inverse covariance for direct connections
Interpretation of the directly connected inverse covariance matrix:
Given a set of time series (as extracted in the previous section), a functional connectivity group is a set of connections representing brain interactions between regions. Here we show the use of sparse inverse covariance to extract functional connectors that focus only on direct interactions between regions.
This is very useful. For example, you calculated the ROI of interest before, and then you want to make the functional connection of ROI. If you directly extract the time series as the correlation matrix, although you remove the confusion signals, these connections are still not accurate because they also point to other labels.
Therefore, the most correct way is to use the directly connected inverse covariance matrix.
# Import sparse inverse covariance estimator from sklearn.covariance import GraphicalLassoCV estimator = GraphicalLassoCV() # Extract time series # Covariance matrix and inverse covariance matrix (precision matrix) can be in the covariance of estimator respectively_ And precision_ Found in property estimator.covariance_ #covariance matrix estimator.precision_ #Inverse covariance matrix, that's what we want # Display the covariance from nilearn import plotting # This is the display covariance matrix plotting.plot_matrix(estimator.covariance_, labels=labels, figure=(9, 7), vmax=1, vmin=-1, title='Covariance') # Covariance matrix visualization from nilearn import datasets atlas = datasets.fetch_atlas_msdl() coords = atlas.region_coords plotting.plot_connectome(estimator.covariance_, coords, title='Covariance') # Sparse inverse covariance matrix visualization plotting.plot_matrix(-estimator.precision_, labels=labels, figure=(9, 7), vmax=1, vmin=-1, title='Sparse inverse covariance')
The inverse covariance matrix here uses -. Namely: - estimator.precision_, Because if it's negative, you get a partial correlation. Partial correlation is to take all other ROI as covariates and remove their influence, which is similar to covariance analysis, which is very practical.
plotting.plot_connectome(-estimator.precision_, coords, title='Sparse inverse covariance') # Visualization 2: visualization on the web view = plotting.view_connectome(-estimator.precision_, coords) # In a Jupyter notebook, if ``view`` is the output of a cell, it will # be displayed below the cell view
Partial correlation analysis refers to the process of eliminating the influence of the third variable when two variables are related to the third variable at the same time, and only analyzing the correlation degree between the other two variables. The judgment index is the R value of the correlation coefficient.
Partial correlation analysis of ROI of multiple subjects
import numpy as np from nilearn import plotting n_subjects = 4 # subjects to consider for group-sparse covariance (max: 40) def plot_matrices(cov, prec, title, labels): """Plot covariance and precision matrices, for a given processing. """ prec = prec.copy() # avoid side effects # Put zeros on the diagonal, for graph clarity. size = prec.shape[0] prec[list(range(size)), list(range(size))] = 0 span = max(abs(prec.min()), abs(prec.max())) # Display covariance matrix plotting.plot_matrix(cov,, vmin=-1, vmax=1, title="%s / covariance" % title, labels=labels) # Display precision matrix plotting.plot_matrix(prec,, vmin=-span, vmax=span, title="%s / precision" % title, labels=labels)
Firstly, a visual method is defined for convenience
# get data from nilearn import datasets msdl_atlas_dataset = datasets.fetch_atlas_msdl() rest_dataset = datasets.fetch_development_fmri(n_subjects=n_subjects) # Extract ROI signal from nilearn import input_data # A "memory" to avoid recomputation from joblib import Memory mem = Memory('nilearn_cache') masker = input_data.NiftiMapsMasker( msdl_atlas_dataset.maps, resampling_target="maps", detrend=True, high_variance_confounds=True, low_pass=None, high_pass=0.01, t_r=2, standardize=True, memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1, verbose=2) subject_time_series = [] func_filenames = rest_dataset.func confound_filenames = rest_dataset.confounds for func_filename, confound_filename in zip(func_filenames, confound_filenames): print("Processing file %s" % func_filename) region_ts = masker.transform(func_filename, confounds=confound_filename) subject_time_series.append(region_ts) # Calculate the sparse inverse covariance matrix of group from nilearn.connectome import GroupSparseCovarianceCV gsc = GroupSparseCovarianceCV(verbose=2) try: from sklearn.covariance import GraphicalLassoCV except ImportError: # for Scitkit-Learn < v0.20.0 from sklearn.covariance import GraphLassoCV as GraphicalLassoCV gl = GraphicalLassoCV(verbose=2) # Display results atlas_img = msdl_atlas_dataset.maps atlas_region_coords = plotting.find_probabilistic_atlas_cut_coords(atlas_img) labels = msdl_atlas_dataset.labels plotting.plot_connectome(gl.covariance_, atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title="Covariance", display_mode="lzr") plotting.plot_connectome(-gl.precision_, atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title="Sparse inverse covariance (GraphicalLasso)", display_mode="lzr", edge_vmax=.5, edge_vmin=-.5) plot_matrices(gl.covariance_, gl.precision_, "GraphicalLasso", labels) title = "GroupSparseCovariance" plotting.plot_connectome(-gsc.precisions_[..., 0], atlas_region_coords, edge_threshold='90%', title=title, display_mode="lzr", edge_vmax=.5, edge_vmin=-.5) plot_matrices(gsc.covariances_[..., 0], gsc.precisions_[..., 0], title, labels)
1. Firstly, a visual method is defined to avoid repeated work, but unfortunately, nilearn can only process up to 40 subjects.
2. Import data
3. Use to extract ROI time series (multiple subjects, so it is a list)
4. Use groupsparsecovarencecv() instead of GraphicalLassoCV() to calculate the matrix of the group
5. The sparse inverse covariance matrix is negatively valued to obtain partial correlation, and then visualized.