Compilation of 32-bit Huffman coding (super detailed)

Posted by rabidvibes on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 05:00:06 +0100

1, Title Requirements

Implemented in assembly language Huffman Coding algorithm. Requires output of the given character set Huffman Coding and its The weighted path length WPL of Huffman tree assumes that the message used for communication is only composed of letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h. The frequency of letters in the message is 0.07, 0.19, 0.02, 0.06, 0.32, 0.03, 0.21 and 0.10 respectively. Its WPL=2.61.

2, Huffman coding

N weights are given as n weights leaf node , construct a binary tree. If the weighted path length of the tree reaches the minimum, such a binary tree is called the optimal binary tree, also known as Huffman tree. Huffman tree is the tree with the shortest weighted path length, and the node with larger weight is closer to the root.

For how to generate Huffman tree, see

3, Design ideas

If we usually use c language to do this problem, we must think of pointers at the first time, which are used to point to its left and right subtrees and parent nodes. In the assembly, there is no pointer operation. Therefore, I think of a new idea, which is similar to simulating a tree. There are one-dimensional arrays in assembly language, and one-dimensional arrays are enough to solve this problem.

1. First, we need three arrays, the parents array, which are stored in the process of generating the Huffman tree. All parent nodes and lchird array are stored in the process of generating the Huffman tree. All nodes that become left children are stored in the same way as rchird.

2. Sort the initial frequency (the frequency is a decimal, but I use an integer, as long as it can express the size relationship between frequencies) from small to large (I use bubble sorting here because it is simple to implement). In particular, adding can directly find the minimum two frequencies without sorting, of course

3. Put the rules of the smallest two frequencies, small left and large right, into the left child array and right child array, and put their sum into the father array. From this, we can see that the position of the father node in the array is the same as that of the left child and right child. That is, they can find their father node directly through their own subscript. Then delete the smallest two and reinsert them into the frequency table.

4. Repeat 2 and 3 until there is only one root node in the frequency table.

5. Similar to the figure below, first find the child array in which the leaf node is required, and add the following figure. The yellow leaf node is in the left child array first, so add a 0 to its code first, and then find out who the father node is with the same subscript as his subscript. From the figure, you can see which child array the red belongs to. If you find it here, We should start from the place where the child array subscript is 1 (the array subscript starts from 0), because the left child and right child that are the same as or smaller than the father subscript must not be itself.

6. Here we see that the red parent node belongs to the left child 3 again. Add another 0 to all codes and repeat 5 and 6 until the found parent node is the last of the parent array, that is, the root node, and the search ends.

7. Reverse the encoding just now.

4, Assembly code

Huffman_code dword 20 dup(?)
parents dword 20 dup(?)
rchird dword 20  dup(?)
lchird dword 20 dup(?)
r_point dword ?
l_point dword ?
char byte 'abcdef'
number dword 2,5,3,6,8,1
length_number dword ?
l_num dword 0                    ;Number of left subtree arrays
r_num dword 0					 ;Number of right subtree arrays
p_num dword 0                    ;Number of parent node arrays
now_num dword ?
len dword lengthof number
number1 dword 20 dup(?)
info_print byte '%c The Huffman code is:',0,0
type_print byte '%d',0,0
speace_print byte ' ',10,0
temp dword ?
now_char dword ?
main proc
mov length_number,lengthof number
mov ecx,lengthof number                                        ;Make a copy number Copy of
mov esi ,0
	mov eax,number[esi*4]
	mov number1[esi*4],eax
	inc esi
loop loop2
mov ecx,lengthof number
loop_sort:                            ;The minimum two numbers of the loop
	call sort
	call add_array
	dec ecx
	cmp ecx,1
	ja loop_sort
	mov ecx ,len                          
	mov esi,0
	mov eax,number1[esi*4] 
	mov now_num,eax		                       ;Find the Huffman code of each character, zero on the left and one on the right	
	mov bl,char[esi]
	mov now_char,ebx
	call find_code
	inc esi
	loop loop_find
main endp
sort proc                                ;sort
	push ecx
	push eax
	push ebx
	push edx
	mov ecx ,0
	mov eax ,0
	mov ebx,1
	out_loop:                                 ;Bubble sorting
		cmp ecx,length_number
		ja out1
			cmp ebx,length_number
			je	out2
			mov edx,number[ebx*4]
			cmp number[eax*4],edx
			jl not_exchange                              ;If the front is bigger than the back, exchange
			xchg number[eax*4],edx
			xchg number[ebx*4],edx
				inc eax
				inc ebx
				jmp inter_loop
		mov eax ,0
		mov ebx ,1
		inc ecx
		jmp out_loop
    pop edx
	pop ebx
	pop eax
	pop ecx

sort endp
add_array proc                         ;Add those belonging to the parent node to the parent node array and those belonging to the child node to the child node array
	push ecx
	push eax
	push ebx
	push edx
	mov ecx,l_num
	mov eax,r_num	
	mov edx ,number[4]
	mov ebx,number[0]
	mov  rchird[ecx*4], edx
	mov  lchird[eax*4], ebx
	add edx,ebx
	mov ecx ,p_num
	mov parents[ecx*4],edx
	inc l_num
	inc r_num                                   ;Add one to all three arrays
	inc p_num
	mov ecx,0                                  ;Merge original array
	mov ebx,1
		cmp ebx,length_number
		ja out3
		mov eax,number[ebx*4]
		mov number[ecx*4],eax
		inc ecx
		inc ebx
		jmp loop1
	mov number[0],edx
	dec length_number
	pop edx
	pop ebx
	pop eax
	pop ecx
add_array endp
find_code proc
push ecx
push eax
push ebx
push esi
push edx
push now_num
	mov ebx,0
	mov ecx,p_num
	mov temp,ecx
	mov esi,0
		mov eax,now_num
			cmp rchird[esi*4] ,eax
			je nextr
			inc esi
			cmp esi,ecx
			jne loop_r
			mov esi,0
			cmp lchird[esi*4] ,eax
			je nextl
			inc esi
			cmp esi,ecx
			jne loop_l
			mov Huffman_code[ebx*4],1
			jmp find_p
			mov Huffman_code[ebx*4],0
				inc ebx
				mov edx,parents[esi*4]
				mov now_num,edx 
				inc esi
				cmp esi,temp
				jb loop_code
pop now_num
invoke printf ,offset info_print,now_char
mov ecx,ebx
dec ebx
mov esi ,ebx
	invoke printf ,offset type_print,Huffman_code[esi*4]
	dec esi
	loop loop_print 
	invoke printf ,offset speace_print
pop edx
pop esi
pop ebx
pop eax
pop ecx
find_code endp
end main

5, Operation results


char byte 'abcdef'
number dword 2,5,3,6,8,1


The Huffman code of a is 0111
The Huffman code of b is: 00
The Huffman code of c is 011
The Huffman code of d is 01
The Huffman code of e is: 11
The Huffman code of f is 0110

6, Summary

When encountering problems, there are two ways: one is to overcome them, and the other is to bypass the pointer in c. It is very simple to solve this problem, but in assembly, we should think of using simulation to construct a tree to solve it. Sometimes, it is a good thing to change another way of thinking.

As a newcomer, there may be some problems in the article. I hope you can correct and criticize in time. Welcome to exchange.  


Topics: Assembly Language