Case 4. Auto-seal IP and decommission IP

Posted by rudibr on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 22:09:23 +0200

One of the most common problems in Travelling is that the site is slow or inaccessible, and what you see on the server is that the site is CC***.CC*** is one of the DDos*** types, and ** users use a large number of "chickens" to initiate requests to the site they are targeting, which is so frequent that the servers of the site they are targeting can't stand it.

CC*** Although it seems that there is little difference from normal access, if we carefully analyze the access log, we can still find some clues, such as the high frequency of access to an IP, or the fixed user_agent of several IPs, etc. Some even imitate the regular search engine, such as, setting yourself up"Spider and crawler" disguised as Baidu.When you encounter CC***, if you take some effort to analyze the access log, you can eventually find out the culprit who started CC***, and then we can do everything by blocking their IP.The requirements for this case are:

1) Access log/data/logs/access_log is analyzed every minute with the following log fragments: - [19/Sep/2018:09:30:07 + 0800 ] "/misc.php?mod=ranklist&type=menber&view=post" 200 "GET HTTP/1.1" ""  "Mozilla/5.0(Windows NT 6.1;WOW64;rv:43.0)Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0" - [19/Sep/2018:09:30:07 + 0800 ] "/misc.php?mod=ranklist&type=menber&view=onlinetime" 200 "GET HTTP/1.1" ""  "Mozilla/5.0(Windows NT 6.1;WOW64;rv:43.0)Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0"

2) Block IP with more than 100 visits

3) Enclosed IP s should be recorded in a log

4) Check the blocked IP every 30 minutes to unblock the IP with little or no access

5) Unencapsulated IP is recorded in another log

Point One: awk usage

In shell scripts, awk is highly likely to occur because of its strong ability to handle strings.Let's start with a small example:

# awk -F ":" '$3>500 {print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd
polkitd 999
chrony 998
mysql 1002

Description: The core function of awk is to segment. You can specify a delimiter with the -F option and then process it against a field. In this case, use':'as the delimiter to find lines with a third paragraph larger than 500, and print out the first and third paragraphs.Logical judgment symbols such as >, <, >=, <=, ==,!= can be used in awk, which differs from shell s.In this case, do not put double quotation marks on the 500 after >, otherwise it will not compare numbers, but will treat 500 as strings, the resu lt will be different naturally.

The following:

# awk -F ":" '$3>"500" {print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd
shutdown 6
halt 7
mail 8
nobody 99
dbus 81
polkitd 999
postfix 89
sshd 74
chrony 998

awk does more than that; it's actually a scripting language, like shell, that can write scripts.Its author designed it to format the output text, which can meet a variety of complex formatting requirements, but when we write shell scripts, we just use it as a command to process strings.Common usage:

1) Intercept the specified segment

# awk -F ':|#' {print $2}' 1.txt

Description: The separator can be a regular expression, or # in this case.

2) String after matching a character

# awk -F ':' '$1 ~ "abc"' 1.txt

Description: Filter out the first line containing abc, where ABC can be a regular expression, for example:

# awk -F ':' '$1 ~ "^ro+"' 1.txt

Description: ^ means the beginning, + means at least one character before + so the strings that ^ro+ can match are: ro, roo, rooo...

3) Use multiple statements at the same time

# awk -F ':' '$1 ~ "root" {print $1,$3};$3>100 {print $1,$2}' 1.txt

4) Multiple Conditions

# awk '$3<100 && $7 ~ "bash" {print $0}' 1.txt

Description: If no delimiter is specified, a blank character is used as the delimiter, which can be represented by &&in awk and || or.$0 outputs the entire line.

5) Built-in variables

# awk -F ':' {print NF,NR}' 1.txt

Description: NF is the number of segments, NR is the number of rows

6) Mathematical operations

# awk -F ':' '$7=$3+$4 {print $0}' 1.txt

Because the value of $7 has been redefined, when printing $0, there will be no separator included, and of course, a separator can also be defined:

# awk -F ':' -v OFS='#' '$7=$3+$4 {print $0}' 1.txt

Description: Variables are defined with -v, and this OFS is also a built-in variable that represents the delimiter of the output.

It is also common to calculate the sum of a paragraph, for example:

# awk -F ':' '{(tot=tot+$3)}; END {print tot}' 1.txt

Point 2: sort ordering

Syntax: sort [-t delimiter] [-kn1,n2] [-nru] where n1<n2

-t separator: function has the same meaning as cut's-d

-n: Sort using pure numbers

-r: reverse sort

-u: to repeat

-kn1,n2: Sort from n1 interval to N2 interval, you can write-kn1 only, that is, sort the n1 field

Point three: uniq to repeat

There is only one common option for this command: -c, count the number of rows that are repeated, and write the number of rows first.

# uniq 1.txt 

The premise of using uniq is to sort the files first, otherwise it will not work, so it is often used with sort as follows:

# sort 1.txt |uniq
# sort 1.txt |uniq -c
      2 111
      1 222
      1 333

Point 4: Encapsulate/Unencapsulate IP with iptables tools

1) View iptables rules for filter tables

# iptables -nvL -t filter

Note: On centOS7, netfilter has five tables: filter, nat, mangle, raw, secuirty.We use the first two more, in this case the envelope IP is a filter table.The -t filter in this command can be omitted and is the filter table by default.

2) Add Rules

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s -j DROP

Description: -A option is to add a rule, or more accurately, to append a rule, because the rules of iptables are divided before and after, and the higher the rule is, that is, the higher the priority.Therefore, rules appended with -A can only be placed last, but if you want to add a higher priority rule, you can use the -I option (Insert Rule).

You can also write only IP for ports, but you can also specify the destination IP address as follows:

# iptables -I INPUT -s -d -j DROP

3) Delete Rule

There are two ways to delete a rule: empty it all, and delete one.

# iptables -t filter -F

Deleting a rule can be cumbersome, because you need to remember the command that created it at that time and change -A to -D. Of course, there is a simpler way to do this. First, list the sequence number of the rule, as follows:

# iptables -nvL --line-number

num in the first column on the left is the sequence number of the rules. The rules for each chain start with 1. If you want to delete rule 2 of the INPUT chain, you only need to execute it:

# iptables -D INPUT 2

This will remove rule 2 under the INPUT chain.After deleting the rule, re-list the rule ordinal, and you will find that the ordinal still starts with 1.

When we execute iptables-nvL, the first column of the results listed represents the number of packets affected by the iptables rule, while the second column, bytes, represents the size of the data affected by the iptables rule.This number keeps changing. If you restart the iptables or firewalld service, the two columns will be cleared, and of course you can have an option to do so:

# iptables -Z

You can also specify a chain, such as:

# iptables -Z INPUT

The above points of knowledge are mainly for this case, there are many uses of iptables.

Point 5: Functions in shell scripts

If a piece of code appears more than once in a shell script, it should be encapsulated in a function so that subsequent calls are convenient and the code looks nice.Here is an example to illustrate the benefits of the function.

Requirements: Check if vim-enhanced, expect, wget packages are installed on the system or if not, the traditional shell code is written as follows:

if ! rpm -q vim-enhanced &>/dev/null
   yum install -y vim-enhanced

if ! rpm -q expect &>/dev/null
   yum install -y expect

if ! rpm -q wget &>/dev/null
   yum install -y wget

Just ask, if you check 100 packages, would you like to write this code 100 times?The functions are much simpler, as follows:

##Define if_install function
if_install() {
  if ! rpm -q $1 &>/dev/null
       yum install -y $1

##Check all rpm packages one by one with a for loop
for pkg in vim-enhanced expect wget
    if_install $pkg

Point 6: sed usage

sed and grep, awk appear frequently in shell scripts, and the three of them are often called "regular three swordsmen", so the relationship between these three tools and regular expressions is unusual.For the use of the sed tool, common uses are:

1) Print the specified line

sed -n '10p' 1.txt

Note: 10 refers to the line number, p refers to print, plus -n only shows the 10th line, otherwise all lines of 1.txt will be displayed, where single quotation marks, or double quotation marks.You can also specify multiple lines:

sed -n '1,5p' 1.txt

Description: Print 1 to 5 lines, if they are not continuous, this can be done:

sed -n '1p;5p' 1.txt

sed also has a similar function as grep to filter specified rows as follows:

sed -n '/abc/p' 1.txt

Description: //is a fixed notation, which contains the string to be matched and can be regular, for example:

sed -n '/[a-z0-9]/p' 1.txt

In regular expressions, how many special symbols belong to the extended regular category, are they +,?,|, (), {}.To use them in grep, you need to add the -E option or the egrep command, and to use them in sed, you need to add the -r option.

2) Delete the specified line

sed '10d' 1.txt

Note: Line 10 is not printed when printing 1.txt. It does not really delete the contents of the file. Adding the -i option can change the contents of the file.

3) Find Replacement

Replace all aming s that appear in 1.txt with inux

sed 's/aming/linux/g' 1.txt

Description: s means replacement, g means global replacement, and without -g only replaces the first aming that appears in each row.

This case reference script

##Block the IP with a large amount of access. If the IP that is blocked for 20 minutes has no requests or very few requests, it needs to be unblocked
##Version: v0.1

#Define a time before 1 minute to filter logs before 1 minute
t1=`data -d "-1 min" +%Y:%H:%M`

#Filter the log for any number of seconds in the previous minute, 0-5 for 5 of 59 seconds, and + for any 0-9.
egrep "$t1:[0-5]+" $log > /tmp/tmp_last_min.log

#Record IPS with more than 100 visits in 1 minute into a temporary file
awk '{print $1}' /tmp/tmp_last_min.log |sort -n|uniq -c|sort -n|awk '$1>100 {print $2}' > /tmp/bad_ip.list

#Calculate the number of IPS
n=`wc -l /tmp/bad_ip.list |awk '{print $1}'`

#When the number of iptables is greater than 0, it will be blocked with iptables
    if [ $n -ne 0 ]
        for ip in `cat /tmp/bad_ip.list`
            iptables -I INPUT -s $ip -j REJECT

        #Log these enclosed IP s
        echo "`date` Sealed off IP Yes:" >> /tmp/block_ip.log
        cat /tmp/bad_ip.list >> /tmp/block_ip.log

    #First log IPS with a number less than 5 into a temporary file and mark them as whitelist IP
    iptables -nvL INPUT |sed '1d' |awk '$1<5 {print $8}' > /tmp/good_ip.list
    n=`wc -l /tmp/good_ip.list |awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ $n -ne 0 ]
        for ip in `cat /tmp/good_ip.list`
            iptables -D INPUT -s $ip -j REJECT

        echo "`date` Unsealed IP Yes:" >> /tmp/unblock_ip.log
        cat /tmp/good_ip.list >> /tmp/unblock_ip.log

    #After unpacking the whitelist IP, clear the counter to the next counting cycle
    iptables -Z

#Number of minutes for the current time
t=`date +%M`

#When the number of minutes is 00 or 30 (i.e., every 30 minutes), the function to unpack IP is executed, while the other time only the function to unpack IP is executed
if [ $t == "00" ] || [ $t == "30" ];then

Topics: Linux iptables shell RPM vim