JavaScript Foundation 2
Learning objectives:
- Operators in JavaScript
Expressions and Statements
An expression can produce a value, possibly an operation, a function call, a literal quantity, and so on.Expressions can be placed anywhere you want.
For example: 5+6
Statements can be understood as an action, and looping and judging statements are the most classic ones.A program consists of many statements.A statement, usually ending with; orIt is not recommended to omit.
Operator, also known as operator
Expressions generally consist of operators and operands (common expressions)
Arithmetic Operators
Add, subtract, multiply and divide inside math
// + - * / % // Same as in math var x = 5; var y = 10; console.log(x + y); console.log(x - y); console.log(x * y); console.log(x / y); console.log(x % y); // Two more special console.log(x/0); // Infinity console.log(x % 0 ); // NaN
Unary operator
An operator with only one operand is called a unary operator
Operators that can carry two operands are called binary operators, so all the previous lessons are binary operators.
// ++ Self+1 // --Self-1 var num = 5; console.log(++num); // 6 console.log(--num); // 5
++ num is first an expression, and since it is an expression, it has a return value.
The difference between the front and back is this return value
- Front
Let the operand itself + 1 (-1) before returning the result of the operation.
var num = 5; console.log(++num);// 6; console.log(num); // 6 var num1 = 7; console.log(num + ++num1);//14 6+8 console.log(num1);// 8 console.log(--num1);// 7
- Rear
Return the result of the operand first, then + 1 (-1) for the operand itself
var num = 5; console.log(num++);// 5 console.log(num);//6 var num1 = 7; console.log(num + num1++); // 6+7 13 console.log(num1);// 8
- Consolidation exercises
var a = 1;var b= ++a + ++a;console.log(b);//2 + 3 b=5 var a = 1;var b= a++ + ++a;console.log(b);//1 + 3(++a before a became 2) b=4 var a = 1;var b = a++ + a++;console.log(b);// 1 + 2 b=3 var a = 1;var b = ++a + a++;console.log(b);// 2 + 2 b=4
Logical operators
Logical operators are also called Boolean operators.
- && (Logical AND): Both operands are true, resulting in true, otherwise false.also
- || (logical or): One of the two operands is true, resulting in true, otherwise false.
- ! (Logical NOT): Reverse
// Logical Operators and &&or||Not! var a = true; var b = false; console.log(a && b); console.log(a || b); console.log(!a)
When do I use logical operators?
When judgment or looping is needed in the future, a large number of logical operations will be used.
Implicit Conversion of Boolean Types
var num = 123; console.log(Boolean(num));// Cast // Implicit Conversion // Case 0,'',NaN,undefined,null in case 5 converted to false if(num){ console.log('Conversion Successful'); } var msg; if(msg){ console.log('true'); }else{ console.log('false'); } //Determine whether a variable exists //console.log(typeof aaa === 'undefined'); // Implicit Conversion Using None var str = 'Ha-ha'; var isOk = !!str; // true, reverse false, reverse console.log(isOk);
Relational Operators
The relational operator is also called the comparison operator
The return value used to compare the size of two numbers or the difference is a Boolean type
> ,<, >=,<= ,== ,!= ,=== ,!==
var a = 10; var b = 5; var c = '10'; // Compare the sizes of two numbers to return a Boolean value console.log(a>b); console.log(a<b); // When they are equal, // == != console.log(a==b); console.log(a!=b); //==Determines whether the values of variables are equal, regardless of type //===Determine whether the types are the same before they are equal //For strictness, always recommend === console.log(a==c); // === !== console.log(a===b); console.log(a!==b); // Returns true only if both values and data types are the same console.log(a===c);
==Determines whether the values of variables are equal, regardless of type
===Determine whether the types are the same before they are equal
For strictness, always recommend ===
Assignment Operators
= ,+= ,-= , *= ,/= ,%=
var num = 5; var num1 = num * 5; // Simplified grammar num1++; // Self-increasing 1 num1 = num1 + 5; // Self-increasing 5 // Simplified grammar num1 += 5; // Equivalent to Above // Same as num1 -= 5; num1 *= 5; num1 /= 5; num1 %= 5;
Operator precedence
Operator precedence
- () highest priority
- Unary operator ++ -!
- Arithmetic operators */% before + -
- Relational Operator > >= < <=
- Relational Operator==!=====!==
- Logical Operator First &&Then||
- Assignment Operators
// Exercise 1 4 >= 6 || 'people' != 'Avatar' && !(12 * 2 == 144) && true; //Parse first step parentheses (4 >= 6) || ('people' != 'Avatar') && (!(12 * 2 == 144)) && true; //Step 2 (4 >= 6) || ('people' != 'Avatar') && (!(24 == 144)) && true; //Step 3 (4 >= 6) || ('people' != 'Avatar') && (!false) && true; //Step 4 (4 >= 6) || ('people' != 'Avatar') && true && true; //Step 5 false || true && true && true; //Step 6 false || true; //Step 7 true; // Exercise 2 var num = 10; 5 == num / 2 && (2 + 2 * num).toString() === '22'; //Parse first step parentheses (5 == num / 2) && ((2 + 2 * num).toString() === '22'); //Step 2 (5 == 5) && ((2 + 20).toString() === '22'); //Step 3 true && (22.toString() === '22'); //Step 4 true && ('22' === '22'); //Step 5 true && true; //Step 6 true;