Do you really need so many single cell subsets annotation tools

Posted by fortnox007 on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 20:50:35 +0100

The review article "automatic cell type identification methods for single cell RNA sequencing", published in the Journal of computational and structural Biotechnology (October 2021), has sorted out the current annotation tools for single cell subsets. The link of the article is:

  • Lazy learning methods include CELLBLAST , scmap-cell , CellFishing.jl , and CellAtlasSearch .
  • Eager learning methods account for the majority of the automatic methods, including scHPL , clustifyr , MARS , scPretrain , Superscan , Seurat , , scLearn , scCapsNet , ACTINN , CaSTLe , CHETAH , SciBet , scID , scmap-cluster , scPred , SingleCellNet , SingleR , scVI , scMatch , scClassifR , and Garnett .
  • Marker learning methods include scTyper , DigitalCellSorter , SCINA , SCSA , CellAssign , and scCATCH . MarkerCount
  • To facilitate automatic cell-type identification, scLearn, CELLBLAST, SciBet, SingleCellNet, scMatch, Superscan, and Garnett provide processed training datasets. Moreover, DigitalCellSorter, SCSA, scTyper, and scCATCH provide canonical cell markers for certain cell types.

The author has developed a package integrating so many tools (automatic cell type identification), which mainly divides each tool into three categories:

  • eagersupervised methods include ACTINN, CaSTLe, CHETAH, clustifyr, Garnett, Markercount, MARS, scClassifR, scHPL, SciBet, scID, scLearn, scmapcluster, scPred, scVI, Seurat, SingleCellNet and SingleR.lazysupervised methods include CELLBLAST and scmapcell.markersupervised methods include scTyper, Markercount, SCSA, DigitalCellSorter and SCINA.

The workload is a little heavy!

However, the idea of software tool algorithm evaluation in the review article is worth learning:

  • Fig. 1. Workflow of the traditional and automatic cell-type identification methods.
  • Fig. 2. Performance of the automatic cell-type identification methods using the Tabula Muris datasets.
  • Fig. 3. Performance of the automatic cell-type identification methods using PBMC and tumor datasets.
  • Fig. 4. Speed of automatic cell-type identification methods.
  • Fig. 5. Summary of performance of the automatic cell-type identification methods. Bar graphs of the automatic cell-type identification methods with six evaluation criteria indicated.

The article also mentioned that at present, single-cell transcriptome sequencing data are multiple samples, so there are two problems to be solved:

  • The first is to try to avoid the influences of different sequencing technologies during the process of data integration, for example, by using MNN , CCA , LIGER , Scanorama , et al.
  • The second is to try to unify the currently inconsistent annotation levels in the training datasets, for example, by the joint usage of multiple training datasets , or by manual curation of each training dataset.

In fact, in a large number of tumor single cell data analysis projects I do, I don't use these automatic annotation tools. I see them with my naked eyes. I need some background knowledge! For example, recite the following list of genes with high expression in each cell subgroup:

# T Cells (CD3D, CD3E, CD8A), 
# B cells (CD19, CD79A, MS4A1 [CD20]), 
# Plasma cells (IGHG1, MZB1, SDC1, CD79A), 
# Monocytes and macrophages (CD68, CD163, CD14),
# NK Cells (FGFBP2, FCG3RA, CX3CR1),  
# Photoreceptor cells (RCVRN), 
# Fibroblasts (FGF7, MME), 
# Endothelial cells (PECAM1, VWF). 
# epi or tumor (EPCAM, KRT19, PROM1, ALDH1A1, CD24).
#   immune (CD45+,PTPRC), epithelial/cancer (EpCAM+,EPCAM), 
# stromal (CD10+,MME,fibo or CD31+,PECAM1,endo) 

Finally, the detailed GitHub web page links of various tools collected in this review article are excerpted:

Name of method Version URL
CellFishing.jl v0.3.2
scmap-cell v1.6.0
ACTINN master
CaSTLe v1.0.0.2
CHETAH v1.2.0
Garnett v0.1.19
SciBet v0.1.0
scID v2.1
scLearn v1.0
scmap-cluster v1.6.0
scPred v1.9.0
scVI v0.4.1
Seurat v3.2.2
SingleCellNet v0.1.0
SingleR v1.1.1
CellAssign v0.99.21
DigitalCellSorter v1.1
SCINA v1.2.0
SCSA master
scTyper v0.1.0
scHPL V0.0.2
MARS master
clustifyr v1.5.0
scClassifR v1.1.1
MarkerCount master

Introduction to single-cell data processing requires some basic cognition. You can also see Lecture 10:

The most basic is dimension reduction clustering. Refer to the previous example: Single cell clustering and clustering annotation that everyone can learn