(c + +) Chapter 5 polymorphism and virtual function

Posted by PHPnewby! on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 22:38:44 +0100

Inheritance reflects the hierarchical relationship between classes
Polymorphism is to consider this hierarchical relationship and the relationship between specific member functions of the class itself to solve the problem of behavior re abstraction

5.1 static binding and dynamic binding

Polymorphism: the phenomenon that the same symbol or name has different interpretations in different situations.
c + + supports two polymorphisms:

  • Compile time polymorphism
  • Runtime polymorphism

For a function call, it is necessary to determine the code of the corresponding function body linked to it at compile time or at run time. This process is called function binding
Two linking methods of c + +

  • Static binding
  • Dynamic binding

Static binding (early binding)

Meaning: binding in the program compilation stage
The polymorphism supported by static binding is called compile time polymorphism


//Meaning of static binding
  const double PI=3.14;
  using namespace std;
  class Figure
		double area()const{return 0.0;}
  class Circle:public Figure
  		Circle(double myr){R=myr;}
  		double area() const{return PI*R*R;}
  		double R;
  class Rectangle:public Figure
  		Rectangle(double myl,double myw)
		double area()const{return L*W;}
		double L,W;
  int main()
  	Figure fig;//Base class object
	double area;
	cout<<"Area of figure is"<<area<<endl;
	Circle c(3.0);
	cout<<"Area of circle is"<<area<<endl;
	Rectangle rec(4.0,5.0);
	cout<<"Area of rectangle is"<<area<<endl;
	return 0; 


Area of figure is0
Area of circle is28.26
Area of rectangle is20

The biggest advantage of static binding is its high speed

According to the object assignment compatibility principle, the object of a base class can be compatible with the object of a derived class, the pointer of a base class can point to the object of a derived class, and a base class can reference the object of a derived class

//Meaning of static binding
  const double PI=3.14159;
  using namespace std;
  class Figure
		double area()const{return 0.0;}
  class Circle:public Figure
  		Circle(double myr){R=myr;}
  		double area() const{return PI*R*R;}
  		double R;
  class Rectangle:public Figure
  		Rectangle(double myl,double myw)
		double area()const{return L*W;}
		double L,W;
  void func(Figure &p)//Formal parameters are references to base classes
  int main()
  	Figure fig;//Base class object
	cout<<"Area of figure is"<<endl;
	Circle c(3.0);
	cout<<"Area of circle is"<<endl;
	Rectangle rec(4.0,5.0);
	cout<<"Area of rectangle is"<<endl;
	return 0; 


Area of figure is
Area of circle is
Area of rectangle is


void func(Figure &p);

The area() operation performed by the formal parameter p in is bound to the area() of the Figure class, so that only members with the same name inherited from the base class can be accessed. Dynamic binding can solve this problem.

Dynamic linking (late linking)

Definition: binding when the program is running

5.2 virtual function

Virtual function is the basis of dynamic binding

Function of virtual function

A virtual function is a member function that is declared inside a base class and redefined by a derived class.
Because of the existence of virtual function, it is possible to make dynamic connection
Dynamic binding needs to meet three conditions:

  • Type compatibility principle
  • Declare virtual function
  • Virtual functions are called by member functions or through pointers and references.
using namespace std;
const double PI=3.14;
class Figure 
		virtual double area() const {return 0.0;}
class Circle:public Figure
		Circle(double myr){R=myr;}
		virtual double area() const {return PI*R*R;}//Defined as virtual function 
		double R;
class Rectangle:public Figure
		Rectangle(double myl,double myw){L=myl;W=myw;}
		virtual double area() const{return L*W;}
		double L,W;
void func(Figure &p)
  int main()
  	Figure fig;
  	cout<<"Area of figure is";
  	Circle c(3.0);
  	cout<<"Area of circle is";
  	Rectangle rec(4.0,5.0);
  	cout<<"Area of rectangle is";
  	return 0;

Difference between virtual function and general overloaded function

  • Overloaded functions only require functions with the same function name, and overloaded functions are different functions with the same name defined in the same scope. Virtual functions require not only the same function name, but also the same signature and return type.
  • Overloaded functions can be member functions or friend functions, and virtual functions can only be non static member functions
  • Constructors can be overloaded, destructors cannot. Constructors cannot be defined as virtual functions, destructors can be defined as virtual functions.
  • The call of overloaded functions is based on the difference of the passed parameter sequence, while virtual functions call virtual functions in different classes according to different objects
  • Overloaded functions show polymorphism in the compilation process, which is static binding; The virtual function shows polymorphism at runtime, which is dynamic binding

Inherit virtual property down

The virtual function in the base class has the property of automatically passing to its derived class. No matter how many derived class layers, all functions with the same interface maintain the virtual property, because the derived class is also the base class.
The virtual function of a derived class redefining the base class is called coverage.

//Inherit virtual attributes
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base                                  //Base class 
		virtual int func(int x)              //virtual function
			cout <<"This is Base class ";
            return x;
class Subclass :public Base                   //Derived class 
		virtual int func(int x)                       //Virtual function, covering 
			cout <<"This is Sub class ";
			return x;
void test (Base& x)
	cout<<"x= "<<x.func(5)<<endl; 
int main ( )
   Base bc;
   Subclass sc;
   test (bc);
   test (sc);


This is Base class x= 5
This is Sub class x= 5

Only overrides maintain the virtual property.

//Improper virtual function 
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base
		virtual int func(int x)            //The return type of the virtual function is int
			cout <<"This is Base class ";
            return x;
class Subclass :public Base
		virtual float func(int x)         //The return type of the virtual function is float, which does not meet the coverage conditions 
			cout <<"This is Sub class ";
			float y=float(x);
			return y;
void test (Base& x)
	cout<<"x= "<<x.func(5)<<endl; 
int main ( )
   Base bc;
   Subclass sc;
   test (bc);
   test (sc);
   return 0;

If the virtual functions of the derived class and the base class only have different return types and the rest are the same, c + + considers that an inappropriate virtual function is used.

//Missing virtual property
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base
		virtual int func(int x)         //Virtual function, the formal parameter is of type int
			cout <<"This is Base class ";
            return x;
class Subclass :public Base
		virtual int func(float x)        //Virtual function, the formal parameter is float type
			cout <<"This is Sub class ";
			int y=float(x);
			return y;
void test (Base& x)
	cout<<"x= "<<x.func(5)<<endl; 
int main ( )
   Base bc;
   Subclass sc;
   test (bc);
   test (sc);
   return 0;

If the virtual functions of the derived class and the base class have the same function name but different from each other, c + + is considered to redefine the function, which is hidden and loses the virtual feature.
The virtual function description in a class only affects the redefined functions in the derived class, but has no effect on the functions in its base class.

//The virtual function description does not affect the functions in its base class 
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base
		 int func(int x)
		 	cout<<"This is Base class";
		 	return x;
class Subclass1:public Base
		virtual int func(int x)
			cout<<"This is Sub1 class";
			return x;
class Subclass2:public Subclass1
		int func(int x)
			cout<<"This is Sub2 class";
			return x;
int main ( )
  Subclass2 sc2;
  Base& bc=sc2;
  Subclass1& sc1=sc2;
   return 0;


This is Base classx=5
This is Sub2 classx=5

5.3 calling virtual function in member function

The member function of a base class or derived class can directly call the virtual function in the class level

//Calling virtual function in member function 
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base
		 virtual void func1()
		 	cout<<"This is Base func1()"<<endl;
		 void func2(){
class Subclass:public Base
		virtual void func1()
			cout<<"This is Sub func1()"<<endl;

int main ( )
	Subclass sc;
   return 0;


This is Sub func1()

In the case of public inheritance, the virtual function in member function will be dynamically linked.

Topics: C++ Programming Class Polymorphism