Crawling Movies--Box Office Visualization of Changjin Lake

Posted by Adamthenewbie on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 11:21:25 +0100

1. Design scheme

1. Project Name: Crawl Cat Eye Movie Box Office

2. Project Content: Crawl the box office data of cat-eye movie Changjin Lake premiered to today

3. Overview of design scheme: analyze the structure and characteristics of theme page website, collect web pages, divide data and clean them. Finally, visualize the data

2. Analysis of the Structural Characteristics of Theme Pages

1. Theme page structure and feature analysis:

Open the developer debugging tool and refresh the page to see the data requests, and by changing the date, you can access the data for a specific date.


No movie related data found in static web page


Data may be dynamically loaded, date changed, data requests viewed, and data packages stored


2. Page Analysis

Once the package is found, you can see that the data is stored in json format, and you can see the corresponding json data by changing the date after the url


3. Program Design of Web Crawler

1. Get all dates from premiere to today

 1 def get_date():
 2     year = '2021'
 3     month = '9'
 4     day = '30'
 5     # Premiere Date of Changjin Lake
 7     time_arry = time.localtime(time.time())
 8     # Format timestamp
 9     time_str = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time_arry)
10     # Get the date of the day
12     date_list = []
14     while int(month) <= 12:
15         if int(year) % 4 == 0:
16             if int(month) in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
17                 max_day = 31
18             elif int(month) in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
19                 max_day = 30
20             else:
21                 max_day = 29
22         else:
23             if int(month) in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
24                 max_day = 31
25             elif int(month) in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
26                 max_day = 30
27             else:
28                 max_day = 28
30         if len(str(month)) == 1:
31             month = '0' + month
33         while int(day) <= max_day:
34             if len(str(day)) == 1:
35                 day = '0' + str(day)
36             data = str(year) + str(month) + str(day)
37             # print(data)
38             date_list.append(data)
39             if data == time_str:
40                 break
42             day = int(day) + 1
44         day = '1'
45         month = int(month) + 1
47     return date_list
48     # Calculate all dates from premiere to today, enlarge list

Code Run:


2. Data collection, cleaning and storage

 1 def get_data(date_list):
 2     for date in date_list:
 3         print('Collecting:', date, 'Movie data!!!')
 4         time.sleep(1)
 5         url = '' + date
 7         headers = {
 8             'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9',
 9             'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate,br',
10             'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9',
11             'Connection': 'keep-alive',
12             'Cookie': '_lxsdk_cuid=17dd14cfc21c8-0330bbb5d574ce-978183a-1fa400-17dd14cfc21c8;_lxsdk=17dd14cfc21c8-0330bbb5d574ce-978183a-1fa400-17dd14cfc21c8;_lx_utm=utm_source%3Dbaidu%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3D%25E7%258C%25AB%25E7%259C%25BC%25E7%2594%25B5%25E5%25BD%25B1;_lxsdk_s=17dd14cfc21-119-48b-757%7C%7C777',
13             'Host': '',
14             'sec-ch-ua': '"NotA;Brand";v="99","Chromium";v="96","GoogleChrome";v="96"',
15             'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
16             'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"',
17             'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document',
18             'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate',
19             'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'none',
20             'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1',
21             'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
22             'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0(WindowsNT10.0;Win64;x64)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/96.0.4664.45Safari/537.36'
23         }
25         res = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers, verify=False)
27         # print(res.text)
29         res_json = json.loads(res.text)
31         data = res_json['data']['list']
33         for i in data:
34             save_list = []
35             if i['movieName'] == 'Changjin Lake':
36                 # print(i)
37                 moviename = i['movieName']
38                 save_list.append(moviename)
39                 print('Movie Title:', moviename)
40                 # Movie Title
42                 releaseInfo = i['releaseInfo']
43                 if 'Premiere Day' == releaseInfo:
44                     releaseInfo = 1
45                 else:
46                     releaseInfo = ''.join(re.findall('[\d]', releaseInfo))
47                 save_list.append(str(releaseInfo))
48                 print('Release Days:', releaseInfo)
49                 # Release Days
51                 sumBoxInfo = i['sumBoxInfo']
52                 save_list.append(sumBoxInfo)
53                 print('Total box office:', sumBoxInfo)
54                 # Total box office
56                 boxInfo = i['boxInfo']
57                 save_list.append(boxInfo)
58                 print('Comprehensive box office:', boxInfo)
59                 # Comprehensive box office for the day
61                 boxRate = i['boxRate']
62                 save_list.append(boxRate)
63                 print('Composite box office percentage:', boxRate)
64                 # Composite box office percentage
66                 viewInfo = i['viewInfo']
67                 save_list.append(viewInfo)
68                 print('Total number:', viewInfo)
69                 # Total number
71                 avgShowView = i['avgShowView']
72                 save_list.append(avgShowView)
73                 print('Average number of persons per field:', avgShowView)
74                 # Average number of persons per field
76                 avgSeatView = i['avgSeatView']
77                 save_list.append(avgSeatView)
78                 print('Attendance:', avgSeatView)
79                 # Attendance
81                 print('=============================================================')
83                 with open(file='Changjin Lake.csv', mode='a+', encoding='utf-8_sig', newline='') as w:
84                     c = csv.writer(w)
85                     c.writerow(save_list)
87         time.sleep(3)

Code Run:



3. Data analysis and visualization

 1 def see_data():
 2     with open('Changjin Lake.csv', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as r:
 3         reader = csv.reader(r)
 4         data = [row for row in reader]
 5     #     Read by line
 7     day = []
 8     all_pf = []
 9     zh_pf = []
10     for i in data[1:31]:
11         # Take 30 days of movie release
12         day.append(i[1])
13         all_pf.append(float(i[2].replace('Billions', '')))
14         # Clean the gross box office data into the format required for visualization
15         zh_pf.append(round((float(i[3]) / 10000), 2))
16         # Convert unit of combined box office from 10,000 to 100,000,000 yuan
18     x_data = day
20     line1 = Line()
22     line1.add_xaxis(xaxis_data=x_data) \
23         .add_yaxis(
24         series_name="Total box office(Billion yuan)",
25         y_axis=all_pf,
26         label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=False)
27     )
28     line1.extend_axis(
29         yaxis=opts.AxisOpts(
30             min_='-2',
31             axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(interval=5)
32         )
33     )
34     line1.set_global_opts(
35         title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="Changjin Lake Cinema Box Office"),
36         tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts(trigger="axis")
37     )
39     line2 = Line()
40     line2.add_xaxis(xaxis_data=x_data)
41     line2.add_yaxis(
42         series_name="Comprehensive box office(Billion yuan)",
43         y_axis=zh_pf,
44         label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True),
45         yaxis_index=1
46     )
48     line1.overlap(line2)
49     line1.render('Changjin Lake Cinema Box Office.html')
50     print('Visualization completed, please note the file: Changjin Lake movie box office.html!!!')

Code Run:




4. Complete Code

  1 import csv
  2 import requests
  3 import json
  4 import urllib3
  5 import re
  6 import time
  7 import pyecharts.options as opts
  8 from pyecharts.charts import Line
  9 urllib3.disable_warnings()
 12 def see_data():
 13     with open('Changjin Lake.csv', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as r:
 14         reader = csv.reader(r)
 15         data = [row for row in reader]
 16     #     Read by line
 18     day = []
 19     all_pf = []
 20     zh_pf = []
 21     for i in data[1:31]:
 22         # Take 30 days of movie release
 23         day.append(i[1])
 24         all_pf.append(float(i[2].replace('Billions', '')))
 25         # Clean the gross box office data into the format required for visualization
 26         zh_pf.append(round((float(i[3]) / 10000), 2))
 27         # Convert unit of combined box office from 10,000 to 100,000,000 yuan
 29     x_data = day
 31     line1 = Line()
 33     line1.add_xaxis(xaxis_data=x_data) \
 34         .add_yaxis(
 35         series_name="Total box office(Billion yuan)",
 36         y_axis=all_pf,
 37         label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=False)
 38     )
 39     line1.extend_axis(
 40         yaxis=opts.AxisOpts(
 41             min_='-2',
 42             axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(interval=5)
 43         )
 44     )
 45     line1.set_global_opts(
 46         title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="Changjin Lake Cinema Box Office"),
 47         tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts(trigger="axis")
 48     )
 50     line2 = Line()
 51     line2.add_xaxis(xaxis_data=x_data)
 52     line2.add_yaxis(
 53         series_name="Comprehensive box office(Billion yuan)",
 54         y_axis=zh_pf,
 55         label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True),
 56         yaxis_index=1
 57     )
 59     line1.overlap(line2)
 60     line1.render('Changjin Lake Cinema Box Office.html')
 61     print('Visualization completed, please note the file: Changjin Lake movie box office.html!!!')
 64 def get_date():
 65     year = '2021'
 66     month = '9'
 67     day = '30'
 68     # Premiere Date of Changjin Lake
 70     time_arry = time.localtime(time.time())
 71     # Format timestamp
 72     time_str = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time_arry)
 73     # Get the date of the day
 75     date_list = []
 77     while int(month) <= 12:
 78         if int(year) % 4 == 0:
 79             if int(month) in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
 80                 max_day = 31
 81             elif int(month) in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
 82                 max_day = 30
 83             else:
 84                 max_day = 29
 85         else:
 86             if int(month) in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
 87                 max_day = 31
 88             elif int(month) in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
 89                 max_day = 30
 90             else:
 91                 max_day = 28
 93         if len(str(month)) == 1:
 94             month = '0' + month
 96         while int(day) <= max_day:
 97             if len(str(day)) == 1:
 98                 day = '0' + str(day)
 99             data = str(year) + str(month) + str(day)
100             # print(data)
101             date_list.append(data)
102             if data == time_str:
103                 break
105             day = int(day) + 1
107         day = '1'
108         month = int(month) + 1
110     return date_list
111     # Calculate all dates from premiere to today, enlarge list
114 def get_data(date_list):
115     for date in date_list:
116         print('Collecting:', date, 'Movie data!!!')
117         time.sleep(1)
118         url = '' + date
120         headers = {
121             'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9',
122             'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate,br',
123             'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9',
124             'Connection': 'keep-alive',
125             'Cookie': '_lxsdk_cuid=17dd14cfc21c8-0330bbb5d574ce-978183a-1fa400-17dd14cfc21c8;_lxsdk=17dd14cfc21c8-0330bbb5d574ce-978183a-1fa400-17dd14cfc21c8;_lx_utm=utm_source%3Dbaidu%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3D%25E7%258C%25AB%25E7%259C%25BC%25E7%2594%25B5%25E5%25BD%25B1;_lxsdk_s=17dd14cfc21-119-48b-757%7C%7C777',
126             'Host': '',
127             'sec-ch-ua': '"NotA;Brand";v="99","Chromium";v="96","GoogleChrome";v="96"',
128             'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
129             'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"',
130             'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document',
131             'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate',
132             'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'none',
133             'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1',
134             'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
135             'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0(WindowsNT10.0;Win64;x64)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/96.0.4664.45Safari/537.36'
136         }
138         res = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers, verify=False)
140         # print(res.text)
142         res_json = json.loads(res.text)
144         data = res_json['data']['list']
146         for i in data:
147             save_list = []
148             if i['movieName'] == 'Changjin Lake':
149                 # print(i)
150                 moviename = i['movieName']
151                 save_list.append(moviename)
152                 print('Movie Title:', moviename)
153                 # Movie Title
155                 releaseInfo = i['releaseInfo']
156                 if 'Premiere Day' == releaseInfo:
157                     releaseInfo = 1
158                 else:
159                     releaseInfo = ''.join(re.findall('[\d]', releaseInfo))
160                 save_list.append(str(releaseInfo))
161                 print('Release Days:', releaseInfo)
162                 # Release Days
164                 sumBoxInfo = i['sumBoxInfo']
165                 save_list.append(sumBoxInfo)
166                 print('Total box office:', sumBoxInfo)
167                 # Total box office
169                 boxInfo = i['boxInfo']
170                 save_list.append(boxInfo)
171                 print('Comprehensive box office:', boxInfo)
172                 # Comprehensive box office for the day
174                 boxRate = i['boxRate']
175                 save_list.append(boxRate)
176                 print('Composite box office percentage:', boxRate)
177                 # Composite box office percentage
179                 viewInfo = i['viewInfo']
180                 save_list.append(viewInfo)
181                 print('Total number:', viewInfo)
182                 # Total number
184                 avgShowView = i['avgShowView']
185                 save_list.append(avgShowView)
186                 print('Average number of persons per field:', avgShowView)
187                 # Average number of persons per field
189                 avgSeatView = i['avgSeatView']
190                 save_list.append(avgSeatView)
191                 print('Attendance:', avgSeatView)
192                 # Attendance
194                 print('=============================================================')
196                 with open(file='Changjin Lake.csv', mode='a+', encoding='utf-8_sig', newline='') as w:
197                     c = csv.writer(w)
198                     c.writerow(save_list)
200         time.sleep(3)
203 if __name__ == '__main__':
204     while True:
205         print('==================================================================')
206         print('Please select program code:\n1,Data Acquisition Box Office Data for Cat Eye Movie Changjin Lake\n2,Data Visualization Chart\nbreak:Sign out!')
207         print('==================================================================')
208         key = input('Please select:')
209         if key == '1':
210             print('1,Get a list of the dates from the premiere of Changjin Lake to today!')
211             date_list = get_date()
212             print(date_list)
214             print('2,Traverse through the list of dates, adding data URL Format, collect daily movie data')
215             get_data(date_list=date_list)
216         elif key == '2':
217             see_data()
218         elif key == 'break':
219             break
220         else:
221             print('Please choose again!!!')

V. Summary

1. After cleaning, analyzing and visualizing the data, you can see from the line chart that the total box office of the movie has been on the rise substantially on the 7th day before the show. As time goes on, the heat of the movie decreases. The total box office of the day shows a downward trend compared with before, and the total box office increases slightly. After the 23rd day of the show, the total box office shows a steady trend. Taken together, Changjin Lake has been on the rise with a total box office of over 3 billion after 7 days of release.

2. Through the process of data collection and analysis, I have learned the use of many third-party libraries, plus a simple learning to use the tool pyecharts, many of the functions encountered problems, through the function documentation, Baidu and other methods to solve. Let me experience the power of python.