C# Introduction to Classic Chapter4 Process Control

Posted by Bind on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 00:37:00 +0200

4.1 Boolean Logic

Boolean comparison operator

  ==  !=   <   >    <=    >=

Boolean Operator for Boolean Value Processing

! &|^ (XOR)

Conditional Boolean Operator

&&|| Better performance than & and | e.g. & & just judge the previous Boolean value to be false and the overall value to be false without calculating the latter Boolean value.

Boolean assignment operator

    &=  |=  ^=

2. Bit Operator

    &  |  ^  ~

Displacement operator * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Displacement assignment operator=<<=

3. Operator priority (update)

++ (used as a prefix); (), +, -(unitary),!,~











= *=,/=,%=,+=,-=,>==,<=,&=,^=,|= assignment operator

++ (used as a suffix)

4.2 goto statement

  goto  <labelName>

4.3 Branch

1. Ternary Operator

    ? :  

2.if statement


3.switch statement



       case val1:......;break;

       case val2:......;break;


Default: If no val ue matches, default, execute the code in default


Declare constants: Specify variable types and keyword consts, and assign values to them.

4.4. Loop: Repeated Execution Statement

1.do loop


{Execute once to determine the value in while(), true to execute again, false to exit the loop


2.while loop

When () {} first judges the value in while(), true begins to execute

3.for loop

    for(int i=0;i<4,i++){}

4. Cycle interruption

break: End the loop immediately

continue: Terminate the current loop immediately and enter the next one

goto: Jump out of the loop to the designated tag location

return: Jump out of the loop and the function that contains the loop

5. Infinite cycle

while(true) {} Exit using break, etc.

Mandelbrot collection example (the sample code given in this book uses C#)

 class Program
        //Mandelbrot Every position in an image corresponds to a formula. N=x+y*i A complex number. In fact, the number part is x,The imaginary part is y,i yes-1 The square root. Located in the image x and y Coordinates correspond to imaginary numbers x and y Part
        //Parameters for each position in an image N To express, it is x*x+y*y The square root. If this value is greater than or equal to 2, the corresponding position value of this number is 0. If the parameter N If the value is less than 2, the N Change the value to N*N-N(N=(x* x-y* y-x)+(2*x* y-y)*i)),And test the new one again. N Value. If this value is greater than or equal to 2, the corresponding position value of this number is 1. This process continues until we assign a value to the position in the image or iterate more than the specified number of times.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //N Real and imaginary parts
            double realCoord, imagCoord;
            //Storing temporary information in computing
            double realTemp, imagTemp, realTemp2, arg;
            //Recorded in parameters N(arg)Number of iterations equal to or greater than 2
            int iterations;
            //Select the appropriate boundary value to display Mandelbrot The main part of the image, if you want to enlarge the image, you can enlarge these boundary values.
            for (imagCoord = 1.2; imagCoord >= -1.2; imagCoord -= 0.05)
                //Two for Cyclic processing of a point in an image. N Specify a value.
                for (realCoord = -0.6; realCoord <= 1.77; realCoord += 0.03)
                    //initialize variable
                    iterations = 0;
                    realTemp = realCoord;
                    imagTemp = imagCoord;
                    arg = (realCoord * realCoord) + (imagCoord * imagCoord);

                    //2 It's the square root of 4, so it's only calculated. x^2+y^2 Value,while Loop execution iteration,
                    while ((arg < 4) && (iterations < 40))
                        //N*N-N Real part
                        realTemp2 = (realTemp * realTemp) - (imagTemp * imagTemp)
                              - realCoord;
                        //N*N-N The imaginary part of
                        imagTemp = (2 * realTemp * imagTemp) - imagCoord;
                        realTemp = realTemp2;
                        arg = (realTemp * realTemp) + (imagTemp * imagTemp);
                        //The value of the current point is stored in iterations in
                        iterations += 1;

                    //Select the character to be output
                    switch (iterations % 4)
                        case 0:
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                        case 3:
                //The inner loop ends with a line, so the newline character is output.

The results of the demonstration are as follows:

Chapter exercises require the user to enter the boundary of the image and display the selected image part. The character output from the current code should be placed on exactly one line of the console application, considering how to occupy each selected image.

The same size of space to maximize the visual area.

  class Program
        //Mandelbrot Every position in an image corresponds to a formula. N=x+y*i A complex number. In fact, the number part is x,The imaginary part is y,i yes-1 The square root. Located in the image x and y Coordinates correspond to imaginary numbers x and y Part
        //Parameters for each position in an image N To express, it is x*x+y*y The square root. If this value is greater than or equal to 2, the corresponding position value of this number is 0. If the parameter N If the value is less than 2, the N Change the value to N*N-N(N=(x* x-y* y-x)+(2*x* y-y)*i)),And test the new one again. N Value. If this value is greater than or equal to 2, the corresponding position value of this number is 1. This process continues until we assign a value to the position in the image or iterate more than the specified number of times.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //N Real and imaginary parts
            double realCoord, imagCoord;
            double realMax = 1.77;
            double realMin = -0.6;
            double imagMax = -1.2;
            double imagMin = 1.2;
            double realStep;
            double imagStep;
            //Storing temporary information in computing
            double realTemp, imagTemp, realTemp2, arg;
            //Recorded in parameters N(arg)Number of iterations equal to or greater than 2
            int iterations;
            //Select the appropriate boundary value to display Mandelbrot The main part of the image, if you want to enlarge the image, you can enlarge (actually reduce) these boundary values.
            while (true)
                //Set the span to ensure that each selected image occupies exactly the same size of space to maximize the visual area.
                realStep = (realMax - realMin) / 79;
                imagStep = (imagMax - imagMin) / 48;
                for (imagCoord = imagMin; imagCoord >= imagMax; imagCoord += imagStep)
                    //Two for Cyclic processing of a point in an image. N Specify a value.
                    for (realCoord = realMin; realCoord <= realMax; realCoord += realStep)
                        //initialize variable
                        iterations = 0;
                        realTemp = realCoord;
                        imagTemp = imagCoord;
                        arg = (realCoord * realCoord) + (imagCoord * imagCoord);

                        //2 It's the square root of 4, so it's only calculated. x^2+y^2 Value,while Loop execution iteration,
                        while ((arg < 4) && (iterations < 40))
                            //N*N-N Real part
                            realTemp2 = (realTemp * realTemp) - (imagTemp * imagTemp)
                                  - realCoord;
                            //N*N-N The imaginary part of
                            imagTemp = (2 * realTemp * imagTemp) - imagCoord;
                            realTemp = realTemp2;
                            arg = (realTemp * realTemp) + (imagTemp * imagTemp);
                            //The value of the current point is stored in iterations in
                            iterations += 1;

                        //Select the character to be output
                        switch (iterations % 4)
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                            case 3:
                    //The inner loop ends with a line, so the newline character is output.
                //Current boundary value
                Console.WriteLine("Current limits:");
                Console.WriteLine("realCoord:from {0} to {1} ", realMin, realMax);
                Console.WriteLine("imagCoord:from {0} to {1} \n", imagMin, imagMax);
                //Enter a new boundary value
                Console.WriteLine("Enter new limits:");
                //real number
                realMin = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                realMax = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                //Imaginary number
                imagMin = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                imagMax = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());


Original boundary (-0.6, 1.2) (1.77, -1.2)

Existing boundary (-0.6,1.2) (0,0)

It's equivalent to enlarging a part of the original image: probably this part? At present, we can only understand this degree.




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