When importing components and modules, the directory format is almost the same. Can you import all of them with one click? require.context Can help us achieve this function. Webpack is required (or Vue CLI 3 + that uses webpack internally)
Traditional import, if there are many files, it will be very troublesome, and each additional file in the later stage needs to be imported again
import moduleA from './modules/moduleA.vue' import moduleB from './modules/moduleB.vue' import moduleC from './modules/moduleC.vue' export default { components: { moduleA, moduleB, moduleC } }
Next, the article will introduce the use of require.context to automatically import the module for energy supply and liberate our hands.
First, let's introduce the require.context~
What is require.context
A webpack api obtains a specific context by executing the require.context function, which is mainly used to realize the automatic import module. In the front-end project, if you encounter the introduction of many modules from a folder, you can use this api. It will traverse the specified files in the folder and then import automatically, so that you do not need to explicitly call the import module every time
require.context method
The require.context function accepts three parameters
directory{String} - directory to search
useSubdirectories {Boolean} - do you also search its subdirectories
regExp {RegExp} - regular expression matching file
The syntax is as follows:
require.context( directory, (useSubdirectories = true), (regExp = /^\.\/.*$/), (mode = 'sync') );
Borrow the example of webpack official website
require.context("./test", false, /\.test\.js$/); // Traverse all files ending in '. test.js' in the test folder of the current directory, not subdirectories
require.context("../", true, /\.stories\.js$/); // Traverse all files ending in '. stories.js' in the current directory, and traverse subdirectories
Note: the parameter passed to require.context must be literal
Return of the require.context method
The require.context function returns a require function after execution. This function accepts a parameter: request
- Xiaobian understands the use of the require function. For example, pass in the relative path of the matching file under the test folder to get the returned esmodule
- Note: the test folder here refers to the first parameter value of the require.context function. Test is passed in here, so the relative path of the matching file under the test folder is passed in
This function has 3 properties
resolve {Function}
- Official: accept a parameter request, which returns the module id obtained after the request is parsed
- Xiaobian understanding: pass in the relative path of the matching file under the test folder and return the relative path of the matching file relative to the whole project
keys {Function}
- Official: it returns an array consisting of all requests that may be processed by this context module.
- Xiaobian understanding: return an array composed of the names of successful matching modules
id {String}
- Official: it is the module id of context module. It may be used when you use module.hot.accept
View the property return value in combination with the project output
Only some codes are posted here. Specific engineering examples are shown below:
// store/index.js import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' import getters from './getters' Vue.use(Vuex) // https://webpack.js.org/guides/dependency-management/#requirecontext const context = require.context('./modules', true, /\.js$/) console.log('----------- context ---------') console.log(context) console.log('----------- contex.id ---------') console.log(context.id) console.log('----------- context.resolve---------') console.log(context.resolve) console.log('----------- context.resolve(./moduleA.js) ---------------') console.log(context.resolve('./moduleA.js')) console.log('----------- context.keys() ---------') console.log(context.keys()) const modules = context.keys().reduce((modules, modulePath) => { // set './moduleA.js' => 'moduleA' const moduleName = modulePath.replace(/^\.\/(.*)\.\w+$/, '$1') console.log(`----------- context(${modulePath}) ------------`) const value = context(modulePath) console.log(value) modules[moduleName] = value.default return modules }, {}) const store = new Vuex.Store({ modules, getters }) export default store
View console output:
Engineering example
Automated import component
Core code
// App.vue <template> <div id="app"> <my-header></my-header> <my-main></my-main> <my-footer></my-footer> </div> </template> <script> // critical code const modulesFiles = require.context('./components', true, /\.vue$/) const modules = modulesFiles.keys().reduce((modules, modulePath) => { // set './myHeader.js' => 'myHeader' const moduleName = modulePath.replace(/^\.\/(.*)\.\w+$/, '$1') const value = modulesFiles(modulePath) modules[moduleName] = value.default return modules }, {}) export default { name: 'App', // critical code components: modules } </script>
Automatic import vuex module
Core code
// store/modules/index.js import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' import getters from './getters' Vue.use(Vuex) // https://webpack.js.org/guides/dependency-management/#requirecontext const context = require.context('./modules', true, /\.js$/) const modules = context.keys().reduce((modules, modulePath) => { // set './moduleA.js' => 'moduleA' const moduleName = modulePath.replace(/^\.\/(.*)\.\w+$/, '$1') const value = context(modulePath) modules[moduleName] = value.default return modules }, {}) const store = new Vuex.Store({ modules, getters }) export default store
Project code
Here is the complete code of the automatic import module. You are welcome to fork and star. If you have any questions, you can ask issue
If you have any mistakes about the above, I hope you can point out more
Reference link
Use require.context to realize front-end engineering automation