ceph installation document (Luminous version)

Posted by nitroxman on Fri, 06 Mar 2020 12:01:15 +0100

1. Install ntp

We recommend that NTP services (especially Ceph Monitor nodes) be installed on all Ceph nodes to avoid clock drift failures. For details, see Clock.

sudo yum install ntp ntpdate ntp-doc
// yum -y install ntpdate ntp	

vim /etc/ntp.conf

server ntp1.aliyun.com iburst
systemctl restart ntpd

2. Install SSH server

Perform the following steps on all Ceph nodes:

sudo yum install openssh-server

3. Turn off the firewall and selinux, and configure the hosts file

  • Turn off firewall
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
  • Turn off selinux
setenforce 0
vim /etc/selinux/config
  • Configure hosts file

    vim /etc/hosts controller node1 node2 node3
  • Modify host name
hostnamectl set-hostname node0001

4. Create new users at each Ceph node

//Create account
sudo useradd -d /home/ceph-admin -m ceph-admin
//Change Password
sudo passwd ceph-admin
echo "ceph-admin" | passwd --stdin ceph-admin
//Ensure that the newly created users on each Ceph node have sudo permission
echo "ceph-admin ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | tee /etc/sudoers.d/ceph-admin
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/ceph-admin
cat /etc/sudoers.d/ceph-admin

5. Allow password free SSH login

Because Ceph deploy does not support entering passwords, you must generate SSH keys on the management node and distribute their public keys to each Ceph node. Ceph deploy attempts to generate SSH key pairs for the initial monitors.

  1. Generate SSH key pairs, but do not use sudo or root. When "Enter passphrase" is prompted, enter directly, and the password is empty:

Generating public/private key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/ceph-admin/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /ceph-admin/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /ceph-admin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.

2. Copy the public key to each Ceph node

ssh-copy-id ceph-admin@controller
ssh-copy-id ceph-admin@node1
ssh-copy-id ceph-admin@node2
ssh-copy-id ceph-admin@node3

3. Configuration of sudo does not require TTY (control node)

sed -i 's/Default requiretty/#Default requiretty/' /etc/sudoers

4. Recommended Practice) modify the ~ /. ssh/config file on the Ceph deploy management node, so that Ceph deploy can log in to the Ceph node with the user name you created, without specifying -- username {username} every time you execute Ceph deploy. This also simplifies the use of ssh and scp. Replace {username} with the user name you created.

Host node1
   Hostname node1
   User {username}
Host node2
   Hostname node2
   User {username}
Host node3
   Hostname node3
   User {username}

6. Management node installation CEPH deploy tool

  • Add the yum configuration file (each node needs to add the yum source)
Luminous The source of the Edition:
export CEPH_DEPLOY_REPO_URL=http://mirrors.163.com/ceph/rpm-luminous/el7
export CEPH_DEPLOY_GPG_URL=http://mirrors.163.com/ceph/keys/release.asc

Jewel The source of the Edition:
yum clean all
rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-7.repo
sed -i '/aliyuncs/d' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo
sed -i '/aliyuncs/d' /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
sed -i 's/$releasever/7/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo
//Add the following:
  • Update software source and install CEPH deploy management tool
[root@ceph01 ~]# yum clean all && yum list
[root@ceph01 ~]# yum -y install ceph-deploy

7. Create monitor service

mkdir my-cluster && cd my-cluster
#mon is installed in node1 node
ceph-deploy new node1

8. Number of modified copies

[ceph-admin@controller ceph]# The default number of copies of vim ceph.conf configuration file is changed from 3 to 2, so that only two OSDs can reach the active+clean state. Add the following line to the [global] section (optional configuration)
fsid = c255a5ad-b772-402a-bd81-09738693fe10
mon_initial_members = node1
mon_host =
auth_cluster_required = cephx
auth_service_required = cephx
auth_client_required = cephx
osd_pool_default_size = 2

9. Install ceph on all nodes

  • Install Ceph

    ceph-deploy install node1 node2 node3
  • Install ceph monitor

    ceph-deploy mon create node1
  • Collecting keyring files of nodes

    ceph-deploy  gatherkeys node1

10. Deploy osd service

  • Format

    mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb
  • mount

    mkdir -p /var/local/osd0
    mount /dev/sdb  /var/local/osd0/
    fuser -km /dev/sdb
    umount /dev/sdb
    //Auto Mount
    vim /etc/fstab
    /dev/sdb /var/local/osd0 xfs noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 0 2
  • Add permissions to / var/local/osd1 / and / var/local/osd2 / on each node

    chmod 777 -R /var/local/osd1/
  • Create active osd

    ceph-deploy osd prepare node1:/var/local/osd0 node2:/var/local/osd1 node3:/var/local/osd2
    ceph-deploy osd activate node1:/var/local/osd0 node2:/var/local/osd1 node3:/var/local/osd2
    //Overwrite osd
    ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf osd  prepare node1:/var/local/osd0 node2:/var/local/osd1 node3:/var/local/osd2 
  • View state

    //Unified configuration (use Ceph deploy to copy the configuration file and admin key to all nodes, so that you do not need to specify the monitor address and ceph.client.admin.keyring every time you execute Ceph command line)
    ceph-deploy admin node1 node2 node3
    ceph-deploy osd list node1 node2 node3

    11. Other operations

    Deletion of ceph osd

    If you want to delete an osd (whether it is in up state or down state)

    A) If OSD is in up state, the first step is to convert up state to down state, execute the command CEPH OSD down osd.num (this is osd id)
    B) If OSD is in down state, execute the command ceph osd out osd.id directly, and mark OSD as out state.
    C) Then execute the command ceph osd rm osd.id to delete OSD directly.
    D) Next, delete the map corresponding to osd.id in the cursor, and execute the command ceph osd crush rm osd.id.
    E) Finally, delete the auth of osd.id with the command ceph auth del osd.id.
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Topics: Ceph osd yum ssh