In the beauty industry, if you want to make the lipstick sales of your own brand high, you should attract the first batch of users when the brand comes out with new products. Because of the progress of science and technology, even if there are many lipstick color numbers, over time, different brands may have the same color, that is, what we often call parity substitution. Therefore, The most important thing for big brand lipstick to gain a good profit in the market is to grasp the time. Only by grasping the first time can it bring good profits to the brand.
So how to grasp the first time? Then it is necessary to book a good time to release new products and do a good job in publicity activities, so that customers can know what new color numbers they produce in advance, and let customers know what color these color numbers are, rather than through other people's evaluation. If a multimedia message can let customers know the appearance, texture and color number of the new lipstick, And if MMS can be matched with what color number is suitable for what kind of skin color map, or what kind of city and lipstick suitable for what color number, the effect will be better and the income may be higher.
In this case, MMS marketing must be the best way because MMS marketing Like SMS marketing, it is a one-to-one marketing mode. MMS marketing can enable customers to receive relevant information in the fastest and shortest time. When customers click this information, they will find that there are not only text descriptions, but also video introductions, which has a great visual impact on customers. If you happen to have the lipstick that the customer needs, then this MMS is like timely rain and comes just in time.
Even if customers don't want to buy lipstick, they will understand the lipstick information, let more customers know that the brand is about to produce new products, and may pay more attention to the brand in the future. In a word, this is a publicity of the brand, which brings great benefits, and the benefits can be achieved through Caixin marketing.
With the emergence of small video, the three operators are no longer limited to SMS marketing and MMS marketing. They also launched a new product—— Video message , its form is similar to MMS. The difference is that video SMS can support 1900Kb content and 10-30s small videos. Now some enterprises will use video SMS to send some small videos to customers.
This function can also be used as the company's middle platform system to send and promote targeted messages to different customers.
Sample code
<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> <% 'Interface type: mutual wireless trigger SMS interface, which supports sending verification code SMS, order notification SMS, etc. 'Account registration: please open an account through this address 'matters needing attention: '(1)During debugging, please use the system default SMS content: your verification code is: [variable]. Please don't disclose the verification code to others. '(2)Please use APIID and APIKEY To call the interface, which can be obtained in the member center; '(3)The code is only for reference to access the mutual wireless SMS interface. Customers can write it by themselves according to their actual needs; Response.Charset = "gb2312" 'asp UTF turn GB2312 take UTF8 Convert encoded text to GB Coded text asp code function UTF2GB(UTFStr) for Dig=1 to len(UTFStr) 'If UTF8 Encoded text in%Conversion at the beginning if mid(UTFStr,Dig,1)="%" then 'UTF8 If the coded text is greater than 8, it will be converted to Chinese characters if len(UTFStr) >= Dig+8 then GBStr=GBStr & ConvChinese(mid(UTFStr,Dig,9)) Dig=Dig+8 else GBStr=GBStr & mid(UTFStr,Dig,1) end if else GBStr=GBStr & mid(UTFStr,Dig,1) end if next UTF2GB=GBStr end function 'GB2312 turn UTF8 of asp Code will GB Convert encoded text to UTF8 Coded text Function toUTF8(szInput) Dim wch, uch, szRet Dim x Dim nAsc, nAsc2, nAsc3 'If the input parameter is empty, the function exits If szInput = "" Then toUTF8 = szInput Exit Function End If 'Start conversion For x = 1 To Len(szInput) 'utilize mid Function partition GB Coded text wch = Mid(szInput, x, 1) 'utilize ascW Function returns each GB Coded text Unicode Character code 'Note: asc The function returns ANSI Character code, pay attention to the difference nAsc = AscW(wch) If nAsc < 0 Then nAsc = nAsc + 65536 If (nAsc And &HFF80) = 0 Then szRet = szRet & wch Else If (nAsc And &HF000) = 0 Then uch = "%" & Hex(((nAsc \ 2 ^ 6)) Or &HC0) & Hex(nAsc And &H3F Or &H80) szRet = szRet & uch Else 'GB Coded text Unicode The character code is 0800 - FFFF Three byte template is used between uch = "%" & Hex((nAsc \ 2 ^ 12) Or &HE0) & "%" & _ Hex((nAsc \ 2 ^ 6) And &H3F Or &H80) & "%" & _ Hex(nAsc And &H3F Or &H80) szRet = szRet & uch End If End If Next toUTF8 = szRet End Function 'Binary to hexadecimal asp code function c2to16(x) i=1 for i=1 to len(x) step 4 c2to16=c2to16 & hex(c2to10(mid(x,i,4))) next end function 'Binary to decimal asp code function c2to10(x) c2to10=0 if x="0" then exit function i=0 for i= 0 to len(x) -1 if mid(x,len(x)-i,1)="1" then c2to10=c2to10+2^(i) next end function 'Hexadecimal to binary asp code function c16to2(x) i=0 for i=1 to len(trim(x)) tempstr= c10to2(cint(int("&h" & mid(x,i,1)))) do while len(tempstr)<4 tempstr="0" & tempstr loop c16to2=c16to2 & tempstr next end function function c10to2(x) mysign=sgn(x) x=abs(x) DigS=1 do if x<2^DigS then exit do else DigS=DigS+1 end if loop tempnum=x i=0 for i=DigS to 1 step-1 if tempnum>=2^(i-1) then tempnum=tempnum-2^(i-1) c10to2=c10to2 & "1" else c10to2=c10to2 & "0" end if next if mysign=-1 then c10to2="-" & c10to2 end function 'UTF8 The encoded text will be converted to Chinese characters function ConvChinese(x) A=split(mid(x,2),"%") i=0 j=0 for i=0 to ubound(A) A(i)=c16to2(A(i)) next for i=0 to ubound(A)-1 DigS=instr(A(i),"0") Unicode="" for j=1 to DigS-1 if j=1 then A(i)=right(A(i),len(A(i))-DigS) Unicode=Unicode & A(i) else i=i+1 A(i)=right(A(i),len(A(i))-2) Unicode=Unicode & A(i) end if next if len(c2to16(Unicode))=4 then ConvChinese=ConvChinese & chrw(int("&H" & c2to16(Unicode))) else ConvChinese=ConvChinese & chr(int("&H" & c2to16(Unicode))) end if next end function 'GB2312 Chinese turn unicode(&#)asp code converts GB encoded text into unicode encoded text function chinese2unicode(Str) dim i dim Str_one dim Str_unicode if(isnull(Str)) then exit function end if for i=1 to len(Str) Str_one=Mid(Str,i,1) Str_unicode=Str_unicode&chr(38) Str_unicode=Str_unicode&chr(35) Str_unicode=Str_unicode&chr(120) Str_unicode=Str_unicode& Hex(ascw(Str_one)) Str_unicode=Str_unicode&chr(59) next chinese2unicode=Str_unicode end function 'URL Address encoding and decoding function Function URLDecode(enStr) dim deStr dim c,i,v deStr="" for i=1 to len(enStr) c=Mid(enStr,i,1) if c="%" then v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)) if v<128 then deStr=deStr&chr(v) i=i+2 else if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i,3)) then if isvalidhex(mid(enstr,i+3,3)) then v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)+Mid(enStr,i+4,2)) deStr=deStr&chr(v) i=i+5 else v=eval("&h"+Mid(enStr,i+1,2)+cstr(hex(asc(Mid(enStr,i+3,1))))) deStr=deStr&chr(v) i=i+3 end if else destr=destr&c end if end if else if c="+" then deStr=deStr&" " else deStr=deStr&c end if end if next URLDecode=deStr end function 'Determine whether it is a valid hexadecimal code function isvalidhex(str) dim c isvalidhex=true str=ucase(str) if len(str)<>3 then isvalidhex=false:exit function if left(str,1)<>"%" then isvalidhex=false:exit function c=mid(str,2,1) if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="A") and (c<="Z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function c=mid(str,3,1) if not (((c>="0") and (c<="9")) or ((c>="A") and (c<="Z"))) then isvalidhex=false:exit function end function 'Request data to SMS interface Function Post(url,data) dim Https set Https=server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "POST",url,false Https.setRequestHeader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Https.send data if Https.readystate=4 then dim objstream set objstream = Server.CreateObject("") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode =3 objstream.Open objstream.Write Https.responseBody objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = "utf-8" Post = objstream.ReadText objstream.Close set objstream = nothing set https=nothing end if End Function 'Function returns a random integer. Function gen_key(digits) 'Create and define array dim char_array(50) char_array(0) = "0" char_array(1) = "1" char_array(2) = "2" char_array(3) = "3" char_array(4) = "4" char_array(5) = "5" char_array(6) = "6" char_array(7) = "7" char_array(8) = "8" char_array(9) = "9" 'Initiate randomize method for default seeding randomize 'Loop through and create the output based on the the variable passed to 'the function for the length of the key. do while len(output) < digits num = char_array(Int((9 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)) output = output + num loop 'Set return gen_key = output End Function Dim mobile mobile = request("mobile") 'phone number if mobile="" then response.Write("Mobile phone number cannot be empty") else if request.Form("send_code") = "" or Session("send_code")<>request.Form("send_code") then 'Protection against malicious user requests response.Write("The request timed out. Please refresh the page and try again") else dim target,post_data,content,res,mobile_code mobile_code = gen_key(4) Session("mobile_code") = mobile_code 'Response.Cookies("mobile_code") = mobile_code Session("mobile") = mobile 'Response.Cookies("mobile") = mobile target = "" content = toUTF8("Your verification code is:"&mobile_code&". Please don't disclose the verification code to others.") post_data = "account=user name&password=password&mobile="&mobile&"&content="&content 'View user name login user center->Verification code notification SMS>Product overview->API Interface information->APIID 'View password login user center->Verification code notification SMS>Product overview->API Interface information->APIKEY 'Response.write toUTF8("SMS test") 'response.Write(UTF2GB(Post(target,post_data))) tempstr = UTF2GB(Post(target,post_data)) 'if instr(tempstr,"Submitted successfully")>0 Then 'response.Write("true") 'else 'response.Write("error") 'end if Dim len1,len2 len1 = instr(1,tempstr,"</code>",1)-1 len2 = instr(1,tempstr,"<code>",1) 'response.Write(len2) code=left(tempstr,len1) code=right(code,(len1-len2-5)) 'response.Write(code) Dim len3,len4 len3 = instr(1,tempstr,"</msg>",1)-1 len4 = instr(1,tempstr,"<msg>",1) 'response.Write(len2) msg=left(tempstr,len3) msg=right(msg,(len3-len4-4)) response.Write(msg) end if end If %>