Basic knowledge of css (1)

Posted by clanstyles on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 13:34:03 +0100


I Definition of css

II Style type

1) Inline style

2) Internal style sheet

3) External style sheet

III Basic grammar

IV Element relation

V css selector

1) Element selector

2) id selector

3) Class selector

4) universal selector

5) selector grouping (Union selector)

6) Composite selector (intersection selector)

7) sub element selector

8) Descendant element selector

9) Sibling element selector

10) pseudo class selector

11) Attribute selector

Vi Style inheritance

VII Weight of selector

1) Style conflict:

2) Weight

I Definition of css

css is a cascading style sheet

The web page is actually a multi-layer structure, which can be edited for each part of the web page through css.

II Style type

1) Inline style

Method: use style attributes in related labels.

Function: only write the style for the current element content, which is not convenient for future modification.


<p style="color: red; font-size: 20px">
This is a paragraph


2) Internal style sheet

Method: write the style into the style tag in the head, then select the element through the css selector and set various styles for it

Function: you can set styles for multiple labels at the same time, and you only need to change one place when modifying.

Disadvantages: it can only work on one page, and the style inside cannot cross pages.


<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
			color: red;
			font-size: 20px
		This is a paragraph

Effect: (ditto)

3) External style sheet

Method: it needs to be introduced through the link tag and reused on different pages

Function: can maximize the use of the browser's cache mechanism, plus

Fast loading speed and improve user experience.



	color: blue;
	font-size: 30px;}

Using css files

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<title>css brief introduction</title>
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css"/>
		<p>Sunset clouds and solitary ducks fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky</p>


III Basic grammar

Syntax is divided into: selector and declarative block

1) Selector

Select the specified elements in the page through the selector. For example, the function of p is to select all p elements in the page

2) Declaration block

To specify the style to be set for the element, the selector consists of a declaration block, which is actually a group of name value pair structures.

Multiple declarations are separated by semicolons, and the declared style name and style value are connected by colons.

3) css comments

Start with / * and end with * /

IV Element relation

Parent element: an element that directly contains child elements

Child element: an element directly contained by the parent element

Ancestor element: an element that directly or indirectly contains descendant elements

Descendant element: an element contained directly or indirectly by an ancestor element

Sibling element: an element that has the same parent element

V css selector

1) Element selector

Select an HTML element based on the element name

Syntax: tag name {} such as p {}


		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<p class="blue abc">
			Goose, goose, goose,</p>
		<p>	Song Xiang Tiange,</p>
		<p id="red">	White hair floating green water,</p>
		<p class="blue"> Red palm stirs clear waves.</p>


2) id selector

Function: select an element according to its id attribute

The id of the element is unique in the page, so the id selector is used to select a unique element

Syntax: #id attribute value {}


		<meta charset="utf-8">
			color: red;
		<p class="blue abc">
			Goose, goose, goose,</p>
		<p>	Song Xiang Tiange,</p>
		<p id="red">	White hair floating green water,</p>
		<p class="blue"> Red palm stirs clear waves.</p>


In addition, class is also a tag attribute, but class can be reused

3) Class selector

Function: select an element according to its class attribute value to specify multiple class attributes for the same element

Syntax: class attribute value {}


		<meta charset="utf-8">
			color: red;
		<p class="blue abc">
			Goose, goose, goose,</p>
		<p>	Song Xiang Tiange,</p>
		<p id="red">	White hair floating green water,</p>
		<p class="blue"> Red palm stirs clear waves.</p>


4) universal selector

Function: used to select all elements in the page

Syntax: * {}


		<meta charset="utf-8">
			color: red;
		<p class="blue abc">
			Goose, goose, goose,</p>
		<p>	Song Xiang Tiange,</p>
		<p id="red">	White hair floating green water,</p>
		<p class="blue"> Red palm stirs clear waves.</p>


5) selector grouping (Union selector)

Function: select elements corresponding to multiple selectors at the same time

Syntax: selector 1, selector 2, selector 3 Selector n{}


		<meta charset="utf-8">
			color: red;
		<p class="blue abc">
			Goose, goose, goose,</p>
		<p>	Song Xiang Tiange,</p>
		<p id="red">	White hair floating green water,</p>
		<p class="blue"> Red palm stirs clear waves.</p>


6) Composite selector (intersection selector)

Function: select the element that satisfies multiple selectors at the same time.

Syntax: selector 1 selector 2 selector 3 Selector n{}


		<meta charset="utf-8">
			color: blue;
		<p class="blue abc">
			Goose, goose, goose,</p>
		<p>	Song Xiang Tiange,</p>
		<p id="red">	White hair floating green water,</p>
		<p class="blue"> Red palm stirs clear waves.</p>


7) sub element selector

Role: select the child element in the specified parent element

Syntax: parent element > child element


<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
			color: blue;
			I am a div
				I am div Medium p element
				<span>I am p Element span element</span>
			<span>I am div Medium span element</span>


8) Descendant element selector

Effect: select the descendant element in the specified element

Syntax: ancestor element {descendant element


<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		div span{
			color: orange;
			I am a div
				I am div Medium p element
				<span>I am p Element span element</span>
			<span>I am div Medium span element</span>


9) Sibling element selector

Previous + next {}The last selected element
Previous ~ all {}Select all subsequent sibling elements


<style type="text/css">
li + li {font-weight:bold;}

    <li>List item 1</li>
    <li>List item 2</li>
    <li>List item 3</li>
    <li>List item 1</li>
    <li>List item 2</li>
    <li>List item 3</li>


10) pseudo class selector

(nonexistent class, special class)

Function: used to describe the special state of an element

For example: the first element, the clicked element and the element moved in by the mouse

Pseudo classes generally start with:.

1. Common pseudo classes

Common pseudo classeffect
:first-childFirst child element
:last-childLast child element
:nth-child(n)Select 0 to infinite child elements
:nth-child(2n/even)Select even bit elements
:nth-child(2n+1/odd)Select odd elements
:first-of-typeSelect the first of the same type
:last-of-typeSelect the last one of the same type
:nth-of-typeSelect the n th of the same type
:not()Negate the pseudo class and remove the qualified elements from the selector

2. Pseudo class order of < a > < / a > tags

Common pseudo classeffect
:linkUsed to indicate links that have not been visited
:visitedUsed to indicate visited links
:hoverUsed to indicate the state of the mouse moving in
:activeUsed to indicate the state of mouse click

3. Pseudo element

Function: indicates some special and unreal elements (special positions) in the page

Syntax: starts with::

Common elementseffect
::first-letterRepresents the first letter
::first-lineRepresents the first line
::selectionIndicates the selected content
::beforeRepresents the beginning of the selected element
::afterIndicates the end of the selected element

Note: befor and after must be used in combination with content

11) Attribute selector

Function: select elements according to their attributes and attribute values.

[attribute name]Select the element that contains the specified attribute
[attribute name = attribute value]Select the element that contains the specified attribute value
[attribute name ^ = attribute value]Selects an element whose attribute value begins with the specified content
[attribute name $= attribute value]Pick the element whose attribute value ends with the specified content
[attribute name * = attribute value]Select the attribute value to contain the element of the specified content

Vi Style inheritance

Objective: to facilitate development.

Function: the style we set for an element will also be applied to its descendant elements. Inheritance occurs between ancestors and descendants. In this way, you only need to set it once to make all elements have the style.

Note: not all styles will be inherited. For example, background related and layout related styles will not be inherited.

VII Weight of selector

1) Style conflict:

When we select the same element through different selectors and set different values for the same element, a style conflict occurs.

2) Weight

inline style 1000
id selector 100
Class and pseudo class selectors10
element selector 1
universal selector 0
Inherit styleNo priority

be careful:

1. The priority of Union (grouping) selector is calculated separately

2. When comparing priorities, you need to add the priority of the selector and calculate

3. The accumulation of selectors will not exceed the maximum order of magnitude.

Topics: Front-end css3