Display in ecarts

Posted by chrislive on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 15:04:38 +0100


Default theme

By default, two sets of themes are built in ECharts: light dark

It can be indicated in the initialization object method init

var chart = echarts.init(box, 'light')
var chart = echarts.init(box, 'dark')

  light effect

var box=echarts.init(document.getElementById("box") ,'light');




  dark effect

var box=echarts.init(document.getElementById("box") ,'dark');



  Custom theme

Edit a topic in the topic editor

The address of the topic editor is:  https://echarts.apache.org/zh/theme-builder.html

1> In this address, many aspects of a topic are defined:

2> Download the theme, which is a js file

After setting the desired theme style, click download to download js format

3> Import theme js file

<script src="./lib/customed.js"></script>

4> Using themes in init methods

var box=echarts.init(document.getElementById("box") ,'customed');

The second parameter customized in the init method is the name of the topic. We can see the name in the code of itcast.js


It is a group of colors. Graphics and series will automatically select colors from them, and continue to cycle from beginning to end, and then from beginning to end

Themes palette

In the theme just customized and downloaded, set the color we want



  After introducing the theme file, we can see

                                  Before it was introduced                                               After introduction


Global color palette

  The global palette is an array of color s added under option

If the global palette is configured, it overrides the theme palette

var option = {
  series: [
      type: 'pie',
      data: pieData

  The globally defined colors will be displayed,



  Local palette

The local palette is to add an array of color s under series

var option = {
  series: [
      type: 'pie',
      data: pieData,


  The local color palette overrides the global color palette



  Note: local > Global > topic, adopt the principle of proximity

Gradient color

In ECharts, linear gradient and radial gradient are supported

Linear gradient

The type of linear gradient is linear. It needs to configure the linear direction through X, y, X2 and Y2. The range of X, y, X2 and Y2 is 0 - 1, which is equivalent to the percentage in the graphic bounding box. If global is true, the four values are absolute pixel positions. 90 in the following code, 0 0 0 1 means gradient from top to bottom

 series: [
    type: 'bar',
    data: yDataArr,
    itemStyle: {
     color: {
      type: 'linear',  //Gradient type, linear
      x: 0,  //Determines the direction of the linear gradient
      y: 0,//Determines the direction of the linear gradient
      x2: 0,//Determines the direction of the linear gradient
      y2: 1,//Determines the direction of the linear gradient
      colorStops: [{
       offset: 0, color: 'red' // Color at 0%
     }, {
       offset: 1, color: 'blue' // Color at 100%
      globalCoord: true



  Radial Gradient

The type of linear gradient is radial. It needs to configure the radial direction through X, y and R. the first three parameters are circle center x, y and radius, and the values are the same as those of linear gradient

 series: [
     itemStyle: {
       color: {
         type: 'radial',
         x: 0.5,
         y: 0.5,
         r: 0.5,
         colorStops: [{
           offset: 0, color: 'red' // Color at 0%
        }, {
           offset: 1, color: 'blue' // Color at 100%
      globalCoord: false 


  Direct style

  • itemStyle: controls the style of an area
  • textStyle: the title style of the chart
  • lineStyle: controls the style of lines
  • areaStyle: controls the style of the area
  • label: text style in pie chart

  Take Taobao as an example

 data: [{
            value: 100,
            name: "TaoBao",
            itemStyle: { // Control the style of Taobao area
              color: 'blue'
            label: {
              color: 'red'




  Highlight style

  Wrap the original itemStyle in emphasis, etc

data: [{
            value: 100,
            name: "TaoBao",
            itemStyle: { // Control the style of Taobao area
              color: 'blue'
            label: {
              color: 'red'
            emphasis: {
              itemStyle: { //The mouse changes color
                color: 'orange'
              label: {//The mouse changes color
                color: 'blue'




When the size of the browser changes, if you want the chart to adapt to the change

    var box = echarts.init(document.getElementById("box"))
    var xDataArr = ['Zhang San', 'Li Si', 'Wang Wu', 'Zhao Liu']
    var yDataArr = [70, 90, 60, 80]
    var option = {
      xAxis: {
        type: 'category',
        data: xDataArr
      yAxis: {
        type: 'value'
      series: [
          type: 'bar',
          data: yDataArr,
          markPoint: {
            data: [
                type: 'max', name: 'Maximum'
                type: 'min', name: 'minimum value'
          markLine: {
            data: [
                type: 'average', name: 'average value'
          label: {
            show: true,
            rotate: 60
          barWidth: '30%'


When the browser window changes, you also want to adapt the chart

1> Listen for window size change events

2> calls the ECharts instance object's resize in the event handler.

        // console.log(window.onresize)
        //Call the resize method of the ecarts instance object


  The chart changes with the change of the window

  It's the same with that


Here is the reference assignment of the function. When the browser window changes, the resize function will be called. Note that "()" cannot be added after resize