Blockchain apprentice: bitcoin fell continuously on June 19. Is the bear market ready to enter?

Posted by Johnlbuk on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 20:23:07 +0100

Blockchain apprentice: bitcoin fell continuously on June 19. Is the bear market ready to enter?

Coin circle news

Highlights on June 19:

  1. The installation volume of cryptocurrency ATM providers increased by 60% in the past half year.

  2. The average return on investment of American blockchain ETF last year was 74%.

  3. Portugal granted an operating license to the crypto exchange for the first time.

  4. The adoption of BTC in more Latin American countries will push the price up to $100000.

5. According to the data of the past 365 days, eip1559 can destroy 3 million ETH.

Message from elder sister
This week, the overall market rose and fell as expected under the prediction of my sister! We have witnessed the foresight of Xuejie in predicting the trend, and combined with the technical analysis and judgment of mature traders on the disk, long and short trading is like a duck to water! Congratulations to the partners who have supported you since the last issue. In the future, the student sister will do better and present the best and best articles to you! Today's market is once again out of the downward trend and continues to fall below various support points, which is enough to see the strength of short capacity. In the early stage, the article also wrote that when the callback trend comes, the points are given, and the subsequent trigger target points are given. Congratulations to the small partners who keep up. Today, just follow the article strategy as usual.

In addition, remind me that the trading idea is not only within the day, but sometimes it may take a few days. After all, sometimes intraday fluctuations don't give the target. And the recent trend is also an interval band from low to high through several days of operation. So wait patiently in the low position.

There are a large number of retail investors in this market. When the tide recedes, few can make profits. If you don't want to become the majority of losing money, reflect on whether you have the following characteristics.

1, Entering the market in the bull market is mostly attracted by the profit-making effect of the bull market. At this time, you can make money by buying casually, but you mistakenly attribute this timing to your unique vision. 2, Always thinking about making fast money, the result is to buy only those fake coins that seem cheap and rise much. Once there is a big correction, there will be serious losses. 3, To make fast money is actually a manifestation of greed. It will also lead to another result, that is, they can't devote themselves to seriously studying even a book or a set of trading strategies. For most people, merchandising has become their best choice on the road to wealth.

4, Those who want to make money through documentary never understand that this is different from other industries. In other industries, you may be able to make money through relationships, but here, you can only make money through your own skills.

5, Whether you can make money in the short term may be related to luck, but the longer the time, the lower the component of luck and the higher the component of ability.

6, Even if you study, you may not make a lot of money, but you will not be able to make a long-term and stable profit without learning. The key to making money in this market is whether you can continuously improve your knowledge reserve and independently upgrade your trading system. Now, do you remember?

  Today's market, after waiting for the price to stabilize, chose to intervene, high-altitude main strategy, and remained on the sidelines in the early stage.

Mainstream currency market

 At present, the market's long upside is weak, and the expectations given are significantly reduced. Bitcoin dived again in the early morning of this day. It continued to fall below 36000 support all the way, and then fell below 35500 support. This morning, it fell back to the lowest near 35100. Yesterday, the partners who followed the short strategy of the schoolgirl also realized thousands of profits. Congratulations as usual! If you can't keep up, you should reflect on why. There are entry, stop loss and target point every time. If you can't do it, you should ask yourself. Looking back at the market, after the current price has continuously fallen below two key supports, the market out is a delayed downward trend, so bitcoin will maintain a pattern of consolidation and repair in the next period of time. At present, we need to pay attention to the short-term resistance of 36650. If it is blocked and falls again, there will still be a chance of a new low within the day, and our partners will prevent it in advance. At the same time, we should not worry too much about the falling price. The lower the price falls, it also gives us an opportunity to build positions at the bottom and increase positions. The gloomy market will be more optimistic. Today, we also need to pay attention to the change of strong resistance level of 38000, but at the same time, we should also note that the price above 40900 has been significantly suppressed for many times. When these two points stabilize, we should focus on the vicinity of 42000.

  Spot: now hold the spot below 40000, and continue to hold it for the long term.

  Interval suggestions:

        The price is more than 35600, and the target is 36000-36500-37000 Nearby.

        The price falls below 35000, and the target is 34800-34500-33000 Nearby.

        The upper and lower stop loss points can be set at about 300 points

The above contents are personal views, for reference only! The market situation is changing rapidly, and the article has a certain lag, mainly focusing on the real market trend!


 Today, Ethereum also followed bitcoin out of the diving market. After falling below the previous low of around 2250, it fell again to around 2138 this morning. Yesterday, the short strategy of the student sister's article was also perfectly realized again. The interval captured 100 points to start. Congratulations to the following partners. Technical analysis, daily level, MA10 Daily average and MA5 The daily average continued to fall, KDJ There is a strong desire for the dead fork to fall (it should be noted that the current position of the dead fork is still on the high side, which means there is still enough room for decline), MACD As a whole, there is a desire to go down slightly. The whole rail of brin belt continues to weaken, and the price is close to the lower rail area at present, and the space below is limited. If you continue to go down in the future, you need to wait for a round of closing of the daily line. According to the arrangement of demak, only TD3,Bitcoin TD2,This shows that the current decline is only an "appetizer", according to the current situation MA5 In terms of the decline range of the daily average, the trend in the next few days will not be very good. Please pay attention to the risks. At present, ether is out of a certain rebound, but the overall trend remains weak. In the follow-up, there is a continuous downward trend. Just keep the rebound as a whole. The overall price is expected to be empty within the day, because the current strong support near 2150 has been broken. Then, looking at 2100 under the first support in the follow-up, the lower market is strongly supported in the 1800 area. High pressure level reference 2300-2400 Nearby.

  Spot: now hold the spot below 2000, and continue to hold it for the long term.

  Interval suggestions:

         The price is more than 2200, and the target is 2220-2250-2300-2400 Nearby.

         The price falls below 2160, and the target is 2130-2100-2050-2000 Nearby.

         The upper and lower stop loss points can be set at about 15 o'clock

The above contents are personal views, for reference only! The market situation is changing rapidly, and the article has a certain lag, mainly focusing on the real market trend!

                                                 ![Insert picture description here](,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow_10,text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3dlaXhpbl80NTc0MjUwMw==,size_16,color_FFFFFF,t_70#pic_center)

 In the early morning of this morning, the crown prince followed the market out of the negative decline trend as usual, and once again fell below the new low and hit the 544 line. Then the market showed signs of stopping the decline for a short time and entered the shock upward situation. From the perspective of bull rebound strength, it is still very weak and not optimistic. Yesterday, the target position of the schoolgirl's short position strategy was also perfectly realized again. Congratulations to the partners who keep up. Technically, four hours online, now K The line fluctuated at the lower track of brin belt and failed to fall below the trend for the second time. It can be seen that there are still enough long chips to support it, MACD Entering the downward trend, some of the short volume can not go out completely. The long partners here still need to pay attention to the callback. Today's thinking is mainly to maintain high short positions, supplemented by low multi orders. The lower support temporarily looks at line 510 and the upper pressure looks at line 650.


  Spot: now hold the spot below 600, and continue to hold it for the long term.

  Interval suggestions:

         The price is more than 570, and the target is 580-600 Nearby.

         The price falls below 560, the target is 550-530 Nearby.

       The upper and lower stop loss points can be set at about 10 o'clock

The above contents are personal views, for reference only! The market situation is changing rapidly, and the article has a certain lag, mainly focusing on the real market trend!


 Today, grapefruit fell below the market again as usual, and the lowest price fell below 4 in the early morning of this morning.39 On the front line, it once again hit a new low, and then there was a short rebound trend, but from the perspective of bull strength, it is still not worth mentioning. In the follow-up, it still needs to wait for an appropriate opportunity before it can be pulled up again. Yesterday, the little partners who followed the schoolgirl's short strategy realized all the short target points again. First of all, schoolgirl, congratulations to you and wish the coin circle a lot of money! Technically, at present K There is a shock at the off track of the line station brin belt. The short side has entered the repair stage. Now the small partners who have entered the empty side, pay attention to a round of long trend here and beware of the arrival of a strong rebound offensive at the bottom. Technical form MACD There is a way out of the downward trend. At present, there is still some resistance in the bulls, so today's thinking is mainly high-altitude and low. Lower support temporarily see 4.3 First line, the upper pressure level is 5 US dollars.


   Spot: the purchase of 5 US dollars will continue to be held for a long time, and enter the site again to wait for notice.

  Interval suggestions:

           Price breakthrough 4.55 There are many nearby targets. Look at 4.65-4.8-5 Nearby.

            The price fell below 4.5 There's nothing nearby. Look at the target 4.4-4.35-4.3 Nearby.

The above contents are personal views, for reference only! The market situation is changing rapidly, and the article has a certain lag, mainly focusing on the real market trend!

Historical review

Continue to hold the high position in the spot after reducing the position. In the mainstream currency, bitcoin, Ethereum and small partners should go out. Just don't be too greedy. Look for the low position to enter again.

In position:

1.ALGO: buy again at 0.35, the first target price has been reached (halving the position), and the current total profit is $1.49.

2.ONT: 0.56 buy, the first target price has been reached (halving the position), and the current total profit is $2.4.

3.TNB: 0.00199 buy, the first target price has been reached (halving the position), and the current total profit is US $0.0131.

4.ADA: 0.1 buy, the first target price has been reached (halving the position), and the current total profit is $2.37.

5.NKN: 0.267 buy, the first target price has been reached (halving the position), and the current total profit is $1.219.

New layout:

Today's small currency will remain unchanged for the time being.
New layout: previous achievements
goods in stock

Semi annual performance of mainstream currency spot:

  20 April 24, 2014 reminder to buy TRX:0.01420     Spot income 1260%/half a year

  20 April 30, 2014 reminder to buy LTC: 43.80       Spot income 940%/half a year

  20 March 20, 2014 reminder to buy BTC: 5200        Spot income 1250%/half a year

  20 April 28, 2014 reminder to buy BTC: 7700       Spot income 1150%/half a year

  20 May 3, 2014 reminder to buy BTC: 9100       Spot income 1000%/half a year

  20 October 2, 2014 reminder to buy BTC: 10400     Spot income 900%/half a year

(the amplitude of mainstream currency is too small recently, so the spot layout will not be made temporarily)

Semi annual performance of small currency spot:

May 18, 20: STEEM: 0.01790, spot return 8000% / half a year

Remind to buy on May 21, 20: TT: 0.005170 spot income 700% / half a year

May 18, 20 remind to buy: CVC:0.02 spot income 3900% / half a year

May 22, 20 reminder to buy: ALGO: 0.2 spot income 920% / half a year

The above only represents personal investment suggestions and does not provide trading guidance.

Currency market is risky, investment needs to be cautious!

Topics: Blockchain Bitcoin Digital Currency eos