Data structure overview 2 stack and queue

Posted by jonniejoejonson on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 13:47:15 +0100




Sequential storage structure (static allocation)

Five operations in which top is an integer (when top points to the next position of the top element of the stack)

Five operations in which top is an integer (when top points to the top element of the stack)

Sequential storage structure (dynamic allocation)

Five operations where top is a pointer (when top points to the next position of the top element of the stack)

Five operations in which top is an integer (when top points to the top element of the stack)

Basic operation of sequential stack (top is the pointer & when pointing to the next position of the top element of the stack)

1. Construct empty stack

2. Destroy stack

3. Empty stack

4. Empty stack

5. Find the length of the stack

6. Get stack top element

7. Stack

8. Out of the stack

9. Traverse the stack

Basic operation of chain stack

Chain storage structure

1. Construct empty stack

2. Stacking

3. Out of the stack



Sequential queue


Basic operations (front is the current position of the queue head element, and rear is the next position of the queue tail element)

Basic operations (front is the previous position of the queue head element, and rear is the current position of the queue tail element)

Basic operation of circular queue

Chain queue


Establish empty chain queue

Judge whether the queue is empty

Join the team

Out of the team

Get team head element



1. Linear tables that can only be inserted and deleted at the top of the stack

2. Last in first out

Sequential storage structure (static allocation)

# define MaxSize 100 / / define the maximum length of a static sequential stack
typedef int SElemType;

typedef struct
    SElemType base[MaxSize];//Define a one-dimensional array to store stack data elements
    int top; //Stack top pointer, which always points to the next position of the stack top element when the stack is not empty
    int StackSize;//Define a variable to store the current length of the sequence stack

Five operations in which top is an integer (when top points to the next position of the top element of the stack)

1. Initialize

2. Empty stack

3. Element stack S.base[]=e (add after advanced)

4. Stack full > = stacksize

5. Element out of stack e=S.base[] (subtract first and then out)

Five operations in which top is an integer (when top points to the top element of the stack)

1. Initialize

2. Empty stack

3. Element stack S.base[S.++top]=e (add first and then enter)

4. Stack full > = stacksize-1

5. Element out of stack e=S.base[ --] (first out and then minus)

Sequential storage structure (dynamic allocation)

#define STACK_INIT_SIZE 10 / / initial allocation of storage space
#define STACK_INCREMENT 2 / / storage space allocation increment
typedef int SElemType;

typedef struct SqStack
    SElemType *base; //Stack bottom pointer, always pointing to the bottom of the stack
    int *top; //The stack top pointer can point to the next position of the stack top element or point to the stack top element
    int StackSize; //The maximum storage capacity in elements that can be used by the currently allocated stack
}SqStack; //Stack order

Five operations where top is a pointer (when top points to the next position of the top element of the stack)

1. Initialize

2. Empty stack

3. Element stacking * (add after advanced)

4. Stack full > = stacksize

5. Element out of stack e=* (subtract first and then out)

Five operations in which top is an integer (when top points to the top element of the stack)

1. Initialize

2. Empty stack

3. Element stack * + + (add first and then enter)

4. Stack full > = stacksize-1

5. Element out of stack e=* -- (first out and then minus)

Basic operation of sequential stack (top is the pointer & when pointing to the next position of the top element of the stack)

1. Construct empty stack

//Construct an empty stack, and return 1 if successful; If it fails, return 0
int InitStack(SqStack *S)
    S->base=(SElemType *)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE*sizeof(SElemType));
    if (!S->base) return 0; //Storage allocation failed
    return 1;

2. Destroy stack

void DestroyStack(SeqStack *S)
    if(S != NULL)
        free(S->base); //Release stack
        S->top = S->base =NULL;

3. Empty stack

void ClearStack(SqStack *S)

4. Empty stack

//If stack S is an empty stack, it returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0
int StackEmpty(SqStack S)
        return 1;
        return 0;

5. Find the length of the stack

int LengthStack(SqStack S)
    if((S.base !=NULL) &&(!=NULL))   

6. Get stack top element

//If the stack is not empty, use e to return the top element of S and return 1; Otherwise, return 0 
int GetTop(SqStack S,SElemType *e)
        return 1; 
        return 0;

7. Stack

//The inserted element e is a new stack top element. If the insertion is successful, it returns 1, otherwise it returns 0
int Push(SqStack *S,SElemType e)
    if(S->top - S->base> = S->StackSize)//Stack full, additional storage space
        S->base=(SElemType *) realloc(S->base,(S->StackSize+STACKINCREMENT)*sizeof(SElemType));
            return 0; //Storage allocation failed
        S->top=S->base+S->StackSize;/*Modify stack top pointer*/
    *(S->top)++=e;//Put e on the stack and become a new top element
    return 1;

8. Out of the stack

//If the stack is not empty, delete the top element of S, return its value with e, and return 1; Otherwise, return 0 
int Pop(SqStack *S,SElemType *e)
    //Stack empty
        return 0;

    //Assign the element at the bottom of the stack to e, and the pointer at the top of the stack moves down
    return 1;

9. Traverse the stack

void StackTraverse(SqStackS,void (*visit)(SElemType))

Basic operation of chain stack

Linked Storage Structure

typedef struct node
    elemtype data;   
    struct node *next;
#define LEN sizeof(NODE)

1. Construct empty stack

int InitStack()
    NODEPTR top;
        return 0;
    return 1;

2. Stacking

int Push_Stack(NODEPTR *top,elemtype e)
    NODEPTR p;   
        printf("The system failed to allocate space! "); 
        return 0;
    p->data=e; //Save new node element value
    p->next=top->next;//The new node is connected to the top of the original stack
    top->next=p; //New node as new stack top
    return 1;

3. Out of the stack

int Pop_Stack(NODEPTR *top,elemtype *e)
    NODEPTR p;
        printf("Stack is empty, unable to operate! ");
    *e=p->data; //Get the element value of the top node of the stack
    top->next =p->next; //Move the stack top pointer backward, that is, delete the stack top node
    free(p); //Free the memory space occupied by the deleted node
    return 1;



1. Rear, insert element, Front delete

2. First in first out

Sequential queue



#define MaxSize 10 / / maximum capacity of sequential queue typedef 
typedef int ElemType;

    ElemType *data;//Defines the storage space for queue elements
    int front,rear; //Define queue head and tail pointers

SqQueue *sq;//Defines a pointer variable to the queue
sq->data=(ElemType *)malloc(MaxSize*sizeof(ElemType));//Storage space of application sequence queue

Basic operations (front is the current position of the queue head element, and rear is the next position of the queue tail element)

1.Empty queue

2.Join the team
sq->data[sq->rear]=a; //Add new element a to the team

3.Out of the team
*e=sq->data[sq->front];//Remove team head element a from the team
sq-> front++;

Basic operations (front is the previous position of the queue head element, and rear is the current position of the queue tail element)

1.Empty queue

2.Join the team
sq->data[sq->rear]=a; //Add new element a to the team

3.Out of the team
sq-> front++;
*e=sq->data[sq->front];//Remove team head element a from the team

Basic operation of circular queue

1.Empty queue
Q.rear= Q. front

2.Join the team
sq->data[sq->rear]=a; //Add new element a to the team

3.Out of the team
*e=sq->data[sq->front];//Remove team head element a from the team

4.Judge whether the circular queue is full

5.Length of elements in the queue
(Q.rear-Q.front+MaxSize) %MaxSize

Chain queue


typedef struct QNode
    QElemType data;
    struct QNode *next;

typedef struct
    QueuePtr front; //Queue head pointer
    QueuePtr rear; //Tail pointer

Establish empty chain queue

//Initialize a queue
void InitQueue(LinkQueue*Q)
        exit(OVERFLOW);//Failed to generate header node

Judge whether the queue is empty

Status QueueEmpty(LinkQueue Q)
        return TRUE;  
        return FALSE;

Join the team

//The inserted element e is the new tail element of queue Q
void EnQueue(LinkQueue *Q,QElemType e)
    QueuePtr p;   
    p=(QueuePtr)malloc(sizeof(QNode));//Dynamically generate new nodes
    p->data=e;//Assign the value of e to the new node
    p->next=NULL;//The pointer to the new node is null
    Q->rear->next=p;//The pointer of the original tail node points to the new node
    Q->rear=p;//The tail pointer points to the new node

Out of the team

//If the queue is not empty, delete the queue header element of Q and return its value with e
Status DeQueue(LinkQueue *Q,QElemType *e)
    QueuePtr p;   
        return ERROR;//Queue is empty
    p=Q->front->next; //p points to the queue head node
    *e=p->data; //Team leader element assigned to e
    Q->front->next=p->next;//The head node points to the next node
    if(Q->rear==p)//If you delete a queue tail node
        Q->rear=Q->front;//Modify the tail pointer to point to the head node
    return OK;

Get team head element

//If the queue is not empty, use e to return the queue header element
Status GetHead(LinkQueue Q,QElemType *e)
  QueuePtr p;   
        return ERROR;  
    p=Q.front->next;//p points to the queue head node * /
    *e=p->data;//Assign the value of the team head element to e
    return OK;

Topics: data structure queue stack