We have a deeper understanding of binary trees according to the above questions of PTA
Accept input from the keyboard to expand the sequence, and use the binary linked list as the storage structure to establish a binary tree. And output the pre order, middle order and post order traversal sequences of the binary tree. The data of binary tree node is character type data, where # represents space character.
Input format:
Enter the extended precedence sequence. The data of binary tree node is character type data, where # represents space character.
Output format:
The first line outputs the preorder traversal sequence; The second line outputs the middle order traversal sequence; The third line outputs the post order traversal sequence.
Input example:
Output example:
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct node{ char data; struct node *Lchild; struct node *Rchild; }BiNode, *BiTree; //Extension precedence to create binary tree BiTree Creat_Pre_Bitree(BiTree root) { char c; c = getchar(); if(c=='#') return NULL; else{ root = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiNode)); root->data = c; root->Lchild = Creat_Pre_Bitree(root->Lchild); root->Rchild = Creat_Pre_Bitree(root->Rchild); } return root; } //Preorder traversal void PreOrder(BiTree root) { if(root) { printf("%c", root->data); PreOrder(root->Lchild); PreOrder(root->Rchild); } } //Medium order traversal void InOrder(BiTree root) { if(root){ InOrder(root->Lchild); printf("%c", root->data); InOrder(root->Rchild); } } //Postorder traversal void PostOrder(BiTree root) { if(root){ PostOrder(root->Lchild); PostOrder(root->Rchild); printf("%c", root->data); } } int main() { BiTree root = Creat_Pre_Bitree(&root); PreOrder(root); printf("\n"); InOrder(root); printf("\n"); PostOrder(root); printf("\n"); return 0; }
The extended preorder sequence is received from the keyboard, and a binary tree is established with a binary linked list as the storage structure. The non recursive method is used to output the preorder and middle order traversal sequences of the binary tree.
Input format:
Enter the extended precedence sequence. The data of binary tree node is character type data, where # represents space character.
Output format:
The first line outputs the first order traversal sequence, and the second line outputs the middle order traversal sequence.
Input example:
Output example:
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MaxSize 100 typedef struct node{ char data; struct node *Lchild; struct node *Rchild; }BiNode, *BiTree; //Extension precedence to create binary tree void Creat_Pre_Bitree(BiTree *root) { char c; c = getchar(); if(c=='#') *root = NULL; else { *root = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiNode)); (*root)->data = c; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Lchild)); Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Rchild)); } } /*non-recursive */ //Stack correlation typedef struct { BiTree stdata[MaxSize]; int top; } sqstack; //Create stack sqstack* Init_Stack() { sqstack *s; s = (sqstack *)malloc(sizeof(sqstack)); s->top = -1; return s; } //Air judgment int IsEmpty(sqstack *s) { if(s->top==-1) return 1; else return 0; } //Push void Push(sqstack*s,BiTree root){ if(s->top<MaxSize){ s->top++; s->stdata[s->top] = root; } return; } //Out of stack int Pop(sqstack*s,BiTree *x){ if(IsEmpty(s)) { return 0; } else { *x = s->stdata[s->top]; s->top--; return 1; } } //Non recursive preorder void LPreOrder(BiTree root) { sqstack* s; s = Init_Stack(); BiTree p; p = root; while(p!=NULL||!IsEmpty(s)){ while(p!=NULL){ printf("%c", p->data); Push(s, p); p = p->Lchild; } if(!IsEmpty(s)){ Pop(s,&p); p = p->Rchild; } } } //Non recursive middle order void LInOrder(BiTree root) { sqstack* s; s = Init_Stack(); BiTree p = root; while(p!=NULL||!IsEmpty(s)){ while(p!=NULL){ Push(s, p); p = p->Lchild; } if(!IsEmpty(s)){ Pop(s,&p); printf("%c", p->data); p = p->Rchild; } } } int main() { BiTree root; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&root); LPreOrder(root); printf("\n"); LInOrder(root); printf("\n"); return 0; }
The extended preorder sequence is received from the keyboard, and a binary tree is established with a binary linked list as the storage structure. The post order traversal sequence of the binary tree is output by non recursive method.
Input format:
Enter the extended precedence sequence. The data of binary tree node is character type data, where # represents space character.
Output format:
Output post order traversal sequence.
Input example:
Output example:
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MaxSize 100 typedef struct node{ char data; struct node *Lchild; struct node *Rchild; }BiNode, *BiTree; //Extension precedence to create binary tree void Creat_Pre_Bitree(BiTree *root) { char c; c = getchar(); if(c=='#') *root = NULL; else { *root = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiNode)); (*root)->data = c; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Lchild)); Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Rchild)); } } /* //recursion void PreOrder(BiTree root) { if(root) { printf("%c", root->data); PreOrder(root->Lchild); PreOrder(root->Rchild); } } void InOrder(BiTree root) { if(root){ InOrder(root->Lchild); printf("%c", root->data); InOrder(root->Rchild); } } void PostOrder(BiTree root) { if(root){ PostOrder(root->Lchild); PostOrder(root->Rchild); printf("%c", root->data); } } */ /*non-recursive */ //Stack correlation typedef struct { BiTree stdata[MaxSize]; int top; } sqstack; //Create stack sqstack* Init_Stack() { sqstack *s; s = (sqstack *)malloc(sizeof(sqstack)); s->top = -1; return s; } //Air judgment int IsEmpty(sqstack *s) { if(s->top==-1) return 1; else return 0; } //Push void Push(sqstack*s,BiTree root){ if(s->top<MaxSize){ s->top++; s->stdata[s->top] = root; } return; } //Out of stack int Pop(sqstack*s,BiTree *x){ if(IsEmpty(s)) { return 0; } else { *x = s->stdata[s->top]; s->top--; return 1; } } //Get stack top element void Top(sqstack*s,BiTree*p) { if(IsEmpty(s)) return; else *p = s->stdata[s->top]; } //Non recursive preorder void LPreOrder(BiTree root) { sqstack* s; s = Init_Stack(); BiTree p; p = root; while(p!=NULL||!IsEmpty(s)){ while(p!=NULL){ printf("%c", p->data); Push(s, p); p = p->Lchild; } if(!IsEmpty(s)){ Pop(s,&p); p = p->Rchild; } } } //Non recursive middle order void LInOrder(BiTree root) { sqstack* s; s = Init_Stack(); BiTree p = root; while(p!=NULL||!IsEmpty(s)){ while(p!=NULL){ Push(s, p); p = p->Lchild; } if(!IsEmpty(s)){ Pop(s,&p); printf("%c", p->data); p = p->Rchild; } } } //Non recursive subsequent traversal void LPostOrder(BiTree root) { sqstack *s; BiTree p, q; s=Init_Stack(); p = root; q = NULL; while(p!=NULL||!IsEmpty(s)) { while(p!=NULL) { Push(s, p); p = p->Lchild; } if(!IsEmpty(s)) { Top(s, &p); if((p->Rchild==NULL)||(p->Rchild==q)) { Pop(s, &p); printf("%c", p->data); q = p; p = NULL; } else p = p->Rchild; } } } int main() { BiTree root; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&root); LPostOrder(root); return 0; }
The extended preorder sequence is received from the keyboard, and a binary tree is established with a binary linked list as the storage structure. Output the hierarchical traversal sequence of the binary tree.
Input format:
Enter the extended precedence sequence. The data of binary tree node is character type data, where # represents space character.
Output format:
Output hierarchy traversal sequence.
Input example:
Output example:
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MaxSize 100 typedef struct node{ char data; struct node *Lchild; struct node *Rchild; }BiNode, *BiTree; //Extension precedence to create binary tree void Creat_Pre_Bitree(BiTree *root) { char c; c = getchar(); if(c=='#') *root = NULL; else { *root = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiNode)); (*root)->data = c; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Lchild)); Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Rchild)); } } /*queue*/ //Circular queue typedef struct { BiTree data[MaxSize]; int front, rear; }Csqueue; //Empty queue initialization Csqueue* Init_Queue() { Csqueue *q; q = (Csqueue *)malloc(sizeof(Csqueue)); q->front = q->rear = MaxSize - 1; return q; } //Join the team int EnterQueue(Csqueue*q,BiTree x) { if((q->rear+1)%MaxSize==q->front) { //printf("FULL"); return 0; } else { q->rear = (q->rear + 1) % MaxSize; q->data[q->rear] = x; return 1; } } //Out of the team int DelectQueue(Csqueue*q,BiTree*x) { if(q->rear==q->front) { //printf("NUll"); return 0; } else { q->front = (q->front + 1) % MaxSize; *x = q->data[q->front]; return 1; } } //Air judgment int isempty(Csqueue*q) { if(q->front==q->rear) return 1; return 0; } void levelorder(BiTree root) { Csqueue *q; BiTree p; q = Init_Queue(); EnterQueue(q, root); while(!isempty(q)) { DelectQueue(q, &p); printf("%c", root->data); if (p->Lchild != NULL) EnterQueue(q, p->Lchild); if(p->Rchild!=NULL) EnterQueue(q, p->Rchild); } } int main() { BiTree root; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&root); levelorder(root); return 0; }
The extended preorder sequence is received from the keyboard, and a binary tree is established with a binary linked list as the storage structure. Count the number of leaf nodes, nodes with degree 1 and nodes with degree 2 in the binary tree, and output them.
Input format:
Enter the extended precedence sequence. The data of binary tree node is character type data, where # represents space character.
Output format:
The first row outputs the number of leaf nodes, the number of nodes with degree 1 and the number of nodes with degree 2, separated by spaces. The second row continuously outputs leaf nodes without interval.
Input example:
Output example:
3 2 2 CGF
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MaxSize 100 typedef struct node{ char data; struct node *Lchild; struct node *Rchild; }BiNode, *BiTree; //Extension precedence to create binary tree void Creat_Pre_Bitree(BiTree *root) { char c; c = getchar(); if(c=='#') *root = NULL; else { *root = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiNode)); (*root)->data = c; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Lchild)); Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Rchild)); } } int count = 0;//node int onecount = 0;//node = 1 int leafcount = 0;//node = 0 //Count the number of nodes in the binary tree /* No sequence requirements, any traversal method can be used */ void preOrder(BiTree root) { if(root) { count++; preOrder(root->Lchild); preOrder(root->Rchild); } } //Nodes with statistical degree of 1 /* If the node has a left (right) node but no right (left) node, onecount + +; */ void LfOrder(BiTree root) { if(root) { if(((root->Lchild==NULL)&&(root->Rchild!=NULL))||((root->Rchild==NULL)&&(root->Lchild!=NULL))) onecount++; LfOrder(root->Lchild); LfOrder(root->Rchild); } } //Count the number of leaf nodes /* Method 1: use global variables */ void LeafOrder(BiTree root) { if(root) { if((root->Lchild==NULL)&&(root->Rchild==NULL)) { printf("%c", root->data); } LeafOrder(root->Lchild); LeafOrder(root->Rchild); } } /* Method 2 Using the recursive idea, if it is an empty tree, it returns 0. If it is a leaf, it returns 1. If it is a dog, it returns the sum of the leaf nodes of the left and right subtrees. Key and difficult points: this method can only calculate the number of leaf nodes of the tree after the leaf nodes of the left and right subtrees are calculated. So, we have to choose postorder traversal */ int leaf(BiTree root) { int nl, nr; if(root == NULL) return 0; if((root->Lchild==NULL)&&(root->Rchild==NULL)) return 1; nl = leaf(root->Lchild); nr = leaf(root->Rchild); return (nl + nr); } int main() { BiTree root; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&root); int n = leaf(root); preOrder(root); LfOrder(root); printf("%d %d %d\n", n, onecount, count - onecount - n); LeafOrder(root); return 0; }
The extended preorder sequence is received from the keyboard, and a binary tree is established with a binary linked list as the storage structure. Calculate the height of the binary tree and output it.
Input format:
Enter the extended precedence sequence. The data of binary tree node is character type data, where # represents space character.
Output format:
Output an integer.
Input example:
Output example:
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MaxSize 100 typedef struct node{ char data; struct node *Lchild; struct node *Rchild; }BiNode, *BiTree; int count=0; //Extension precedence to create binary tree void Creat_Pre_Bitree(BiTree *root) { char c; c = getchar(); if(c=='#') *root = NULL; else { *root = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiNode)); (*root)->data = c; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Lchild)); Creat_Pre_Bitree(&((*root)->Rchild)); } } /*Find the height of binary tree*/ /** * Method 1. Using the global variable method, the root node of the binary tree is the node of the first layer, and the child of the h-th node is h+1 * */ void Treedepth(BiTree root,int h) { if(root) { if(h>count) count = h; Treedepth(root->Lchild, h + 1); Treedepth(root->Rchild, h + 1); } } /*Method 2*/ /* Function value return: if it is an empty tree, its height is 0, otherwise its height should be the maximum height of the left and right subtrees + 1, which is traversed in sequence */ int PostTreedepth(BiTree root) { int hl, hr, h; if(root==NULL) return 0; else { hl = PostTreedepth(root->Lchild); hr = PostTreedepth(root->Rchild); h = (hl > hr ? hl : hr) + 1; return h; } } int main() { BiTree root; Creat_Pre_Bitree(&root); Treedepth(root, 1); printf("%d", count); return 0; }
These are the basic applications of binary tree. Other operations will be released slowly. There are errors in the content. I hope the boss will correct!!