Base Query
1. Grammar
The select query list from table name is similar to System.out.println (print stuff)
2. Characteristics
1. Query lists can be: fields in tables, constant values, expressions, functions
2. Query results can be a virtual table
3. Examples
1. Query a single field: select field name from table name;
2. Query multiple fields: select field name 1, field name 2,... from table name;
3. Query all fields:
Method 1 select all field names from table names;
Method 2 select *front table name;
4. Query constant value: select constant value; '
Note: Character and date constants must be enclosed in single quotation marks, and numeric values are not required
5. Query expression: select 100%98;
6. Query function: select function name (list of arguments);select version();
7. Aliases (easy to understand, distinguish between duplicates):
#Mode 1 uses as select 100%98 as Result; select last_name as surname,first_name as name from employees; #Mode 2 uses spaces select last_name surname,first_name name from employees; #Case: Query salary and display the result as out put select salary as 'out put' from employees;
8. Deduplication: select distinct field name from table name;
#Case: Query all department numbers involved in the employee table select distinct department_id from employees;
Role of [+]
The role of [+] in java: 1) Operators, where both operands are numeric; 2) Connectors, where one operand is a string
Role of [+] in mysql: Operators.
(1) Numeric + numeric: addition operation;
(2) If one side is a character type, the conversion to a numeric type will continue with the addition operation, and if the conversion fails, the character type will be converted to 0;
(3) If one of the parties is null, the result is null.
#Case study: Query employee name and name joined into a field and displayed as name select concat(last_name,first_name) as Full name from employees;
10.concat function
Function: Stitching characters to connect multiple columns together
select concat(Character 1, Character 2, Character 3,...);
#Example select concat('a','b','c');
11.ifnull function
Function: Determines whether a field or expression is null, returns the specified value for null, otherwise returns the original value
select ifnull(Field name,Specified value)from Table Name;
#Example select ifnull(commission_pct,0) from employees;
12.isnull function
Function: Determines if a field or expression is null, if it is, returns 1, otherwise returns 0
#Case: Query whether bonus is null select isnull(commission_pct),commmission_pct from employees;
Conditional Query
1. Grammar
select Query List from Table Name where query criteria;
2. Filtering by Conditional Expressions
Simple Operators: >, <, =,!=, <>, >=, <=
#Example: Filter the employees table for last_name with department_id greater than or equal to 90 select last_name from employees where department_id>=90
3. Filter by logical expression
1. Logical Operators
Used to join conditional expressions
&& // and: same true result is true, others are False
|| // or: One is true and the result is true
!//not: If the connection condition is false, the result is true, otherwise it is false
2. Examples
#Example 1: Query employee names, salaries, and bonuses with salaries between 10000 and 2000 select last_name,salary,commission_pct from employees where salary>=10000 and salary<=20000;
#Example 2: Query for employee information whose department number is not between 90 and 110 or whose salary is higher than 15,000 select * from employees where department_id<90 or department_id>110 or salary>15000;
4. Fuzzy Query
like,between and,in,is null
Features: Usually used with wildcards
Wildcards: [%] means any number of characters, including 0 characters; [_] means any single character, [\] escape characters
#Example 1: Query employee information whose employee name contains the character a select * from employees where last_name like '%a%';
Escape Character
#Example 2: Query employee information whose second character is''in employee name select * from employees where last_name like '_\_%';
Specify the escape character: escape function
#Specify $as an escape character select last_name from employees where last_name like '_$_%' escape '$'
2.between and
Increase language simplicity, include critical values, do not swap order between two critical values
#Example: Query employee information for employee numbers between 100 and 120 select * from employees where employee_id between 100 and 120;
Determine if the value of a field belongs to an item in the in list
1. Use in to improve sentence conciseness
(2) Value types of in lists must be consistent or compatible
(3) Wildcards are not supported in the in list
#Example: Query an employee's job number is an employee name and job number in IT_PROG, AD_VP, AD_PRES select job_id,last_name from employees where job_id in('IT_PROG','AD_VP','AD_PRES'); null
= or <> cannot be used to determine null values
is null or is not null to determine null values
#Example: Query employee names and bonus rates without bonuses select last_name, commission_pct from employees where commission_pct is null;
5. Safety equals [<=>]
#Case 1: Query employee names and bonus rates without bonus select last_name, commission_pct from employees where commission_pct <=> null;
#Case 2: Query employee information for 12,000 salaries select last_name, salary from employees where salary <=> 12000;
is null: only null values can be judged, high readability, recommended use;
<=>: Both null and normal values can be judged with low readability.
Classic interview questions:
Ask if the results of select *from employees and select *from employees where commission_pct like'%'and last_name like'%%' are the same?
The results are different. If there is a null value in the query field, the results of the query select *from employees where commission_pct like'%%'and last_name like'%%' do not include a null value, and the results of the select *from employees include.
Sort Query
1. Grammar
select Query List from Table Name [where Filter Criteria] order by Sort List [ asc|desc]
Features: 1) asc stands for ascending order, desc for descending order, do not write the default ascending order;
(2) An order by clause can support a single field, multiple fields, expressions, functions, and aliases;
(3) The order by clause is generally placed at the end of a query statement, with the exception of the limit clause;
#Case 1: Query employee information and ask for high to low wages select * from employees order by salary desc;
#Case 2: Query employee information with department number >=90 and sort by entry time (add filter) select * from employees where department_id>=90 order by hiredate asc;
#Case 3: Display employee information and annual pay by annual pay level [Filter by expression] [Sort by alias] select *,salary*12(1+ifnull(commission_pct,0)) as Annual salary from employees order by Annual Pay [ salary*12(1+ifnull(commission_pct,0))] desc;
#Case 4: Show employee's name and salary by name length [sorted by function] select last_name,salary from employees order by length(last_name) desc;
#Case 6: Querying employee information requires that salary information be sorted in ascending order and then in descending order by employee number [sorted by multiple fields] select * from employees order by salary asc,employee_id desc;