unittest provides us with many methods to load use cases. Here are two common methods... Second recommended
The first way to load test cases: load two modules with loader
All modules need to be loaded into the suite
Then it can automatically run all modules
The execution order is based on the order of importing test cases. First, execute num multi, and then execute num add
import unittest # Import the written test case, and you can use the as Renaming is shorter and easier from Python_0715_unittest import lemon_06_unittest_two_num_multi as num_multi from Python_0715_unittest import lemon_07_unittest_two_num_add as num_add # 1. Create test suite,Use unittest Among them TestSuite (Fast) one_suite = unittest.TestSuite() # 2.Bulk loading test cases through modules # Define test loader object, using unittest Among them TestLoader (Taylor louzel) one_loader = unittest.TestLoader() # Using the loader loadTestsFromModule(Building:.Tester.Load test cases from modules # Then use addTest Put use cases in one_suite Suite one_suite.addTest(one_loader.loadTestsFromModule(num_multi)) one_suite.addTest(one_loader.loadTestsFromModule(num_add)) # 3.Execution case # Need to create actuator object, using unittest Among them TextTestRunner(Translation: taist.Teste. Soft there) one_runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() # Run kit with actuator one_runner.run(one_suite) # In the result of execution, Capitalized F Code failed use cases # .Represents a successful use case, F Representative failure
The second way to load test cases: discover method
import unittest # Load test cases first # Use unittest in defaultTestLoader(Drop: drop fao Of.Tester.Lou Ze discover(Descava) method # First, use . Represents the current py The path of the file, which is automatically loaded to test initial py File module # one_suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover(".") # . represents the path of the current py file # Second, use absolute path loading, use r Transcoding one_suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover(r"D:\zj_danyuan\Python_0715_unittest") # Execution case # 1.Need to create actuator object, using unittest Among them TextTestRunner(Translation: taist.Tester.Soft there) one_runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() # 2.Operation Suite one_runner.run(one_suite) # In the result of execution, Capitalized F Code failed use cases # .Represents a successful use case
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