Worship the big man orz http://www.cnblogs.com/OIerShawnZhou/
Basically, header files
#include <cstring> #include <string>
These two include string s. You must write them in the exam.
The most basic, everybody will.
string a;//Statement String a a="12345";//assignment string b="54321"; int len=a.length();//Get length cin >> a;//Input (bounded by space newline characters) getline(cin,a)//You can read in spaces cout << a; swap(a,b)//exchange printf("%s\n",a.c_str());//C style output, what is c_str()?
Returns a pointer of type char *, char
With regard to char [], char *, string, try to use strings all with string, otherwise they all use char [], the latter two transformations I think are very troublesome.
Overloading aspects
+ Connect two String s
string c=a+b; c="123"+c+"321";
> <==!=: Comparisons according to dictionary order
inline bool cmp(string a,string b) {return a>b;} ... int main() sort(a+1,a+1+n,cmp);
insert() insert
One String A. insert (location, another string)
string str="to be question"; string str2="the "; str.insert(6,str2);// to be (the )question
erase() deletion
Deleting n characters starting with pos, such as erase(0,1), is to delete the first character.
//Connect str.erase(0,3); //(~~to ~~)be question
clear() clearance
replace() substitution
One String a.replace(pos,len, another String b)
Replace the characters of pos starting len in a with b
str.replace(0,2,"To");// (To) be question
It is often used with find().
find() and rfind()
Perfectly Matched String b
a.find(b) Finds the first place where B appears from the beginning and returns
a.find(b,pos) starts with POS to find the location where B first appears and returns
string str="To be, or not to be - that is the question"; int t=str.find("be");\\ t=3,str[t]='b'(To be Of be) int t=str.find("be",4);\\ t=17,str[t]='b'(not to be Of be)
rfind(b) or rfind(b,pos) find O()~
int t=str.rfind("be");\\ t=17,str[t]='b'(not to be Of be) int t=str.rfind("be",16);\\ t=3,str[t]='b'(To be Of be)
No, return npos, i. e. - 1 (printed out as 4294967295)
if (str.find("Be")==string::npos) cout <<"NO"<<endl;// Output NO if (str.rfind("Be")==-1) cout <<"NO"<<endl; // Output NO
find_first_of() and find_last_of()
Find any character in String b in a'(any one)'
a.find_first_of(b) or a.find_first_of(b,pos)
Search backwards at the beginning of a (or from pos), as long as a character encounters in a, which is the same as any character in c, stop searching and return the position of the character in a; if the match fails, return npos.
Raise a chestnut.
//Replace all vowel letters in a string with* //Code from C++ Reference, address: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/basic_string/find_first_of/ #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { std::string str("PLease, replace the vowels in this sentence by asterisks."); std::string::size_type found = str.find_first_of("aeiou"); while (found != std::string::npos) { str[found] = '*'; found = str.find_first_of("aeiou", found + 1); } std::cout << str << '\n'; return 0; } //Operation results: //PL**s* r*pl*c* th* v*w*ls *n th*s s*nt*nc* by *st*r*sks
find_first_not_of() and find_last_not_of()
The feeling is the opposite of the previous one, similar to finding a complement set. That is to search for characters that are not found in b in a and return to their positions.
Ibid., the first is String b, the second is optional pos, do not write POS default 0
If the str.find_first_of in the previous example is changed to str.find_first_not_of, the output will be non-A (i) (u) (u) (e) (o) (escape). * * *
Summarize the parameters of "find" functions (string b,pos,len)
B is the object to be searched. pos (optional) indicates the starting point of search in a, and the third parameter len (optional) indicates the number of characters searched in B (that is, a string of b).
substr() string
If the second parameter is not written, it is from start to the end of the string.
string str="To be, or not to be - that is the question"; str.substr(0,2);// To str.substr(str.find("question"));// question
String and Int interoperability (excluding C++11 functions)
int to string
ostringstream outs; //Output string stream int x = 12; outs << x; //Output the contents of x to the output string stream string a=outs.str(); //Using str function of string stream to get content in stream
string to int
string a="12"; istringstream ins(a); //Input string stream, the content of stream is initialized to a int x; ins >> x; //Read from is stream and store in x
It's useless. )
Conversion of String and char
String to char*
string str = "hello"; const char* p = str.data();//Add const or in the form of char * p=(char*)str.data();
At the same time, it should be noted that const should be added to compile in devc++, otherwise invalid conversion from const char to char will be wrong. Here, const can be added before or coerced into the type of char* after the equal sign.
To explain the problem below, const char can not be assigned directly to char, so compilation can not pass, the reason: if possible, then through char can modify the content of const char pointing, which is not allowed. So char has to open up a new space, that is, the form above.
2. c_str()
string str="world"; const char *p = str.c_str();//Ibid., add const or equal sign to the right with char*
3. copy()
string str="hmmm"; char p[50]; str.copy(p, 5, 0);//Here 5 represents the duplication of several characters and 0 represents the location of the duplication. *(p+5)='\0';//Pay attention to manual plus terminator!!!
String to char [], direct loop assignment
string pp = "dagah"; char p[8]; int i; for( i=0;i<pp.length();i++) p[i] = pp[i]; p[i] = '\0';
Summary of some references
Summary of Common Function Usage of string in c++ Language
Analysis of find Series Functions Used in C++string
Conversion of string, char*, char[] in C++
Amway's own Blog coyangjr