Deliberate practice -- Python basic Task06. Dictionaries and collections
Posted by COOMERDP on Sat, 26 Oct 2019 20:27:02 +0200
Deliberate practice -- Python basic Task06. Dictionaries and collections
I. dictionary
Create Dictionary: you can use curly braces or the dict() function to create a dictionary.
- key in dictionary is not allowed to be duplicate.
Delete key value pair: use del statement.
In or not in: determines whether the dictionary contains the specified key.
Clear() method: clear all key value pairs in the dictionary. After executing the clear() method on the dictionary, the dictionary will become an empty dictionary.
Get() method: get the value according to the key (equivalent to the enhanced version of the square bracket syntax -- when using the square bracket syntax to access the key that does not exist, the dictionary will cause a KeyError; however, get() method will return None, which will not cause an error).
update() method: use the key value pair contained in a dictionary to update the existing dictionary.
items(): get all key value pairs in the dictionary.
keys(): get all the key s in the dictionary.
values(): gets all value s in the dictionary.
After items(), keys(), and values() are used, the returned dict_items, dict_keys, and dict_values objects must be converted into a list through the list() function and returned.
pop() method: get the value corresponding to the specified key, and delete the key value pair.
popitem() method: randomly pop up a key value pair in the dictionary.
setdefault() method: get the value of the corresponding value according to the key (if the key does not exist, Python will automatically set a default value).
fromkeys() method: create a dictionary with multiple keys given, and the value corresponding to these keys is None by default; you can also use an extra parameter as the default value.
- Format string using dictionary
temp = 'The title of the book is:%(name)s,Price is:%(price)010.2f,The press is:%(publish)s'
book = {'name':'mathematical analysis','price':'42.30','publish':'Higher Education Press'}
print(temp % book)
Use the for in loop to traverse the dictionary: items(), keys(), and value() are required
my_list = {'Chinese':130,'Math':148,'English':146}
for key,value in my_list.items():
for key in my_list.keys():
for value in my_list.values():
Two, set
set creation: enclose the contained elements in curly braces.
Features of set set set: 1.set does not record the order of adding elements; 2. Elements are not allowed to repeat; 3.set set is a variable container (the elements of frozenset corresponding to set are immutable)
- Enter [e for E in dir (set) if not e.startswitch ('")] to see all the methods of set set set
- The usage of set set method
c = {'naruto'}
print("c Whether the collection contains'naruto'Character string:",('naruto' in c))
a = set()
print("a Set is c Subset of?",a.issubset(c))
print("a Set is c Subset of?",(a <= c))
print("c Whether the collection contains all a Set?,c.issuperset(a))"
print("c Whether the collection contains all a Set?,(c>=a))"
result1 = c - a
result2 = c.difference(a)
print("c Elements of collection:",c)
d = {'raruto',555,666}
inter1 = d & c
inter2 = d.intersection(c)
print("d Elements of collection:",d)
e = set(range(5))
f = set(range(3,7))
xor = e ^ f
print('e and f implement xor Results:',xor)
un = e.union(f)
- In all set sets, methods that can change the set itself are not supported by frozen set; in all set sets, methods that do not change the set itself are supported by frozen set.
The main functions of frozenset are as follows:
1. When the set element does not need to be changed, it is safer to use frozen instead of set.
2. When some API s need immutable objects, they must replace set with hazenset. Such as the key of dict and the set element of set itself.