Hello, great Xia. Welcome to the FPGA technology Jianghu. The Jianghu is so big. It's fate to meet each other.
Today, I will bring you the design of Ethernet controller (MAC) based on FPGA. Due to the long length, it is divided into three parts. Today, I will bring the third and second part, the simulation, testing and summary of the program. Don't talk much, load the goods.
Hyperlinks to the first two articles are also given here:
Design of Ethernet controller (MAC) based on FPGA (Part I)
Design of Ethernet controller (MAC) based on FPGA (in)
Reading guide
At present, the Internet has greatly changed our production and life. Accordingly, in the research and development of embedded system, more and more attention is paid to network function. Embedded system is no longer limited to isolated control and processing units, but towards network integration, so as to realize the centralized control and information sharing of multiple systems.
The development and application of Ethernet technology in embedded system has become one of the technical hotspots in the current embedded research field. On the one hand, compared with traditional RS-485 and CAN, Ethernet is more high-speed and universal, and CAN also be directly connected with the Internet to provide a wider range of remote access; In addition, the properly tailored and optimized TCP/IP protocol stack CAN also fully meet the needs of industrial applications. On the other hand, it has obvious advantages over IEEE 1394.0 bus in terms of generic cabling and software transmission cost.
The embedded system based on Ethernet has good application prospects in the following aspects:
• industry: industrial control, network instruments, remote distributed data acquisition
• home automation: smart home, information appliances, home gateway
• business: remote sales platform, intelligent vending machine, public telephone card issuing system
• environmental protection: water source and air pollution monitoring, flood control system and water and soil quality monitoring, dam safety
• others: traffic management, vehicle navigation, automatic meter reading
Therefore, when using FPGA to design various embedded application systems, we need to consider providing Ethernet interface for the system. This chapter will implement an Ethernet controller (MAC) example through FPGA, and introduce the implementation process in detail.
Abstract of the third part: this part will introduce the simulation, testing and summary of the program, including the top-level program, external PHY chip simulation program, simulation results and other related contents.
4, Simulation and test of program
The main part of the program has been introduced above. In order to check whether the program realizes the preset function, it is necessary to write a simulation program.
The simulation program (Testbench) of Ethernet controller needs to simulate both ends of data communication at the same time: host (upper layer protocol) and external PHY chip. Therefore, the structure of the design simulation program is shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 structure of Ethernet controller program Testbench
As can be seen from Figure 12, the simulation program should include: top-level program, simulated PHY program, simulated host program and Ethernet control program.
4.1 top level procedure
The top-level program is responsible for connecting all parts of the simulation program: simulation PHY program, simulation host program and Ethernet control program. At the same time, the top-level program needs to control the simulation. The main codes are as follows:
`include "eth_phy_defines.v" `include "wb_model_defines.v" `include "tb_eth_defines.v" `include "eth_defines.v" `include "timescale.v" module tb_ethernet(); //Register and connection reg wb_clk; ...... //Connecting Ethernet controller eth_top eth_top( .wb_clk_i(wb_clk), .wb_rst_i(wb_rst), .wb_adr_i(eth_sl_wb_adr_i[11:2]), .wb_sel_i(eth_sl_wb_sel_i), .wb_we_i(eth_sl_wb_we_i), .wb_cyc_i(eth_sl_wb_cyc_i), .wb_stb_i(eth_sl_wb_stb_i), .wb_ack_o(eth_sl_wb_ack_o), .wb_err_o(eth_sl_wb_err_o), .wb_dat_i(eth_sl_wb_dat_i), .wb_dat_o(eth_sl_wb_dat_o), .m_wb_adr_o(eth_ma_wb_adr_o), .m_wb_sel_o(eth_ma_wb_sel_o), .m_wb_we_o(eth_ma_wb_we_o), .m_wb_dat_i(eth_ma_wb_dat_i), .m_wb_dat_o(eth_ma_wb_dat_o), .m_wb_cyc_o(eth_ma_wb_cyc_o), .m_wb_stb_o(eth_ma_wb_stb_o), .m_wb_ack_i(eth_ma_wb_ack_i), .m_wb_err_i(eth_ma_wb_err_i), //send data .mtx_clk_pad_i(mtx_clk), .mtxd_pad_o(MTxD), .mtxen_pad_o(MTxEn), .mtxerr_pad_o(MTxErr), //Receiving data part .mrx_clk_pad_i(mrx_clk), .mrxd_pad_i(MRxD), .mrxdv_pad_i(MRxDV), .mrxerr_pad_i(MRxErr), .mcoll_pad_i(MColl), .mcrs_pad_i(MCrs), //Media independent interface module .mdc_pad_o(Mdc_O), .md_pad_i(Mdi_I), .md_pad_o(Mdo_O), .md_padoe_o(Mdo_OE), .int_o(wb_int) ) //PHY connection part assign Mdio_IO = Mdo_OE ? Mdo_O : 1'bz ; assign Mdi_I = Mdio_IO; integer phy_log_file_desc; eth_phy eth_phy( .m_rst_n_i(!wb_rst), // MAC send data .mtx_clk_o(mtx_clk), .mtxd_i(MTxD), .mtxen_i(MTxEn), .mtxerr_i(MTxErr), // MAC receive data .mrx_clk_o(mrx_clk), .mrxd_o(MRxD), .mrxdv_o(MRxDV), .mrxerr_o(MRxErr), .mcoll_o(MColl), .mcrs_o(MCrs), //Media independent interface module .mdc_i(Mdc_O), .md_io(Mdio_IO), .phy_log(phy_log_file_desc) ); // Connecting the host module integer host_log_file_desc; WB_MASTER_BEHAVIORAL wb_master( .CLK_I(wb_clk), .RST_I(wb_rst), .TAG_I({`WB_TAG_WIDTH{1'b0}}), .TAG_O(), .ACK_I(eth_sl_wb_ack_o), .ADR_O(eth_sl_wb_adr), // only eth_sl_wb_adr_i[11:2] used .CYC_O(eth_sl_wb_cyc_i), .DAT_I(eth_sl_wb_dat_o), .DAT_O(eth_sl_wb_dat_i), .ERR_I(eth_sl_wb_err_o), .RTY_I(1'b0), // inactive (1'b0) .SEL_O(eth_sl_wb_sel_i), .STB_O(eth_sl_wb_stb_i), .WE_O (eth_sl_wb_we_i), .CAB_O() // NOT USED for now! ) assign eth_sl_wb_adr_i = {20'h0, eth_sl_wb_adr[11:2], 2'h0}; ...... //initialization initial begin //Reset signal wb_rst = 1'b1; #423 wb_rst = 1'b0; //Clear memory contents clear_memories; clear_buffer_descriptors; #423 StartTB = 1'b1; end //Generate clock signal initial begin wb_clk=0; forever #15 wb_clk = ~wb_clk; // 2*10 ns -> 33.3 MHz end integer tests_successfull; integer tests_failed; reg [799:0] test_name; // used for tb_log_file reg [3:0] wbm_init_waits; // initial wait cycles between CYC_O and STB_O of WB Master reg [3:0] wbm_subseq_waits; // subsequent wait cycles between STB_Os of WB Master reg [2:0] wbs_waits; // wait cycles befor WB Slave responds reg [7:0] wbs_retries; // if RTY response, then this is the number of retries before ACK reg wbm_working; // tasks wbm_write and wbm_read set signal when working and resetit when stop working //Start test content initial begin wait(StartTB); // Start testing //Initialize global variables tests_successfull = 0; tests_failed = 0; wbm_working = 0; wbm_init_waits = 4'h1; wbm_subseq_waits = 4'h3; wbs_waits = 4'h1; wbs_retries = 8'h2; wb_slave.cycle_response(`ACK_RESPONSE, wbs_waits, wbs_retries); //Each task of the test test_note("PHY generates ideal Carrier sense and Collision signals for following tests"); eth_phy.carrier_sense_real_delay(0); test_mac_full_duplex_transmit(0, 21); //Test data transmission in full duplex mode test_mac_full_duplex_receive(0, 13); //Test receiving data in full duplex mode test_mac_full_duplex_flow_control(0, 4); // Test the whole data flow test_note("PHY generates 'real delayed' Carrier sense and Collision signals for following tests"); eth_phy.carrier_sense_real_delay(1); // End test test_summary; $stop; end
The test content is executed through multiple test tasks. Limited by space, the contents of test tasks are not listed one by one.
4.2 external PHY chip simulation program
The simulation program simulates the simplified LXT971A chip (the external PHY chip of Inter company). PHY chip is connected to Ethernet controller through MIIM (media independent interface management module), so:
• when the Ethernet controller sends data to the PHY chip simulator, the PHY chip simulator controls the data transmission according to the protocol;
• when the PHY chip sends data to the Ethernet controller, the external PHY chip simulation program first generates the data to be transmitted according to the protocol requirements, and then sends it to the Ethernet controller.
The main codes of external PHY chip simulation program are as follows:
`include "timescale.v" `include "eth_phy_defines.v" `include "tb_eth_defines.v" module eth_phy (m_rst_n_i, mtx_clk_o, mtxd_i, mtxen_i, mtxerr_i, mrx_clk_o, mrxd_o, mrxdv_o, mrxerr_o,mcoll_o, mcrs_o,mdc_i, md_io, phy_log); //Input / output signal input m_rst_n_i; ...... //Registers and connections reg control_bit15; // self clearing bit ...... // MIIM part of PHY chip simulation program ...... //initialization initial begin md_io_enable = 1'b0; respond_to_all_phy_addr = 1'b0; no_preamble = 1'b0; end // Put the output in three states assign #1 md_io = (m_rst_n_i && md_io_enable) ? md_io_output : 1' bz ; //Register input always@(posedge mdc_i or negedge m_rst_n_i) begin if (!m_rst_n_i) md_io_reg <= #1 0; else md_io_reg <= #1 md_io; end // Get PHY address, register address and data input, and shift the data to be output // putting Data out and shifting always@(posedge mdc_i or negedge m_rst_n_i) begin if (!m_rst_n_i) begin phy_address <= 0; reg_address <= 0; reg_data_in <= 0; reg_data_out <= 0; md_io_output <= 0; end else begin if (md_get_phy_address) begin phy_address[4:1] <= phy_address[3:0]; // correct address is `ETH_PHY_ADDR phy_address[0] <= md_io; end if (md_get_reg_address) begin reg_address[4:1] <= reg_address[3:0]; reg_address[0] <= md_io; end if (md_get_reg_data_in) begin reg_data_in[15:1] <= reg_data_in[14:0]; reg_data_in[0] <= md_io; end if (md_put_reg_data_out) begin reg_data_out <= register_bus_out; end if (md_io_enable) begin md_io_output <= reg_data_out[15]; reg_data_out[15:1] <= reg_data_out[14:0]; reg_data_out[0] <= 1'b0; end end end assign #1 register_bus_in = reg_data_in; // md_put_reg_data_in - allows writing to a selected register // Statistics of data transmitted through MIIM (media independent interface management module) always@(posedge mdc_i or negedge m_rst_n_i) begin if (!m_rst_n_i) begin if (no_preamble) md_transfer_cnt <= 33; else md_transfer_cnt <= 1; end else begin if (md_transfer_cnt_reset) begin if (no_preamble) md_transfer_cnt <= 33; else md_transfer_cnt <= 1; end else if (md_transfer_cnt < 64) begin md_transfer_cnt <= md_transfer_cnt + 1'b1; end else begin if (no_preamble) md_transfer_cnt <= 33; else md_transfer_cnt <= 1; end end end // Transmission control of MIIM always@(m_rst_n_i or md_transfer_cnt or md_io_reg or md_io_rd_wr orphy_address or respond_to_all_phy_addr or no_preamble) begin #1; while ((m_rst_n_i) && (md_transfer_cnt <= 64)) begin // Reset signal // Check header if (md_transfer_cnt < 33) begin #4 md_put_reg_data_in = 1'b0; if (md_io_reg !== 1'b1) begin #1 md_transfer_cnt_reset = 1'b1; end else begin #1 md_transfer_cnt_reset = 1'b0; end end //Check start bit else if (md_transfer_cnt == 33) begin if (no_preamble) begin #4 md_put_reg_data_in = 1'b0; if (md_io_reg === 1'b0) begin #1 md_transfer_cnt_reset = 1'b0; end else begin #1 md_transfer_cnt_reset = 1'b1; //if ((md_io_reg !== 1'bz) && (md_io_reg !== 1'b1)) if (md_io_reg !== 1'bz) begin //error `ifdef VERBOSE $fdisplay(phy_log, "*E (%0t)(%m)MIIM - wrong first start bit (without preamble)", $time); `endif #10 $stop; end end end else // with preamble begin #4 ; `ifdef VERBOSE $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m)MIIM - 32-bit preamble received", $time); `endif // check start bit only if md_transfer_cnt_reset is inactive, because if // preamble suppression was changed start bit should not be checked if ((md_io_reg !== 1'b0) && (md_transfer_cnt_reset == 1'b0)) begin // error `ifdef VERBOSE $fdisplay(phy_log, "*E (%0t)(%m)MIIM - wrong first start bit", $time); `endif #10 $stop; end end end else if (md_transfer_cnt == 34) begin #4; if (md_io_reg !== 1'b1) begin // error #1; `ifdef VERBOSE if (no_preamble) $fdisplay(phy_log, "*E (%0t)(%m)MIIM - wrong second start bit (without preamble)", $time); else $fdisplay(phy_log, "*E (%0t)(%m)MIIM - wrong second start bit", $time); `endif #10 $stop; end else begin `ifdef VERBOSE if (no_preamble) #1 $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m)MIIM - 2 start bits received (without preamble)",$time); else #1 $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m)MIIM - 2 start bits received", $time); `endif end end // Register op code else if (md_transfer_cnt == 35) begin #4; if (md_io_reg === 1'b1) begin #1 md_io_rd_wr = 1'b1; end else begin #1 md_io_rd_wr = 1'b0; end end else if (md_transfer_cnt == 36) begin #4; if ((md_io_reg === 1'b0) && (md_io_rd_wr == 1'b1)) begin #1 md_io_rd_wr = 1'b1; // reading from PHY registers `ifdef VERBOSE $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m)MIIM - op-code for READING from registers", $time); `endif end else if ((md_io_reg === 1'b1) && (md_io_rd_wr == 1'b0)) begin #1 md_io_rd_wr = 1'b0; // writing to PHY registers `ifdef VERBOSE $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m)MIIM - op-code for WRITING to registers", $time); `endif end else begin // Opcode error `ifdef VERBOSE #1 $fdisplay(phy_log, "*E (%0t)(%m)MIIM - wrong OP-CODE", $time); `endif #10 $stop; end // Get PHY address begin #1 md_get_phy_address = 1'b1; end end else if (md_transfer_cnt == 41) begin #4 md_get_phy_address = 1'b0; // set the signal - get register address #1 md_get_reg_address = 1'b1; end // Get register address else if (md_transfer_cnt == 46) begin #4 md_get_reg_address = 1'b0; #1 md_put_reg_data_out = 1'b1; end ...... // Control of data transmission between PHY chip and Ethernet controller // register reg mcoll_o; ...... //Initialize all registers initial begin mcrs_rx = 0; mcrs_tx = 0; task_mcoll = 0; task_mcrs = 0; task_mcrs_lost = 0; no_collision_in_half_duplex = 0; collision_in_full_duplex = 0; no_carrier_sense_in_tx_half_duplex = 0; no_carrier_sense_in_rx_half_duplex = 0; carrier_sense_in_tx_full_duplex = 0; no_carrier_sense_in_rx_full_duplex = 0; real_carrier_sense = 0; end // Data conflict always@(m_rst_n_i or control_bit8_0 or collision_in_full_duplex or mcrs_rx or mcrs_tx or task_mcoll or no_collision_in_half_duplex) begin if (!m_rst_n_i) mcoll_o = 0; else begin if (control_bit8_0[8]) // full duplex begin if (collision_in_full_duplex) // collision is usually not asserted in full duplex begin mcoll_o = ((mcrs_rx && mcrs_tx) || task_mcoll); `ifdef VERBOSE if (mcrs_rx && mcrs_tx) $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) Collision set in FullDuplex!", $time); if (task_mcoll) $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) Collision set in FullDuplex from TASK!", $time); `endif end else begin mcoll_o = task_mcoll; `ifdef VERBOSE if (task_mcoll) $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) Collision set in FullDuplex from TASK!", $time); `endif end end else // half duplex begin mcoll_o = ((mcrs_rx && mcrs_tx && !no_collision_in_half_duplex) ||task_mcoll); `ifdef VERBOSE if (mcrs_rx && mcrs_tx) $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) Collision set in HalfDuplex!", $time); if (task_mcoll) $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) Collision set in HalfDuplex from TASK!", $time); `endif end end end //Carrier sense multiple access always@(m_rst_n_i or control_bit8_0 or carrier_sense_in_tx_full_duplex or no_carrier_sense_in_rx_full_duplex or no_carrier_sense_in_tx_half_duplex or no_carrier_sense_in_rx_half_duplex or mcrs_rx or mcrs_tx or task_mcrs or task_mcrs_lost) begin if (!m_rst_n_i) mcrs_o = 0; else begin if (control_bit8_0[8]) // full duplex begin if (carrier_sense_in_tx_full_duplex) // carrier sense is usually not asserted duringTX in full duplex mcrs_o = ((mcrs_rx && !no_carrier_sense_in_rx_full_duplex) || mcrs_tx || task_mcrs) && !task_mcrs_lost; else mcrs_o = ((mcrs_rx && !no_carrier_sense_in_rx_full_duplex) || task_mcrs) && !task_mcrs_lost; end else // half duplex begin mcrs_o = ((mcrs_rx && !no_carrier_sense_in_rx_half_duplex) || (mcrs_tx && !no_carrier_sense_in_tx_half_duplex) || task_mcrs) && !task_mcrs_lost; end end end // Ethernet controller sends data and PHY chip receives data //register reg [7:0] tx_mem [0:4194303]; // 4194304 is all the addresses that can be provided by the 22 bit address line, and each address is 8 bits ...... //Send data control always@(posedge mtx_clk_o) begin // Save the data and check the basic frame data if (!m_rst_n_i) begin tx_cnt <= 0; tx_preamble_ok <= 0; tx_sfd_ok <= 0; tx_len <= 0; tx_len_err <= 0; end else begin if (!mtxen_i) begin tx_cnt <= 0; end else begin //A counter that sends four byte data tx_cnt <= tx_cnt + 1; //Set the initialization value and check the header of the first four byte data if (tx_cnt == 0) begin `ifdef VERBOSE $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) TX frame started with tx_en set!", $time); `endif if (mtxd_i == 4'h5) tx_preamble_ok <= 1; else tx_preamble_ok <= 0; tx_sfd_ok <= 0; tx_byte_aligned_ok <= 0; tx_len <= 0; tx_len_err <= 0; end // Check header if ((tx_cnt > 0) && (tx_cnt <= 13)) begin if ((tx_preamble_ok != 1) || (mtxd_i != 4'h5)) tx_preamble_ok <= 0; end // Check SFD if (tx_cnt == 14) begin `ifdef VERBOSE if (tx_preamble_ok == 1) $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) TX frame preamble OK!", $time); else $fdisplay(phy_log, "*E (%0t)(%m) TX frame preamble NOT OK!", $time); `endif if (mtxd_i == 4'h5) tx_sfd_ok <= 1; else tx_sfd_ok <= 0; end if (tx_cnt == 15) begin if ((tx_sfd_ok != 1) || (mtxd_i != 4'hD)) tx_sfd_ok <= 0; end // Control storage address, data type / length, data content and FCS to send data buffer if (tx_cnt > 15) begin if (tx_cnt == 16) begin `ifdef VERBOSE if (tx_sfd_ok == 1) $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) TX frame SFD OK!", $time); else $fdisplay(phy_log, "*E (%0t)(%m) TX frame SFD NOT OK!", $time); `endif end if (tx_cnt[0] == 0) begin tx_mem_data_in[3:0] <= mtxd_i; // storing LSB nibble tx_byte_aligned_ok <= 0; // if transfer will stop after this, then there was driblenibble end else begin tx_mem[tx_mem_addr_in[21:0]] <= {mtxd_i, tx_mem_data_in[3:0]}; // storing data into tx memory tx_len <= tx_len + 1; // enlarge byte length counter tx_byte_aligned_ok <= 1; // if transfer will stop after this, then transfer is byte alligned tx_mem_addr_in <= tx_mem_addr_in + 1'b1; end if (mtxerr_i) tx_len_err <= tx_len; end end end //Generating a carrier signal for transmitting data if (!m_rst_n_i) begin mcrs_tx <= 0; mtxen_d1 <= 0; mtxen_d2 <= 0; mtxen_d3 <= 0; mtxen_d4 <= 0; mtxen_d5 <= 0; mtxen_d6 <= 0; end else begin mtxen_d1 <= mtxen_i; mtxen_d2 <= mtxen_d1; mtxen_d3 <= mtxen_d2; mtxen_d4 <= mtxen_d3; mtxen_d5 <= mtxen_d4; mtxen_d6 <= mtxen_d5; if (real_carrier_sense) mcrs_tx <= mtxen_d6; else mcrs_tx <= mtxen_i; end end `ifdef VERBOSE reg frame_started; initial begin frame_started = 0; end always@(posedge mtxen_i) begin frame_started <= 1; end always@(negedge mtxen_i) begin if (frame_started) begin $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) TX frame ended with tx_en reset!", $time); frame_started <= 0; end end always@(posedge mrxerr_o) begin $fdisplay(phy_log, " (%0t)(%m) RX frame ERROR signal was set!", $time); end `endif ...... endmodule
4.3 simulation results
As shown in Figure 13, it is the test of data transmission in full duplex mode. The highlighted MTxD in the figure is the data output of Ethernet controller.
Fig. 13 test results of transmitting data in full duplex mode
As shown in Figure 14, it is the test of receiving data in full duplex mode. The MRxD highlighted in the figure is the input of data received by Ethernet controller.
Fig. 14 test results of received data in full duplex mode
Figure 15 shows the test results of the whole process of data transmission and reception in full duplex mode. The highlighted MTxD and MRxD in the figure are the output and input ports of Ethernet controller for transmitting and receiving data.
FIG. 15 test results of the whole process of data transmission and reception in full dual mode
FIG. 16 shows the test results of the whole process of transmitting and receiving data in half duplex mode.
FIG. 16 test results of the whole process of sending and receiving data in half duplex mode
5, Summary
This paper introduces an example of Ethernet controller (MAC). Firstly, the basic principle of Ethernet is introduced, and then the main structure of Ethernet controller program and the implementation process of main functional modules are introduced. Finally, a test program is used to verify whether the function of the program meets the requirements. This chapter provides a useful scheme for readers to design their own Ethernet controller, and helps to deepen their understanding of Ethernet protocol.
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