DM Dameng DSC shared cluster + DW (single machine)

Posted by napurist on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 03:27:18 +0100


This article is connected to the DSC active standby and standby stand-alone used by Dameng DSC shared cluster
Dameng DSC cluster

1, Planning

There are DSC clusters ahead
A single machine is prepared here as the standby library

Example: pandas is a NumPy based tool created to solve data analysis tasks.

2, Relevant settings of system parameters

1. Turn off the firewall

The code is as follows:

systemctl status firewalld.service
systemctl stop firewalld.service
systemctl disable firewalld.service

2. Close selinux

vi /etc/selinux/config


3. Create installation users and groups

The code is as follows:

groupadd -g 10001 dinstall
useradd -u 20001 -g dinstall dmdba
passwd dmdba	
Set password dmdba

4. Modify the operating system resource limit

vim /etc/security/limits.conf:

dmdba soft noproc 65536
dmdba hard noproc 65536
dmdba soft nofile 65536
dmdba hard nofile 65536
dmdba hard core unlimited
dmdba soft core unlimited

Modify the parameter VI / etc / security / limits d/20-nproc. conf:

* soft nproc 65536

5. Modify kernel parameters

vi /etc/sysctl.conf

fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max= 4194304
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 1048586

Make kernel parameters effective:
sysctl -p

7. Create data file storage directory

The code is as follows:

mkdir -p /dm/dmdba/dmdbms
mkdir -p /dm/dmdata
chown -R dmdba:dinstall /dm
chmod -R 775  /dm

8. Modify user dmdba environment variable

su - dmdba
vi ~/.bash_profile

export LANG=zh_CN.UTF8
export DM_HOME=/dm/dmdba/dmdbms
export PATH=$DM_HOME/bin:$PATH:$HOME/bin

3, Install database software

1. Upload the database software to the operating system

Create software directory and upload

mkdir -p /dm/soft
 Upload software to this directory
[root@dmdb01 ~]# mount /dm/soft/dm8_setup_rh7_64_ent_8.1.1.48_20191129.iso /mnt/

2. Install database software (standby database)

Enter user dmdba
su - dmdba
cd /mnt
Execute installation command

[dmdba@dmrw2 mnt]$ ./DMInstall.bin -i
#Add the parameter - i after the installation in the command line interface

give the result as follows

Please select the installation language(C/c:chinese E/e:english) [C/c]:c
 Unzip the installer......... 
Welcome to Damon database setup

Enter Key File path? (Y/y:yes N/n:no) [Y/y]:n

Set time zone? (Y/y:yes N/n:no) [Y/y]:y
 Set time zone:
[ 1]: GTM-12=West of the sun line
[ 2]: GTM-11=Samoa Islands
[ 3]: GTM-10=Hawaii
[ 4]: GTM-09=Alaska
[ 5]: GTM-08=Pacific time (US and Canada)
[ 6]: GTM-07=Arizona
[ 7]: GTM-06=Central time (US and Canada)
[ 8]: GTM-05=Eastern time (USA and Canada)
[ 9]: GTM-04=Atlantic time (US and Canada)
Please select and set the time zone [21]:

Installation type:
1 Typical installation
2 The server
3 client
4 custom
 Please select the digital serial number of the installation type [1 Typical installation]:1
 space required: 1012M

Please select the installation directory [/home/dmdba/dmdbms]:/dm/dmdba/dmdbms
#Enter the planned software installation directory here
 Available space: 67G
 Confirm the installation path(/dm/dmdba/dmdbms)? (Y/y:yes N/n:no)  [Y/y]:y

Summary before installation
 Installation position: /dm/dmdba/dmdbms
 space required: 1012M
 Available space: 67G
 Version information: 
Effective date: 
End of installation installation type: Typical installation
 Confirm installation? (Y/y:yes N/n:no):y
2021-06-17 14:03:05 
[INFO] Install Damon database...
[INFO] Installation of Damon database is complete.

Please take root System users execute commands:

Switch to root

[root@dmdb01 dmdbms]# /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/script/root/
##Create and start the DmAPService service

3. Initialize the master database instance

Software installation directory: / dm/dmdba/dmdbms, instance initialization Directory: / dm/dmdata /. The initialization script is as follows:
cd /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/bin

./dminit path=/dm/dmdata/  instance_name=dscstd  page_size=32

4.DSC main library offline backup

Close the window that starts the instance in the background
When the dmdscdmddsc cluster generates a attributed cluster, a attributed cluster generates an archived log, an offline backup is performed for subsequent connectivity verification.
After closing the database, use the dmrman tool to back up the main database offline. The dmdba user goes to the bin of the installation directory and executes the following commands:
The code is as follows (example):

./dmrman use_ap=2 dcr_ini=/dm/dmdba/config/dmdcr.ini

Execute backup full library.

backup database '/dm/dmdba/config/dsc1/dm.ini' backupset '/dm/dmbak/bakfull';

5. Backup and restore (executed by the standby database)

Copy the primary database to the appropriate directory of the secondary database, and execute the following command

scp -r /dm/dmbak/bakfull

After closing the database, use the dmrman tool to restore the standby database. The dmdba user goes to the bin of the installation directory and executes the following commands:


Execute restore.

 restore database '/dm/dmdata/DAMENG/dm.ini' from backupset '/dm/dmbak/bakfull';

Perform recover.

recover database '/dm/dmdata/DAMENG/dm.ini' from backupset '/dm/dmbak/bakfull';

Execute recover update db_magic.

recover database '/dm/dmdata/DAMENG/dm.ini' update db_magic;

The implementation results are as follows

recover database '/dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dm.ini' update db_magic;
Database mode = 0, oguid = 0
EP[0]'s cur_lsn[37904]
EP[0]'s apply_lsn[37904] >= end_lsn[37904]
recover successfully!
time used: 984.325(ms)

IV Configure DSC parameters (dmdba user)

1. Modify the configuration file DM of the two instances ini

Modify the instance's DM INI file parameter, execute the following command:

vi /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dm.ini

The main library modifies the following parameter values:

ALTER_MODE_STATUS = 0 #Manual modification of instance mode / status is not allowed
ENABLE_OFFLINE_TS = 2 #OFFLINE tablespace of standby database is not allowed
ARCH_INI = 1 #Enable Archive Mode

2. Modify the archive configuration file dmarch ini

Create a new file dmarch. In the instance directory Ini, execute the following command:

vi /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dmarch.ini

Add the following content to the main library:

ARCH_TYPE     = REALTIME  #Real time archive type
ARCH_DEST     = dmrw2   #Real time archiving target instance name (fill in the standby instance name on the main database side)
ARCH_TYPE     = LOCAL #Local archive type
ARCH_DEST     = /dm/dmarch  #Local archive file storage path
ARCH_FILE_SIZE    = 128 #Unit: MB, maximum value of local single archive file
ARCH_SPACE_LIMIT  = 10240    #Unit: MB, 0 means unlimited, range: 1024~4294967294 MB

Add the following contents to the standby database:

ARCH_TYPE     = REALTIME  #Real time archive type
ARCH_DEST     = dmrw1   #Real time archiving target instance name (fill in the main database instance name on the standby database side)
ARCH_TYPE     = LOCAL #Local archive type
ARCH_DEST     = /dm/dmarch  #Local archive file storage path
ARCH_FILE_SIZE    = 128 #Unit: MB, maximum value of local single archive file
ARCH_SPACE_LIMIT  = 10240    #Unit: MB, 0 means unlimited, range: 1024~4294967294 MB

3. Modify MAL system configuration file dmmal ini

Create a new file dmmal. In the instance directory Ini, execute the following command:

vi /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dmmal.ini

The contents of the primary and standby database files should be the same.

MAL_CHECK_INTERVAL   = 5  #MAL link detection interval
MAL_CONN_FAIL_INTERVAL  = 5  #Determine the disconnection time of MAL link
  MAL_INST_NAME = dmrw1 #And DM Instance in ini_ Name consistent
  MAL_HOST     =  #MAL system monitors TCP internal network IP
  MAL_PORT     = 61141 #MAL system listens to the port of TCP connection
  MAL_INST_HOST   =  #External service IP address of the instance
  MAL_INST_PORT   = 5236 #And DM Port in ini_ Num consistent
  MAL_DW_PORT   = 52141 #The daemon corresponding to the instance listens to the TCP port
  MAL_INST_DW_PORT = 33141
  MAL_INST_NAME = dmrw2 #And DM Instance in ini_ Name consistent
  MAL_HOST      =  # MAL system monitors TCP internal network IP
  MAL_PORT          = 61141 #MAL system listens to the port of TCP connection
  MAL_INST_HOST         =  #External service IP address of the instance
  MAL_INST_PORT         = 5236 #And DM Port in ini_ Num consistent
  MAL_DW_PORT  = 52141 #The daemon corresponding to the instance listens to the TCP port
  MAL_INST_DW_PORT = 33141

4. Modify the daemon configuration file dmwatcher ini

Create a new file in the instance directory Ini, execute the following command:

vi /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dmwatcher.ini

The contents of the primary and standby database files should be the same.

DW_TYPE    = GLOBAL  #Global guard type
DW_MODE    = AUTO   #Automatic switching mode
DW_ERROR_TIME     = 10  #Remote daemon failure determination time
INST_RECOVER_TIME  = 60         #The interval between the main library daemon starting recovery
INST_ERROR_TIME   = 10  #Local instance fault determination time
INST_OGUID         = 453331 #Unique OGUID value of daemon
INST_INI           = /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dm.ini #dm.ini configuration file path
INST_AUTO_RESTART  = 1   #Turn on the auto start function of the instance
INST_STARTUP_CMD   = /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/bin/dmserver #Command line startup

5. Start the database instance in Mount mode

Use the dmdba user to execute in the bin of the database installation directory (both active and standby databases).

./dmserver /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dm.ini mount

Use the disql tool to connect to the database on the new terminal and execute the following command:


Modify oguid for both active and standby databases, and execute the following commands:


Modify the database mode of the master database to primary, and execute the following commands:

alter database primary;

Modify the standby database mode to standby and execute the following commands:

alter database standby;

6. Start the daemon

Under the dmdba user, execute in the bin of the database installation directory (both active and standby databases).

./dmwatcher /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dmwatcher.ini

After the daemon starts, the instance of Mount will be opened.

5, Start confirmation monitor

When the daemon is configured to automatically switch, the confirmation monitor must be configured. On servers other than the active and standby servers (DM database software shall be installed and open to the active and standby heartbeat network port).
Create a new confirmation monitor configuration file dmmonitor Ini, execute the following command:

vi /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmmonitor.ini 

Add the following:

MON_DW_CONFIRM    = 1   #Confirm monitor mode
MON_LOG_PATH    = /home/dmdba/dmdbms/log #Storage path of monitor log file
MON_LOG_INTERVAL  = 60 #Regularly record the system information to the log file every 60 s
MON_LOG_FILE_SIZE   = 32 #Maximum 32 MB per log file
MON_LOG_SPACE_LIMIT  = 0  #Unlimited total log file space
MON_INST_OGUID    = 453331 #Group GRP_ Unique OGUID value of RW
#The following configuration is monitor to group GRP_ The connection information of RW daemon is configured in the form of "IP:PORT"
#IP corresponds to dmmal Mal in ini_ Host and port correspond to dmmal Mal in ini_ DW_ PORT
MON_DW_IP     =
MON_DW_IP     =

Start the monitor and execute the following command:

./dmmonitor /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmmonitor.ini

After startup, enter the show command to view the cluster status.

2021-06-17 19:26:10 
GROUP            OGUID       MON_CONFIRM     MODE            MPP_FLAG  
GRP_RW           453331      TRUE            AUTO            FALSE     

IP              MAL_DW_PORT  WTIME                WTYPE     WCTLSTAT  WSTATUS        INAME            INST_OK   N_EP  N_OK  ISTATUS     IMODE     DSC_STATUS     RTYPE     RSTAT    52141        2021-06-17 19:26:10  GLOBAL    VALID     OPEN           DMRW1            OK        1     1     OPEN        PRIMARY   DSC_OPEN       REALTIME  VALID    

INST_PORT  INST_OK   INAME            ISTATUS     IMODE     DSC_SEQNO  DSC_CTL_NODE RTYPE     RSTAT    FSEQ            FLSN            CSEQ            CLSN            DW_STAT_FLAG          
5236       OK        DMRW1            OPEN        PRIMARY   0          0            REALTIME  VALID    3824            42630           3824            42630           NONE                  

IP              MAL_DW_PORT  WTIME                WTYPE     WCTLSTAT  WSTATUS        INAME            INST_OK   N_EP  N_OK  ISTATUS     IMODE     DSC_STATUS     RTYPE     RSTAT    52141        2021-06-17 19:26:10  GLOBAL    VALID     OPEN           DMRW2            OK        1     1     OPEN        STANDBY   DSC_OPEN       REALTIME  VALID    

INST_PORT  INST_OK   INAME            ISTATUS     IMODE     DSC_SEQNO  DSC_CTL_NODE RTYPE     RSTAT    FSEQ            FLSN            CSEQ            CLSN            DW_STAT_FLAG          
5236       OK        DMRW2            OPEN        STANDBY   0          0            REALTIME  VALID    3774            42630           3774            42630           NONE                  

DSC_SEQNO[0], (ASEQ, SSEQ, KSEQ)[3824, 3824, 3824], (ALSN, SLSN, KLSN)[42630, 42630, 42630], N_TSK[0], TSK_MEM_USE[0]


6, Registration service

The above startup is in the foreground mode, and only the configuration is verified during the user's construction. After the configuration is OK, you need to register the instance, daemon and confirmation monitor as system services.
Using the root user, go to script/root in the database installation directory and execute.

Register the daemon service (both active and standby databases are executed).

./ -t dmwatcher -p dmrw -watcher_ini /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dmwatcher.ini

Register the database instance service (both active and standby databases are executed).

./ -t dmserver -p dmrw -dm_ini /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmrw/dm.ini

Register the monitor service (only on the monitor server), and execute the following command:

./ -t dmmonitor -p confirm -monitor_ini /dm/dmdba/dmdbms/dmmonitor.ini

1. Start in service mode

Start the active and standby database instances and execute the following commands:

systemctl start DmServicedmrw

The active and standby start the daemon and execute the following commands:

systemctl start DmWatcherServicedmrw

The monitoring server (outside the active and standby) starts the monitor and executes the following commands:

systemctl start DmMonitorServiceconfirm

7, disql client authentication

Log in to the main database using the disql client, create a test table, insert data, and execute the following commands:


Execute the following command from the SQL prompt:

create table test(id int);
insert into test values (1);

Log in to the standby database using the disql client, query the test table for verification, and execute the following commands:


Execute the following command from the SQL prompt:

select * from test;
The server[LOCALHOST:5236]:The standby database is open
 Login usage time: 6.908(millisecond)
disql V8
SQL> select * from test;

Line number     ID         
---------- -----------
1          1

Elapsed time: 9.111(millisecond). Execution number:2.

1. Import and storage

The code is as follows (example):

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
import  ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

2. Read in data

The code is as follows (example):

data = pd.read_csv(

The url used here is the data requested by the network.


Tip: here is a summary of the article:
For example, the above is what we want to talk about today. This paper only briefly introduces the use of pandas, which provides a large number of functions and methods that enable us to process data quickly and conveniently.

Topics: Database