django delete root modification

Posted by nyfael on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 23:30:17 +0100


1. Delete interface

class CateView(View):
    def delete(self, request):
        # 1. Get the parameters in the route
        cate_id = request.GET.get('cate_id')
        # 2. Get the object to delete
        # pk stands for primary key
            cate_obj = Cate.objects.get(pk=cate_id)
        except Cate.DoesNotExist:
            return JsonResponse({'msg': 'Get classification does not exist', 'code': 400})
        # 3. Delete
        # 4. Delete succeeded, return message
        return JsonResponse({'msg': 'Deleted successfully', 'code': 200})

django can't get the exception thrown by data using get query, so it needs to use try except ion to catch the exception.


    cate_obj = Cate.objects.get(pk=cate_id)
# The exception is captured for the table queried by get.
except Cate.DoesNotExist:
    retrun JsonResponse({'msg': 'Classification does not exist', 'code': 400})

2. Interface document

Request address:

Request method: delete

Request parameter: cat_ id

Request example:

Return data: json

Data format:

    'msg': 'Deleted successfully',
    'code': 200

3. In showcate On the Vue page, add a click event on the delete button

	<button @click="delCate(">delete</button>
export default {
    methods: {
        // Delete classification
        // Delete classification
        delCate(cate_id) {
            // Send request to deleted interface
                url: '/app01/cate/?cate_id=' + cate_id,
                // The get request is sent by default, so you need to add the method as delete
                method: 'delete'
            }).then(res => {


1. Add click event for Edit button

	<button @click="toUpdate(">edit</button>

export default {
    methods: {
        // To modify the page
        toUpdate(cate_id) {
            // Jump page
                name: 'UpdateCate',
                query: {'cate_id': cate_id}

2. Create a new updatecate Vue page

3. Is updatecate Vue add route

import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import UpdateCate from '@/components/UpdateCate'


export default new Router({
  routes: [
      path: '/update_cate',  // The path entered in the browser address bar
      name: 'UpdateCate',  // Use $router Parameters carried when pushing to jump to the page
      component: UpdateCate  // Jump to the vue page displayed after the path is approved

4. Get the data of the object to be modified before the page is loaded (there should be a separate interface to get the data)

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            cate_id: this.$route.query.cate_id,
            cate: {},
            name: ''
    methods: {
        // Get classification details
        getDetail() {
                url: '/app01/detail/?cate_id=' + this.cate_id
            }).then(res => {
                this.cate =
    created() {
        // Get the details of the classification before the page is loaded, and call the getDetail() method

5. Show the acquired data and confirm what the original data is and what it should be modified into?

            Original data: {{}}
        <div>Modified content: <input type="text" v-model="name"></div>

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            cate_id: this.$route.query.cate_id,
            cate: {},
            name: ''
    methods: {
        // Get classification details
        getDetail() {
                url: '/app01/detail/?cate_id=' + this.cate_id
            }).then(res => {
                this.cate =
    created() {
        // Get the details of the classification before the page is loaded, and call the getDetail() method

6. Add a click event for modification and get the input content

        <div><button @click="updateCate">modify</button></div>

export default {
    methods: {
        // Modify classification
        updateCate() {

<style scoped>


7. Interface for modifying data

class CateView(View):
    def put(self, request):
        # 2. Get the submitted modified data
        name_str = (request.body).decode()
        # Use json to convert the obtained content into a dictionary
        name_dict = json.loads(name_str)
        cate_id = name_dict.get('cate_id')
        name = name_dict.get('name')
        # 3. Query the object to be modified through the id of the object
        cate_obj = Cate.objects.get(pk=cate_id)
        # 4. Re assign values to the attributes in the query object and save them = name
        # 5. If the modification is successful, a message is returned
        return JsonResponse({'msg': 'Modified successfully', 'code': 200})

8. Modified interface document

Request address:

Request method: put

Request parameters:

cate_idinttrueObject id to modify
namestringtrueModified content

Return data:

    'msg': 'Modified successfully',
    'code': 200

9. Complete modification function

            Original data: {{}}
        <div>Modified content: <input type="text" v-model="name"></div>
        <div><button @click="updateCate">modify</button></div>

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            cate_id: this.$route.query.cate_id,
            cate: {},
            name: ''
    methods: {
        // Modify classification
        updateCate() {
                url: '/app01/cate/',
                method: 'put',
                data: {'cate_id': this.cate_id, 'name':}
            }).then(res => {
                // Print the returned results on the console
        // Get classification details
        getDetail() {
                url: '/app01/detail/?cate_id=' + this.cate_id
            }).then(res => {
                this.cate =
    created() {
        // Get the details of the classification before the page is loaded, and call the getDetail() method

<style scoped>


Dynamic routing parameters

Sometimes, the route we set is not invariable. For example, we need to jump to the details and view all the goods under a category through a category. In fact, such a route should correspond to a view function to display the page content. How to design such a route involves dynamic routing and route transmission parameters

1. Obtain the classification details through the classification id

**2. Dynamic routing configuration**

The route is matched by angle brackets, and the value of the corresponding part of the connection is converted by int and str built-in converters; And transfer the matching result to the parameter position corresponding to the view function;


Where 1 will be used as cat_ The parameter of ID is received.

  • Other built-in Path converters can specify our routing parameters to the specified type
str: Match except path separator(`/`)Non empty string, which is the default form
int: Match positive integer, including 0
slug: Matches a string of letters, numbers, horizontal bars, and underscores
uuid: Match formatted uuid,Such as 075194 d3-6885-417e-a8a8-6c931e272f00
path: Matches any non empty string, including the path separator

Similarities and differences between dynamic routing and GET parameters

  • Parameters need to be involved in route matching, and parameters are obtained in route matching
  • GET parameter. The parameter part does not need to participate in route matching. GET the parameter in the view

3. Routing distribution

Concept of routing distribution

Our routing is written in URLs. Com under the main directory of the project Py file, but if there are many app s, so many routes are written together, which is obviously a very inconvenient thing to manage

In fact, in the previous exercise, we used routing distribution, and each sub app has its own independent URLs Py route mapping file. In the master route file, you only need to use the include function to import the route file under the sub app, which is route distribution

Implementation of include routing distribution

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path,include
urlpatterns = [
    path('app01/',include("app01.urls"))  # Use include to realize route distribution and find the route file under the sub app

Routing distribution brings us many benefits, which can make us more convenient and effective in managing each route in multiple app projects
And it can also make our users see the URL address in the browser when visiting, which is more pleasing to the eye

Cross domain

Front and back end separation, homology strategy problem

Different ports

python's package management tool {pip

pip install package name

pip show package name # check whether a package is installed

cnpm install --save package name: node JS package management tool: cnpm

PIP install django CORS headers

Configure cross domain


# middleware 
    # Third line
    # Note the fifth line

# Allow all source access

django administrative command

# Commands for creating projects
django-admin startproject projectname

# Create app
 Enter project: cd projectname
python startapp appname

# Generate migration file
python makemigrations

# Execute migration file
python migrate

Topics: Python