True and True    # True
res = True and False   # False
res = False and True   # False
res = False and False  # False

② or logic

One true is true, and all false is false

res = True or True    # True
res = False or True   # True
res = True or False   # True 
res = False or False  # False


③ not logical

res = not True
res = not False



④ Logic short circuit

No matter whether the following expression is True or False, the final result cannot be changed. Then, short circuit directly and the following code will not be executed;

(1) True or print("program executed ~ 1111")

(2) False ande print("program executed ~ 2222")

True or print("The program was executed ~ 1111")
True or True => True
True or False => True
False and print("The program was executed ~ 2222")
False and True  => False
False and False => False


Calculation rule:

First, brain compensation is used to calculate whether the Boolean value of the current expression is True or False. If there is a True or expression or a False and expression, it will be returned directly. The following code will not be executed. If there is no short-circuit effect, it will be returned directly to the latter

res = 5 and 6  # 6


True and True => True

True and False => False


Next, let's look at a piece of code


res = 5 or 6  # 5
res = 0 and 999
res = 0 or "abc"


Priority of logical operators:

Priority from high to low: () > not > and > or

Small exercise:

res = 5 or 6 and 7 # 5 or 7 => 5
res = (5 or 6) and 7 # 5 and 7
res = not (5 or 6) and 7 # not 5 and 7 => False and 7 => False
res = 1<2 or 3>4 and 5<100 or 100<200 and not (700>800 or 1<-1)



not (False or False) => True
res = 1<2 or 3>4 and 5<100 or 100<200 and not (700>800 or 1<-1)
res = True or False and True or True and True
res = True or False or True
res = True or True => True


(7) Bitwise operators: & ^ < > >~

① & bitwise AND

var1 = 19
var2 = 15

res = var1 & var2
#The result is this:
000 ... 10011
000 ... 01111
000 ... 00011 => 3

② | bitwise OR

var1 = 19
var2 = 15

res = var1 |var2

The result is this:
000 ... 10011
000 ... 01111
000 ... 11111

③ ^ bitwise XOR

Different quantity = > true; otherwise, False is returned

var1 = 19
var2 = 15

res = var1 ^ var2

The result is this:
000 ... 10011
000 ... 01111
000 ... 11100

④ < < shift left (want to be in multiplication)

This number is multiplied by the n-th power of 2

res = 5 << 1 # 10
res = 5 << 2 # 20
res = 5 << 3 # 40

The result is this:
000 ... 101  => 5
000 .. 1010 => 10
000 ..10100 => 20
000 .101000 => 40

⑤ > > shift right (equivalent to Division)

This number is divided by 2 to the nth power

res = 5 >> 1 # 2
res = 5 >> 2 # 1
res = 5 >> 3 # 0
The result is this:
000 ... 101
000 ... 010 => 2
000 ... 001 => 1
000 ... 000 => 0

⑥ ~ bitwise non (for complement operation, bitwise inversion, including each bit)


Exercise 1:

# res = ~22
res = ~19

The result is this: ""“

Original code: 000 ten thousand and eleven
Inverse code: 000 ten thousand and eleven
Complement: 000 ten thousand and eleven

Complement: 000 ten thousand and eleven
Bitwise non: 111 01100

Give you the complement - > original code
Complement: 111 01100
Inverse code: 100 ten thousand and eleven
Original code: 100 10100 => -20

Exercise 2
res = ~-19

The result is this:

Original code: 100 ten thousand and eleven
Inverse code: 111 01100
Complement: 111 01101

Complement: 111 01101
Bitwise non: 000 ten thousand and ten

Give you the complement - > original code (because it is an integer, the original inverse complement is the same)
000 ... 10010 => 19



Individual operators:

The highest operator is:**

Operator with the lowest priority:=


() can raise priority

Unary operators > binary operators (priority)

Unary operator: operate on a value at the same time ~-

Binary operator: at the same time, operate on a value + - * /

Operators of the same kind:

Arithmetic operators: multiply and divide > add and subtract

Logical operators: () > not > and > or

Bitwise operators: (< > >) > & > ^ >|

Overall sorting:

Arithmetic operators > bit operators > comparison operators > identity operators > member operators > logical operators

The assignment operator is used for closing


Little practice

res = 5+5 << 6 // 3 is 40 and False
res = 10 << 2 is 40 and False
res = 40 is 40 and False
res = True and False
res = False

# Raise the next priority with parentheses
res = (5+5) << (6//3) is 40 and False