❤️ "Disgusting work" a blog takes you to master the "five core algorithms" ❤️

Posted by miraclewhipkey on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 07:23:48 +0100


1, Divide and conquer

Ideological principle

Specific steps

Example 1

Algorithm conclusion

2, Dynamic programming algorithm

Ideological principle

Specific steps

Algorithm implementation

Algorithm conclusion

3, Backtracking algorithm

        Algorithmic thought

        Basic steps

        Example 2

        Algorithm implementation

Algorithm conclusion

4, Greedy algorithm

         Ideological principle

Basic steps

Example 3

Algorithm implementation

Algorithm conclusion

5, Branch and bound method

         Algorithm principle

Algorithm steps


Algorithm implementation

Algorithm conclusion

Blog conclusion

Write before:

Many people still can't solve unfamiliar problem types or problems after brushing many problems. A large part of the reason is that they don't have core algorithm thinking. Here I will share my learning achievements with you. The article will explain the principles and applications of the five core algorithms from simple to in-depth. For junior programmers, reading this article is very helpful for problem solving or development. My code skills may be a little shallow. I hope you can be more tolerant and understand.

1, Divide and conquer

Ideological principle

The design idea of divide and conquer method is to divide a big problem that is difficult to be solved directly into some small-scale same problems, so as to break them one by one and divide and rule them.

The divide and conquer strategy is: for a problem with scale n, if the problem can be easily solved (for example, the scale n is small), it can be solved directly. Otherwise, it can be decomposed into k smaller subproblems. These subproblems are independent of each other and have the same form as the original problem. These subproblems are solved recursively, and then the solutions of each subproblem are combined to obtain the solution of the original problem. This algorithm design strategy is called divide and conquer.

In short, divide and conquer is to resolve big problems into small ones.  

Let's understand this idea through an example in life

Q: a bag containing 16 coins. One of the 16 coins is forged. There is no difference between forged coins and ordinary coins on the surface, but the forged coin is lighter than the real coin. Here is a balance for you. Please find out the forged coin in the shortest possible time

The conventional solution may be to take out two coins at a time. When the weight of two coins is different, the lighter one is counterfeit. This question needs to be compared at most 8 times. Time complexity: O(n/2)

Divide and conquer thinking problem solving: we first divide the 16 coins into left and right parts, each of which is 8 coins. When weighed separately, half will be light and half heavy, and what we want is the light group, and the heavy group will be discarded. Next, we continue to divide the light into five or five until there is one or two coins left in each group. At this time, our problem will be solved naturally

Using divide and conquer, this problem takes four times. Time complexity: O(log2 n). The efficiency of divide and conquer is visible. If the cardinality is increased, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

Specific steps

Two parts
divide: solve smaller problems recursively
conquer: then construct the solution of the original problem from the solution of the sub problem
Three steps
1. Divide: decompose the original problem into several small-scale, independent subproblems with the same form as the original problem;
2. Conquer: if the subproblem is small and easy to be solved, it can be solved directly, otherwise each subproblem can be solved recursively;
3. Combine: combine the solutions of each sub problem into the solutions of the original problem.

One of the classic problems that can be solved by divide and conquer is half search

Implementation of binary search algorithm

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Function: recursive binary search 
@arr - Ordered array address 
@minSub - Minimum subscript of the lookup range 
@maxSub - Maximum subscript of the lookup range 
@num - With lookup number
 Return: if found, the index of the array will be returned. If not found, the index of - 1 will be returned 
int BinarySearch(int *arr, int minSub, int maxSub, int num)
	if (minSub > maxSub) return -1;

	int mid = (maxSub + minSub) / 2;

	if (arr[mid] == num) return mid;
	else if (arr[mid] < num) return BinarySearch(arr, mid + 1, maxSub, num);
	else return  BinarySearch(arr, minSub, mid - 1, num);

int main()
	int arr[] = { 1,9,11,22,69,99,100,111,999,8888 };
	cout << "Enter the number you want to find:" << endl;
	int num;
	cin >> num;
	int index = BinarySearch(arr, 0, 9, num);

	if (index == -1)
		cout << "Not found!";
		cout << "Subscript of number:" << index << ", Value:" << arr[index] << endl;

Example 1

Example 1:

If the robot can go up one step at a time, it can also go up two steps at a time.
Find out how many walking methods there are for the robot to walk an n-step.

The core idea of divide and conquer : analyze the problem from top to bottom. The large problem can be divided into sub problems, and there are smaller sub problems in the sub problems
For example, there are 5 steps in total. How many walking methods are there; Since the robot can walk two steps or one step at a time, we can divide it into two cases:
1. The robot walked two steps for the last time. The question became "how many walking methods are there to go up a three-step step step?"
2. The robot took one step at the last step, and the question became "how many walking methods are there to take a four-step step step?"
We will find the total number of walking methods of N steps, expressed by f(n), then
f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2);
From above, we can get that f(5) = f(4) + f(3);
f(4) = f(3) + f(2);
Algorithm implementation
/*Recursive implementation of robot step walking statistics 
Parameter: n - number of steps 
Return: the total walking method on the upper stage */
int WalkCout(int n)
if(n<0) return 0; 
if(n==1) return 1; //A step, a walking method 
else if(n==2) return 2; //Two steps, two walking methods 
{ //N steps, n-1 steps + n-2 steps 
return WalkCout(n-1) + WalkCout(n-2); 

Algorithm conclusion

Generally speaking, divide and conquer thinking is relatively simple. Because decomposition thinking exists, recursion and circulation are often required. Common problems using divide and conquer thinking include merge sorting, quick sorting, Hanoi Tower problem, large integer multiplication, etc.

2, Dynamic programming algorithm

Ideological principle

If the optimal solution of the problem can be derived from the optimal solution of the subproblem, the optimal solution of the subproblem can be solved first and the optimal solution of the original problem can be constructed; If the subproblem appears repeatedly, it can be solved step by step from the bottom up from the final subproblem to the original problem.

Specific steps

Analyze the structure of the optimal solution
Recursively define the cost of the optimal solution
Calculate the cost of the optimal solution from bottom to top, save it, and obtain the information of constructing the optimal solution
The optimal solution is constructed according to the information of the optimal solution

Dynamic programming characteristics

Divide the original problem into a series of sub problems;
Each subproblem is solved only once, and the results are saved in a table, which can be accessed directly when used in the future, without repeated calculation, so as to save calculation time
Calculated from bottom to top.
The optimal solution of the overall problem depends on the optimal solution of the subproblem (state transition equation) (the subproblem is called state, and the solution of the final state is reduced to the solution of other states)

Now please look back at example 1. There are many repeated calculations in the above code?

For example: f(5) = f(4) + f(3)
The calculation is divided into two branches:
  f(4) = f(3)+f(2) = f(2) + f(1) + f(2);
 f(3) = f(2) + f(1);
The red part above is a part of repeated calculation!

The following is implemented using dynamic programming and divide and conquer

Algorithm implementation

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
If the robot can go up one step at a time, it can also go up two steps at a time.
Find out how many walking methods there are for the robot to walk an n-step.

//Partition thought 
int GetSteps(int steps)
	if (1 == steps) return 1;
	if (2 == steps) return 2;
	return GetSteps(steps - 1)+ GetSteps(steps - 2);
//Dynamic programming idea
int GetSteps2(int steps)
	assert(steps > 0);
	int *values=new int[steps+1];

	values[1] = 1;
	values[2] = 2;
	for (int i=3;i<=steps;i++)
		values[i] = values[i - 1] + values[i - 2];

	int n = values[steps];
	delete values;
	return n;

Algorithm conclusion

The idea of dynamic programming is similar to that of divide and conquer, which involves resolving the problem into sub problems, but the dynamic specification emphasizes repetition. When you see or realize that it can be divided into multiple related sub problems, and the solution of the sub problem is reused, you should consider using dynamic programming.

3, Backtracking algorithm

Algorithmic thought

Backtracking algorithm is actually a search attempt process similar to enumeration. It is mainly to find the solution of the problem in the search attempt process. When it is found that the solution conditions are not met, it will "backtrack" back and try other paths.

If the space you are trying to solve is a tree: it can be understood as

In the solution space of the problem, according to the depth first traversal strategy, search the solution space tree from the root node.

When the algorithm searches any node in the solution space, it first determines whether the node contains the solution of the problem. If it is determined that it is not included, skip the search for the subtree with this node as the root and trace back to its ancestor node layer by layer. Otherwise, enter the subtree and continue the depth first search.

When the backtracking method solves all solutions of the problem, it must backtrack to the root node, and all subtrees of the root node are searched before it ends.

When the backtracking method solves a solution of the problem, it can end as long as a solution of the problem is searched.

Basic steps

1. Define the solution space of the problem
2. Determine the solution space structure that is easy to search
3. Search the solution space with the strategy of depth first search, and avoid invalid search as much as possible in the search process

Example 2

Example 2:

Please design a function to judge whether there is a path containing all characters of a string in a matrix.
The path can start from any grid in the matrix, and each step can move one grid left, right, up and down in the matrix.
If a path passes through a lattice of the matrix, the path cannot enter the lattice again.
For example, in 3 below × The matrix of 4 contains a path of the string "bfce" (the letters in the path are underlined).
However, the matrix does not contain the path of the string "abfb", because the first character b of the string occupies the first row and the second grid in the matrix, and the path cannot enter this grid again

This problem is quite classic and moderately difficult. It is suggested to think independently first.

Problem solving ideas :
First, select any lattice in the matrix as the starting point of the path.
If the second on the path i Characters are not the target characters to be searched ch , then this lattice cannot be on the second side of the path i Two positions.
If the second on the path i Characters exactly ch , then look for the i+1 on the path to the adjacent grid Characters. Except for the lattice on the boundary of the matrix, all other lattices have 4 Two adjacent grids.
Repeat this process until all characters on the path find their corresponding positions in the matrix.
Since the path cannot repeatedly enter the lattice of the matrix, it is also necessary to define a Boolean matrix with the same size as the character matrix to identify whether the path has entered each lattice.
When the coordinates in the matrix are (row, col) )When the grid is the same as the corresponding character in the path string, from 4 Adjacent grids (row,col-1),(row-1,col),(row,col+1) as well as (row+1,col) To locate the next character in the path string, If 4 None of the adjacent grids matches the next character in the string, indicating that the character in the current path string is incorrectly positioned in the matrix. We need to go back to the previous one and reposition it.

Algorithm implementation

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Famous enterprise interview question: please design a function to judge whether there is a path containing all characters of a string in a matrix.
The path can start from any grid in the matrix, and each step can move one grid left, right, up and down in the matrix.
If a path passes through a lattice of the matrix, the path cannot enter the lattice again.
For example, in 3 below × The matrix of 4 contains a path of the string "bfce" (the letters in the path are underlined).
However, the matrix does not contain the path of the string "abfb", because the first character b of the string occupies the first row in the matrix after the second grid,
The path cannot enter this grid again. 


/*Detects whether a character exists*/
bool isEqualSimpleStr(const char *matrix, int rows, int cols, int row, int col, int &strlength, const char * str,bool *visited);

Function: judge whether there is a path containing all characters of a string in a matrix.
@ matrix 
@ Number of matrix rows
@ Number of matrix columns
@ String to be checked
 Return value: returns true if str exists in the matrix; otherwise, returns false
bool IsHasStr(const char *matrix, int rows, int cols, const char *str)
	if (matrix == nullptr || rows < 1 || cols < 1 || str == nullptr) return false;

	int strLength = 0;
	bool *visited = new bool[rows*cols];
	memset(visited, 0, rows * cols);
	for (int row=0;row<rows;row++)
		for(int col=0;col<cols;col++)
			if (isEqualSimpleStr( matrix, rows, cols, row, col, strLength,str,visited))
				//delete [] visited;
				return true;
	delete [] visited;
	return false;
bool isEqualSimpleStr(const char *matrix, int rows, int cols, int row, int col, int &strlength, const char * str, bool *visited)
	if (str[strlength] == '\0') return true;//If the end of the string is found, the string path exists in the matrix

	bool isEqual = false;
	if (row>=0&&row<rows && col>=0&&col<cols
		&& visited[row*cols+col]==false
		&& matrix[row*cols+col]==str[strlength])
		visited[row*cols + col] == true;
		isEqual = isEqualSimpleStr(matrix, rows, cols, row, col - 1, strlength, str, visited)
			|| isEqualSimpleStr(matrix, rows, cols, row, col + 1, strlength, str, visited)
			|| isEqualSimpleStr(matrix, rows, cols, row - 1, col, strlength, str, visited)
			|| isEqualSimpleStr(matrix, rows, cols, row + 1, col, strlength, str, visited);

		if (!isEqual) //If you don't find it
			visited[row*cols + col] == false;
	return isEqual;

int main()

	const char* matrix = 
	const char* str = "BFCE";

	bool isExist = IsHasStr((const char*)matrix, 3, 4, str);
	if (isExist)
		cout << "matrix Exist in " << str << " Path to string" << endl;
		cout << "matrix Does not exist in " << str << " Path to string" << endl;

Algorithm conclusion

Backtracking algorithm is often used in the solution space tree containing all solutions of the problem. According to the strategy of depth first search, it explores the solution space tree from the root node.

4, Greedy algorithm

Ideological principle

Greedy algorithm (also known as greedy algorithm) refers to problem solving Always make the best choice at present. That is, without considering the overall optimization, algorithm The local optimal solution in a sense is obtained [1].

Greedy algorithm can not get the overall optimal solution for all problems. The key is the choice of greedy strategy (Baidu Encyclopedia)

Basic steps

 establish a mathematical model to describe the problem
 divide the problem into several sub problems
 solve each subproblem to obtain the local optimal solution of the subproblem
 synthesize the local optimal solution corresponding to the sub problem into an approximate optimal solution of the original whole problem

Example 3

Suppose there are c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 and c6 notes for 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 50 yuan and 100 yuan respectively
How many banknotes should I use to pay K yuan now?

This is the most classic example of a greedy algorithm. We use the idea of greedy algorithm to find the best result every time. Obviously, we have to choose the paper money with the largest face value every time

Algorithm implementation

using namespace std;
Suppose there are c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 and c6 notes for 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 50 yuan and 100 yuan respectively
 How many banknotes should I use to pay K yuan now

int money_Type_Count[6][2] = { {1,20},{2,5},{5,10},{10,2},{50,2},{100,3} };
Function: get the number of notes required to pay these money
 Parameter: @ amount
 Return value: returns the number of notes required. If it cannot be found, - 1 is returned
int getPaperNums(int Money)
	int num = 0;
	for (int i=5;i>=0;i--)
		int tmp = Money / money_Type_Count[i][0];
		tmp = tmp > money_Type_Count[i][1] ? money_Type_Count[i][1] : tmp;
		cout << "Here you are " << money_Type_Count[i][0] << " Paper money" << tmp << " Zhang" << endl;
		num += tmp;
		Money -= tmp * money_Type_Count[i][0];

	if (Money > 0) return -1;
	return num;

int main()
	int money;
	cout << "Please enter amount:" << endl;;
	cin >> money;

	int num = getPaperNums(money);
	if (num == -1)
		cout << "Sorry, you don't have enough money" << endl;
		cout << "A total of " << num << " A note" << endl;

Algorithm conclusion

The premise of greedy strategy is that the local optimal strategy can lead to the global optimal solution. For a specific problem, to determine whether it has the nature of greedy selection, it must be proved that the greedy selection made in each step eventually leads to the overall optimal solution of the problem.

5, Branch and bound method

Algorithm principle

branch and bound method is a kind of solution integer programming The most commonly used algorithm for the problem. This method can not only solve pure integer programming, but also solve mixed integer programming Question. Branch and bound method is a search and iterative method, which selects different branch variables and subproblems to branch. (Baidu Encyclopedia)

Branch and bound algorithm is a method to search the solution of the problem in the solution space of the problem. But different from backtracking algorithm, branch and bound algorithm adopts The breadth first or minimum cost first method searches the solution space tree, and in the branch and bound algorithm, each living node has only one chance to become an extension node.

Algorithm steps

1. Generate all child nodes of the current extension node;
2. Among the generated child nodes, abandon those nodes that cannot produce feasible solutions (or optimal solutions);
3. Add other child nodes into the flexible node table;
4. Select the next loose knot point from the loose knot point table as the new extension node.
Such a cycle until the feasible solution (optimal solution) of the problem is found or the flexible junction table is empty.


Cabling issues:

As shown in the figure, the printed circuit board divides the wiring area into n*m squares. Accurate circuit routing requires determining the routing scheme connecting the midpoint of grid a to the midpoint of grid b. When wiring, the circuit can only be routed along a straight line or right angle, as shown in Figure 1. In order to avoid the intersection of lines, the squares that have been wired are marked with blocking marks (as shown in the shaded part in Figure 1), and other lines are not allowed to pass through the blocked squares.

Algorithm implementation

Note: the code has memory leakage, which I have noticed. In order to show the algorithm logic well, it has not been handled.

Wiring problem: as shown in Figure 1, the printed circuit board divides the wiring area into n*m squares.
Accurate circuit routing requires determining the routing scheme connecting the midpoint of grid a to the midpoint of grid b.
When wiring, the circuit can only be routed along a straight line or right angle,
As shown in. In order to avoid the intersection of lines, the squares that have been routed are marked with blocking marks (as shown in the shaded part in Figure 1)
,Other lines are not allowed to pass through the blocked grid.

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
typedef struct _Pos
	int x, y;
	struct _Pos* parent;

int Move[4][2] = { 0,1,0,-1,-1,0,1,0 };
queue<Pos*> bound;
void inBound(int x,int y,int rows,int cols, Pos * cur,bool *visited,int *map);
Pos *Findpath(int *map,Pos start, Pos end,int rows,int cols)

	Pos *tmp = new Pos;
	tmp->x = start.x;
	tmp->y = start.y;
	tmp->parent = NULL;
	if (tmp->x == end.x && tmp->y == end.y &&tmp->y == end.y)
		return tmp;

	bool *visited = new bool[rows*cols];
	memset(visited, 0, rows*cols);
	visited[tmp->x*rows + tmp->y] = true;

	inBound(tmp->x, tmp->y, rows, cols,tmp,visited,map);

	while (!bound.empty())
		Pos * cur = bound.front();
		if (cur->x == end.x && cur->y == end.y)
			return cur;

		inBound(cur->x, cur->y, rows, cols, cur,visited,map);
	return NULL;//Represents no path
void inBound(int x, int y, int rows, int cols,Pos*cur,bool *visited, int *map)
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		Pos *tmp = new Pos;
		tmp->x = x + Move[i][0];
		tmp->y = y + Move[i][1];
		tmp->parent = cur;
		if (tmp->x >= 0 && tmp->x < rows && tmp->y >= 0 
			&& tmp->y < cols && !visited[tmp->x*rows + tmp->y] 
			&& map[tmp->x*rows + tmp->y]!=1)
			visited[tmp->x*rows + tmp->y] = true;
			delete tmp;

list<Pos *> getPath(int *map, Pos start, Pos end, int rows, int cols)
	list<Pos*> tmp;
	Pos * result = Findpath(map, start, end, rows, cols);

	while (result!=NULL && result->parent!=NULL)
		result = result->parent;
	return tmp;
int main()
	int map[6][6] =
	 0,0,0,0,0,0 };

	Pos start = { 1,1,0 };
	Pos end = { 4,4,0 };
	list<Pos*> path = getPath(&map[0][0], start,end,6, 6);

	cout << "Path is:" << endl;

	for (list<Pos*>::const_iterator it=path.begin();it!=path.end();it++)
		cout << "(" << (*it)->x << "," << (*it)->y << ")" << endl;


Screenshot of operation results

Represents the path

Algorithm conclusion

According to the first in first out principle, the algorithm selects the next flexible node as the extension node, that is, the order of taking nodes from the flexible node table is the same as that of adding nodes.

Select the next knot point from the knot point table as a new extension node. According to different selection methods, there are different branch and bound algorithms Minimum cost or maximum benefit branch and bound algorithm: in this case, each node has one Cost or benefit. false
If you want to find a solution with the minimum cost, the next extension node to be selected is the one with the minimum cost in the flexible node table
Live nodes consumed; If you want to find a solution with the maximum benefit, the next extension node to be selected is live
The live node with the greatest benefit in the node table.

Blog conclusion

The five core algorithms play a great role in the process of interview, problem solving and development. However, this thinking influence is often intuitively reflected. This paper aims to attract jade. Programmers are bound to master more algorithmic thinking, and the core algorithms are already familiar with them. Therefore, they are often very efficient in conventional development and innovative development. If this article is helpful to you, please support it with one key and three links! Blogger and you will make progress together!

Topics: C++ data structure Dynamic Programming greedy algorithm