Dialogue intention recognition task based on Baidu self-developed model ERNIE
Intention recognition refers to analyzing the core needs of users and outputting the information most relevant to query input, such as finding movies, checking express, municipal office and other needs in search. These needs will be very different in the underlying retrieval strategy. Wrong recognition can almost determine that the content that can meet the needs of users can not be found, resulting in a very poor user experience; It is a challenging task to accurately understand what the other party wants to express during the dialogue.
For example, when the user enters the query "fairy sword and Chivalry", we know that the "fairy sword and Chivalry" has games, TV dramas, news, pictures, etc. if we find that the user wants to watch the "fairy sword and Chivalry" TV drama through user intention identification, we will directly return the TV drama to the user as the result, which will save the user's search clicks, Shorten the search time and greatly improve the use experience. In the dialogue, if the other party says "my apple never gets stuck", then we can judge that the apple at the moment is an electronic device rather than a fruit through intention recognition, so that the dialogue can go on smoothly.
This example uses ERNIE pre training model to CrossWOZ The data set completes the slot filling and intention recognition tasks in the task-based dialogue, which are the cornerstone of a pipeline task dialogue system.
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1. Scheme design
This practical design scheme will complete the tasks of intention identification and slot filling on the CrossWOZ dataset based on ERNIE. In this practice, intention recognition and slot filling are essentially a sentence classification task and a sequence annotation task. As shown in Figure 1, the output of CLS token position will be used for sentence classification, and the actual token of text string will be used for sequence annotation task. In the training process, the loss of the two will be combined to realize the multi task learning of intention recognition and slot filling.

2. Data preparation
2.1 data set introduction
CrossWOZ is the first large-scale cross domain task oriented data set in China. It contains five areas, a total of 6K conversations and 102K sentences, including hotels, restaurants, scenic spots, subways and taxis. In addition, the corpus contains rich annotations of user and system dialogue status and dialogue behavior.
For more information about data sets, please refer to the paper CrossWOZ: A Large-Scale Chinese Cross-Domain Task-Oriented Dialogue Dataset .
2.2. Data loading
Next, we load the dictionary, training and evaluation data set into memory. Then count the number of intent tags in the current data set, which will be used in the subsequent intent loss calculation.
import paddle import os import ast import argparse import warnings import numpy as np from functools import partial from seqeval.metrics.sequence_labeling import get_entities from utils.utils import set_seed from utils.data import read, load_dict, convert_example_to_feature from utils.metric import SeqEntityScore, MultiLabelClassificationScore import paddle import paddle.nn.functional as F from paddlenlp.datasets import load_dataset from paddlenlp.transformers import ErnieTokenizer, ErnieModel, LinearDecayWithWarmup from paddlenlp.data import Stack, Pad, Tuple intent_dict_path = "./dataset/intent_labels.json" slot_dict_path = "./dataset/slot_labels.json" train_path = "./dataset/train.json" dev_path = "./dataset/test.json" # load and process data intent2id, id2intent = load_dict(intent_dict_path) slot2id, id2slot = load_dict(slot_dict_path) train_ds = load_dataset(read, data_path=train_path, lazy=False) dev_ds = load_dataset(read, data_path=dev_path, lazy=False) # compute intent weight intent_weight = [1] * len(intent2id) for example in train_ds: for intent in example["intent_labels"]: intent_weight[intent2id[intent]] += 1 for intent, intent_id in intent2id.items(): neg_pos = (len(train_ds) - intent_weight[intent_id]) / intent_weight[intent_id] intent_weight[intent_id] = np.log10(neg_pos) intent_weight = paddle.to_tensor(intent_weight)
2.3 converting data into feature form
Next, we convert the data into a feature form suitable for the input model, that is, the text string data into the form of dictionary id. Here we will load Ernie tokenizer in paddleNLP, which will help us complete the conversion from this string to dictionary id.
model_name = "ernie-1.0" max_seq_len = 512 batch_size = 32 tokenizer = ErnieTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) trans_func = partial(convert_example_to_feature, tokenizer=tokenizer, slot2id=slot2id, intent2id=intent2id, pad_default_tag="O", max_seq_len=max_seq_len) train_ds = train_ds.map(trans_func, lazy=False) dev_ds = dev_ds.map(trans_func, lazy=False)
[2021-11-03 14:31:14,540] [ INFO] - Downloading vocab.txt from https://paddlenlp.bj.bcebos.com/models/transformers/ernie/vocab.txt 100%|██████████| 90/90 [00:00<00:00, 19868.80it/s]
2.4 construct DataLoader
Next, we need to construct a DataLoader, which will support the division of data in the form of batch, so as to train the corresponding model in the form of batch.
batchify_fn = lambda samples, fn=Tuple( Pad(axis=0, pad_val=tokenizer.pad_token_id), Pad(axis=0, pad_val=tokenizer.pad_token_type_id), Stack(dtype="float32"), Pad(axis=0, pad_val=slot2id["O"], dtype="int64"), ):fn(samples) train_batch_sampler = paddle.io.BatchSampler(train_ds, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) dev_batch_sampler = paddle.io.BatchSampler(dev_ds, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False) train_loader = paddle.io.DataLoader(dataset=train_ds, batch_sampler=train_batch_sampler, collate_fn=batchify_fn, return_list=True) dev_loader = paddle.io.DataLoader(dataset=dev_ds, batch_sampler=dev_batch_sampler, collate_fn=batchify_fn, return_list=True)
3. Model construction
In this case, we will implement the intention recognition and slot filling functions shown in Figure 1 based on ERNIE. Specifically, we input the processed text data into ERNIE model. ERNIE will encode each token of the text and generate the corresponding vector sequence, then carry out the intention recognition task according to the token vector of CLS position, and carry out the slot filling task according to the subsequent position text token vector. The corresponding codes are as follows.
import paddle from paddle import nn import paddle.nn.functional as F from paddlenlp.transformers import ErniePretrainedModel class JointModel(paddle.nn.Layer): def __init__(self, ernie, num_slots, num_intents, dropout=None): super(JointModel, self).__init__() self.num_slots = num_slots self.num_intents = num_intents self.ernie = ernie self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout if dropout is not None else self.ernie.config["hidden_dropout_prob"]) self.intent_hidden = nn.Linear(self.ernie.config["hidden_size"], self.ernie.config["hidden_size"]) self.slot_hidden = nn.Linear(self.ernie.config["hidden_size"], self.ernie.config["hidden_size"]) self.intent_classifier = nn.Linear(self.ernie.config["hidden_size"], self.num_intents) self.slot_classifier = nn.Linear(self.ernie.config["hidden_size"], self.num_slots) def forward(self, token_ids, token_type_ids=None, position_ids=None, attention_mask=None): sequence_output, pooled_output = self.ernie(token_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, position_ids=position_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) sequence_output = F.relu(self.slot_hidden(self.dropout(sequence_output))) pooled_output = F.relu(self.intent_hidden(self.dropout(pooled_output))) intent_logits = self.intent_classifier(pooled_output) slot_logits = self.slot_classifier(sequence_output) return intent_logits, slot_logits
4. Training configuration
The loss function used in model training is defined. Since this practice is a multi task learning method, there will be two losses: intention recognition and slot filling. In this practice, we add the two as the final loss. In addition, we will define the environment for model training, including configuring training parameters, configuring model parameters, defining the instantiation object of the model, specifying the optimization algorithm of model training iteration, etc. the relevant codes are as follows.
class JointLoss(paddle.nn.Layer): def __init__(self, intent_weight=None): super(JointLoss, self).__init__() self.intent_criterion = paddle.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(weight=intent_weight) self.slot_criterion = paddle.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() def forward(self, intent_logits, slot_logits, intent_labels, slot_labels): intent_loss = self.intent_criterion(intent_logits, intent_labels) slot_loss = self.slot_criterion(slot_logits, slot_labels) loss = intent_loss + slot_loss return loss
# model hyperparameter setting num_epoch = 10 learning_rate = 2e-5 weight_decay = 0.01 warmup_proportion = 0.1 max_grad_norm = 1.0 log_step = 50 eval_step = 1000 seed = 1000 save_path = "./checkpoint" # envir setting set_seed(seed) use_gpu = True if paddle.get_device().startswith("gpu") else False if use_gpu: paddle.set_device("gpu:0") ernie = ErnieModel.from_pretrained(model_name) joint_model = JointModel(ernie, len(slot2id), len(intent2id), dropout=0.1) num_training_steps = len(train_loader) * num_epoch lr_scheduler = LinearDecayWithWarmup(learning_rate, num_training_steps, warmup_proportion) decay_params = [p.name for n, p in joint_model.named_parameters() if not any(nd in n for nd in ["bias", "norm"])] grad_clip = paddle.nn.ClipGradByGlobalNorm(max_grad_norm) optimizer = paddle.optimizer.AdamW(learning_rate=lr_scheduler, parameters=joint_model.parameters(), weight_decay=weight_decay, apply_decay_param_fun=lambda x: x in decay_params, grad_clip=grad_clip) joint_loss = JointLoss(intent_weight) intent_metric = MultiLabelClassificationScore(id2intent) slot_metric = SeqEntityScore(id2slot)
[2021-10-29 14:36:51,852] [ INFO] - Already cached /home/aistudio/.paddlenlp/models/ernie-1.0/ernie_v1_chn_base.pdparams [2021-10-29 14:36:56,330] [ INFO] - Weights from pretrained model not used in ErnieModel: ['cls.predictions.layer_norm.weight', 'cls.predictions.decoder_bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.weight', 'cls.predictions.layer_norm.bias']
4. Model training
In this section, we will define a general train function and evaluate function. During training, every log_steps print the log once every eval_ The steps step is to evaluate the model once, and when either of the indicators of intention recognition or slot extraction task is better, we will save the model. Relevant codes are as follows:
def evaluate(joint_model, data_loader, intent_metric, slot_metric): joint_model.eval() intent_metric.reset() slot_metric.reset() for idx, batch_data in enumerate(data_loader): input_ids, token_type_ids, intent_labels, tag_ids = batch_data intent_logits, slot_logits = joint_model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) # count intent metric intent_metric.update(pred_labels=intent_logits, real_labels=intent_labels) # count slot metric slot_pred_labels = slot_logits.argmax(axis=-1) slot_metric.update(pred_paths=slot_pred_labels, real_paths=tag_ids) intent_results = intent_metric.get_result() slot_results = slot_metric.get_result() return intent_results, slot_results def train(): # start to train joint_model global_step, intent_best_f1, slot_best_f1 = 0, 0., 0. joint_model.train() for epoch in range(1, num_epoch+1): for batch_data in train_loader: input_ids, token_type_ids, intent_labels, tag_ids = batch_data intent_logits, slot_logits = joint_model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) loss = joint_loss(intent_logits, slot_logits, intent_labels, tag_ids) loss.backward() lr_scheduler.step() optimizer.step() optimizer.clear_grad() if global_step > 0 and global_step % log_step == 0: print(f"epoch: {epoch} - global_step: {global_step}/{num_training_steps} - loss:{loss.numpy().item():.6f}") if global_step > 0 and global_step % eval_step == 0: intent_results, slot_results = evaluate(joint_model, dev_loader, intent_metric, slot_metric) intent_result, slot_result = intent_results["Total"], slot_results["Total"] joint_model.train() intent_f1, slot_f1 = intent_result["F1"], slot_result["F1"] if intent_f1 > intent_best_f1 or slot_f1 > slot_best_f1: paddle.save(joint_model.state_dict(), f"{save_path}/best.pdparams") if intent_f1 > intent_best_f1: print(f"intent best F1 performence has been updated: {intent_best_f1:.5f} --> {intent_f1:.5f}") intent_best_f1 = intent_f1 if slot_f1 > slot_best_f1: print(f"slot best F1 performence has been updated: {slot_best_f1:.5f} --> {slot_f1:.5f}") slot_best_f1 = slot_f1 print(f'intent evalution result: precision: {intent_result["Precision"]:.5f}, recall: {intent_result["Recall"]:.5f}, F1: {intent_result["F1"]:.5f}, current best {intent_best_f1:.5f}') print(f'slot evalution result: precision: {slot_result["Precision"]:.5f}, recall: {slot_result["Recall"]:.5f}, F1: {slot_result["F1"]:.5f}, current best {slot_best_f1:.5f}\n') global_step += 1 train()
6. Model reasoning
Realize a function of model prediction and input a string of text description arbitrarily, such as: "Huawei's mobile phone has been reduced in price, 32 million pixels only need 1000 yuan, and the cost performance of Xiaomi is incomparable!". It is expected to output the events contained in this description. First, we load the trained model parameters, and then reasoning. The relevant codes are as follows.
# load model model_path = "./checkpoint/best.pdparams" loaded_state_dict = paddle.load(model_path) ernie = ErnieModel.from_pretrained(model_name) joint_model = JointModel(ernie, len(slot2id), len(intent2id), dropout=0.1) joint_model.load_dict(loaded_state_dict)
[2021-11-03 14:31:31,350] [ INFO] - Downloading https://paddlenlp.bj.bcebos.com/models/transformers/ernie/ernie_v1_chn_base.pdparams and saved to /home/aistudio/.paddlenlp/models/ernie-1.0 [2021-11-03 14:31:31,353] [ INFO] - Downloading ernie_v1_chn_base.pdparams from https://paddlenlp.bj.bcebos.com/models/transformers/ernie/ernie_v1_chn_base.pdparams 100%|██████████| 392507/392507 [00:06<00:00, 56321.65it/s] [2021-11-03 14:31:44,458] [ INFO] - Weights from pretrained model not used in ErnieModel: ['cls.predictions.layer_norm.weight', 'cls.predictions.decoder_bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.weight', 'cls.predictions.layer_norm.bias']
def predict(input_text, joint_model, tokenizer, id2intent, id2slot): joint_model.eval() splited_input_text = list(input_text) features = tokenizer(splited_input_text, is_split_into_words=True, max_seq_len=max_seq_len, return_length=True) input_ids = paddle.to_tensor(features["input_ids"]).unsqueeze(0) token_type_ids = paddle.to_tensor(features["token_type_ids"]).unsqueeze(0) seq_len = features["seq_len"] intent_logits, slot_logits = joint_model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) # parse intent labels intent_labels = [id2intent[idx] for idx, v in enumerate(intent_logits.numpy()[0]) if v > 0] # parse slot labels slot_pred_labels = slot_logits.argmax(axis=-1).numpy()[0][1:(seq_len)-1] slot_labels = [] for idx in slot_pred_labels: slot_label = id2slot[idx] if slot_label != "O": slot_label = list(id2slot[idx]) slot_label[1] = "-" slot_label = "".join(slot_label) slot_labels.append(slot_label) slot_entities = get_entities(slot_labels) # print result if intent_labels: print("intents: ", ",".join(intent_labels)) else: print("intents: ", "nothing") for slot_entity in slot_entities: entity_name, start, end = slot_entity print(f"{entity_name}: ", "".join(splited_input_text[start:end+1])) input_text = "Hello, you can choose the Forbidden City, Badaling Great Wall, summer palace or red brick art museum." predict(input_text, joint_model, tokenizer, id2intent, id2slot)
Text to be recognized: Hello, you can choose the Forbidden City, Badaling Great Wall, summer palace or red brick art museum. intents: General+greet+none+none Recommend+scenic spot+name: the Imperial Palace Recommend+scenic spot+name: Badaling Great Wall Recommend+scenic spot+name: the Summer Palace Recommend+scenic spot+name: Red brick art museum
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