Critical path of AOE network and diagram

Posted by savedlema on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:48:35 +0100

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1, What is AOE

AOE(Activity on edge network): in a weighted directed graph representing the project, the vertex represents the event, the directed edge represents the activity, and the weight on the edge represents the duration of the activity. Such a directed graph is called the edge represents the activity network, or AOE network for short

The vertices in the AOE network without edges are called starting points (or source points); Points without edges are called endpoints (or sinks)

2, Properties of AOE networks

  1. Only after the event represented by a vertex occurs, the activity starting from the vertex can start;
  2. The event represented by a vertex can occur only when all activities entering a vertex are completed.

3, AOE network can solve the following problems

  1. At least how long will it take to complete the whole project
  2. What activities should be accelerated to shorten the time required to complete the project

4, Key activities

Critical path: there may be more than one activity that takes the longest time, so the most important thing is to find the activity that cannot be delayed is called critical activity

If the time of an activity is shortened and the overall end time cannot be changed, the activity is not a key activity; If you shorten the time of an activity, the activity is the key activity.

5, Algorithm description of key activities

1. 4 precursors of key activities

(1) Earliest occurrence time of event A event_early[B] : event_early[B] = max{event_early[BeforeB]+len<BeforeB,B>}
(2) Latest occurrence time of event A event_latest[B]: event_latest[B] = min{event_latest[AfterB]-len<B,AfterB>}
(3) Earliest occurrence time of activity AB activity_early : activity_early[BC] = event_early[B]
(4) Latest occurrence time of activity AB activity_latest : activity_latest[CD] = event_latest[D] - len[CD]

Note: len < A, b > indicates the length of arc AB

[external chain picture transfer failed, and the source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-0eevwxce-1642157321022) (data: image / GIF; Base64, r0lgodlhaqabapabap / / / waaach5baekaaaaaaaaaaabaaaeaaaicraeaow = =)]

(1) event_early analysis

event : A B C D E F G H I
event_early : 0 6 4 5 7 7 16 14 18

  1. Starting from the starting point, the starting point time must be 0
  2. The subsequent events are calculated by the time of the previous event, such as:
    1. event_early[B] = max{event_early[A]+len<A,B>}
    2. event_early[E] = max{event_early[B]+len<B,E> ,event_early[C]+len<C,E>}

(2)event_latest analysis, dependent event_early

event : A B C D E F G H I
event_early : 0 6 4 5 7 7 16 14 18
event_latest: 0 6 6 8 7 10 16 14 18

  1. Calculate from the back to the front, and the end event directly takes event_early
  2. Use the time of the previous event to calculate, such as event_ latest[B] = min{event_latest[C]-len<A,B>}
  3. The start time must be 0

(3)activity_early analysis

The earliest start time of activity BC should be equal to the earliest start time of time B. therefore, there are: activity_early[BC] = event_early[B]

event : A B C D E F G H I
event_early : 0 6 4 5 7 7 16 14 18
event_latest: 0 6 6 8 7 10 16 14 18

activity_early : 0 0 0 6 4 5 7 7 7 16 14

(4) activity_latest analysis

[the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-tybgs2yh-1642157321023) (data: image / GIF; Base64, r0lgodlhaqabaabapap / / / waaach5baekaaaaaaaaaaabaaaeaaaicraeaow = =)]

activity_ The latest is calculated after going

For example, the latest start time of the activity CD should ensure that the latest time of time D cannot be delayed: activity_latest[CD] = event_latest[D] - len[CD]

event : A B C D E F G H I
event_early : 0 6 4 5 7 7 16 14 18
event_latest: 0 6 6 8 7 10 16 14 18

activity_early : 0 0 0 6 4 5 7 7 7 16 14
activity_latest: 0 2 3 6 6 8 7 11 10 16 14

Key activities:

The earliest start time and the latest start time are the same, which are called key activities.

activity_early : 0 0 0 6 4 5 7 7 7 16 14
activity_latest: 0 2 3 6 6 8 7 7 10 16 14

[the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-9qtf4guo-1642157321023) (data: image / GIF; Base64, r0lgodlhaqabapabap / / / wuaaach5baekaaaaaaaaaaabaaaeaaaicraeaow = =)]

  1. The path composed of key activities is called critical path
  2. Although multiple critical paths will be generated, the execution time of multiple critical paths is the same.
  3. The total execution time of the project is the total execution time of any one of the critical paths.

6, Animation demonstration

7, Code implementation


package aoe

import (

func GetGraph() graph.DMGraph {
	g := graph.NewDMGraph()


	g.AddEdge("A", "B", 6)
	g.AddEdge("A", "C", 4)
	g.AddEdge("A", "D", 5)
	g.AddEdge("B", "E", 1)
	g.AddEdge("C", "E", 1)
	g.AddEdge("E", "G", 9)
	g.AddEdge("E", "H", 7)
	g.AddEdge("G", "I", 2)
	g.AddEdge("H", "I", 4)
	g.AddEdge("D", "F", 2)
	g.AddEdge("F", "H", 4)

	return g

func AOEKeyEvents() []string {
	g := GetGraph()
	eventEarly := make(map[string]int)
	eventLatest := make(map[string]int)
	activeEarly := make(map[string]int)
	activeLatest := make(map[string]int)

	// 1. Ask eventEarly
	indegrees := make(map[string]int)
	stack := linear.NewStack()

	for _, v := range g.Nodes {
		indegrees[v] = g.GetIndegree(v)
		if indegrees[v] == 0 {
			indegrees[v] = -1
			eventEarly[v] = 0

	for !stack.IsEmpty() {
		v, _ := stack.Pop()
		for _, edge := range g.GetEdgesByHead(v) {
			if indegrees[edge.Tail] == 0 {
				indegrees[edge.Tail] = -1
				for _, endEdge := range g.GetEdgesByTail(edge.Tail) {
					val, ok := eventEarly[edge.Tail]
					if !ok {
						eventEarly[edge.Tail] = eventEarly[endEdge.Head] + endEdge.Val
					} else {
						if val < eventEarly[endEdge.Head]+endEdge.Val {
							eventEarly[edge.Tail] = val

	// 2. Find eventLatest
	outdegrees := make(map[string]int)
	outstack := linear.NewStack()
	for _, v := range g.Nodes {
		outdegrees[v] = g.GetOutdegree(v)
		if outdegrees[v] == 0 {
			outdegrees[v] = -1
			eventLatest[v] = eventEarly[v]

	for !outstack.IsEmpty() {
		v, _ := outstack.Pop()
		for _, edge := range g.GetEdgesByTail(v) {
			if outdegrees[edge.Head] == 0 {
				outdegrees[edge.Head] = -1
				for _, endEdge := range g.GetEdgesByHead(edge.Head) {
					val, ok := eventLatest[edge.Head]
					if !ok {
						eventLatest[edge.Head] = eventLatest[endEdge.Tail] - endEdge.Val
					} else {
						if val < eventLatest[endEdge.Tail]-endEdge.Val {
							eventLatest[edge.Head] = val

	// 3. Ask for activityEarly
	for _, v := range g.GetEdgeList() {
		activeEarly[v.Head+"-"+v.Tail] = eventEarly[v.Head]
	// 4. Find activeLatest
	for _, v := range g.GetEdgeList() {
		activeLatest[v.Head+"-"+v.Tail] = eventLatest[v.Tail] - v.Val
	// 5. Key activities
	var keyActivity []string
	for k,v := range activeEarly {
		if activeLatest[k] == v {
			keyActivity = append(keyActivity,k)


	return keyActivity



package aoe

import "testing"

func TestAOEKeyEvents(t *testing.T) {
	list := AOEKeyEvents()

	if len(list) != 6 {

Dmgraph with new method added go

package graph

import (

const DMaxSize = 20
const DMaxNum = 99999

type DMGraph struct {
	Edges   [DMaxSize][DMaxSize]int
	EdgeNum int
	Nodes   []string
	Indexs  map[string]int

type DEdge struct {
	Head, Tail string
	Val        int

func NewDMGraph() DMGraph {
	var g DMGraph
	for k, v := range g.Edges {
		for kk, _ := range v {
			if k == kk {
				g.Edges[k][kk] = 0
			} else {
				g.Edges[k][kk] = DMaxNum

	g.Indexs = make(map[string]int)
	return g


func (g *DMGraph) AddNode(nodeName string) error {
	if g.Indexs == nil {
		return errors.New("Is not a valid graph")
	if _, ok := g.Indexs[nodeName]; ok {
		return errors.New("This node has been added")
	g.Indexs[nodeName] = len(g.Nodes)
	g.Nodes = append(g.Nodes, nodeName)
	return nil

func (g *DMGraph) AddEdge(Head, Tail string, val int) error {
	if _, ok := g.Indexs[Head]; !ok {
		return errors.New("Node does not exist:" + Head)
	if _, ok := g.Indexs[Tail]; !ok {
		return errors.New("Node does not exist:" + Tail)
	if g.Edges[g.Indexs[Head]][g.Indexs[Tail]] != DMaxNum {
		return errors.New("Edge already exists")

	g.Edges[g.Indexs[Head]][g.Indexs[Tail]] = val
	return nil

func (g *DMGraph) GetEdgeList() []DEdge {
	var edgeList []DEdge

	for i := 0; i < len(g.Nodes); i++ {
		for j := 0; j < len(g.Nodes); j++ {
			if g.Edges[i][j] != DMaxNum && i != j {
				edgeList = append(
					DEdge{Head: g.Nodes[i], Tail: g.Nodes[j], Val: g.Edges[i][j]},

	return edgeList

func (g *DMGraph) GetIndegree(ele string) int {
	tail, ok := g.Indexs[ele]
	if !ok {
		return -1 //Point does not exist
	indegree := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(g.Nodes); i++ {
		if g.Edges[i][tail] != 0 && g.Edges[i][tail] != DMaxNum {
	return indegree

func (g *DMGraph) GetOutdegree(ele string) int {
	head, ok := g.Indexs[ele]
	if !ok {
		return -1 //Point does not exist
	outdegree := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(g.Nodes); i++ {
		if g.Edges[head][i] != 0 && g.Edges[head][i] != DMaxNum {
	return outdegree


func (g *DMGraph) GetEdgesByTail(ele string) []DEdge {
	var edgeList []DEdge
	tail, ok := g.Indexs[ele]
	if !ok {
		return nil

	for i := 0; i < len(g.Nodes); i++ {
		if g.Edges[i][tail] != 0 && g.Edges[i][tail] != DMaxNum {
			edgeList = append(
				DEdge{Head: g.Nodes[i], Tail: g.Nodes[tail], Val: g.Edges[i][tail]},
	return edgeList

func (g *DMGraph) GetEdgesByHead(ele string) []DEdge {
	var edgeList []DEdge
	head, ok := g.Indexs[ele]
	if !ok {
		return nil

	for i := 0; i < len(g.Nodes); i++ {
		if g.Edges[head][i] != 0 && g.Edges[head][i] != DMaxNum {
			edgeList = append(
				DEdge{Head: g.Nodes[head], Tail: g.Nodes[i], Val: g.Edges[head][i]},
	return edgeList

Topics: Algorithm