B station video download batch splicing synthesis tool

Posted by leeroy1 on Fri, 15 May 2020 07:51:47 +0200


Station B is very simple for downloading a single video. You can install plug-ins in the browser, which will not be covered here. This paper mainly introduces the batch download and resource integration of multi-P video.

There are two ways:

  • Execute py script
  • Run exe tool


1. Download B station client in windows store





2. Install ffmpeg software, add path environment variable, download address: https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ . Add environment variable method here is no longer specific introduction, do not understand Baidu.

   3.pip Install ffmpy3 module (not required with exe tool)

Video download

Open the client, you can set the download path by yourself, support multiple sets of batch downloads, and the download format supports MP4 and flv formats



But the downloaded cache files have problems with each format, which is why this tool is produced.

1. The MP4 format of files downloaded in batch is audio and video segmentation;
   2.flv The long format video is divided into several short videos;
3. Video file name is digital string code

Downloaded files



Function introduction

1. Rename the downloaded MP4 format file for voice and video synthesis. It takes a long time to process. It eats cpu and memory. Downloading this format is not recommended
2. Splice and rename the downloaded flv format file

Access method

1. Script source file

  1 #!/usr/bin/env python
  2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  3 """
  4 This script is used for batch processing Windows Shop B Station client downloads the file.
  5 explain:
  6 1.Files downloaded in bulk MP4 The format is audio video segmentation;
  7 2.flv The long format video is divided into several short videos;
  8 3.Video file name is digital string code
  9 Environmental preparation:
 10 1. download ffmpeg Software and load environment variables, download address: https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
 11 2. pip install ffmpy3 modular
 12 Function:
 13 1. For downloaded MP4 Format file voice, video synthesis, rename. Processing time is long, downloading this format is not recommended
 14 2. For downloaded flv Splicing and renaming of format files
 15 """
 16 import json, os, datetime
 17 from ffmpy3 import FFmpeg
 19 # Source video download path
 20 source_dir = str(input("Please enter the video source folder:"))
 21 # Output path of processed video, and create a new video title folder
 22 target_dir = str(input("Please enter the output folder:"))
 25 def file_handler(root, files):
 26     output_dir = ""
 27     audio_path = ""
 28     video_path = ""
 29     flv_list = []
 31     for file in files:
 33         if file.endswith(".info"):
 34             file_name, dir_name = get_video_info(root, file)
 35             save_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, dir_name)
 36             if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
 37                 os.mkdir(save_dir)
 38             output_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, file_name)
 40         if file.startswith("audio"):
 41             audio_path = os.path.join(root, file)
 42         if file.startswith("video"):
 43             video_path = os.path.join(root, file)
 44         if file.endswith(".flv"):
 45             flv_list.append(os.path.join(root, file))
 46     return output_dir, audio_path, video_path, flv_list
 49 def get_video_info(root, file):
 50     json_dir = os.path.join(root, file)
 51     with open(json_dir, "r", encoding="utf-8")as f:
 52         info_dic = json.load(f)
 53         file_name = info_dic['PartName']
 54         file_name = file_name.replace(" ", "")
 55         dir_name = info_dic['Title']
 56         return file_name, dir_name
 59 def mp4_handler(video_path, audio_path, output_dir):
 60     ff = FFmpeg(inputs={str(video_path): None, str(audio_path): None},
 61                 outputs={str(output_dir + '.mp4'): '-c:v h264 -c:a ac3 -v quiet -y'})
 62     # print(ff.cmd)
 63     ff.run()
 66 def creat_flv_list_file(root, flv_list):
 67     flv_list_dir = os.path.join(root, "flv_list.txt")
 68     with open(flv_list_dir, 'a', encoding='utf-8')as f:
 69         for i in flv_list:
 70             f.write("file '{}'\n".format(i))
 71     return flv_list_dir
 74 def flv_concat(flv_list_dir, output_dir):
 75     # No safe Parameter error,-v quiet Processing is not displayed,-y Overwrite already exists
 76     ff = FFmpeg(global_options="-f concat -safe 0 ", inputs={str(flv_list_dir): None},
 77                 outputs={output_dir + '.flv': "-c copy -v quiet -y"})
 78     # print(ff.cmd)
 79     ff.run()
 82 def flv_handler(root, flv_list, output_dir):
 83     flv_list_dir = creat_flv_list_file(root, flv_list)
 84     flv_concat(flv_list_dir, output_dir)
 85     if os.path.exists(flv_list_dir):
 86         os.remove(flv_list_dir)
 89 if __name__ == '__main__':
 90     start = datetime.datetime.now()
 91     total = 0
 92     count = 0
 94     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_dir):
 95         runtime = datetime.datetime.now() - start
 96         if not total:
 97             total = len(dirs)
 98         print("\r Processing: No{}individual  "
 99               "Total:{}individual "
100               "Time used:{}".format(count, total, runtime), end='')
101         count += 1
103         is_video = file_handler(root, files)
104         if is_video:
105             output_dir, audio_path, video_path, flv_list = is_video
106             if video_path and audio_path and output_dir:
107                 mp4_handler(video_path, audio_path, output_dir)
108             if output_dir and flv_list:
109                 # print(flv_list)
110                 flv_handler(root, flv_list, output_dir)
111     print("\n All processing completed!")
Video processing script of station B

GitHub project address: https://github.com/yin-man/bilibli_video

2. Packaged exe tool


usage method

Input file path to download = > Enter = > input file path to output = > Enter = > wait

For one 1.1G The processing time of flv video is about 10s, and the speed is quite fast


Display after treatment







In the process of using, if you have any problems, please comment.

Topics: Python Windows pip JSON encoding