Dart language 02 - Advanced

Posted by ckuipers on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 21:56:14 +0100

1, Functions

1. Custom method

//main entry method
void main() {
  //Call method
  //Custom methods can also be defined inside the main method
  int getNum() {
    return 1;

//The custom method void has no return value 
void printInfo() {
  print("Custom method");

2. Location optional parameter method

It is optional to mark parameters in []:

The format in [] in the new version is: type +? + name (not in the old version?)

void main() {
  String str = say("Zhang San", "ha-ha", "hehe");
  String str1 = say("Zhang San", "ha-ha");

String say(String from, String msg, [String? device]) {
  var result = '$from says $msg';
  if (device != null) {
    result = '$result with a $device';
  return result;

3. Naming optional parameter methods

When defining a function, use {parm1,param2,...} to specify named parameters, such as:

void fun1( {bool? flag1, bool? flag2} ){

When calling the function, use the specified named parameter paramname: value. For example:

fun1(flag1 : true, flag2 : false);


void main() {
  fun1(flag1: true, flag2: false);

void fun1({bool? flag1, bool? flag2}) {
  if (flag1 != null && flag1) {
  if (flag2 != null && !flag2) {

When you use required to represent a parameter, you must specify the named parameter of the property

4. Default value parameter

When defining the 2 and 3 methods above, you can use = to define the default value of optional parameters. The default value can only be a compile time constant. If no default value is provided, the default value is null

void main() {
  String str = say("Zhang San", "ha-ha", "hehe");

  String str1 = say("Zhang San", "ha-ha");

String say(String from, String msg, [String device = 'oo']) {
  var result = '$from says $msg';
  result = '$result with a $device';
  return result;
void main() {

void fun1({bool? flag1, bool flag2 = true}) {
  if (flag2) {

5. A method that takes a method as a parameter

void main() {

fun1(fn) {

fun2() {

6. Arrow function

void main() {
  List l1 = ['az', 'ss'];
//Only one line of code is allowed after the arrow function to simplify the code
  l1.forEach((element) => {print(element)});
  l1.forEach((element) =>print(element));

7. Self executing method

void main() {
  //Self executing method ((formal parameter) {}) (argument)
  ((int n) {

8. Closure


1. Characteristics of global variables: global variables reside in memory, and global variables pollute the global

2. Local variable features: it is not resident in memory, will be recycled by garbage mechanism, and will not pollute the global environment

Functions to be realized:

1. Resident memory

2. No pollution

Closures are generated, and closures can solve this problem

Closure: functions are nested functions. Internal functions will call variables or parameters of external functions. Variables or parameters will not be recycled by the system

How to write closures: functions nest functions, and the functions in return form closures

void main() {
  fn() {
    var a = 123;
    return () {

  var b = fn();

2, Object oriented

Object oriented programming( OOP)The three basic characteristics of are encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

dart Everything is an object, and all objects inherit from Object class

dart Is an object-oriented language that uses class and singleton inheritance. All objects are instances of classes,
And all classes are Object Subclass of

A class usually consists of properties and methods

3, Class

1. Declaration and instantiation

void main() {
  //Instantiation class
  Person person = new Person();

//Declaration class
class Person {
  String name = 'zs';
  int age = 23;

  void getInfo() {

2. Default constructor

void main() {
  Person person = new Person("zs", 12);

class Person {
  String? name;
  int? age;

  //The default constructor can be abbreviated as Person(this.name,this.age);
  Person(String name, int age) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;

  void getInfo() {

3. Named constructor

void main() {
  Person p = new Person.now("ls");

class Person {
  String? name;
  int? age;
  //Named constructor, can have multiple
  Person.now(String name) {
    this.name = name;

  void getInfo() {

4. Extraction class and import class

5. Private methods, properties

Unlike java, dart does not have public and private access modifiers

But you can use "" Define a property or method as private. If private is to work, you need to extract the class like (4) above


class Person {
  String? _name; //Private property
  int? age;

  Person(this._name, this.age);

  String? getName() {
    return this._name;

  //Private method
  void _run() {
    print("Private method");

  void execRun() {


import 'Person.dart';

void main() {
  Person p = new Person("ls", 12);




class Rect {
  num height;
  num width;

  Rect(this.height, this.width);

  //The normal method has the same effect as the getter below
  num area1() {
    return this.height * this.width;

  //Define getter method, getter method has no ()
  get area {
    return this.height * this.width;

  //Define setter method
  set areaHeight(value) {
    this.height = value;


import 'Person.dart';
import 'Rect.dart';

void main() {
  Rect rect = new Rect(1, 3);

  //Using Getters
  print("use getter method:");
  print("The area is: ${rect.area}");

  //Using the setter method ============================================ this is different from java
  rect.areaHeight = 2;
  //Use common methods
  print("Use common methods:");

4, Static

Static members in Dart:

1. Use the static keyword to implement class level variables and functions

2. Static methods cannot access non static members. Non static methods can access static members

void main() {
  Person.name; //Call static properties
  Person.show(); //Call static method

  Person person = new Person();
  person.printInfo(); //Call non static method

class Person {
  static String name = "Zhang San"; //Static properties
  int age = 20; //Non static attribute

  //Static method
  static void show() {
    print(name);//Static methods can access static properties, not non static properties and methods

  //Non static method, which can access static members and non static members
  void printInfo() {
    print(name); //Accessing static properties
    print(this.age); //Accessing non static properties

    show(); //Call static method

5, Object operator

1. Is (type judgment)

void main() {
  Person person = new Person();
  if (person is Person) {  //Type judgment


class Person {
  String name = "Zhang San";
  int age = 20;

  void printInfo() {

2. As (type conversion)

void main() {
  Person person = new Person();
  (person as Person).printInfo(); //Cast type

class Person {
  String name = "Zhang San";
  int age = 20;

  void printInfo() {

3,. . (cascade operation (concatenation))

void main() {
  Person person = new Person();

  // person.name = "ls";
  // person.age = 30;
  // person.printInfo();
  //The above code can be written in the following way
    ..name = "ls"
    ..age = 30

class Person {
  String name = "Zhang San";
  int age = 20;

  void printInfo() {

6, Inherit

Inheritance of classes in Dart:

1. The subclass uses the extends keyword to inherit the parent class

2. The subclass will inherit the properties and methods visible in the parent class, but will not inherit the constructor

3. The subclass can duplicate the method getter and setter of the parent class

void main() {
  Web w = new Web();

class Person {
  String name = "Zhang San";
  int age = 20;

  void printInfo() {
class Web extends Person {


1. super keyword

void main() {
  Web w = new Web("zs", 23);

class Person {
  String? name;
  int? age;

  Person(this.name, this.age);

  void printInfo() {

class Web extends Person {
  Web(String? name, int? age) : super(name, age);


void main() {
  Web w = new Web("zs", 23);

class Person {
  String? name;
  int? age;

  Person(this.name, this.age);

  void printInfo() {

class Web extends Person {
  Web(String? name, int? age) : super(name, age);

  void printInfo() {
    print("Override parent method----${this.name}---${this.age}");

7, Abstract class

Abstract classes in Dart: Dart abstract classes are mainly used to define standards. Subclasses can inherit abstract classes or implement abstract class interfaces

1. Abstract classes are defined by the abstract keyword

2. Abstract methods in Dart cannot be declared with abstract. Methods not mentioned in Dart are called abstract methods

3. If the subclass inherits the abstract class, it must implement the abstract methods inside

4. If an abstract class is implemented as an interface, all properties and methods defined in the abstract class must be implemented

5. An abstract class cannot be instantiated. Only subclasses that inherit it can be instantiated

Differences between extensions abstract class and implements:

1. If you want to take the methods in the abstract class and use the abstract method to constrain the subclasses, use extensions to inherit the abstract class

2. If we only take abstract classes as the standard, we will use implents to implement abstract classes

void main() {
  Dog d = new Dog();

abstract class Animal {
  eat(); //Abstract method
  run(); //Abstract method

  printInfo() {
    print("In abstract classes---Common method");

class Dog extends Animal {
  eat() {

  run() {

8, Polymorphism

Polymorphisms in Dart:

It is allowed to assign the pointer of the subclass type to the pointer of the parent type. The same function call will have different execution effects

An instance of a subclass is assigned a reference to the parent class

Polymorphism means that the parent class defines a method not to be implemented, and lets the subclasses that inherit it implement it. Each subclass has a different implementation

9, Interface

Like java, dart also has interfaces, but it is different from java:

1. The interface of dart does not have the interface keyword to define the interface, but ordinary classes or abstract classes can be implemented as interfaces

It is also implemented using the implements keyword

2. If the implemented class is an ordinary class, all the properties and methods in the ordinary class will need to be copied again

3. Because abstract classes can define abstract methods, but ordinary classes cannot, it is recommended to use abstract classes to define interfaces

abstract class Animal {
  eat(); //Abstract method
  run(); //Abstract method

  printInfo() {
    print("In abstract classes---Common method");

class Person {
  String? name;

  void run() {

//Multiple implementation
class A implements Person , Animal{
  String? name;

  void run() {
    // TODO: implement run

  eat() {
    // TODO: implement eat
    throw UnimplementedError();

  printInfo() {
    // TODO: implement printInfo
    throw UnimplementedError();


class Dog implements Animal {
  eat() {
    // TODO: implement eat
    throw UnimplementedError();

  printInfo() {
    // TODO: implement printInfo
    throw UnimplementedError();

  run() {
    // TODO: implement run
    throw UnimplementedError();

10, mixin mixing

mixin in Chinese means mixing in, which means mixing in other functions in the class

In Dart, you can use mixin to implement functions similar to multi inheritance

Conditions for using mixin:

1. A mixin class can only inherit from Object and cannot inherit from other classes

2. A class as a mixin cannot have a constructor

3. One class can mixin multiple mixin classes

4. mixin is neither inheritance nor interface, but a new feature

void main() {
  C c = new C();


class A {
  void printA() {

class B {
  void printB() {

class C with A, B {}

Topics: Flutter dart