CMWebInstall of CDH installation treasure

Posted by Rhysickle on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 03:41:51 +0100


stay CDH It must be ensured before installation NODE1 The following programs in the master node have been started
1.Each machine :according to aliyun Time synchronization of services provided :ntpdate -u
    Start service 
    systemctl start ntpd
    systemctl restart ntpd 
    Check to see if it starts ps -ef | grep ntpd
    Power on systemctl enable ntpd.service 
    View time synchronization status ntpstat 
    View time :date or timedatectl
2.Must guarantee MySQL It's on,To start normally Cloudera Manager Server :service mysql start
3.systemctl start httpd #You must ensure that httpd is started 
    #After the httpd service is started, you can view in the browser 1 / and 1/

4.systemctl start cloudera-scm-server #After startup, it takes a period of time to complete the whole startup (generally within one minute) before you can access
  systemctl stop cloudera-scm-server    
  systemctl restart cloudera-scm-server        
    #Start Cloudera Manager Server, which is usually started automatically without manual operation -ef | grep cloudera-scm-server #Check to see if it starts
    2.systemctl status cloudera-scm-server #Check the startup status. If the startup is normal, Active: active (running) is displayed 
    3.cloudera-scm-server #If the default port is 7180, you can access CM through
        netstat -lnpt | grep 7180 #Display TCP * listen 68289 / Java

Access CM

1. Access CM through ip:7180/cmf/login

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-VqoVCpQj-1641781598469)(... /... /... / drawing bed / installation / login. png)]

2. You can ignore the automatic TLS installation and click "continue" to jump to the next page

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-CfgFjToo-1641781598470)(... /... /... / drawing bed / installation / TLS.png)]

3. Enter the host ip or name, click search to find the host, and then click continue


[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-7CVs1uUh-1641781598470)(... /... / drawing bed / installation / search host. png)]

4. Select a custom repository

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-DYCet9R3-1641781598471)(... /... / drawing bed / installation / CM%20 library. png)]

5. Use Parcel to select, click "more options", and click "-" to delete all other addresses,

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (IMG pqgsnyww-1641781598476) (... /... /... / drawing bed / installation / CDH%20 library. png)]

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (IMG hsslhluy-1641781598476) (... /... / drawing bed / installation / more options. png)]

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-6RQOiojq-1641781598477)(... /... /... / drawing bed / installation / remote library. png)]

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-rWmg06B4-1641781598477)(... /... / drawing bed / installation / selection of cdh.png)]

6. Go to the next step to install jdk and click "continue"

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-2VPjw1Zm-1641781598477)(... /... /... / drawing bed / installation and construction / JDK.png)]

7. Go to the next step to configure ssh account and password (all machine user passwords), and click "continue"

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-fqnkpLec-1641781598477)(... /... / drawing bed / installation / login. png)]

8. Go to the next step, install Cloudera Manager related nodes, wait for agent installation, automatically jump to the next step to start distributing parcel s, and click "continue"

9. Go to the next step of host inspection to ensure that all inspection items pass. Fayson's machine has some warnings because there are multiple Java versions. This step is ignored.

1. Warning:
Starting from CDH 6, Hue supported by PostgreSQL requires Psycopg2 version to be at least 2.5.4. Please refer to the documentation for details.
If the host is not running CDH 6, or running Hue without PostgreSQL, or is incompatible with RHEL 6, you can ignore this warning.
The following hosts have incompatible Psycopg2 version '2.5.1':
2. Solution:

Install first epel Extension Source: yum -y install epel-release
 After the update is complete, you can install pip: yum -y install python-pip
 Clear after installation cache: yum clean all
 to update pip: pip install --upgrade pip
 to update psycopg2: pip install --upgrade psycopg2 It still can't be solved. Ignore it for the time being
     install python3 As follows:
    yum install zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel gcc make
    tar -xvJf Python-3.7.2.tar.xz
    cd /root/Python-3.7.2
    ./configure prefix=/usr/local/python3
    make && make install
    ln -s /usr/local/python3/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
    implement python3 -V  See if the output is correct python3 Version of
    implement python2 -V and python -V What you see is python2 Version of
    If executed python -V yes python3 For the version of, the following conditions need to be modified:
        Because of execution yum need python2 Version, so we have to modify it yum Configuration, execution vi /usr/bin/yum hold #! /usr/bin/python Change to #! /usr/bin/python2
        Similarly vi /usr/libexec/urlgrabber-ext-down In the file #! /usr/bin/python Also change to #! /usr/bin/python2

10. Select the service to be installed

[the external chain picture transfer fails, and the source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-teOd3vSY-1641781598478)(... /... /... / drawing bed / installation and construction / selection service. png)]

11. Enter the cluster role assignment

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-zxdfGyib-1641781598478)(... /... / drawing bed / installation / role assignment. png)]

12. Test database connection

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-kmz48fo5-1641781598478)(... /... / drawing bed / installation / database. png)]

13. Enter the directory setting, where the default directory is used and the directory is modified according to the actual situation (no modification is required by default)

14. Normal installation:

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-O1iMHT8e-1641781598479)(... /... /... / drawing bed / installation / inspection results. png)]

Topics: MySQL Hadoop hdfs CDH