Centos7.4 source code to build lamp ᥤ PHP configuration

Posted by Aybabtu on Tue, 25 Feb 2020 05:20:33 +0100

Learning notes

1. Command for the location of the PHP configuration file

/usr/local/php/bin/php -i|grep -i "loaded configuration file"



2. Disable functions in PHP

2.1. php has many built-in functions, so it is safe to disable some risky functions

vim /etc/php.ini         #This is the location of my php configuration file


Search disable functions and add the following to save exit



Note: restart httpd service to make it effective


3. Configure error log

vim /etc/php.ini


Change the search log error to log error = on

Change the search error log to error log = / var / log / PHP / PHP error.log

Search for error ﹣ reporting to error ﹣ reporting = e ﹣ all & ~ e ﹣ note

Search display error to display error = off

Save exit

Log errors can be set to on or off. You want php to record an error log as on

Error log set error log path

Error reporting sets the level of error log. E all refers to all types of logs. Under the development environment, e all is set to & and, ~ means exclusion

If display error is set to on, the error log will be displayed in the browser. This is not good, so it is off


After setting, create the path file for the error log

mkdir /var/log/php                            #Path to exist
chmod 777 /var/log/php/                       #Grant authority
/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl graceful     #Reload



Write a wrong one to verify


4. Configure open ﹣ basedir

4.1. Add in the configuration file

vim /etc/php.ini


Find open basedir and change it to the following (open basedir can be multiple directories, separated by ":", only under / tmp and / www.cheese.com)


Configure a virtual host to test

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin admin@linux.com
    DocumentRoot "/data/wwwroot/shcheese.com"
    ServerName shcheese.com
    ServerAlias www.shcheese.com
    ErrorLog "logs/shcheese.com-error_log"
    CustomLog "logs/shcheese.com-access_log" common


cp /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/1.php /data/wwwroot/shcheese.com/




4.2. Set open basedir for a single virtual host

vim /usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf


<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/data/wwwroot/www.cheese.com"
    ServerName www.cheese.com
    ServerAlias cheese.com
    php_admin_value open_basedir "/data/wwwroot/www.cheese.com/:/tmp/"
    CustomLog "logs/cheese.com-access_log" common



5. PHP dynamic expansion module installation

5.1. First, check which function modules PHP loads for Science

/usr/local/php/bin/php -m


5.2. Install the redis extension module

Download address: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QJP6MBDs_T2-mtD9I1fcMQ extraction code: up28

Transfer to / usr/local/src / directory

cd /usr/local/src/                                                #Entry directory
unzip phpredis-develop.zip                                        #decompression
cd phpredis-develop                                               
/usr/local/php/bin/phpize                                         #Generate the configure file
./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config
make && make install



If there is an error in / usr/local/php/bin/phpize: cannot find autoconf, autoconf needs to be installed

yum install autoconf -y


Check the directory where the extension module is stored. You can customize the path in php.ini

/usr/local/php/bin/php -i | grep extension_dir


Add a line of configuration

vi /etc/php.ini          #According to your php.ini path


Add extension = redis.so in the last line


Check whether redis module is loaded

/usr/local/php/bin/php -m |grep redis


If you need to use redis module in PHP website, you need to restart httpd service

In the future, if you want to increase the requirements of expansion modules, you can install them in this way

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Topics: PHP Redis vim Linux