Day 72: use of the PySpider framework

Posted by deepakagrawal1982 on Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:22:16 +0200

by... White rice


Pysider is a web crawler system written by Chinese people in Python with a powerful Web UI. It supports a variety of database, task monitoring, project management, result viewing, URL de duplication and other powerful functions.


pip3 install pysider


Command line run


After running successfully, enter in the browser address


Enter the pysipider console

Start with a website

Select a news site“ "As the beginning of learning Pysider.

Create project

Fill in the item name and the URL of the start of the crawler in the create form, and click the Create button

Here is the initialization code of xinwen crawler system

Let's take a look at the entry function of the crawler system

def on_start(self):
  1. on_start() function the entry function of the crawler system
  2. The crawl() function, pysipider, grabs the specified page and uses the callback function to parse the result
  3. @every(minutes=24 * 60) decorator, which indicates how often it runs, is a planned task

Click the run button in the left window, you will see a red 1 on the follow installation, which means that you have grabbed a URL and click it. At this time, you will switch to the follow panel and click the green play button

Page turning and list page processing

After clicking the green play button, it will be found that Pysider has grabbed many URL addresses, some of which have been processed repeatedly. Most of these URL addresses are not needed, so we need to further filter these URLs.

Through the analysis of the page, it is found that the URL s for turning pages are all provided with a list_ 32_ x. The address of the HTML.

<div class="pagination-wrapper"> 
    <div class="pagination"> 
        <li><a>home page</a></li>
        <li class="thisclass"><a>1</a></li>
        <li><a href="list_32_2.html">2</a></li>
        <li><a href="list_32_3.html">3</a></li>
        <li><a href="list_32_7.html">7</a></li>
        <li><a href="list_32_2.html">next page</a></li>
        <li><a href="list_32_7.html">Last </a></li>
        <li><span class="pageinfo">common <strong>7</strong>page<strong>137</strong>strip</span></li>

In index_ The regular expression is used in the page() function to extract the page turning URL and write a list_ The page() function parses the URL of the list page. All list pages have plus/view.php?aid=x.html page

import re

@config(age=10 * 24 * 60 * 60)
def index_page(self, response):
    for each in response.doc('a[href^="http"]').items():
        if re.match(".*list_32_\d+\.html", each.attr.href, re.U):
            self.crawl(each.attr.href, callback=self.list_page)
    # Grab the first page

@config(age=10 * 24 * 60 * 60)       
def list_page(self, response):
    for each in response.doc('a[href^="http"]').items():
        if re.match(".*plus/view.php\?aid=\d+\.html", each.attr.href, re.U):
            self.crawl(each.attr.href, callback=self.detail_page)
  1. age means these pages don't need to be crawled again in 10 days

Details page processing

In the details page, you need to extract the title, body, source, editor and time of the news. You can use the HTML and CSS selectors of psider to extract the data.
In Pysider's response.doc PyQuery object is built in, which can operate Dom elements like JQuery.

Switch to the WEB page in the left window, and then click the enable css selector helper button. At this time, put the mouse on the page in the left window, and the label where the mouse is turned into yellow. You can see the path of the current label on it. Click the right arrow to copy the path to the cursor

Modify detail_page() function

def detail_page(self, response):
    return {
        "title": response.doc('.news_title').text(),
        "other": response.doc('html > body > .clearfix > .main_lt > div > .news_about > p').text(),
        "body": response.doc('html > body > .clearfix > .main_lt > div > .news_txt').text()
  1. Priority means priority

Click the run button

If you think that the element path extracted by Pysider is not appropriate, you can also use Google browser to review the elements and extract a suitable element selector.

Auto grab

Operate as follows on the Dashboard page to automatically grab the page

  1. Change status to DEBUG or RUNNING
  2. Press the run button

Here's the result of automatic grabbing

Click the Results button in the Dashboard interface

Save to Mysql

Rewrite on_result() function

The results captured in the ysider are saved to the database, and the on must be overridden_ The result() function. On_ The result() function is called at the end of each function, so you have to determine if the result parameter is empty.

from pyspider.database.mysql.crawlerdb import crawlerdb

def on_result(self,result):
    if not result:
    sql = crawlerdb()

Custom save module

crawlerdb module is a user-defined module that saves the results to Mysql database. The address of the module is different for each person. My module is stored in / library / frameworks/ Python.framework/Versions/3 Under. 7 / lib / python3.7/site-packages/pyspider/database/Mysql.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import mysql.connector
import pymysql

from pyspider.result import ResultWorker

class crawlerdb:
    conn = None
    cursor = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.conn = pymysql.connect("", "root", "12345678", "crawler")
        self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()

    def insert(self, _result):
        sql = "insert into info(title,body,editorial,ctime) VALUES('{}','{}','{}','{}')"
            sql = sql.format(pymysql.escape_string(_result.get('title')), pymysql.escape_string(_result.get('body')), _result.get('editorial'),_result.get('ctime'))
            return True
        except mysql.connector.Error:
            print('Insert failed')
            return False

Operational issues

async keyword problem

File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyspider/fetcher/", line 81
    def __init__(self, inqueue, outqueue, poolsize=100, proxy=None, async=True):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

This problem is mainly because async has become a keyword in Python 3. The solution is to open the wrong file ( )Change the wrong async to another variable name


After learning the Pysider framework, the main work in the capture page will be on the parsing page, without paying attention to the timing plan and URL de duplication of the capture task, which is super convenient and fast. It is one of the necessary frameworks for Python people to learn.

Code address

Example code: Python-100-days-day072

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Topics: Python MySQL SQL Database