Detailed explanation of Spring Boot integrated Dubbo/ZooKeeper

Posted by minus4 on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 22:15:14 +0100

From: Mason @ bysocket com

Contents of this article
  • 1, Why integrate Dubbo for SOA
  • 2, Run the springboot Dubbo server and springboot Dubbo client projects
  • 3, Detailed configuration of springboot Dubbo server and springboot Dubbo client projects

Spring Boot series: Spring Boot stuff

1, Why integrate Dubbo?

Dubbo is not only a high-performance RPC invocation framework, but also a solution for SOA Service governance.


  • Remote communication, calling remote methods like local calls.
  • Cluster fault tolerance
  • Services are automatically discovered and registered, and service providers can be added or deleted smoothly.

We often use spring boot to expose HTTP services and follow JSON mode. However, the amount is gradually increasing. It is a governance scheme of SOA. This can expose the Dubbo service interface and provide it to the Dubbo consumer for RPC calls. Let's explain in detail how to integrate Dubbo.

2, Run the springboot Dubbo server and springboot Dubbo client projects

Operating environment: JDK 7 or 8, Maven 3.0 + technology stack: SpringBoot 1.5 +, Dubbo 2.5 +, ZooKeeper 3.3+

1.ZooKeeper service registry

ZooKeeper is a distributed, open source distributed application coordination service. It is a software that provides consistency services for distributed applications. Its functions include configuration maintenance, domain name service, distributed synchronization, group service, etc.

Download ZooKeeper, address Unzip ZooKeeper

tar zxvf zookeeper-3.4.8.tar.gz

Create a new zoo in the conf directory CFG, follow the zoo of the directory_ sample. CFG configuration is as follows.

cd zookeeper-3.3.6/conf
vim zoo.cfg

zoo. The CFG code is as follows (specify the log file directory yourself):


In the bin directory, start ZooKeeper

cd zookeeper-3.3.6/bin
./ start

2. git clone download project springboot learning example

See GitHub – :

git clone

Then Maven compiles and installs the project:

cd springboot-learning-example
mvn clean install

3. Run the springboot Dubbo server Dubbo service provider project

Right click to run the main function of the ServerApplication application startup class of the springboot Dubbo server project. The following items appear in the Console, indicating that the project is started successfully:

This indicates that the Dubbo service has been started successfully and registered with ZK (ZooKeeper).

4. Run the springboot Dubbo client Dubbo service consumer project

Right click to run the main function of the springboot Dubbo client project ClientApplication application startup class. The following appears in Console:

2017-03-01 16:31:38.473  INFO 9896 --- [           main] o.s.j.e.a.AnnotationMBeanExporter : Registering beans for JMX exposure on startup
2017-03-01 16:31:38.538  INFO 9896 --- [           main] s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8081 (http)
2017-03-01 16:31:38.547  INFO 9896 --- [           main] org.spring.springboot.ClientApplication : Started ClientApplication in 6.055 seconds (JVM running for 7.026)
City{id=1, provinceId=2, cityName='Wenling', description='It's my hometown'}

The last printed city information is obtained through Dubbo service interface call. It runs successfully. The following details each code and configuration.

3, Detailed configuration of springboot Dubbo server and springboot Dubbo client projects

The code is on GitHub, .

1. Explain the springboot Dubbo server Dubbo service provider project in detail

Springboot Dubbo server project directory structure

├── pom.xml
└── src
 └── main
 ├── java
 │ └── org
 │ └── spring
 │ └── springboot
 │ ├──
 │ ├── domain
 │ │ └──
 │ └── dubbo
 │ ├──
 │ └── impl
 │ └──
 └── resources

a.pom.xml configuration

pom.xml relies on the spring boot starter Dubbo project. The project address is . pom. The XML configuration is as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

 <name>springboot-dubbo Server:: integration Dubbo/ZooKeeper Explain in detail SOA case</name>

 <!-- Spring Boot Start parent dependency -->



 <!-- Spring Boot Dubbo rely on -->

 <!-- Spring Boot Web rely on -->

 <!-- Spring Boot Test rely on -->

 <!-- Junit -->
</project> configuration

## Dubbo service provider configuration

The address and port configured by ZK here is the ZK built locally above. If you have your own ZK, you can modify the following configuration. The configuration is explained as follows:

  • application name
  • spring.dubbo.registry.address registry address
  • agreement name
  • spring.dubbo.protocol.port protocol port
  • spring.dubbo.scan dubbo service class package directory city business Dubbo service layer implementation layer class

// Register as Dubbo service
@Service(version = "1.0.0")
public class CityDubboServiceImpl implements CityDubboService {

 public City findCityByName(String cityName) {
 return new City(1L,2L,"Wenling","It's my hometown");

@The Service annotation identifies the Dubbo Service and specifies the version number through version. city entity class

If the entity class is called through RPC between Dubbo services, the serialization interface needs to be implemented. It is best to specify a serialVersionUID value.

2. Explain the springboot Dubbo client consumer service project in detail

Springboot Dubbo client project directory structure

├── pom.xml
└── src
 └── main
 ├── java
 │ └── org
 │ └── spring
 │ └── springboot
 │ ├──
 │ ├── domain
 │ │ └──
 │ └── dubbo
 │ ├──
 │ └──
 └── resources

pom.xml ,, has not changed. Dubbo consumers call the Dubbo interface by introducing an interface. configuration

## Avoid conflicts with server project ports

## Dubbo service consumer configuration

Because the springboot Dubbo server project takes up port 8080, port 8081 is set here. City Dubbo service consumers

public class CityDubboConsumerService {

 @Reference(version = "1.0.0")
 CityDubboService cityDubboService;

 public void printCity() {
 String cityName="Wenling";
 City city = cityDubboService.findCityByName(cityName);

@Reference(version = "1.0.0") subscribes to the interface version of 1.0.0 through this annotation Dubbo service for 0.

The CityDubboConsumerService is injected into the Spring container to obtain the Bean more conveniently, and then verify whether the Dubbo call is successful. client startup class

public class ClientApplication {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
 // Program startup entry
 // Start the embedded Tomcat and initialize the Spring environment and its Spring components
 ConfigurableApplicationContext run =, args);
 CityDubboConsumerService cityService = run.getBean(CityDubboConsumerService.class);

Explain this logic, which is to obtain the urban Dubbo service consumer bean from the bean container after startup. The Bean method is then invoked to verify whether the Dubbo call is successful.

Code example

The example readers of this article can view the module project name in the following warehouse: 2-x-spring-boot-weblux-handling-errors:

  • Github:
  • Gitee:

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