Day19 FTP system service

Posted by AQHost on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 12:44:47 +0100

FTP, NFS, SAMBA system services

1, rsync hosted xinetd

1. Why service hosting

Independent service: independent startup script ssh ftp nfs dns

Dependent service: there is no independent startup script. rsync telnet depends on xinetd service (independent service)

2. How can rsync be managed by xinetd service?

Step 1: install xinetd service in the system

# yum -y install xinetd

# rpm -ql xinetd

Step 2: write xinetd Conf file (/ etc/xinetd.conf)

# man 5 xinetd.conf
only_from		Allow access only
no_access		access denied
access_times	Controls the time period for accessing the service
log_type		Specify log type
interface		Number of concurrent connections
per_source		each IP Maximum number of connections
includedir /etc/xinetd.d	Sub profile directory (append) rsync,telnet)

Step 3: manually create / etc / xinetd d/rsync

# vim /etc/xinetd.d/rsync
service rsync
	disable = no
	flags = IPv6
	socket_type = stream
	wait = no
	user = root
	server = /usr/bin/rsync
	server_args = --daemon
	log_on_failure += USERID

remarks:disable = no //Switch; no means to start the service; yes means to shut down the service

Step 4: restart the xinetd service (after the xinetd service is restarted, the rsync service will also be restarted to check the port occupation)

# pkill rsync
# systemctl restart xinetd
# ss -naltp |grep 873
LISTEN     :::873      users:(("xinetd",pid=45079,fd=5))

When querying the occupation of port 873, it is found that there is only xinetd service and no rsync service. Reason: rsync = > xinetd

Frequently asked questions (empirical value)

If we're starting xinetd During service, it is found that port 873 in the system has not been occupied. There can only be one problem: there is an error in the configuration file!
Solution: cat /var/log/messages
 Be sure to pay attention to the color change. If there is a color change, it means that it is the correct option. If there is no color change, it is certain that you have some invisible characters when copying.

2, FTP service overview

1. Introduction to FTP service

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a widely used and ancient Internet file transfer protocol.

File transfer: file upload and file download

  • It is mainly used for two-way transmission (upload / download) and file sharing of files on the Internet
  • Cross platform Linux, Windows
  • FTP is a C/S architecture, with a client and server. It uses TCP protocol as the underlying transmission protocol to provide reliable data transmission
  • The default port of FTP is 21 (command port) and 20 (data port, in active mode) in passive mode by default
  • FTP program (software) vsftpd

FTP software name = > vsftpd = > vs (very secure ftp daemon)

2. Client tools for FTP service

  • Linux: ftp, lftp (client program)
  • Windows: FlashFXP (virtual host), FileZilla, IE, Chrome, Firefox
  • Differences between lftp and ftp tools:
    • lftp: accessed by anonymous users by default
    • ftp: accessed by user name / password by default
    • lftp can batch and download directories

3. Two operating modes of FTP (understand)

In FTP service, there are two modes (active mode + passive mode)

Reference point, server side of FTP. If the FTP server actively connects to the client = > active mode, if the client actively connects to the FTP server = > passive mode.

☆ active mode

cmd: command port (send FTP request)

Data: data port (used to transmit data later)

1. The client opens the random command port greater than 1023 and the random data port greater than 1023 to initiate a request to port 21 of the service
2. The command port 21 of the server responds to the random command port of the client
3. Port 20 of the server actively requests to connect to the random data port of the client
4. Confirm the random data port of the client

☆ passive mode

1. The client opens the random command port greater than 1023 and the random data port greater than 1023 to initiate a request to port 21 of the service
2. The command port 21 of the server responds to the random command port of the client
3. The client actively connects to the random data port larger than 1023 opened by the server
4. The server confirms

FTP uses passive mode by default!

4. Set up FTP service (important)

1. Turn off firewalls and selinux
2. to configure yum source(mount /dev/sr0 /mnt)
3. Software Trilogy
4. Understanding profiles
5. Modify the configuration file according to the requirements to complete the service construction
6. Start the service and start it automatically
7. Test verification

Step 1: turn off the firewall and SELinux

# systemctl stop firewalld
# systemctl disable firewalld

# setenforce 0
# vim /etc/selinux/config

Step 2: configure YUM source

Public network with network configuration YUM Source (Alibaba, Tsinghua, Huawei) can be configured locally without a network YUM source
# mount /dev/sr0 /mnt
# yum clean all
# yum makecache

Step 3: install vsftpd software (FTP = > vsftpd)

# yum install vsftpd -y

Step 4: start the ftp service and add it to the startup item

# systemctl start vsftpd
# systemctl enable vsftpd

Step 5: test whether FTP is installed successfully

# ifconfig ens33
inet  netmask  broadcast

☆ browser based access

☆ Windows Explorer Based Access

☆ based on FlashFxp and FileZilla software

☆ connection based on FTP and lftp commands (FTP file transfer between Linux and Linux)

 yum install ftp lftp -y
# ftp

5. Detailed description of FTP configuration file (important)

On the Server side, use rpm -ql vsftpd

# rpm -ql vsftpd
/usr/lib/systemd/system/vsftpd.service	Startup script
/etc/vsftpd								Directory of configuration files
/etc/vsftpd/ftpusers				    User list file, blacklist
/etc/vsftpd/user_list				    User list file, black or white (blacklist by default)
/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf					configuration file(Master profile)
/usr/sbin/vsftpd						Program itself (binary command)
/var/ftp								Default data root directory for anonymous users
/var/ftp/pub							Extended data directory for anonymous users

Details of vsftpd configuration file:

# grep -v ^# /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
anonymous_enable=YES			Support anonymous user access	
local_enable=YES				Support non anonymous users,Log in with an ordinary account and enter your home directory by default
write_enable=YES				Write master switch
local_umask=022					Unmask  file:644  rw- r-- r-- dir:755
dirmessage_enable=YES			Enable message function
xferlog_enable=YES				Turn on or enable xferlog journal
connect_from_port_20=YES		Support active mode (default passive mode)
xferlog_std_format=YES			xferlog Log format
listen=YES					    ftp Monitoring in service independent mode

pam_service_name=vsftpd			Specify certification documents
userlist_enable=YES				Enable user list
tcp_wrappers=YES				support tcp_wrappers function(FTP Speed limit operation)

# man 5 vsftpd.conf

3, FTP task solution

1. Task background

To put it simply: build a customer service system (mainly involving customer service data upload and download) according to what we have learned (FTP)

1. Customer service personnel must use user name and password(kefu/123)Log in to the server to download the corresponding documents
2. Anonymous user access is not allowed
3. The relevant documents of the customer service department are saved in the designated directory/data/kefu    local_root=/data/kefu
4. Customer service user kefu/123 After logging in, you can only use the default/data/kefu Activity in directory

2. Create customer service account (Server)

# useradd kefu
# echo 123 |passwd --stdin kefu

3. Anonymous user access is not allowed

# vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
12 that 's ok anonymous_enable=NO

After modifying the configuration, be sure to restart the vsftpd service

# systemctl restart vsftpd

4. Specify the directory accessed by the account

# mkdir /data/kefu -p
# vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
17 that 's ok local_root=/data/kefu

5. kefu/123 can only be active in / data/kefu directory

Imprisoned kefu users can only be in the / data/kefu directory

# vim /etc/vsftp/vsftpd.conf
18 that 's ok chroot_local_user=YES

After the configuration modification is completed, the vsftpd service must be restarted

# systemctl restart vsftpd

4, Empirical value

1,500 OOPS

The above problems mainly occur in ftp2 In versions after 3.5, of course, you can use it

# rpm -qi vsftpd view version information


① Remove write permission (treat symptoms but not root causes)

# chmod a-w /home/dhj

② Core solution, add an option

# vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
19 that 's ok allow_writeable_chroot=YES

2. Unable to upload

The reason why it cannot be uploaded is that the account kefu does not have w write permission to the / data/kefu folder

# setfacl -R -m u:kefu:rwx /data/kefu
# systemctl restart vsftpd

3. Imprisonment directory supplement

18 that 's ok chroot_local_user=YES  Imprison all users

Requirement: can we open non imprisoned permissions for a small number of users.

# vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
105 that 's ok chroot_list_enable=YES					    Open user list file
107 that 's ok chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list	Specify user list file

echo kefu >> /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list        On behalf of customer service, this account will not be locked in the specified directory

# systemctl restart vsftpd

3. Imprisonment directory supplement

18 that 's ok chroot_local_user=YES  Imprison all users

Requirement: can we open non imprisoned permissions for a small number of users.

# vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
105 that 's ok chroot_list_enable=YES					    Open user list file
107 that 's ok chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list	Specify user list file

echo kefu >> /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list        On behalf of customer service, this account will not be locked in the specified directory

# systemctl restart vsftpd

Topics: Linux Operation & Maintenance