[data structure - C implementation] sequence table

Posted by sith717 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 17:17:26 +0100


1. Linear table

2. Sequence table

2.1 concept of sequence table

2.2 interface

3. Interface implementation

3.1 tail insertion of sequence table

3.2 # sequential header insertion

3.3 # insert data at the specified location

3.4 delete the end of the sequence table

3.5 deletion of sequence header

3.6 delete data at the specified location

3.7 finding data

4. Menu

1. Linear table

Linear table ( linear list ) yes n A finite sequence of data elements with the same characteristics. Linear table is a data structure widely used in practice. Common linear tables: sequential table, linked list, stack, queue, string
A linear table is logically a linear structure, that is, a continuous straight line. However, the physical structure is not necessarily continuous. When the linear table is stored physically, it is usually stored in the form of array and chain structure.
What we want to know in this article is the sequence table

2. Sequence table

2.1 concept of sequence table

The sequence table uses a paragraph Physical address continuity The linear structure of data elements is stored in the storage unit of, which is generally stored in array. Complete the addition, deletion, query and modification of data on the array.
Sequence table can be divided into static sequence table and dynamic sequence table:
Static sequential table: uses a fixed length array to store elements.
It can be understood that the development space is certain, small enough and large waste (relatively rigid and inflexible)
// Requirements: the stored data shall be stored continuously from 0
// Static sequence table
// Problem: it's too small to use. It's too big. There's waste.
#define N 10000
struct SeqList
	int a[N];
	int size; // Record how many pieces of data are stored

Dynamic order table: use dynamic array storage.

Obviously, if the space is not enough, the capacity can be increased (flexible and practical)

2.2 interface

// Dynamic sequence table
typedef struct SeqList
	SLDataType* a;
	int size;     // Number of stored data
	int capacity; // Storage space size

// Basic addition, deletion, query and modification interface
// Sequence table initialization
void SeqListInit(SeqList* psl, size_t capacity);
// Check the space. If it is full, increase the capacity
void CheckCapacity(SeqList* psl);
// End of sequence table
void SeqListPushBack(SeqList* psl, SLDataType x);
// Sequential tail deletion
void SeqListPopBack(SeqList* psl);
// Sequential header insertion
void SeqListPushFront(SeqList* psl, SLDataType x);
// Sequential header deletion
void SeqListPopFront(SeqList* psl);
// Sequential table lookup
int SeqListFind(SeqList* psl, SLDataType x);
// Insert x in pos position in sequence table
void SeqListInsert(SeqList* psl, size_t pos, SLDataType x);
// The sequence table deletes the value of pos position
void SeqListErase(SeqList* psl, size_t pos);
// Sequence table destruction
void SeqListDestory(SeqList* psl);
// Sequence table printing
void SeqListPrint(SeqList* psl);

3. Interface implementation

3.1 tail insertion of sequence table

void SeqListPushBack(SeqList* psl, SLDataType x)


	psl->a[psl->size] = x;

	SeqListInsert(psl, psl->size, x);

Note: for tailoring data, first consider whether the space is enough. If not, increase the capacity. Insert data after capacity increase.

Capacity increasing function:

void SeqListCheckCapacity(SeqList* psl)

	// If it's full, we'll expand it
	if (psl->size == psl->capacity)
		size_t newCapacity = psl->capacity == 0 ? 4 : psl->capacity * 2;
		SLDataType* tmp = realloc(psl->a, sizeof(SLDataType) * newCapacity);
		if (tmp == NULL)
			printf("realloc fail\n");
			psl->a = tmp;
			psl->capacity = newCapacity;

3.2 # sequential header insertion

void SeqListPushFront(SeqList* psl, SLDataType x)


	 Move the data to make room for your head
	//int end = psl->size - 1;
	//while (end >= 0)
	//	psl->a[end + 1] = psl->a[end];
	//	--end;

	//psl->a[0] = x;

	SeqListInsert(psl, 0, x);

Note: the head must be moved forward from the back when inserting.  

3.3 # insert data at the specified location

void SeqListInsert(SeqList* psl, size_t pos, SLDataType x)
	// Violence check

	// Mild examination
	if (pos > psl->size)
		printf("pos Cross border:%d\n", pos);
	// Violence check
	//assert(pos <= psl->size);


	//int end = psl->size - 1;
	//while (end >= (int)pos)
	//	psl->a[end + 1] = psl->a[end];
	//	--end;

	size_t end = psl->size;
	while (end > pos)
		psl->a[end] = psl->a[end - 1];

	psl->a[pos] = x;

be careful:

1: The coverage is still from back to front.

2: The value of pos must be less than size, otherwise it will cross the boundary (because it is an unsigned integer of size_t, it must be greater than 0)

3: When pos is equal to size, the function is equivalent to tail insertion, and when pos is equal to 0, the function is equivalent to head insertion.

3.4 delete the end of the sequence table

void SeqListPopBack(SeqList* psl)

	//psl->a[psl->size - 1] = 0;
	/*if (psl->size > 0)
	SeqListErase(psl, psl->size - 1);

You can delete the tail directly.

3.5 deletion of sequence header

void SeqListPopFront(SeqList* psl)

	// Move data overwrite delete
	/*if (psl->size > 0)
		int begin = 1;
		while (begin < psl->size)
			psl->a[begin - 1] = psl->a[begin];

	SeqListErase(psl, 0);

Note: header deletion is from front to back

3.6 delete data at the specified location

void SeqListErase(SeqList* psl, size_t pos)
	assert(pos < psl->size);

	size_t begin = pos + 1;
	while (begin < psl->size)
		psl->a[begin - 1] = psl->a[begin];


be careful:

1. pos must be less than the value of size (since size_t does not consider less than zero).

2. begin is defined in the next bit of pos, right front, backward, and forward coverage.

3. When pos equals 0, the function is equivalent to header deletion; when pos equals size-1, the function is equivalent to tail deletion.

3.7 finding data

int SeqListFind(SeqList* psl, SLDataType x)

	for (int i = 0; i < psl->size; ++i)
		if (psl->a[i] == x)
			return i;

	return -1;

The returned subscript is found, but - 1 is not found.

Full code: 2022_ 03_ 09_ Table 2022_ 03_ 09_ Li · gitee - China open source data table


4. Menu

#include "SeqList.h"

void menu()
	printf("       1.Tail interpolation data           \n");
	printf("       2.Header data           \n");
	printf("       3.Insert data at the specified location   \n");
	printf("       4.Tail deletion data           \n");
	printf("       5.Header deletion data           \n");
	printf("       6.Delete data at the specified location   \n");
	printf("       7.print data           \n");
	printf("       8.Find data           \n");
	printf("       -1.sign out             \n");

int main()
	SeqList s;
	int option = -1;
		printf("Please select your operation:>");
		scanf("%d", &option);
		if (option == 1)
			printf("Please enter the data you want to insert:>");
			//int val = 0;
			SLDataType val = 0;
			scanf("%d", &val);
			SeqListPushBack(&s, val);
		else if (option == 2)
			printf("Please enter the data you want to insert:>");
			SLDataType val = 0;
			scanf("%d", &val);
			SeqListPushFront(&s, val);
		else if (option == 3)
			printf("Please enter the location you want to insert pos And data x:>");
			SLDataType val = 0;
			int x = 0;
			scanf("%d %d", &val, &x);
			SeqListInsert(&s, val - 1, x);
		else if (option == 4)
			printf("Tail deletion succeeded!\n");
		else if (option == 5)
			printf("Header deleted successfully!\n");
		else if (option == 6)
			printf("Please enter the location you want to delete pos:>");
			int x = 0;
			scanf("%d", &x);
			SeqListErase(&s, x - 1);
		else if (option == 8)
			printf("Please enter the data you are looking for x:>");
			int x = 0;
			scanf("%d", &x);
			int i = SeqListFind(&s, x);
			if (i == -1)
				printf("The data does not exist\n");

				printf("The subscript of this data is%d\n", i);
		else if (option == 7)
	} while (option != -1);
	return 0;

(end of this chapter)

Topics: C data structure