Compose is a tool for defining and running multi container Docker applications. With compose, you can use the YML file to configure all the services required by your application. Then, with one command, you can create and start all services from the YML configuration file.
As a PHP developer, Lnmp environment is often where we work and study. This blog is about how to use docker compose to build a development environment.
At present, docker compose is pre installed in most docker desktop environments, so it does not need to be installed separately. If you are not sure, you can enter docker compose -- version in your terminal. If you are prompted that there is no such command, please install it yourself.
PHP, mariadb, nginx, redis, composer, swoole, etc. are installed in the example environment of this article.
Build directory tree
In fact, it is recommended that you unify the Lnmp environment into one directory, so that it will be more convenient for you to migrate to other devices in the future. The blogger's directory tree is roughly shown in the figure below. The specific directory meaning can be understood by combining the name.
Write dockerfile
php dockerfile
This article only uses 7.3 as an example. If you need other versions or multiple versions, please add them yourself. Some PHP extensions are also pre installed in this example. If you need others, please fill them in by yourself.
# Mirror version ARG VERSION=7.3 # base image FROM php:${VERSION}-fpm # Adding some metadata to the image can be omitted LABEL maintainer="ucwords" version=${VERSION} # The configuration file directly replaces the default file in the container, and the following CMD does not need to be specified. COPY ../../config/php/php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini COPY ../../config/php/www.conf /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf # Pre installed expansion pack COPY ../../src/composer.phar /work/src/composer.phar COPY ../../src/redis-5.1.0.tgz /work/src/redis-5.1.0.tgz COPY ../../src/swoole-4.6.0.tgz /work/src/swoole-4.6.0.tgz # The update, installation and configuration environment can be added or deleted appropriately according to your needs. # deb http: * * * these are to speed up the data and change the image. If your network accesses foreign images, OK. It can be removed. RUN echo '' > /etc/apt/sources.list \ && echo \ deb buster main non-free contrib \ deb buster/updates main \ deb buster-updates main non-free contrib \ deb buster-backports main non-free contrib \ deb-src buster/updates main \ deb-src buster main non-free contrib \ deb-src buster-updates main non-free contrib \ deb-src buster-backports main non-free contrib \ > /etc/apt/sources.list \ && apt-get update \ && apt-get remove -y libssl1.1 \ && apt-get install -y \ wget zlib1g-dev libzip-dev htop vim less curl make gcc pkg-config inetutils-ping dnsutils git \ openssl libssl-dev libmemcached-dev zlib1g-dev zlib1g ca-certificates \ libwebp-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libfreetype6-dev libxpm-dev \ && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-gd --with-webp-dir --with-jpeg-dir --with-png-dir --with-zlib-dir --with-xpm-dir --with-freetype-dir \ && docker-php-ext-install zip pdo pdo_mysql mysqli opcache sockets bcmath gd \ # Update pecl && pecl channel-update \ # redis && pecl install /work/src/redis-5.1.0.tgz \ && docker-php-ext-enable redis \ && rm /work/src/redis-5.1.0.tgz \ # swoole && mkdir swoole \ && tar -xzf /work/src/swoole-4.6.0.tgz -C swoole --strip-components=1 \ && rm /work/src/swoole-4.6.0.tgz \ && ( \ cd swoole \ && phpize \ && ./configure --enable-mysqlnd --enable-sockets --enable-openssl --enable-http2 \ && make -j$(nproc) \ && make install \ ) \ && docker-php-ext-enable swoole \ && rm -r swoole \ # composer && chmod u+x /work/src/composer.phar \ && mv /work/src/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer \ && composer config -g repo.packagist composer \ # Closeout cleaning && apt-get clean \ && apt-get purge -y --auto-remove -o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false \ && ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime && echo "Asia/Shanghai" > /etc/timezone # assign work directory WORKDIR /work # Claim port EXPOSE 9000 # Start PHP FPM CMD ["php-fpm", "-R"]
Mariadb dockerfile
mariadb is used here instead of mysql. Please pay attention to screening. It is best to plug in the configuration file and data.
# Specify version ARG VERSION=10.5 # image FROM mariadb:${VERSION} # Adding some metadata to the image can be omitted LABEL maintainer="ucwords" version="1.19.0" # root default password ENV MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD Your password # Claim port EXPOSE 3306 # run CMD ["mysqld"]
Nginx dockerfile
# Specify version ARG VERSION=1.19.0 # image FROM nginx:${VERSION} # Adding some metadata to the image can be omitted LABEL maintainer="ucwords" version="1.19.0" # configuration file COPY ../../config/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # Claim port EXPOSE 80 443 # run CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
redis dockerfile
It's best to plug in the configuration file and data. If you want to delve into the source code of redis, you can see this series of articles< Redis series article navigation>.
# Mirror version ARG VERSION=6.2.0 # base image FROM redis:${VERSION} # Adding some metadata to the image can be omitted LABEL maintainer="ucwords" version=${VERSION} # configuration file COPY ../../config/redis/redis.conf /etc/redis/redis.conf # Claim port EXPOSE 6379 # When docker run s, specify the default program to run for the started container. When the program runs, the container ends. CMD ["/usr/local/bin/redis-server", "/etc/redis/redis.conf"]
Write docker compose YML
Put all the above containers into a bridged network environment (specified in the networks section), so that you can communicate directly by using the container name.
version: '3' services: nginx: build: context: . dockerfile: dockerfile/nginx/Dockerfile image: nginx:1.19.0 restart: always container_name: lnmp_nginx volumes: - ./config/nginx/vhosts:/etc/nginx/conf.d:rw - ./work:/work:rw networks: - lnmp depends_on: - fpm_73 - mariadb ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" ulimits: nproc: 65535 nofile: soft: 20000 hard: 40000 tty: true #mem_limit: 512m #Memory limit fpm_73: build: context: . dockerfile: dockerfile/php/Dockerfile_7.3 image: php:7.3-fpm restart: always container_name: lnmp_fpm_73 volumes: - ./work:/work:rw networks: - lnmp ports: - "9500:9500" - "9501:9501" tty: true #mem_limit: 512m #Memory limit redis: build: context: . dockerfile: dockerfile/redis/Dockerfile image: redis:6.2.0 restart: always container_name: lnmp_redis ports: - "6379:6379" volumes: - ./data/redis:/data:rw environment: # Set the environment variable time zone code UTF-8 TZ: Asia/Shanghai LANG: en_US.UTF-8 networks: - lnmp tty: true #mem_limit: 512m #Memory limit mariadb: build: context: . dockerfile: dockerfile/mysql/Dockerfile image: mariadb:10.5 restart: always container_name: lnmp_mariadb volumes: - ./data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql:rw networks: - lnmp ports: - "3306:3306" ulimits: nproc: 65535 nofile: soft: 20000 hard: 40000 tty: true #mem_limit: 512m #Memory limit networks: lnmp: driver: bridge
Please first write according to the directory tree, docker file and YML file of the article, or you can directly download the resources in the example of this article( Point me).
And then in and docker compose Execute docker compose up - D in the directory at the same level of YML, wait for the installation to complete, and you can have an out of the box environment.
This paper explains the one click building tutorial of Lnmp environment from the perspective of graphics and code. This environment has great expansibility. Notice several points in this example.
- docker-compose. The context of YML is dependent on the file directory tree in this example. If you don't want to use this directory tree, you need to make some changes.
- In order to facilitate the migration or reconstruction of containers, the data and configuration of redis and mysql are plug-in to the physical host.
- Please note whether the working directory is consistent with the directory in the configuration file. For example, PHP is under / work, and the corresponding configuration in www.conf, such as slowlog, needs to correspond to the same working directory.