C language & Java parsing: when i = i + +, what is the result?

Posted by headbangerbuggy on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 00:51:11 +0100


A friend discussed a problem with me before. He asked in java, i=1;i=i++; At first, I thought the result was 2, but when he said that the answer was 1, I had to think of a reasonable explanation. I think it may be because the temporary variable is incrementally changed after I is assigned to I, so the value of I has not changed. When I was satisfied with my explanation, they said that the answer in c language was 2. Well, I can only say that the implementation of the compiler is different. Of course, the answer is too unconvincing, so the task of finding the answer began.

i first saw this explanation in c++ primer: "the efficiency of + + i is higher than that of i + +, because i + + must have a temporary variable to store the value of i itself "Well, i was only right about the temporary variable, but the reason is that the temporary variable is first used to store the value of i, then i itself increases, and then the temporary variable is assigned to the left. At this time, the value of i is overwritten by its previous value, so it becomes 1 again, but this is just a speculation. Besides, why is 2 in c? So i have to decompile...

The jdk of Java comes with a tool, javap, which can be decompiled. We use the "jvm version code" generated by the java compiler. I will write two pieces of code for comparison. One is i=i + +; A common j=i + +; Note that I use 2 as the initial value (that is, it will be automatically increased to 3). Because 1 is too special, its variable names can be seen everywhere in the bytecode, and + + is not added with 1, so I use 2 as the initial value, which is also convenient to find.


publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){

inti =2;

  i = i++;




The bytecode of javap -c Test} is as follows:

public class Test extends java.lang.Object{

public Test();


  0: aload_0

  1: invokespecial #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V

  4: return

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);


  0: iconst_2

  1: istore_1

  2: iload_1

  3: iinc 1, 1

  6: istore_1

  7: getstatic #2; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;

  10: iload_1

  11: invokevirtual #3; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(I)V

  14: return

0:  iconst_2  //Stack the constant 2 of type int

1:  istore_1  //Store int value in variable 1

Is to define and initialize the value of i.

The key is here:

2:  iload_1  //Save the value of variable 1

3:  iinc  1, 1 //Increase the value of variable 1 by itself (i is now 3)

6:  istore //Put the previously saved value into variable i (i now becomes 2 again.)

Actually in 2: iload_1, the value of the i variable is placed on the stack, which is what we call temporary storage.. After that, he was assigned again

Look at Test2 and you will see that it works normally:


publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){

inti =2;

intj =0;

  j = i++;




The bytecode of javap -c Test2} is as follows:

public class Test2 extends java.lang.Object{

public Test2();


  0: aload_0

  1: invokespecial #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V

  4: return

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);


  0: iconst_2

  1: istore_1

  2: iconst_0

  3: istore_2

  4: iload_1

  5: iinc 1, 1

  8: istore_2

  9: getstatic #2; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;

  12: iload_2

  13: invokevirtual #3; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(I)V

  16: return

4: iload_1  //The value of variable 1 is saved (stacked)

5: iinc  1,1  //i self increasing

8 istore_2  // Pop up the stack and assign it to variable 2..

Now you see, what happened..

But it's not over yet. We haven't explained what happened in c...

In gcc, compiling a c program requires four stages: preprocessing, compiling, assembling and linking. We stop after the compilation phase, so we will get the sink code of at & T,

We write two kinds of code, similar to the java version

Look at the normal situation first:




inti =2;

intj =0;

    j = i++;

printf("j = %d\n",j);



Compiled into sink Code:


  .section .rodata


.string"j = %d\n"


.globl main

.typemain, @function


  pushl %ebp

  movl %esp, %ebp

  andl $-16, %esp

subl$32, %esp

movl$2, 28(%esp)

movl$0, 24(%esp)

  movl 28(%esp), %eax

  movl %eax, 24(%esp)

addl$1, 28(%esp)

  movl $.LC0, %eax

  movl 24(%esp), %edx

  movl %edx, 4(%esp)

  movl %eax, (%esp)


movl$0, %eax



  .size main, .-main

.ident"GCC: (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1) 4.4.3"


Including movl $ Lc0,%eax# and subsequent statements are related to output.

We will remove the initialization related. The key parts are:

movl    28(%esp), %eax

movl    %eax, 24(%esp)

addl$1, 28(%esp)

Save the value of i (put it in eax), then put it in j, and i will increase by itself, which is very consistent with the answer in your mind. If i=i + +, naturally i will be assigned and increase by itself... That is the answer in your mind, but is it really so? Let's continue to see....




inti =2;

i = i++;

printf("i = %d\n",i);



Corresponding sink Code:


  .section .rodata


.string"i = %d\n"


.globl main

.typemain, @function


  pushl %ebp

  movl %esp, %ebp

  andl $-16, %esp

subl$32, %esp

movl$2, 28(%esp)

addl$1, 28(%esp)

  movl $.LC0, %eax

  movl 28(%esp), %edx

  movl %edx, 4(%esp)

  movl %eax, (%esp)


movl$0, %eax



  .size main, .-main

.ident"GCC: (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1) 4.4.3"


The key part is to save ADDL $1,28 (% ESP). This is.... Look at my test3 C right...




inti =2;


printf("i = %d\n",i);



Generated sink Code:

aiqier@aiqier-laptop:~/c/test3$ cat test3.s


  .section .rodata


.string"i = %d\n"


.globl main

.typemain, @function


  pushl %ebp

  movl %esp, %ebp

  andl $-16, %esp

subl$32, %esp

movl$2, 28(%esp)

addl$1, 28(%esp)

  movl $.LC0, %eax

  movl 28(%esp), %edx

  movl %edx, 4(%esp)

  movl %eax, (%esp)


movl$0, %eax



  .size main, .-main

.ident"GCC: (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1) 4.4.3"


Well, in c language, i=i + +; With i + +; Like the assembly code of, according to the normal logic (our previous analysis), i = 2; i=i + +; the value of i is 3, which is no problem. However, gcc will optimize the compiler, so save the value of i and assign it to i. these two statements are naturally chicken ribs and are optimized.

In summary, we found that for the temporary values saved by i + +, in java, they are automatically incremented after returning the temporary value, while in c language, they are automatically incremented after returning the temporary value. Therefore, this is why i=i + + has different results in these two languages. c# i don't know. Interested students can try python. There is no + +. Hehe, if my analysis is wrong at the beginning, i hope to discuss it with you.

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