Conversion of data types based on python

Posted by dyntryx on Sat, 05 Feb 2022 13:30:57 +0100

Cast type

Cast of type Number (int float complex bool)

(1) int - force data to be integer

Data type that can be converted: int float bool pure numeric string

var1 = 13
var2 = 5.67
var3  = True
var4 = "123456"
var5 = "123abc"
var6 = 3+5j

res = int(var2)
res = int(var3) # True  => 1
res = int(False)# False => 0
res = int(var4)
# res = int(var5) error
# res = int(var6) error
print(res , type(res))

(2) float forces data to be floating-point

Data type that can be converted: int float bool pure numeric string

res = float(var1)
res = float(var3) # True  => 1.0
res = float(False)# False => 0.0
res = float(var4) # 123456.0 
print(res , type(res))


(3) complex forces data to be plural

Data types that can be converted: int float bool pure numeric string complex
res = complex(var1) # Add 0j plural
res = complex(var2)
res = complex(var3)  # True => 1+0j
res = complex(False) # False => 0j
res = complex(var4)  # 123456+0j
print(res , type(res))


(4) bool # force the data type to be Boolean

Types that can be converted: Boolean can forcibly convert all data types

There are ten cases where Boolean is false: 0, 0.0, false, 0j '' [] () set () {} none

res = bool(None)
print(res , type(res))

When initializing variables, I don't know what value to use. I don't have the brain to write None
a =None
b =None

By default, it is converted to a value of the current data type int() float() complex() bool()
res = bool() 
print(res , type(res))

Additional extensions
strvar = "123"
strvar = "3.134"
strvar = "5+3j"
# res = int(strvar)
# print(res,type(res))

# res = float(strvar)
# print(res,type(res))

# res = complex(strvar)
# print(    res,type(res)    )


Number automatic type conversion (int float complex bool)

Note: low precision is converted to high precision by default
bool--> int --> float --> complex
# bool + int
res = True + 100
print(res ,type(res)) # 1 + 100 => 101

# bool + float
res = True  + 344.565 # 1.0 + 344.565 => 345.565
print(res ,type(res)) 

# bool + complex
res = True + 7 - 90j  #  1 + 0j + 7 - 90j => 8 - 90j
print(res ,type(res)) 

# int + float
res = 5 + 7.88 # 5.0 + 7.88 => 12.88
print(res ,type(res)) 

# int + complex
res = 5 + 6 + 8j # 5 + 0j   6 + 8j => 11 + 8j
print(res ,type(res)) 

# float + complex 
res = 5.66 + 9.1 -90j # 5.66 + 0j + 9.1 -90j => 14.76-90j
print(res ,type(res)) 

Precision loss of decimals (15 ~ 18 digits are sometimes intercepted after decimals, but they are incomplete, and there is precision loss)
"" "do not use decimals for comparison, do not bite" ""
print(0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3)
print(5.1 + 5.9 == 11.0)

Cast of container type (str list tuple set dict)

var1 = "I love you!,Brother Wen"
var2 = [1,2,3]
var3 = (4,4,5)
var4 = {"Chen Lu","Upward vitality","Liu Zitao","reasonable"}
var5 = {"cl":"the ornamental and the combined plain properties,Sven scum","szq":"straight A student","lzt":"Basketball teenager","hl":"Martial arts master"}
var6 = 90
var7 = True

str cast to string

Types that can be converted: all data types can be converted. Put quotation marks around the current data type

res = str(var2) 
res = str(var3)
res = str(var4)
res = str(var5)
res = str(var6)
res = str(var7)
print(res ,type(res))
# repr does not transfer character prototypes to output strings


Cast list to list

If it is a string: take out each element in the string separately as a new element in the list

If it is a dictionary: keep only the keys in the dictionary

For other container data, simply replace [] brackets in the metadata type

res = list(var1)
res = list(var3)
res = list(var4)
# Dictionary: only get the key of the dictionary and ignore the value
res = list(var5)
# res = list(var6) error can only be the inter rotation between containers
print(res ,type(res))

Tuple cast to tuple

If it is a string: take out each element in the string separately as a new element in the tuple

If it is a dictionary: keep only the keys in the dictionary

For other container data: simply replace () brackets on both sides of the original data type

res = tuple(var1)
res = tuple(var2)
res = tuple(var4)
res = tuple(var5)
print(res ,type(res))


Cast set to set

If it is a string: take out each element in the string separately as a new element in the collection

If it is a dictionary: keep only the keys in the dictionary

For other container data, simply replace {} brackets on both sides of the metadata type

res = set(var1)
res = set(var2)
res = set(var5)
print(res ,type(res))


Cast of dict dictionary type

Requirements: it must be a secondary container with the same length, and the number of elements in it is 2; The outer layer is list, tuple and set, and the inner layer is equal length secondary container of list or tuple = > dictionary;  

1. The outer layer is a list, and the inner layer is a list or tuple

lst = [ ["a",1] , ("b",2) ]
dic = dict(lst)
print(dic , type(dic)) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2} <class 'dict'>

2. The outer layer is tuple, and the inner layer is list or tuple

tup = ( ["a",1] , ("b",2) )
dic = dict(lst)
print(dic , type(dic))

3. The outer layer is a set and the inner layer is a tuple

setvar = { ("a",1) , ("b",2) }
dic = dict(setvar)
print(dic , type(dic))


Exception 1: the outer layer is list / tuple, and the inner layer is set

It can be realized. It is not recommended because it can not achieve the desired purpose and the collection is disordered. It is not recommended
lst = [ ["a",1] , {"b","250"} ]
dic = dict(lst)


Exception 2: the outer layer is list / tuple, and the inner layer is string

The string length can only be 2 bits, which has great limitations and is not recommended

lst = ["a1","b2"]
# lst = ["a11","b22"] error 
# dic = dict(lst)
# print(dic)


Method to filter out all duplicate elements in the list

The list is converted into the data type of the set, which is converted back to the dictionary, because the set has the function of de duplication

lst = [1,222,3,3,3,44,88,999,77,88,1]
res = set(lst)
# Converting the current set to the original list
res2 = list(res)


By default, no value is added and converted to the null value str() list() tuple() set() dict() of this data type

res = dict()
print(res )