boost generates and parses json

Posted by mutedgirl on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 19:15:36 +0100

boost generates and parses json [to]




Traversal Read Properties

Delete Node

Modify Value


Problems needing attention during boost json usage

  • property_tree can parse data in xml, json, ini, info, and so on, using property_tree parsing uses these formats similarly.
  • Parsing json is simple, with the namespace boost::property_tree
    • Read_ The JSON function parses file streams and strings into ptree.
    • write_json outputs ptree as a string or file stream. The rest are operations on ptree.
  • put and add differences in ptree:
    • Add is to add an element with a duplicate name. put also adds an element with duplicate names overridden by new values.
  • Put_in ptree Child and add_child differences:
    • Same as above. put_child and add_child is the addition of a child object.
  • To parse the Json, you need to include a header file:
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>


boost::property_tree::ptree pt_allitem;

unsigned char ucAttahId = 1;
boost::property_tree::ptree pt_item, pt_subitem;
pt_item.put("attachid", ucAttahId);
pt_subitem.put("mileage", 100.89);
pt_item.put_child("attachcontent", pt_subitem);

pt_allitem.add_child("attach", pt_item);
pt_allitem.add_child("attach", pt_item);

std::stringstream ss;
boost::property_tree::write_json(ss, pt_allitem);
std::string strContent = ss.str();


std::string strResponse = ""//json string to parse
boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
std::stringstream sstream(strResponse);

boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json(sstream, pt);

int nErrorCode = pt.get<int>("errorCode");

boost::property_tree::ptree pChild_Payload;
pChild_Payload = pt.get_child("payload");
nTotalPageCount = pChild_Payload.get<int>("totalPage");
nCurrentPage = pChild_Payload.get<int>("curPage");

boost::property_tree::ptree pChild_ModelList = pChild_Payload.get_child("modelList");
//Traversing data
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &v, pChild_ModelList)
 boost::property_tree::ptree p = v.second;
 boost::property_tree::ptree ptDevice = p.get_child("device");

Traversal Read Properties

ptree m_pt;
string strAttrNameļ¼›
BOOST_FOREACH(ptree::value_type &v1, m_pt.get_child(L"root"))
    if (v1.first == L"Item")

Delete Node

  • Delete is the same, delete the node after traversal.
ptree  persons = pt.get_child("root.persons");
for(auto it = persons.begin(); it != persons.end();) 
   if(it->second.get<string>("name") == "dad")
        it = persons.erase(it);

Modify Value

  • Changing is also simple. Traverse through the nodes to change the value, assign it directly and write it back.


  • property_tree has two kinds of exceptions, one is the path error, the other is the value error is good judgment, the exception tells you which attribute is wrong, etc.
catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path& e)
    m_error = e.what();
    return false;
catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_data& e)
    m_error =e.what();
    return false;

Problems needing attention during boost json usage

  • boost json does not support the generation of empty arrays, that is, json arrays can be generated with either a name of "" or other string and cannot be without a name (name is a key-value pair of "name": name in value); however, an empty array json string can be parsed.
    • How to generate an empty array JSON string, a compromise method is to generate an array with a name through Mr. boost json. Then by intercepting the string before and after []
  • Converting an empty string field to a number throws an exception.
  • boost json thread insecurity and its solution
    • The reason is that the ptree underlying dependency boost::spirit used in boost json parser is thread insecure and causes the program to run out of core. Solution:
    • Add the following macro anywhere the header file is introduced
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
  • put int, double save as string instead of int, double solution
  • Generate and parse Chinese questions.
    • When boost's json format generates a string with Chinese characters, Chinese random code appears.
      • Reason: When using boost's ptree to output json, Chinese will be converted to utf8 encoding of \uxxx. In json's standard, Chinese is converted to utf16 encoding of \uxxx.
    • Solution:
      • Method 1: Use wptree to solve this problem.
      • Method 2: Use ptree but need to modify boost\property_tree\detail\json_parser_write.hpp code. The following: