boost generates and parses json [to]
- Original text: boost generates and parses json>
Problems needing attention during boost json usage
- property_tree can parse data in xml, json, ini, info, and so on, using property_tree parsing uses these formats similarly.
- Parsing json is simple, with the namespace boost::property_tree
- Read_ The JSON function parses file streams and strings into ptree.
- write_json outputs ptree as a string or file stream. The rest are operations on ptree.
- put and add differences in ptree:
- Add is to add an element with a duplicate name. put also adds an element with duplicate names overridden by new values.
- Put_in ptree Child and add_child differences:
- Same as above. put_child and add_child is the addition of a child object.
- To parse the Json, you need to include a header file:
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp> #include <boost/date_time.hpp> #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
boost::property_tree::ptree pt_allitem; unsigned char ucAttahId = 1; boost::property_tree::ptree pt_item, pt_subitem; pt_item.put("attachid", ucAttahId); pt_subitem.put("mileage", 100.89); pt_item.put_child("attachcontent", pt_subitem); pt_allitem.add_child("attach",pt_item); pt_allitem.add_child("attach", pt_item); pt_allitem.add_child("attach", pt_item); std::stringstream ss; boost::property_tree::write_json(ss, pt_allitem); std::string strContent = ss.str();
std::string strResponse = ""//json string to parse boost::property_tree::ptree pt; std::stringstream sstream(strResponse); boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json(sstream, pt); int nErrorCode = pt.get<int>("errorCode"); boost::property_tree::ptree pChild_Payload; pChild_Payload = pt.get_child("payload"); nTotalPageCount = pChild_Payload.get<int>("totalPage"); nCurrentPage = pChild_Payload.get<int>("curPage"); boost::property_tree::ptree pChild_ModelList = pChild_Payload.get_child("modelList"); //Traversing data BOOST_FOREACH(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &v, pChild_ModelList) { boost::property_tree::ptree p = v.second; boost::property_tree::ptree ptDevice = p.get_child("device"); }
Traversal Read Properties
ptree m_pt; string strAttrNameļ¼ BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type &v1, m_pt.get_child(L"root")) { if (v1.first == L"Item") { strAttrName=v1.second.get<string>(L"<xmlattr>.name"); } }
Delete Node
- Delete is the same, delete the node after traversal.
ptree persons = pt.get_child("root.persons"); for(auto it = persons.begin(); it != persons.end();) { if(it->second.get<string>("name") == "dad") it = persons.erase(it); else ++it; }
Modify Value
- Changing is also simple. Traverse through the nodes to change the value, assign it directly and write it back.
- property_tree has two kinds of exceptions, one is the path error, the other is the value error is good judgment, the exception tells you which attribute is wrong, etc.
try { ....... } catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path& e) { m_error = e.what(); return false; } catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_data& e) { m_error =e.what(); return false; }
Problems needing attention during boost json usage
- boost json does not support the generation of empty arrays, that is, json arrays can be generated with either a name of "" or other string and cannot be without a name (name is a key-value pair of "name": name in value); however, an empty array json string can be parsed.
- How to generate an empty array JSON string, a compromise method is to generate an array with a name through Mr. boost json. Then by intercepting the string before and after []
- Converting an empty string field to a number throws an exception.
- boost json thread insecurity and its solution
- The reason is that the ptree underlying dependency boost::spirit used in boost json parser is thread insecure and causes the program to run out of core. Solution:
- Add the following macro anywhere the header file is introduced
#define BOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp> #include<boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
- put int, double save as string instead of int, double solution
- Generate and parse Chinese questions.
- When boost's json format generates a string with Chinese characters, Chinese random code appears.
- Reason: When using boost's ptree to output json, Chinese will be converted to utf8 encoding of \uxxx. In json's standard, Chinese is converted to utf16 encoding of \uxxx.
- Solution:
- Method 1: Use wptree to solve this problem.
- Method 2: Use ptree but need to modify boost\property_tree\detail\json_parser_write.hpp code. The following:
- When boost's json format generates a string with Chinese characters, Chinese random code appears.