Chapter V Kubernetes quick start

Posted by edmore on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 03:31:32 +0100

Necessary tools for installation

Install package manager and cURL

macOS install homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

View version and help after installation

brew --version        #Check the current version of homebrew and whether it has been successfully installed
brew --help           #Find out what commands are available for homebrew

Windows install Chocolate

Open Powershell in administrator mode

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

view help

choco help           #Learn what commands chocolate has
choco -v             #View version number

Install kubectl and minicube

kubectl is the command line tool of Kubernetes. Minikube can deploy Kubernetes locally


brew install kubectl       #Install kubectl
brew install minikube      #Installing minicube


choco install kubernetes-cli    #Install kubectl
choco install minikube          #Installing minicube

Check whether the installation is successful

kubectl version --client   #Test installed version
minikube version           #Minicube version information

Note that it is better to operate subsequent commands on Windows in the current powershell, otherwise the command may not be recognized in other command lines.

Create Kubernetes clusters locally

Locally start a single node Kubernetes cluster

minikube start 

After startup, view the console

minikube dashboard

Connecting kubernetes clusters through Kubectl

Configure Kubeconfig

Kubernetes clusters can be controlled by Kuberctl simultaneous interpreting, just like traditional servers using SSH clients.

Enter EKS container service, select the container created yesterday, select [basic information], scroll to the bottom, open external network access, and enter the local public network IP address.

The local public IP address can be obtained by Baidu search [IP].

Click certificate management to download the certificate. The certificate here is actually the kubeconfig file.

macOS or Linux: download the kubeconfig configuration file locally and execute the following instructions to merge the configurations of multiple clusters (where ~ / downloads / CLS - ***** - config needs to be replaced with the actual address after you download the kubeconfig locally):

KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config:~/Downloads/cls-****-config kubectl config view --merge --flatten > ~/.kube/config
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config

Windows: download the kubeconfig configuration file locally and execute the following instructions to merge the configurations of multiple clusters (where ~ / downloads / CLS - ***** - config needs to be replaced with the actual address after you download the kubeconfig locally):


Connecting EKS using kubectl

After configuration, you can view the cloud environment

kubectl config view         #Displays the merged kubeconfig settings or the specified kubeconfig configuration file.   
kubectl config get-contexts #View the environment in kubeconfig

Switch to cloud environment

kubectl config use-context cls-****-context-default #Switch to cloud K8s cluster
kubectl config use-context minikube   #Switch to local cluster
kubectl config use-context cls-****-context-default #Switch back to cloud cluster

After switching, you can see the prompt:

Switched to context "cls-6khzid9a-****-context-default".

To know the version information of Kubernetes cluster, you can use the following command

kubectl version
kubectl cluster-info

client version refers to the version of the local kubectl command line tool, while server version refers to the version of EKS or minicube kubernetes.

Note: using kubectl cluster info, an IP address will appear, which is the IP of Tencent cloud, and a control panel will appear. If you can't access it, it may be the problem of IP address white list. You need to On this website, check the current local ip address.

My computer is connected with an agent, and the ip has become Hong Kong, China, so access is 403 Forbidden.

Then I add a proxy IP to the cluster APIServer. (in fact, browser access is prohibited)

Test whether the cluster can be accessed normally

kubectl get node  

View cluster content manager

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Dashboard and command line

About Node

kubectl get nodes                   #Get node list
kubectl describe node <node Name of>  #Understand all States of nodes
kubectl top node <node Name of>       #Understand the memory and CPU usage of the node

About Pod

Tencent cloud console view Pod

kubectl get pods -o wide          #Show Pod list
kubectl describe pod <pod Name of>  #View Pod details
kubectl top pod <pod Name of>       

About workload Deployment

kubectl get deployment   #Get all deployments
kubectl describe deployment <deployment Name of>

About Namespace

Similar to folders, the objects in them will be destroyed after deletion. Each Kubernetes cluster will have a default namespace by default.

kubectl get namespaces


kubectl get services
kubectl describe service <service Name of>

Manage running pods

Note: kubectl tool also needs to be installed in the cloud, otherwise the command cannot be used.

Understand the operation of Pod container

kubectl get pods
kubectl logs <pod Name of> 
kubectl exec -it <pod Name of> -- /bin/bash
# Kubectl exec -- stdin -- TTY < pod name > -- / bin / sh, bash is recommended


Today, I mainly learned the installation and command use of kubectl tool, and had a general understanding of Kubernetes. The cluster Pod and Service were deleted yesterday and re created today. In that case, I'll learn the content of Chapter 6 by the way.

Topics: Kubernetes