Basic common commands and examples of hbase

Posted by sherri on Thu, 25 Jun 2020 12:47:05 +0200

Basic commands and examples of hbase

👉 Note: wrong hbase command can be deleted by ctrl+backspace

ddl command

1. Create table

// Direct tabulation
create 'Table name',{NAME => 'Family name 1'},{NAME => 'Family name 2'} ...
// Short form
create 'Table name','Family name 1','Family name 2'.....
hbase(main):002:0> create 'jzydemo','base'
0 row(s) in 2.2930 seconds

=> Hbase::Table - jzydemo

// Chestnut:
create 'jzydemo','base'

2. Add column family

// To add a new column family format to an existing table:
alter 'Table name','Add family name'

// Chestnut:
alter 'jzydemo','external'

3. Delete a column family

// Curly brackets can be omitted for format shorthand
alter 'Table name',{NAME=>'Need to delete column family name', METHOD=>'delete'}

// Chestnut:
alter 'jzydemo',NAME=>'base',METHOD=>'delete'

4. View table structure

describe 'table name'
Chestnut: jzydemo structure of table created in query 1

5. Check whether the table exists

exists' table name '

6. Delete table

drop 'table name'
Before deleting a table, disable the table. Instead, enable the table

  1. disable 'jzydemo'
  2. drop 'mydemo'

Create a tablespace and create tables under it

1. Create a tablespace

create_namespace 'tablespace name'


create_namespace 'jzyspace'

2. Create table in table space

create 'tablespace Name: table name', 'column family name'

create 'jzyspace:userinfos','base'
create 'jzyspace:score','total'

3. View the table under tablespace

list_namespace_tables' tablespace name '

dml command

1. Insert data

// Format:
put 'Table name','Row key','To name a family','Column value'
put 'Table name','Row key','To name a family:Column name','Column value'

// Chestnut:
put 'jzyspace:userinfos','1','base:username','zhangsan'

2. Full table scanning

  1. View all data in table scan 'table name'
  2. View a column family scan 'table name', {column = > 'column family name'}
  3. View multiple column families scan 'table name', {column = > ['column family name 1 ','column family name 2']...}
  4. View a column of a column family scan 'table name', {column = > 'column family name: column name'}
  5. View multiple columns under multiple column families scan 'table name', {column = > ['column family name 1: column name 1', 'column family name 1: column name 2', 'column family name 2: column name 21', 'column family name 2: column name 22']...}

Use of filter to find filter

List several commonly used filter s:
ColumnPrefixFilter a lookup whose column prefix contains a character
PrefixFilter column prefix contains a character lookup
ValueFilter contains a value lookup
STARTROW searches backward from a value in the column family
STOPROW finds that the column family ends with a value


// Contents with a value of 23 in the lookup table
hbase(main):045:0> scan 'jzyspace:userinfos',FILTER=>"ValueFilter(=,'binary:23')"
ROW                          COLUMN+CELL                                                                     
 1                           column=external:age, timestamp=1593078115280, value=23                          
1 row(s) in 0.0160 seconds

// The prefix of the column name in the lookup table is username, and the value contains the content of the san field
hbase(main):043:0> scan 'jzyspace:userinfos',FILTER=>"ColumnPrefixFilter('username')AND ValueFilter(=,'substring:san')"
ROW                          COLUMN+CELL                                                                     
 1                           column=base:username, timestamp=1593074706538, value=zhangsan                   
1 row(s) in 0.0330 seconds

// Find content with a value of 23 from the beginning of column family 1
hbase(main):046:0> scan 'jzyspace:userinfos',STARTROW=>'1',FILTER=>"ValueFilter(=,'binary:23')"
ROW                          COLUMN+CELL                                                                     
 1                           column=external:age, timestamp=1593078115280, value=23                          
1 row(s) in 0.0090 seconds

3. Access to data

  1. Get a row of data get 'table name', 'row key'
  2. Get a row a column family data get 'table name', 'row key', 'column family name'
  3. Get data according to multiple conditions' get 'table name', 'row key', {condition 1 = [1jeemaa1], condition 2 = [1jeemaa1]...}

4. Delete data

  1. Delete the value of a row and a column delete 'table name', 'row key', 'column family name: column name'
  2. Delete a row of data delete all 'table name', 'row key'

5. Count lines

count 'table name'

6. Add auto add column

👉🏻 Note: adding an auto add column to the same column repeatedly will add + 1 on the original basis

incr 'Table name','Row key','To name a family:Column family',Step value

incr 'jzyspace:userinfos','1','base:stuno',1

7. Find the content of limit lines

scan 'table name', {limit = > number of rows}

It can be used in combination with STARTROW for paging

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Topics: HBase