import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from import Dataset,DataLoader import h5py import glob import os import json from tqdm import tqdm import sys import open3d as o3d
Written in the front, the directory structure of my pointnet code
Introduction to ShapeNet dataset
- First download the shapenet dataset:
- After downloading, synsetoffset2category Txt file, indicating which folder each point cloud class is in
- The point cloud data is in txt file, some contents are as follows:
- shapenet has 16 categories, and each category has some subclasses. There are 16 major categories and 50 sub categories.
'Earphone': [16, 17, 18], 'Motorbike': [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35], 'Rocket': [41, 42, 43], 'Car': [8, 9, 10, 11], 'Laptop': [28, 29], 'Cap': [6, 7], 'Skateboard': [44, 45, 46], 'Mug': [36, 37], 'Guitar': [19, 20, 21], 'Bag': [4, 5], 'Lamp': [24, 25, 26, 27], 'Table': [47, 48, 49], 'Airplane': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'Pistol': [38, 39, 40], 'Chair': [12, 13, 14, 15], 'Knife': [22, 23]
Define ShapeNet_DataSet
class ShapeNetDataSet(Dataset): def __init__(self, root="./data/ShapeNet", npoints=2500, split="train", class_choice=None, normal_use=False): ''' root: str type, dataset root directory. default: "./data/ShapeNet" npoint: int type, sampling number of point. default: 2500 split: str type, segmentation of dataset. eg.(train, val, test). default: "train" class_choice: list type, select to keep class. default: None normal_use: boolean type, normal(normal) information whether to use. default: False ''' self.root = root # Dataset path self.npoints = npoints # Sampling points self.normal_use = normal_use # Whether to use normal information self.category = {} # Folder corresponding to category # shapenet has 16 categories, and each category has some components, # For example, the aircraft 'Airplane': [0, 1, 2, 3] in which the four sub categories labeled 0, 1, 2, 3 belong to the category of aircraft self.seg_classes = {'Earphone': [16, 17, 18], 'Motorbike': [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35], 'Rocket': [41, 42, 43], 'Car': [8, 9, 10, 11], 'Laptop': [28, 29], 'Cap': [6, 7], 'Skateboard': [44, 45, 46], 'Mug': [36, 37], 'Guitar': [19, 20, 21], 'Bag': [4, 5], 'Lamp': [24, 25, 26, 27], 'Table': [47, 48, 49], 'Airplane': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'Pistol': [38, 39, 40], 'Chair': [12, 13, 14, 15], 'Knife': [22, 23]} # Read the folder information corresponding to the category, that is, the file synsetoffset2category txt with open(self.root+"/synsetoffset2category.txt") as f: for line in f.readlines(): cate,file = line.strip().split() self.category[cate] = file # print(self.category) # {'Airplane': '02691156', 'Bag': '02773838', 'Cap': '02954340', 'Car': '02958343', 'Chair': '03001627', 'Earphone': '03261776', 'Guitar': '03467517', 'Knife': '03624134', 'Lamp': '03636649', 'Laptop': '03642806', 'Motorbike': '03790512', 'Mug': '03797390', 'Pistol': '03948459', 'Rocket': '04099429', 'Skateboard': '04225987', 'Table': '04379243'} # Corresponding a category string to a number self.category2id = {} i = 0 for item in self.category: self.category2id[item] = i i = i + 1 # class_ Select category if class_choice: # class_choice is a list type for item in self.category: if item not in class_choice: # If the category is not in class_ In choice, delete self.category.pop(item) # Store the point cloud data file corresponding to the category self.datapath = [] # Storage form: [(category, data path), (category, data path),...] # Traverse the point cloud file for storage for item in self.category: filesName = [f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(self.root+"/"+self.category[item])] # Traverse all the files under the category folder, and then judge them (belonging to training set, verification set, test set,) # Capture some data (training set, verification set, test set) if split=="train": with open(self.root+"/"+"train_test_split"+"/"+"shuffled_train_file_list.json") as f: filename = [f.split("/")[-1] for f in json.load(f)] for file in filesName: if file in filename: # If the data in this category is stored in the training set self.datapath.append((item, self.root+"/"+self.category[item]+"/"+file+".txt")) elif split=="val": with open(self.root+"/"+"train_test_split"+"/"+"shuffled_val_file_list.json") as f: filename = [f.split("/")[-1] for f in json.load(f)] for file in filesName: if file in filename: # If the data in the category folder is in the validation set, it is stored self.datapath.append((item, self.root+"/"+self.category[item]+"/"+file+".txt")) elif split=="test": with open(self.root+"/"+"train_test_split"+"/"+"shuffled_test_file_list.json") as f: filename = [f.split("/")[-1] for f in json.load(f)] for file in filesName: if file in filename: # If the data in the category folder is in the test set, it is stored self.datapath.append((item, self.root+"/"+self.category[item]+"/"+file+".txt")) def __getitem__(self, index): ''' :return: Point cloud data, Large category, Semantics of each point (small category in large category) ''' cls = self.datapath[index][0] # Category string cls_index = self.category2id[cls] # Class is the number corresponding to the string path = self.datapath[index][1] # Path of point cloud data storage data = np.loadtxt(path) # Point cloud data point_data = None if self.normal_use: # Whether to use normal information point_data = data[:, 0:-1] else: point_data = data[:, 0:3] seg = data[:, -1] # semantic information # Resampling data choice = np.random.choice(len(seg), self.npoints) point_data = point_data[choice, :] seg = seg[choice] return point_data, cls_index, seg def __len__(self): return len(self.datapath)
- Test whether the ShapeNetDataSet class is successfully defined
dataset = ShapeNetDataSet(normal_use=True) dataset
<__main__.ShapeNetDataSet at 0x1449258b5e0>
(array([[ 0.04032, -0.04601, -0.2194 , 0.8508 , 0.5099 , 0.1266 ], [ 0.28303, -0.01156, 0.01564, 0.1708 , 0.8002 , 0.5749 ], [ 0.28908, -0.02916, 0.0262 , 0.04791, 0.09224, 0.9946 ], ..., [ 0.12313, -0.06889, -0.12327, 0.6052 , -0.3931 , -0.6923 ], [-0.17983, -0.04519, -0.02602, -0.07472, -0.4551 , -0.8873 ], [ 0.03092, -0.05983, 0.05344, 0.7298 , -0.669 , -0.1407 ]]), 0, array([3., 0., 0., ..., 3., 0., 1.]))
Introduction to S3DIS dataset
S3DIS dataset Download:
- txt format:
- (recommended, super fast loading speed) hdf5 format:
txt format file introduction:
- After downloading, there are 6 folders (Area_1,..., Area_6)
- The introduction is as follows:
There are several problems in the dataset:
- Stanford3dDataset_ v1. Version 2, Area_5\office_19\Annotations\ceiling_1.txt line 323474
- Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version, Area_5\hallway_6\Annotations\ceiling_1.txt line 180389
Introduction to hdf5 format file:
- There are 0-23 numbers h5 files (24 files in total)
- There are 0-23 numbers h5 files (24 files in total)
One h5 file has data key and label key
- 0-22 Document No.: data shape = (1000, 4096, 9),label.shape = (1000, 4096)
- 23 Document No.: data shape = (585, 4096, 9),label.shape = (585, 4096)
- The last dimension of data is 9, which means: XYZRGBX 'Y' Z '(X': normalized coordinates of points in the room)
- Add up to 23585 rows of data, which exactly corresponds to room_ filelist. Number of lines in TXT file
- Then, data[i,:,:] corresponds to room_filelist.txt, that is: (drawing display)
be careful
- During training, use S3DISDataSetTxt or S3DISDataSetH5 class to declare train_dataset, because during training, some scenes in a room are used for training.
- When testing, use the S3DISWholeSceneDataSet class to declare test_dataset, because when testing, a room is used for testing, and the scene is no longer divided.
DATA_PATH = './Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master/data/s3dis/Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version' # Directory of dataset BASE_DIR = "./Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master/data_utils" ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR) # "./Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master"
classes = [i.strip() for i in open(BASE_DIR+"/meta/class_names.txt")] # ['ceiling', 'floor', 'wall', 'beam', 'column', 'window', 'door', 'table', 'chair', 'sofa', 'bookcase', 'board', 'clutter'] classes2label = {classes[i]:i for i in range(len(classes))} # {'ceiling': 0, 'floor': 1, 'wall': 2, 'beam': 3, 'column': 4, 'window': 5, 'door': 6, 'table': 7, 'chair': 8, 'sofa': 9, 'bookcase': 10, 'board': 11, 'clutter': 12} classes2color = {'ceiling':[0,255,0],'floor':[0,0,255],'wall':[0,255,255],'beam':[255,255,0], 'column':[255,0,255],'window':[100,100,255],'door':[200,200,100],'table':[170,120,200], 'chair':[255,0,0],'sofa':[200,100,100],'bookcase':[10,200,100],'board':[200,200,200],'clutter':[50,50,50]} easy_view_labels = [7,8,9,10,11,1] # Categories that are easy to observe when visualizing point clouds label2color = { classes2label[cls]:classes2color[cls] for cls in classes } # {0: [0, 255, 0],1: [0, 0, 255],2: [0, 255, 255],3: [255, 255, 0]4: [255, 0, 255],5: [100, 100, 255],6: [200, 200, 100],7: [170, 120, 200],8: [255, 0, 0],9: [200, 100, 100],10: [10, 200, 100],11: [200, 200, 200],12: [50, 50, 50]}
txt format
- Before defining the DataSet, it is necessary to label the S3DIS data, because when downloading the original data, there is only XYZRGB value and no label value
# label the original data def collect_point_label(anno_path, out_filename, file_format=".txt"): ''' Convert the original data set to data_label File (per line): XYZRGBL,L: label) anno_path: annotations The path of the. For example: Area_1/office_2/Annotations/ out_filename: Save file( data_label)Path of file_format: There are only two formats for saving files:.txt or .npy return: None github The comments in the source code are as follows: Note: the points are shifted before save, the most negative point is now at origin. Note: these points were moved before saving, and now the most negative point is at the origin. ''' points_list = [] anno_files = [anno_path+"/"+i for i in os.listdir(anno_path) if i.endswith(".txt")] # Put the Annotations folder in order to txt file for file in anno_files: # print(file) # ./Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master/data/s3dis/Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version/Area_1/conferenceRoom_1/Annotations/beam_1.txt cls = os.path.basename(file).split("_")[0] # beam if cls == "stairs": # Under some annotations folders, there are stars categories, such as Area_1/hallway_8/Annotations cls = "clutter" points = np.loadtxt(file, encoding="utf8") # Load point cloud data (XYZRGB) labels = np.ones([points.shape[0], 1])*classes2label[cls] # L: label points_list.append(np.concatenate([points, labels], 1)) # np.concatenate((a1, a2, ...), axis). Axis: 0 connects lines A1 and A2; 1 connect A1 and A2 columns data_label = np.concatenate(points_list, 0) # Set points_ All the data in the list are row connected xyz_min = np.min(data_label[:,0:3], axis=0) # Why do things turn out like this? In the definition of this method, there is an explanation data_label[:, 0:3] = data_label[:, 0:3] - xyz_min # Save data_label (PS: I personally prefer to save in. txt format, because. npy format has not been used) if file_format==".txt": with open(out_filename, "w") as f: for i in data_label: # Traversal data_label each line f.write("%f %f %f %d %d %d %d\n" % (i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5], i[6])) elif file_format==".npy":, data_label) else: print('ERROR!! Unknown file format: %s, please use .txt or .npy.' % (file_format) ) exit()
# Traversing the point cloud data in the Annotations folder (txt format), and then calling collect_point_label() method anno_paths = [] with open(BASE_DIR+"/meta/anno_paths.txt") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: l = line.strip() anno_paths.append(l) # ['Area_1/conferenceRoom_1/Annotations'] anno_paths = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, p) for p in anno_paths] # ['./Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master/data/s3dis/Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version\\Area_1/conferenceRoom_1/Annotations'] output_folder = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'data/s3dis/alter_s3dis_my') # The folder where the original data is saved after modification/ Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master\data/s3dis/alter_s3dis_my' if not os.path.exists(output_folder): # If not/ Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master\data/stanford_indoor3d 'folder, create os.mkdir(output_folder) for anno_path in anno_paths: ''' windows Next, need .replace("\\", "/"),Otherwise use anno_path.split("/") After, it will produce ['.', 'Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master', 'data', 's3dis', 'Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version\\Area_1', 'conferenceRoom_1', 'Annotations'] ''' anno_path = anno_path.replace("\\", "/") print(anno_path) # ./Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master/data/s3dis/Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version/Area_1/conferenceRoom_1/Annotations elements = anno_path.split("/") # ['.', 'Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master', 'data', 's3dis', 'Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version', 'Area_1', 'conferenceRoom_1', 'Annotations'] out_filename = elements[-3]+"_"+elements[-2]+".txt" # Saved file, Area_1_hallway_1.txt out_filename = output_folder + "/" + out_filename # Save the full path of the file/ Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master\data/s3dis/alter_s3dis_my/Area_1_hallway_1.txt collect_point_label(anno_path, out_filename, ".txt")
- DataSet: read txt format
# txt form class S3DISDataSetTxt(Dataset): def __init__(self, root="./Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master/data/s3dis/alter_s3dis_my", split="train", num_point=4096, test_area=5, block_size=1.0, sample_rate=1.0, transform=None): ''' root: Data set path split: Training set or test set("train","test") num_point: Sampling points test_area: Test set Area_5. Other numbers can also be taken. In the paper, 5 is taken block_size: Change the sampling room to block_size * block_size Size of, unit: m sample_rate: Sampling rate, 1 indicates full sampling transform: I don't know at present. Follow up ''' self.num_point = num_point # Sampling points self.block_size = block_size # Change the sampling room to block_size * block_size, unit: m self.transform = transform self.room_points, self.room_labels = [], [] # Point cloud data, label value (refers to: in a point cloud file, label is added to each line of data) self.room_coord_min, self.room_coord_max = [], [] # Minimum value and maximum value of each dimension (X, Y, Z) of each room (point cloud file) num_point_all = [] # Total number of points in each room labelweights = np.zeros(13) # array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) rooms = sorted(os.listdir(root)) # Dataset file, ['area_1_wc_1. TXT ',' area_1_conferenceroom_1. TXT ',...,'area_6_pantry_1. TXT'] rooms = [room for room in rooms if "Area_" in room] # Data set segmentation # room.split("_")[1] : Area_1_WC_1.txt'.split("_")[1] if split=="train": rooms_split = [room for room in rooms if int(room.split("_")[1]) != test_area] else: rooms_split = [room for room in rooms if int(room.split("_")[1]) == test_area] for room_name in tqdm(rooms_split, total=len(rooms_split)): room_path = os.path.join(root, room_name) # Get dataset file/ Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master/data/s3dis/alter_s3dis_my\Area_1_WC_1.txt room_data = np.loadtxt(room_path) # Load dataset, XYZRGBL, N*7 points, labels = room_data[:, 0:6], room_data[:, 6] tmp,_ = np.histogram(labels, range(14)) labelweights = labelweights + tmp # Count the number of point categories in all room s coord_min, coord_max = np.min(points, 0)[:3], np.max(points, 0)[:3] self.room_points.append(points), self.room_labels.append(labels) self.room_coord_min.append(coord_min), self.room_coord_max.append(coord_max) num_point_all.append(labels.size) labelweights = labelweights.astype(np.float32) labelweights = labelweights / np.sum(labelweights) # Proportion of all kinds of points in the total points # Maximum value / labelweights, function: give more weight to those with the least number of categories # Third power: in order to flatten the weights, they are not easy to change self.labelweights = np.power(np.max(labelweights)/labelweights, 1/3.0) sample_prob = num_point_all / np.sum(num_point_all) # Proportion of point clouds per room to total point clouds num_iter = int( sample_rate * np.sum(num_point_all) / num_point ) # sample_rate * total points / sampling points of all rooms. A total of num iterations are required_ ITER times to sample all rooms room_idxs = [] for index in range(len(rooms_split)): # sample_prob[index]: the proportion of the number of point clouds corresponding to room in the total number of point clouds; num_iter: total iterations room_idxs.extend([index] * int(round(sample_prob[index] * num_iter))) # sample_prob[index] * num_iter: the number of times needed to sample the index room self.room_idxs = np.array(room_idxs) print("Totally {} samples in {} set.".format(len(self.room_idxs), split)) def __getitem__(self, index): room_idx = self.room_idxs[index] points = self.room_points[room_idx] # N × 6 labels = self.room_labels[room_idx] # N × 1 N = points.shape[0] # Number of points while(True): center = points[np.random.choice(N), :3] # Randomly assign a point as the center of the block # 1m × 1m range block_min = center - [self.block_size/2.0, self.block_size/2.0, 0] block_max = center + [self.block_size/2.0, self.block_size/2.0, 0] ''' np.where(condition, a, b): satisfy condition,fill a,Otherwise fill b If not a,b,only np.where(condition),Returns:(array1, array2),array1 Rows that meet the criteria, array2: Qualified columns ''' # The index of the selected point within the range of the block point_index = np.where((points[:, 0] >= block_min[0]) & (points[:, 0] <= block_max[0]) & (points[:, 1] >= block_min[1]) & (points[:, 1] <= block_max[1]))[0] if point_index.shape[0]>1024: break # sampling if point_index.shape[0] >= self.num_point: sample_point_index = np.random.choice(point_index, self.num_point, replace=False) else: sample_point_index = np.random.choice(point_index, self.num_point, replace=True) sample_points = points[sample_point_index, :] # num_point × 6 # normalization current_points = np.zeros([self.num_point, 9]) # num_point × 9. XYZRGBX'Y'Z ', X': coordinates after X normalization current_points[:, 6] = sample_points[:, 0] / self.room_coord_max[room_idx][0] current_points[:, 7] = sample_points[:, 1] / self.room_coord_max[room_idx][1] current_points[:, 8] = sample_points[:, 2] / self.room_coord_max[room_idx][2] sample_points[:, 0] = sample_points[:, 0] - center[0] sample_points[:, 1] = sample_points[:, 1] - center[1] sample_points[:, 3:6] = sample_points[:, 3:6] / 255 current_points[:, 0:6] = sample_points current_labels = labels[sample_point_index] if self.transform: current_points, current_labels = self.transform(current_points, current_labels) return current_points, current_labels def __len__(self): return len(self.room_idxs)
hdf5 format
Due to the official hdf5 data, I won't use it.
Therefore, I converted the txt file with label label on each line in the official TXT format file (I have written the conversion code and comments in the above code) into hdf5 format
The path of the official txt file with label on each line: D:\AnacondaCodeDeep_Learning 3D point cloud \ Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master\data\s3dis\alter_s3dis_my
Convert the files in the above directory into hdf5 format, put in: D:\AnacondaCodeDeep_Learning 3D point cloud \ data
Convert to hdf5 format
def convert_txt_to_h5(source = r"D:\AnacondaCode\04Deep_Learning\03 3D point cloud\Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch-master\data\s3dis\alter_s3dis_my", target = r"D:\AnacondaCode\04Deep_Learning\03 3D point cloud\data\S3DIS_hdf5"): for file in glob.glob(source+"/*.txt"): name = file.replace('\\', '/').split("/")[-1][:-4] data = np.loadtxt(file) points = data[:, :6] labels = data[:, 6] f = h5py.File(target+"/"+name+".h5", "w") f.create_dataset("data", data=points) f.create_dataset("label", data=labels) f.close() convert_txt_to_h5()
- DataSet: read hdf5 format
# hdf5 form class S3DISDataSetH5(Dataset): def __init__(self, root="./data/S3DIS_hdf5", split="train", num_point=4096, test_area=5, block_size=1.0, sample_rate=1.0, transform=None): ''' root: Data set path split: Training set or test set("train","test") num_point: Sampling points test_area: Test set Area_5. Other numbers can also be taken. In the paper, 5 is taken block_size: Change the sampling room to block_size * block_size Size of, unit: m sample_rate: Sampling rate, 1 indicates full sampling transform: I don't know at present. Follow up ''' self.num_point = num_point # Sampling points self.block_size = block_size # Change the sampling room to block_size * block_size, unit: m self.transform = transform self.room_points, self.room_labels = [], [] # Point cloud data, label value (refers to: in a point cloud file, label is added to each line of data) self.room_coord_min, self.room_coord_max = [], [] # Minimum value and maximum value of each dimension (X, Y, Z) of each room (point cloud file) num_point_all = [] # Total number of points in each room labelweights = np.zeros(13) # array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) rooms = [os.path.basename(file) for file in glob.glob(root+"/*.h5")] # Dataset file, ['area_1_conferenceroom_1. H5 ','area_1_conferenceroom_2. H5',...,'area_6_pantry_1. H5 '] rooms = [room for room in rooms if "Area_" in room] # Data set segmentation # room.split("_")[1] : Area_1_WC_1.h5'.split("_")[1] if split=="train": rooms_split = [room for room in rooms if int(room.split("_")[1]) != test_area] else: rooms_split = [room for room in rooms if int(room.split("_")[1]) == test_area] for room_name in tqdm(rooms_split, total=len(rooms_split)): room_path = os.path.join(root, room_name) # Get dataset file/ data/S3DIS_hdf5\Area_1_WC_1.h5 # Read h5 file f = h5py.File(room_path) points = np.array(f["data"]) # [N, 6] XYZRGB labels = np.array(f["label"]) # [N,] L f.close() tmp,_ = np.histogram(labels, range(14)) labelweights = labelweights + tmp # Count the number of point categories in all room s coord_min, coord_max = np.min(points, 0)[:3], np.max(points, 0)[:3] self.room_points.append(points), self.room_labels.append(labels) self.room_coord_min.append(coord_min), self.room_coord_max.append(coord_max) num_point_all.append(labels.size) labelweights = labelweights.astype(np.float32) labelweights = labelweights / np.sum(labelweights) # Proportion of all kinds of points in the total points # Maximum value / labelweights, function: give more weight to those with the least number of categories # Third power: in order to flatten the weights, they are not easy to change self.labelweights = np.power(np.max(labelweights)/labelweights, 1/3.0) sample_prob = num_point_all / np.sum(num_point_all) # Proportion of point cloud number of each room to total point cloud number num_iter = int( sample_rate * np.sum(num_point_all) / num_point ) # sample_rate * total points / sampling points of all rooms. A total of num iterations are required_ ITER times to sample all rooms room_idxs = [] for index in range(len(rooms_split)): # sample_prob[index]: the proportion of the number of point clouds corresponding to room in the total number of point clouds; num_iter: total iterations room_idxs.extend([index] * int(round(sample_prob[index] * num_iter))) # sample_prob[index] * num_iter: the number of times needed to sample the index room self.room_idxs = np.array(room_idxs) print("Totally {} samples in {} set.".format(len(self.room_idxs), split)) # len(self.room_idxs): 47576 # len(room_idxs) == num_iter def __getitem__(self, index): room_idx = self.room_idxs[index] points = self.room_points[room_idx] # N × 6 labels = self.room_labels[room_idx] # N × 1 N = points.shape[0] # Number of points while(True): center = points[np.random.choice(N), :3] # Randomly assign a point as the center of the block # 1m × 1m range block_min = center - [self.block_size/2.0, self.block_size/2.0, 0] block_max = center + [self.block_size/2.0, self.block_size/2.0, 0] ''' np.where(condition, a, b): satisfy condition,fill a,Otherwise fill b If not a,b,only np.where(condition),Returns:(array1, array2),array1 Rows that meet the criteria, array2: Qualified columns ''' # The index of the selected point within the range of the block point_index = np.where((points[:, 0] >= block_min[0]) & (points[:, 0] <= block_max[0]) & (points[:, 1] >= block_min[1]) & (points[:, 1] <= block_max[1]))[0] if point_index.shape[0]>1024: break # sampling if point_index.shape[0] >= self.num_point: sample_point_index = np.random.choice(point_index, self.num_point, replace=False) else: sample_point_index = np.random.choice(point_index, self.num_point, replace=True) sample_points = points[sample_point_index, :] # num_point × 6 # normalization current_points = np.zeros([self.num_point, 9]) # num_point × 9. XYZRGBX'Y'Z ', X': coordinates after X normalization current_points[:, 6] = sample_points[:, 0] / self.room_coord_max[room_idx][0] current_points[:, 7] = sample_points[:, 1] / self.room_coord_max[room_idx][1] current_points[:, 8] = sample_points[:, 2] / self.room_coord_max[room_idx][2] sample_points[:, 0] = sample_points[:, 0] - center[0] sample_points[:, 1] = sample_points[:, 1] - center[1] sample_points[:, 3:6] = sample_points[:, 3:6] / 255 current_points[:, 0:6] = sample_points current_labels = labels[sample_point_index] if self.transform: current_points, current_labels = self.transform(current_points, current_labels) return current_points, current_labels def __len__(self): return len(self.room_idxs)
- Use the entire scene
- The following code draws lessons from the source code and has great changes with the source code
class S3DISWholeSceneDataSetH5(Dataset): def __init__(self, root="./data/S3DIS_hdf5", block_points=4096, split='test', test_area=5, block_size=1.0, padding=0.005): self.root = root # Dataset path self.block_points = block_points # The number of points sampled in the part of the room to be segmented self.block_size = block_size # Size of split part: block_size × block_size self.padding = padding # Each divided part overlaps with the adjacent divided part self.room_points_num = [] # Points per room self.room_points = [] # Data for each point in each room (XYZRGB) self.room_labels = [] # L abel of each point in each room self.room_coord_min, self.room_coord_max = [], [] # Minimum and maximum XYZ coordinates in each room assert split in ["train", "test"] # assert True: execute the program normally. assert False: trigger an exception, that is, an error is reported rooms = [os.path.basename(f) for f in glob.glob(root+"/*.h5")] # ['Area_1_conferenceRoom_1.h5', 'Area_1_conferenceRoom_2.h5', ...] if split == "train": self.rooms = [room for room in rooms if int(room.split("_")[1]) != test_area] else: self.rooms = [room for room in rooms if int(room.split("_")[1]) == test_area] labelweights = np.zeros(13) # Label value weight for room in tqdm(self.rooms, total=len(self.rooms)): f = h5py.File(root+"/"+room) points = np.array(f["data"]) # [N, 6] XYZRGB labels = np.array(f["label"]) # [N, ] L f.close() temp, _ = np.histogram(labels, range(14)) # Number of occurrences of each tag value labelweights = labelweights + temp self.room_points.append(points) self.room_labels.append(labels) coord_min, coord_max = np.min(points, axis=0)[0:3], np.max(points, axis=0)[0:3] self.room_coord_min.append(coord_min), self.room_coord_max.append(coord_max) self.room_points_num.append(labels.shape[0]) labelweights = labelweights / np.sum(labelweights) self.labelweights = np.power( np.max(labelweights) / labelweights, 1/3.0 ) def __getitem__(self, index): points = self.room_points[index] # Data of each point of the index room (XYZRGB) labels = self.room_labels[index].astype(np.int64) # L abel of each point of the index room coord_min, coord_max = self.room_coord_min[index], self.room_coord_max[index] # points_room: point data (XYZRGBX'Y'Z ') labels of each grid in a room_ Room: point label of each grid in a room points_room, labels_room = [], [] # The XY axis is regarded as a plane, which is similar to the YOLOv1 algorithm. The plane is divided, but each grid overlaps with its adjacent grid # The normal size of each grid is 1m × 1m, but there needs to be overlap, so the scope of the grid needs to be appropriately expanded grid_x = int(np.ceil((coord_max[0] - coord_min[0]) / self.block_size)) # The x-axis is divided into grid_x grids grid_y = int(np.ceil((coord_max[1] - coord_min[1]) / self.block_size)) # The Y axis is divided into grid_x grids for row in range(grid_y): # that 's ok for col in range(grid_x): # column x_min = col - self.padding y_min = row - self.padding x_max = (col + 1) + self.padding y_max = (row + 1) + self.padding points_index = np.where( (points[:,0]>x_min) & (points[:,0]<x_max) & (points[:,1]>y_min) & (points[:,1]<y_max) )[0] if points_index.shape[0] == 0: continue # The number of points sampled must be block_ Multiple of points, otherwise reshape cannot be performed later # If the number of points in a grid is < block_ Points, repeat the sampling of the missing points multiple = int(np.ceil(points_index.shape[0] / self.block_points)) if points_index.shape[0] < self.block_points: points_index_repeat = np.random.choice(points_index, self.block_points - points_index.shape[0], replace=True) else: points_index_repeat = np.random.choice(points_index, multiple * self.block_points - points_index.shape[0], replace=False) points_index = np.concatenate([points_index, points_index_repeat], axis=0) np.random.shuffle(points_index) # Point cloud data and point cloud labels in a grid points_grid = points[points_index] labels_grid = labels[points_index] # XYZ coordinate normalization # In the source code: the XY coordinates in a grid are subtracted from the center point of the grid # In my code, there is no need to subtract (I have experimented with subtraction and non subtraction) the central point, and the conclusion that it can not be subtracted is obtained # The reasons are as follows; # If the XY coordinate of each grid subtracts the center point of the grid, although the relative position of the points in the grid remains the same # However, the positions of the points of this grid and the points of adjacent grids will change norm_xyz = np.zeros((points_index.shape[0], 3)) norm_xyz[:, 0] = points_grid[:, 0] / coord_max[0] norm_xyz[:, 1] = points_grid[:, 1] / coord_max[1] norm_xyz[:, 2] = points_grid[:, 2] / coord_max[2] points_grid[:, 3:6] = points_grid[:, 3:6] / 255 points_grid = np.concatenate([points_grid, norm_xyz], axis=1) # [N, 9] points_room.append(points_grid) labels_room.append(labels_grid) points_room = np.concatenate(points_room) labels_room = np.concatenate(labels_room) points_room = points_room.reshape(-1, self.block_points, points_room.shape[1]) # [B, N, 9] labels_room = labels_room.reshape(-1, self.block_points) # [B, N] return points_room, labels_room def __len__(self): return len(self.room_points_num)
Define T-Net
class STN3d(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channel): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(channel, 64, 1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 9) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) def forward(self, x): batch_size = x.shape[0] x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) # x.shape: [32, 1024, 2500] x = torch.max(x,-1, keepdim=True)[0] # x.shape: [32, 1024, 1], keepdim=True, keep the dimension after output the same as the input dimension, for example: if input is three-dimensional, then output is also three-dimensional x = x.view(-1,1024) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x))) x = self.fc3(x) # I don't know why I wrote this iden = torch.eye(3).view(1, 9).repeat(batch_size, 1) if x.is_cuda: iden = iden.cuda() x = x + iden x = x.view(-1, 3, 3) return x
class STNkd(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channel=64): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(channel, 64, 1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, channel*channel) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) = channel def forward(self, x): batch_size = x.shape[0] x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) # x.shape: [32, 1024, 2500] x = torch.max(x,-1, keepdim=True)[0] # x.shape: [32, 1024, 1], keepdim=True, keep the dimension after output the same as the input dimension, for example: if input is three-dimensional, then output is also three-dimensional x = x.view(-1,1024) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x))) x = self.fc3(x) # I don't know why I wrote this iden = torch.eye(, *, 1) if x.is_cuda: iden = iden.cuda() x = x + iden x = x.view(-1,, return x
Define PointNet body part
class PointNetEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, global_feature=True, feature_transform=False, channel=3): ''' global_feature: True,Then classify feature_transform: True,Then split ''' super().__init__() self.stn = STN3d(channel) # Spatial transformation network self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(channel, 64, 1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv1d(128, 1024, 1) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(1024) self.global_feature = global_feature # Global features self.feature_transform = feature_transform # Whether to calibrate high-dimensional features by rotation transformation if self.feature_transform: self.fstn = STNkd(64) def forward(self, x): # x.shape: [32, 3, 2500] B, D, N = x.shape # B: batch_size, D: dimension, N: number stn3 = self.stn(x) # stn3.shape: [32, 3, 3] x = x.transpose(2,1) # x.shape: [32, 2500, 3] if D>3: # If dimension > 3 feature = x[:, :, 3:] x = x[:, :, :3] x = torch.bmm(x, stn3) # x.shape: [32, 2500, 3] stn3: [32, 3, 3]. Use torch BMM (t1,t2), T1 and T2 must all be three-dimensional, and the first dimension must be the same. The other two dimensions are multiplied according to the matrix if D>3: x =[x, feature], dim=2) x = x.transpose(2,1) # x.shape: [32, 3, 2500] x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) # x.shape: [32, 64, 2500] if self.feature_transform: # Whether to rotate high-dimensional features stn64 = self.fstn(x) x = x.transpose(2,1) # x.shape: [32, 2500, 64] x = torch.bmm(x, stn64) x = x.transpose(2,1) # x.shape: [32, 64, 2500] else: stn64 = None point_feature = x # Rotated feature, point_feature.shape: [32, 64, 2500] x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) # x.shape: [32, 128, 2500] x = self.bn3(self.conv3(x)) # x.shape: [32, 1024, 2500] x = torch.max(x, dim=2)[0] # x.shape: [32, 1024] x = x.view(-1, 1024) # x.shape: [32, 1024] if self.global_feature: return x, stn3, stn64 # Return: global feature, input transform, feature transform else: x = x.view(-1, 1024, 1).repeat(1, 1, N) # x.shape: [32, 1024, 2500] compoud =[point_feature, x], dim=1) # compoud.shape: [32, 1088, 2500] return compoud, stn3, stn64 # Corresponding point cloud segmentation algorithm def feature_transform_reguliarzer(trans): d = trans.shape[1] I = torch.eye(d)[None, :, :] # [None,:,:]: None is to add a dimension. Torch can also be used eye(d). unsqeeze(0) if trans.is_cuda: I = I.cuda() loss = torch.mean(torch.norm(torch.bmm(trans, trans.transpose(2, 1)), dim=(1,2))) return loss
Semantic segmentation
class Semantic_Segmentation(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_class): # num_ Number of classes. S3DIS has 13 categories super().__init__() self.num_class = num_class self.point_encoder = PointNetEncoder(False, True, 9) self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(1088, 512, 1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(512, 256, 1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv1d(256, 128, 1) self.conv4 = nn.Conv1d(128, self.num_class, 1) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) def forward(self, x): batch_size = x.shape[0] # x.shape: [32, 9, 2500] N = x.shape[2] x, stn3, stn64 = self.point_encoder(x) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) x = self.conv4(x) # x.shape: [32, 13, 2500] x = x.transpose(2,1).contiguous() # contiguous(): change the tensor address to continuous, otherwise x.view() will report an error. x.shape: [32, 2500, 13] x = F.log_softmax(x.view(-1, self.num_class), -1) # x.view(-1, self.num_class): [80000, 13] x = x.view(batch_size, N, self.num_class) return x, stn64 class Semantic_Segmentation_Loss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, mat_diff_loss_scale=0.001): super().__init__() self.mat_diff_loss_scale = mat_diff_loss_scale def forward(self, pred, target, stn64, weight): loss = F.nll_loss(pred, target, weight) mat_diff_loss = feature_transform_reguliarzer(stn64) total_loss = loss + mat_diff_loss * self.mat_diff_loss_scale return total_loss
Semantic segmentation training and verification
Note: verification and testing are two different tasks, specific Baidu
train_dataset = S3DISDataSetH5(split="train") val_dataset = S3DISDataSetH5(split="test") train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, drop_last=True) val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, drop_last=True)
- PS: Here's an episode. I run the above four lines of code on the 13G memory of the cloud platform. There is not enough memory, so I can only run train code. I think the memory should be greater than 15G, which can run the above four lines of code perfectly
lr = 0.01 EPOCH = 60 weights = torch.tensor(train_dataset.labelweights, dtype=torch.float64) # Weight of each category model = Semantic_Segmentation(13).double() # 13: Total number of semantic segmentation categories optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr) # optimizer criterion = Semantic_Segmentation_Loss() # loss function if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() weights = weights.cuda() for epoch in range(EPOCH): # train num_batch = len(train_dataloader) # Batch quantity, not batch_size total_correct = 0 # Predict the correct quantity. From the 0th cycle to this cycle, predict the sum of the correct quantity total_point_number = 0 # The number of points traversed under the current loop (including the loop between). That is, count the total number of points traversed from the 0th cycle to this cycle loss_sum = 0 # Total loss in a batch model = model.train() # Set to training mode for points, labels in train_dataloader: # points.shape: [32, N, C] for example: [32, 4096, 9] labels: [32, n] for example: [32, 4096] if torch.cuda.is_available(): points = points.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() optimizer.zero_grad() points = points.transpose(2,1) # points.shape: [32, C, N] sem_pre, stn64 = model(points) # sem_pre.shape: [32, N, NUM_CLASS] sem_pre = sem_pre.contiguous().view(-1, 13) labels = labels.view(-1, 1)[:, 0] loss = criterion(sem_pre, labels.long(), stn64, weights) # Loss in a batch loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss_sum = loss_sum + loss.item() # Total loss in a batch pre_class = sem_pre.max(1)[1] # Category of each point forecast correct = torch.sum(pre_class == labels) # Accuracy per batch total_correct = total_correct + correct.item() total_point_number = total_point_number + points.shape[0] * points.shape[2] # points.shape[0]: 32,batch_size is 32; points.shape[2]: 4096. The number of points in each batch element is 4096. print("The first"+str(epoch+1)+"Wheel, loss:"+str(loss_sum/32)+",Accuracy:"+str(total_correct/total_point_number)), "./model/model_state_dict_"+str(epoch+1)+".pkl") # verification with torch.no_grad(): num_batch = len(val_dataloader) total_correct = 0 total_point_number = 0 loss_sum = 0 labelweights = np.zeros(13) total_correct_class = [0] * 13 # Each category predicts the correct total number and is also the molecule of IOU tota1_point_number_class = [0] * 13 # Total points of each category total_iou_deno_class = [0] * 13 # Denominator of IOU model = model.eval() for points, labels in val_dataloader: points = points.type(torch.float64) # points.shape: [32, 4096, 9] labels = labels.type(torch.long) # labels.shape: [32, 4096] points = points.transpose(2, 1) labels = labels.reshape(-1) # [32×4096] sem_pre, stn64 = model(points) # sem_pre: [B, N, 13] sem_pre = sem_pre.reshape(-1, 13) # [B×N, 13] loss = criterion(sem_pre, labels, stn64, weights) loss_sum = loss_sum + loss.item() pre_class = sem_pre.max(-1)[1] correct = torch.sum(pre_class == labels) total_correct = total_correct + correct total_point_number = total_point_number + points.shape[0] * points.shape[2] temp,_ = np.histogram(labels, range(14)) labelweights = labelweights + temp for i in range(13): tota1_point_number_class[i] = tota1_point_number_class[i] + torch.sum( labels == i ).item() total_correct_class[i] = total_correct_class[i] + torch.sum( (pre_class == i) & (labels == i) ).item() total_iou_deno_class[i] = total_iou_deno_class[i] + torch.sum( (pre_class == i) | (labels == i) ).item() labelweights = labelweights / np.sum(labelweights) mIOU = np.mean( np.array(total_correct_class) / ( np.array(total_iou_deno_class)+1e-10 ) ) print("Average loss of verification set:%s,Avg mIOU: %s,Accuracy:%s,Avg Accuracy:%s" % (str(loss_sum/num_batch),str(mIOU), str(total_correct/total_point_number), str(np.mean(np.array(total_correct_class)/np.array(tota1_point_number_class)))))
- In the process of analyzing the source code, I don't understand this part. Let's build the test code according to my own understanding
test_dataset = S3DISWholeSceneDataSetH5()
- Code Description:
points, labels, weights, grid_points_index = test_dataset[room_index] # room_index: room_ It's a room points.shape: [272, 4096, 9] Because the model cannot run Such large data, so it needs to be separated run. 272 Divide n 32 sizes; If 272 cannot be divided into 32, the part that cannot be divided into run Part of. For example: 272 / 32 = 8.5 # Can not be eliminated 272 % 32 = 16 # The remaining 16 Then: 8 individual [32, 4096, 9] 1 individual [16, 4096, 9]
batch_size = 32 # Load model parameters model = Semantic_Segmentation(13).double() # 13: Total number of semantic segmentation categories model.load_state_dict(torch.load("./model/pointnet_state_dict_18.pkl", map_location='cpu')) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): room_id = test_dataset.rooms room_size = len(test_dataset) # 272 there are 272 room files idx = 0 # test for room_index in tqdm(range(room_size), total=room_size): print("start [%d/%d] %s ..." % (room_index, room_size, room_id[room_index])) tota1_point_number_class = [0] * 13 total_correct_class = [0] * 13 total_iou_deno_class = [0] * 13 points, labels, weights, grid_points_index = test_dataset[room_index] points = torch.tensor(points) labels = torch.tensor(labels) room_pre_class = [] room_labels = [] batch_points = torch.zeros(batch_size, points.shape[1], points.shape[2]) batch_labels = torch.zeros(batch_size, points.shape[1]) sum_batch_size = 0 while points.shape[0] % batch_size != 0: whether = int(points.shape[0] / batch_size) # Integer, 32 batch data in each batch final_start_batch = points.shape[0] % batch_size if idx == whether: batch_points = points[-final_start_batch:, :, :] # [final_start_batch, N, 9] batch_labels = labels[-final_start_batch:, :] # [final_start_batch, N] else: batch_points = points[idx*batch_size:(idx+1)*batch_size, :, :] # [32, N, 9] batch_labels = labels[idx*batch_size:(idx+1)*batch_size, :] # [32, N] batch_points = batch_points.transpose(2, 1) # [B, 9, N] sem_pre, _ = model(batch_points) # [B, N, 13] pre_class = torch.max(sem_pre, dim=-1)[1] # [B, N] category of prediction point room_pre_class.append(pre_class) room_labels.append(batch_labels) idx = idx + 1 sum_batch_size = sum_batch_size + batch_points.shape[0] if sum_batch_size == points.shape[0]: break room_pre_class = # [N_all] room_labels = # [N_all] for i in range(13): tota1_point_number_class[i] = tota1_point_number_class[i] + torch.sum( room_labels == i ).item() total_correct_class[i] = total_correct_class[i] + torch.sum( (room_pre_class == i) & (room_labels == i) ).item() total_iou_deno_class[i] = total_iou_deno_class[i] + torch.sum( (room_pre_class == i) | (room_labels == i) ).item() mIOU = np.mean( np.array(total_correct_class) / ( np.array(total_iou_deno_class)+1e-10 ) ) print("Avg mIOU: %s,Accuracy:%s" % (str(mIOU),str(sum(total_correct_class)/sum(tota1_point_number_class)))) show_point_cloud =[points.reshape(-1,9), room_labels.reshape(-1,1), room_pre_class.reshape(-1,1)], dim=1) f = h5py.File("./predition/"+room_id[room_index], "w") f.create_dataset("data", data=show_point_cloud) f.close()
Show point cloud
- Learning link:
- Show the effect on area_ 5_ conferenceRoom_ 1. Prediction results of H5.
- Because of the cloud platform, each training can last up to 13 hours, with a total of about 40 hours a week. I trained twice in a row, with a total of about 26 hours and 18 epochs.
- In the area_ 5_ conferenceRoom_ 1. In the test of H5, Avg mIOU is 0.03925852346625844, and the accuracy is 0.2383061986770073.
# Display forecast path = "./predition/Area_5_conferenceRoom_1.h5" f = h5py.File(path, "r") data = f["data"][:, :6] pre_labels = f["data"][:, 10] points = data[:, :3] # Convert the label value to the corresponding RGB value colors = np.zeros((pre_labels.shape[0],3), dtype=np.float) # shape: [N, 3] # Change the label value to corresponding RGB for i in range(13): index = np.where(pre_labels == i)[0] colors[index] = np.array(label2color[i]) / 255 pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) # RRB range: 0-1 o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd])
- Display original data (RGB and color of corresponding category)
# Color of corresponding category path = "./data/S3DIS_hdf5/Area_5_conferenceRoom_1.h5" f = h5py.File(path, "r") data = np.array(f["data"]) labels = np.array(f["label"]) points = np.array(data[:, :3]) # Convert the label value to the corresponding RGB value colors = np.zeros((labels.shape[0],3), dtype=np.float) # shape: [N, 3] # Change the label value to corresponding RGB for i in range(13): index = np.where(labels == i)[0] colors[index] = np.array(label2color[i]) / 255 pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) # RRB range: 0-1 o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd])
# RGB path = "./data/S3DIS_hdf5/Area_5_conferenceRoom_1.h5" f = h5py.File(path, "r") data = np.array(f["data"]) # labels = np.array(f["label"]) points = np.array(data[:, :3]) colors = np.array(data[:, 3:6]) / 255 # # Convert the label value to the corresponding RGB value # colors = np.zeros((labels.shape[0],3), dtype=np.float) # shape: [N, 3] # # Change the label value to corresponding RGB # for i in range(13): # index = np.where(labels == i)[0] # colors[index] = np.array(label2color[i]) / 255 pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) # RRB range: 0-1 o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd])
[1] Qi C R, Su H, Mo K, et al. Pointnet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2017: 652-660.