Details of Ansible installation, deployment and common modules

Posted by rockstar_tom on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 18:25:25 +0200

Reprinted from

The Ansible command uses

Ansible syntax uses ansible-m-a

-m NAME, -module-name=NAME: Specifies the module used for execution

-u USERNAME, -user=USERNAME: Specify the remote host to run the command with USERNAME

-s, -sudo: equivalent to sudo commands on Linux systems

-USUDO_USERNAME, -sudo-user=SUDO_USERNAME: Use sudo, which is equivalent to the sudo command on Linux

-C-check Check only for non-actual execution

-e EXTRA_VARS, referencing external parameters

-i INVENTORY, specify warehouse list, default/etc/ansible/hosts

- list-hosts, listing execution host columns

Experimental framework:







Installation and deployment of Ansible

The Ansible repository is not in the yum repository by default, so we need to use the following command to enable the epel repository.

[root@ansible ~]# rpm -Uvh
yum install ansible

Installation Directory

Profile directory: /etc/ansible/

Execution File Directory: /usr/bin/

Lib library dependency directory: /usr/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/ansible/

Help Document Directory: /usr/share/doc/ansible-X.X.X/

Man Document Directory: /usr/share/man/man1/

#yum install ansible -y

Configured and managed hosts directly establish ssh-based key authentication

[root@Ansible~]#ssh-keygen #Generate password

Add Authentication

[root@Ansible~]#ssh-copy-id root@
ssh-copy-id root@
ssh-copy-id root@
ssh-copy-id root@
[root@Ansible~]#sshroot@  #Verification

Define hosts, add all managed hosts to/etc/ansible/hosts, otherwise cannot be managed

[root@Ansible~]#vim /etc/ansible/hosts

Perform ping survival detection

[root@Ansible~]#ansible web -m ping|SUCCESS=>{

List execution hosts

[root@Ansible /etc/ansible]#ansible web --list-hosts 
  hosts (4):
[root@Ansible /etc/ansible]#vim ansible.cfg
host_key_checking = False
[root@Ansible /etc/ansible]#useradd locy    #New user
[locy@Ansible ~]$ ssh-keygen
[root@node1 ~]#echo "******" | passwd --stdin locy
[locy@Ansible ~]$ ssh locy@
[locy@node1 ~]$
[root@Ansible ~]#su locy
[locy@Ansible ~]$ ssh locy@
Last login: Sat Jul  8 10:29:22 2017 from
[locy@node1 ~]$ logout
Connection to closed.
[locy@Ansible ~]$ ansible -m ping | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Do secret-free sodu

[root@node1 ~]#visudo 
%wheel  ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL
[root@node1 ~]#usermod -G wheel locy

ping, connect user locy, run as sodu

[locy@Ansible ~]$ ansible -m ping -u locy -b | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
//Or use root (not recommended)
[locy@Ansible ~]$ ansible -m ping -u locy -b --become-user=root

Ansible Common Modules Detailed

Ansible [-m module_name] [-a args] [options] #ansible command format

Specify the host group or ip address Specify the parameters that the calling module passes to the module

Ansible-doc-l View all modules

ansible-doc command View command module details

Ansible-doc-s command View detailed usage of command module


The command module accepts the command name followed by a space-delimited list parameter.The given command will be executed on all selected nodes.It is not handled through a shell, such as $HOME and operations such as Less Than <', >'|',';','&'Work (requires a shell module to implement these functions).

action: command

chdir #Switch to this directory before executing the command

Create #a file name, if the file exists, the command does not execute and can be used for judgment

executable #Switch shell s to execute commands, using the absolute path of the command

The free_form #Linux directive to execute is typically replaced by the -a parameter of Ansible.

removes #a file name, this file does not exist, then the command does not execute, contrary to creates

Use pwd command on all machines

-m Specifies the parameters passed to the module by the module command-a used

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m command -a 'pwd' | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
/root | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
/root | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
/root | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

View disk usage and transfer content to/tmp/df.txt

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m shell -a 'df -h > /tmp/df.txt'


[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m command -a 'cat /tmp/df.txt'

Add users in bulk

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m command -a 'useradd Tom'


If there are pipelines or variables in the command being executed, a shell is required

action: shell

Before chdir #executes, cd to the specified directory to execute the command

Create #a file name, this command does not execute when the file exists

executable #Switch shell s to execute commands, using the absolute path of the command

Commands executed by free_form #

removes #a file name, this file does not exist, then the command does not execute


[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m shell -a 'cat /tmp/df.txt'

Set the password for the user you added last step

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m shell -a 'echo rookie | passwd --stdin Tom'


Copy module to copy files to managed host

action: copy

Backup #Create a backup file that includes timestamp information and, if in some way, retrieve the original file

Content #instead of src=, means that the target file content is generated directly from the information specified here

The path where the dest #remote node stores files, must be an absolute path

directory_mode #Recursive replication sets directory permissions, defaulting to system default permissions

Force #If the target host contains the file but the content is different, if set to yes, force overwrite, if set to no, copy only if the file does not exist at the target location of the target host.Default to yes

After group #has been copied to the remote host, specify the group to which the file or directory belongs

After mode #has been copied to the remote host, specify file or directory permissions, similar to those indicated by chmod as 0644

When owner #copies to a remote host, specify the file or directory owner

src #The local address of the file to be copied to the remote host, either absolute or relative.If the path is a directory, it will be copied recursively.In this case, if the path ends with'/', only the contents of the directory are copied, and if no'/'is used, the entire content including the directory is copied, similar to rsync.

Copy the local/etc/fatab file to the target host's/tmp/ansible.log, owned by roo, owned by locy, authorized by 640, and backup

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m copy -a 'src=/etc/fstab dest=/tmp/ansible.log owner=root group=locy mode=640 backup=yes'

View the results of the previous step

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m shell -a 'ls -l /tmp/ansible.log' | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-r-----. 1 root locy 541 7 September 20:10 /tmp/ansible.log | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-r-----. 1 root locy 541 7 September 20:10 /tmp/ansible.log | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-r-----  1 root locy 541 7 September 08:10 /tmp/ansible.log | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-r-----  1 root locy 541 7 September 20:10 /tmp/ansible.log


Timing Task Module, Setting Management Nodes to Generate Timing Tasks

action: cron

Backup #If set, create a crontab backup

cron_file #If specified, use this file cron.d instead of a single user crontab

Work that day #day should run (1-31, /2, etc)

Hour #hour (0-23, /2, etc)

job #indicates what command to run

minute #minutes (0-59, /2, etc)

Month #month (1-12, /2, etc)

name #Timed Task Description

reboot #Task runs on restart, not recommended, special_time is recommended

special_time #Special time range, parameters: reboot, annual, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly

State #specifies the state, prsent means add timer task, which is also the default setting, absent means delete timer task

User #Executes as which user

weekday #week (0-6 for Sunday-Saturday, *, etc)

Save disk usage in/tmp/df.log at 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 a.m. each day

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m cron -a 'name="harddrive check" minute="15" hour="3,4,5,6" job="df -lh >> /tmp/df.log"'

Save disk usage every 10 minutes in/tmp/df.log

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m cron -a 'name="harddrive check2" minute="*/10" job="df -lh >> /tmp/df.log"'
[root@Ansible ~]#crontab -l
#Ansible: harddrive check
15 3,4,5,6 * * * df -lh >> /tmp/df.log
#Ansible: harddrive check2
*/10 * * * * df -lh >> /tmp/df.log

Remove harddrive check

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m cron -a 'name="harddrive check" state=absent'


Copy remote files locally

dest #Directory where files are saved

fail_on_missing #When set to yes, if the source file is missing, the task will fail

flat #allows overriding the default behavior of attaching hostname/path/file/file to destination

src #Get files on a remote system.This must be a file, not a file directory

validate_checksum #Verify the source and target checksums after getting the file

Copy remote file/tmp/df.txt to local/root/

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m fetch -a 'src=/tmp/df.txt dest=/root/'


File operation module, set file properties

action: file

force #Requires forced soft connection creation in two cases, one where the source file does not exist but will be established later, and the other where the target connection already exists and the previous soft connection needs to be cancelled first, with two options:yes|no

Group #Set the group to which a file or directory belongs

mode #Set permissions for files or directories

Owner #Sets the owner of a file or directory

Path #required, defines the path to a file or directory

recurse #Sets the properties of the file recursively, only valid for directories

src #Path to be linked to, only in the case of state=link

State # directory: Create a directory if it does not exist

View/tmp/df.txt for all hosts under the web group

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m shell -a 'ls -l /tmp/df.txt' | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 562 7 September 19:18 /tmp/df.txt | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 535 7 September 19:18 /tmp/df.txt | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 615 7 September 19:18 /tmp/df.txt | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 535 7 Month 9 07:18 /tmp/df.txt

Change/tmp/df.txt permissions for all hosts under the web group to 600-member master group to locy

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m file -a 'path=/tmp/df.txt state=touch mode="600" owner=locy group=locy' | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-------. 1 locy locy 562 7 September 21:41 /tmp/df.txt | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw-------. 1 locy locy 535 7 September 21:41 /tmp/df.txt | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw------- 1 locy locy 535 7 September 09:41 /tmp/df.txt | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
-rw------- 1 locy locy 615 7 September 21:41 /tmp/df.txt

Create file directory under root

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m file -a 'path=/root/file state=directory'
[root@Ansible ~]#ls


Set the host name of the system

Change host name to master

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible -m hostname -a 'name=master'
[root@Ansible ~]#hostname


yum-based source installer

action: yum

Configuration file for conf_file # yum

disable_gpg_check #Turn off gpg_check

disablerepo #Do not enable a source

enablerepo #Enable a source

name= #Specifies the package to install, if more than one version needs to be specified, otherwise install the latest package

state #install (present), install latest, uninstall package (absent)

Install nginx for all hosts of the web group and the latest version

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m yum -a 'name=nginx state=latest'


Service Management Module

action: service

Arguments #command line arguments passed to the service

enabled #Set service startup auto-start with yes|no parameter

name #name of control service

Pattern #Defines a pattern from which the ps directive looks in the process if there is no response when the status of the service is viewed through the status directive, and if matched, the service is still running

runlevel #Set service self-start level

Sleep #If restarted, sleep between stop and start for a few seconds

state #Start started Close stopped Restart restarted Overload reloaded

web group all hosts start nginx

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m service -a 'name=nginx state=started'

web group all hosts close nginx

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m service -a 'name=nginx state=stopped'

web group all hosts restart nginx

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m service -a 'name=nginx state=restarted'

web group all hosts overload nginx profile

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m service -a 'name=nginx state=reloaded'

web group all hosts start nginx and start/stop

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m service -a 'name=nginx state=started enabled=yes/no'


User group module, add or remove groups

action: group

GID #Set the GID number of the group

Name= #name of management group

State #Specifies the group state, created by default, and deleted by absent

System #is set to yes, indicating the creation of a system group

Create a group named tom

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m group -a 'name=tom state=present'


User module to manage user accounts

action: user

comment #User Description Information

createhome #Whether to create a home directory

Force #is consistent with userdel-force when using state=absent.

Group #Specify base group

Groups #Specifies additional groups, if specified (groups=) deletes all groups

Home #Specify user home directory

login_class #can set the user's Login Class FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD systems.

move_home #If set to home=an attempt is made to move the user home directory to the specified directory

Name #Specify user name

non_unique #This option allows changing non-unique user ID values

Password #Specify user password

Remove #When using state=absent, the behavior is consistent with userdel-remove

Shell #Specify default shell

state #Sets the account status, not specified as creation, with a specified value of absent indicating deletion

System #When creating a user, set the user to be a system user.This setting cannot change an existing user

Uid #uid of specified user

update_password #Update user password

Create user Tom with user information tom is tom, uid 106, basic group tom, additional group wheel, shell type zshell, user home directory / home/tom home

[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m user -a 'name=tom comment="tom is tom" uid=1066 group=tom groups=wheel shell=/bin/zshell home=/home/tomhome'
[root@Ansible ~]#getent passwd tom
tom:x:1066:1002:tom is tom:/home/tomhome:/bin/zshell


Run server-side scripts at specified nodes

[root@Ansible ~]#vim
touch /tmp/  #Create/tmp/
echo "hello" >> /tmp/  #Output date command results to/tmp/
//Execute/root/ scripts on all hosts in the web group
[root@Ansible ~]#ansible web -m script -a '/root/'
[root@Ansible ~]#cat /tmp/
[root@node1 ~]#cat /tmp/
//View/tmp/ under host
[root@Ansible ~]#ansible -m shell -a 'cat /tmp/' | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

Topics: ansible shell ssh Nginx