DPVS fullnat mode management

Posted by ocpaul20 on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 17:59:50 +0100

This paper mainly introduces the application of centos7 9. Various deployment modes and configuration management of FullNAT mode of system deployment DPVS, including IPv4-IPv4, binding, IPv6-IPv6, IPv6-IPv4 (NAT64) and keepalived mode.

The following configurations are all based on dual arm mode, and the corresponding toa module of DPVS has been installed on the RS machine. Let's start with the simple IPv4 configuration of a single network card, then do the bonding configuration, then do the simple IPv6 configuration, NAT64 configuration, and finally use keepalived to configure the active and standby modes.

The DPVS version installed in this article is 1.8-10 and the dpdk version is 18.11.2. The detailed installation process has been described in the previous article DPVS fullnat mode deployment - TinyChen's Studio It has been described in and will not be repeated here.

1. IPv4 simple configuration

1.1 architecture diagram

The first is the simplest configuration method, which directly uses the command line operation of ipvsadm to realize the FullNat mode of an IPv4 network. The architecture diagram is as follows:

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-uio6gr21-164578284634)( https://resource.tinychen.com/20210806163652.svg )]

Here, we use the dpdk2 network card as the wan port and the dpdk0 network card as the lan port

1.2 configuration process

# First, we add VIP to the dpdk2 network card (wan)
$ dpip addr add dev dpdk2

# Next, we need to add two routes, which are divided into wan port network segment and RS machine network segment
$ dpip route add dev dpdk2
$ dpip route add dev dpdk0
# It is better to add a default route to the gateway to ensure that the return packet of ICMP packet can run through
$ dpip route add default via dev dpdk2

# Establish forwarding rules using RR algorithm
# add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR.
# use ipvsadm --help for more info.
$ ipvsadm -A -t -s rr

# Here, for the convenience of testing, we only add one RS
# add two RS for service, forwarding mode is FNAT (-b)
$ ipvsadm -a -t -r -b

# Add LocalIP to the network. FNAT mode is required here
# add at least one Local-IP (LIP) for FNAT on LAN interface
$ ipvsadm --add-laddr -z -t -F dpdk0

# Then let's see the effect
$ dpip route show
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk2 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk2 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev dpdk2 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope global metric 0 proto auto

$ dpip addr show
inet scope global dpdk2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet scope global dpdk0
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

$ ipvsadm  -ln
IP Virtual Server version 0.0.0 (size=0)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP rr
  ->              FullNat 1      0          0
$ ipvsadm  -G
VIP:VPORT            TOTAL    SNAT_IP              CONFLICTS  CONNS    1
                           0          0

Then we start an nginx on the RS, set the return IP and port number, and then directly test the VIP with ping and curl commands:

$ ping -c4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=47.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=48.10 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=54 time=48.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=54 time=48.5 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 8ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 47.235/48.311/48.969/0.684 ms

$ curl
Your IP and port is

1.3 summary

This mode is very simple and can be quickly configured to check whether the DPVS on your machine can work normally. However, it is rarely used because it is a single point.

2. Binding configuration

At present, DPVS supports the configuration of bonding4 and bonding0, which are basically the same. For the configuration method, please refer to DPVS / conf / DPVS conf.single-bond. Sample this file.

When configuring the binding mode, it is not necessary to specify kni for the slave network card (such as dpdk0)_ Name. Instead, specify the corresponding kni in the binding_ Name. At the same time, note that the MAC address of the network card specified by the primary parameter is generally the MAC address of the bonding network card.

[external chain picture transfer failed. The source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-d2ypkdtt-1645782784636)( https://resource.tinychen.com/dpvs-two-arm-fnat-bond4-fakeip.drawio.svg )]

! netif config
netif_defs {
    <init> pktpool_size     1048575
    <init> pktpool_cache    256

    <init> device dpdk0 {
        rx {
            max_burst_size      32
            queue_number        16
            descriptor_number   1024
            rss                 all
        tx {
            max_burst_size      32
            queue_number        16
            descriptor_number   1024
        fdir {
            mode                perfect
            pballoc             64k
            status              matched
        ! mtu                   1500
        ! promisc_mode
        ! kni_name              dpdk0.kni

    <init> device dpdk1 {
        rx {
            max_burst_size      32
            queue_number        16
            descriptor_number   1024
            rss                 all
        tx {
            max_burst_size      32
            queue_number        16
            descriptor_number   1024
        fdir {
            mode                perfect
            pballoc             64k
            status              matched
        ! mtu                   1500
        ! promisc_mode
        ! kni_name                dpdk1.kni

    <init> device dpdk2 {
        rx {
            max_burst_size      32
            queue_number        16
            descriptor_number   1024
            rss                 all
        tx {
            max_burst_size      32
            queue_number        16
            descriptor_number   1024
        fdir {
            mode                perfect
            pballoc             64k
            status              matched
        ! mtu                   1500
        ! promisc_mode
        ! kni_name              dpdk2.kni

    <init> device dpdk3 {
        rx {
            max_burst_size      32
            queue_number        16
            descriptor_number   1024
            rss                 all
        tx {
            max_burst_size      32
            queue_number        16
            descriptor_number   1024
        fdir {
            mode                perfect
            pballoc             64k
            status              matched
        ! mtu                   1500
        ! promisc_mode
        ! kni_name              dpdk3.kni

    <init> bonding bond1 {
        mode                    4
        slave                   dpdk0
        slave                   dpdk1
        primary                 dpdk0
        kni_name                bond1.kni

    <init> bonding bond2 {
        mode                    4
        slave                   dpdk2
        slave                   dpdk3
        primary                 dpdk2
        kni_name                bond2.kni

Then, when configuring each worker CPU, note that the port should select the corresponding bond network card

    <init> worker cpu1 {
        type    slave
        cpu_id  1
        port    bond1 {
            rx_queue_ids     0
            tx_queue_ids     0
        port    bond2 {
            rx_queue_ids     0
            tx_queue_ids     0

The binding configuration of DPVS is the same as that of direct operation in Linux. After the bonding configuration is successful, you only need to operate the generated bonding network card. Use the dpip command to view the working status of the corresponding network card: for example, the following network card works in the mode of full duplex and 20000 Mbps rate, the MTU is 1500, and 16 transceiver queues are configured in DPVS.

$ dpip link show
5: bond1: socket 0 mtu 1500 rx-queue 15 tx-queue 16
    UP 20000 Mbps full-duplex auto-nego
    addr AA:BB:CC:11:22:33
6: bond2: socket 0 mtu 1500 rx-queue 15 tx-queue 16
    UP 20000 Mbps full-duplex auto-nego
    addr AA:BB:CC:12:34:56

3. IPv6 simple configuration

3.1 DPVS configuration process

The simple configuration method of IPv6 is the same as that of IPv4, except that the corresponding IPv4 address is replaced by IPv6 address. At the same time, it should be noted that when specifying the port of IPv6 address, you need to use [] to enclose the IP address.

[the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-x8oget1u-164578284636)( https://resource.tinychen.com/dpvs-two-arm-fnat-ipv6-fakeip.drawio.svg )]

# Add VIP and related routes
$ dpip addr add 2001::201/128 dev bond2
$ dpip route -6 add 2001::/64 dev bond2
$ dpip route -6 add 2407::/64 dev bond1
$ dpip route -6 add default via 2001::1 dev bond2

# Configure ipvsadm and RS
$ ipvsadm -A -t [2001::201]:80 -s rr
$ ipvsadm -a -t [2001::201]:80 -r [2407::1]:80 -b
$ ipvsadm -a -t [2001::201]:80 -r [2407::2]:80 -b
# Add IPv6 LIP
$ ipvsadm --add-laddr -z 2407::201 -t [2001::201]:80 -F bond1

$ dpip addr show
inet6 2407::201/128 scope global bond1
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 2001::201/128 scope global bond2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

$ dpip route -6 show
inet6 2001::201/128 dev bond2 mtu 1500 scope host
inet6 2407::201/128 dev bond1 mtu 1500 scope host
inet6 2407::/64 dev bond1 mtu 1500 scope link
inet6 2001::/64 dev bond2 mtu 1500 scope link
inet6 default via 2001::1 dev bond2 mtu 1500 scope global

$ ipvsadm -Ln
IP Virtual Server version 0.0.0 (size=0)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP  [2001::201]:80 rr
  -> [2407::1]:80 FullNat 1      0          0
  -> [2407::2]:80 FullNat 1      0          0

3.2 effect test

Test the effect and confirm that nginx on RS can normally return to the real IP and port of the client, indicating that the configuration is normal.

$  curl -6 "http://\[2001::201\]"
Your IP and port is [2408::1]:38383

4. NAT64 configuration

4.1 DPVS configuration process

The architecture diagram is not much different from the previous two, but the IP is slightly different

[the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-gqb1l7wo-164578284637)( https://resource.tinychen.com/dpvs-two-arm-fnat-nat64-fakeip.drawio.svg )]

# Add VIP and related routes
$ dpip addr add 2001::201/128 dev bond2
$ dpip route -6 add 2001::/64 dev bond2
$ dpip route add dev bond1
$ dpip route -6 add default via 2001::1 dev bond2

# Configure ipvsadm and RS
$ ipvsadm -A -t [2001::201]:80 -s rr
$ ipvsadm -a -t [2001::201]:80 -r -b
$ ipvsadm -a -t [2001::201]:80 -r -b
# Add IPv6 LIP
$ ipvsadm --add-laddr -z -t [2001::201]:80 -F bond1

$ dpip addr show
inet6 2001::201/128 scope global bond2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet scope global bond1
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
$ dpip route show
inet via src dev bond1 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
inet via src dev bond1 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto

$ dpip route -6 show
inet6 2001::201/128 dev bond2 mtu 1500 scope host
inet6 2001::/64 dev bond2 mtu 1500 scope link
inet6 default via 2001::1 dev bond2 mtu 1500 scope global

$ ipvsadm -ln
IP Virtual Server version 0.0.0 (size=0)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP  [2001::201]:80 rr
  ->              FullNat 1      0          0
  ->              FullNat 1      0          0

Test effect

$  curl -6 "http://\[2001::201\]"
Your IP and port is

From the above test results, even if the TOA module is installed, the source IP address of the client in NAT64 mode cannot be obtained, and all client IP and ports will become the IP and port when LIP is forwarded. If there is no demand for the source IP, this problem can be ignored. If there is a demand, the client program above RS needs to be changed. Let's take nginx as an example.

4.2 NGINX supports NAT64

dpvs also provides a nat64 toa module for nginx. When VIP is ipv6 and RS is ipv4, you can use this module to obtain the user's real ipv6 address in nginx. We need to apply this patch before compiling and installing nginx.

From the official file name, we can see that the patch should be made based on version 1.14.0. First, we can use the old version of version 1.14.0 to patch normally, and the subsequent compilation and installation can also be carried out normally

[root@tiny-centos7 nginx-1.14.0]# pwd
[root@tiny-centos7 nginx-1.14.0]# ls
auto  CHANGES  CHANGES.ru  conf  configure  contrib  html  LICENSE  man  nginx-1.14.0-nat64-toa.patch  README  src
[root@tiny-centos7 nginx-1.14.0]# cp /home/dpvs/kmod/toa/example_nat64/nginx/nginx-1.14.0-nat64-toa.patch ./
[root@tiny-centos7 nginx-1.14.0]# patch -p 1 < nginx-1.14.0-nat64-toa.patch
patching file src/core/ngx_connection.h
patching file src/core/ngx_inet.h
patching file src/event/ngx_event_accept.c
patching file src/http/ngx_http_variables.c

Errors will be reported when using the latest nginx-1.21.1 version

[root@tiny-centos7 nginx-1.21.1]# cp /home/dpvs/kmod/toa/example_nat64/nginx/nginx-1.14.0-nat64-toa.patch ./
[root@tiny-centos7 nginx-1.21.1]# pwd
[root@tiny-centos7 nginx-1.21.1]# ls
auto  CHANGES  CHANGES.ru  conf  configure  contrib  html  LICENSE  man  nginx-1.14.0-nat64-toa.patch  README  src

[root@tiny-centos7 nginx-1.21.1]# patch -p 1 < nginx-1.14.0-nat64-toa.patch
patching file src/core/ngx_connection.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 144.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/core/ngx_connection.h.rej
patching file src/core/ngx_inet.h
Hunk #1 succeeded at 128 with fuzz 2 (offset 2 lines).
patching file src/event/ngx_event_accept.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 (offset -5 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 30 (offset -5 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 172 (offset -5 lines).
patching file src/http/ngx_http_variables.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 145 (offset 2 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 398 (offset 15 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 1311 (offset -11 lines).

A closer look at the contents of the patch file shows that the error is due to the removal of several lines of code from the corresponding part in version 1.21.1, which makes the patch unable to match. We add that line of code manually

Then we can compile and install normally. After that, we can add $toa to the log_ remote_ Addr and $toa_remote_port to obtain the real IP address of the client in NAT64 mode.

4.3 effect test

The test again found that the source IP address and port number of the real client can be displayed.

$  curl -6 "http://\[2001::201\]"
Your remote_addr and remote_port is
Your toa_remote_addr and toa_remote_port is [2408::1]:64920

# At the same time, you can also see the corresponding fields in the log of nginx
toa_remote_addr=2408::1 | toa_remote_port=64920 | remote_addr= | remote_port=1030 

5. keepalived configuration

5.1 architecture diagram

There are two benefits to using a keepalived configuration:

  • VIP, LIP, RS and other configuration parameters can be solidified in the keepalived configuration file without manual operation using commands or scripts every time
  • keepalived can use VRRP protocol to configure master backup mode to avoid single point problem

The official keepalived configuration network topology uses the single arm mode. Here we modify it to the double arm mode; At the same time, it should be noted that the keepalived version used by DPVS is a modified version, which is slightly different from the original version in configuration syntax and parameters.

As mentioned above, keepalived also supports three modes: IPv4-IPv4 mode, IPv6-IPv6 mode and NAT64 mode (IPv6-IPv4). The difference between the three modes is only that the route is different and the configuration file of keepalived is slightly different.

[the external link image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-pwdhgsqj-16457882784639) (C: \ users \ tinychen \ onedrive \ blogs \ pic_cache \ 20210810 DPVS fullnat management \ DPVS two arm fnat kept fakeip. Draw. SVG)]

5.2 configure kni network card

The configuration of keepalived requires a kni network card capable of normal network communication in the normal Linux network stack (simple user state network stack not implemented by DPVS). The configuration of kni network card is exactly the same as that of ordinary network card. You only need to change the DEVICE in the configuration file to the corresponding kni network card.

The existence of the kni network card depends on the existence of the dpvs process. If the dpvs process is restarted, the kni network card will not be restarted, but will be in the DOWN state until it is manually enabled (ifup)

$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond2.kni

$ ip a
32: bond2.kni: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether a0:36:9f:f0:e4:c0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global bond2.kni
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::a236:9fff:fef0:e4c0/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Our DPVS In the conf configuration file, a kni network card (generally named dpdk0.kni or bond0.kni, etc.) will be configured for each dpdk network card or bond network card. In the previous simple configuration steps, we directly add the VIP to the dpdk network card, but this can not realize the master-slave switching of VIP. Therefore, we need to hand over the VIP to the keepalived program.

5.3 configuring routing

In keepalived mode, for FullNAT in dual arm network mode, the routes we need to add can be intuitively divided into three parts: VIP network segment route, RS/LIP network segment route and default route.

# IPv4 network mode
$ dpip route add dev bond2 # Routing of VIP network segment
$ dpip route add dev bond1 # Routing of RS/LIP network segment
$ dpip route add default via dev bond2 # Default route

# IPv6 network mode
$ dpip route -6 add 2001::/64 dev bond2 # Routing of VIP network segment
$ dpip route -6 add 2407::/64 dev bond1 # Routing of RS/LIP network segment
$ dpip route -6 add default via 2001::1 dev bond2 # Default route

# NAT64 mode (IPv6-IPv4)
# The difference between this mode is that RS needs to change to the route of IPv4 network segment
$ dpip route -6 add 2001::/64 dev bond2 # Routing of VIP network segment
$ dpip route add dev bond1 # Routing of RS/LIP network segment
$ dpip route -6 add default via 2001::1 dev bond2 # Default route

5.4 configuring keepalived

First, we use systemctl to manage keepalived. First, we write a unit file. The path in the configuration should be replaced by the keepalived binary file of DPVS customized version and the path of keepalived configuration file (absolute path is recommended)

$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/keepalived.service
Description=DPVS modify version keepalived
After=syslog.target network-online.target

ExecStart=/path/to/dpvs/bin/keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf -D -d -S 0
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


Then we modify the keepalived log and output it to the specified file to facilitate us to locate the problem

# If the system uses rsyslog service to manage logs, you can modify / etc / rsyslog Conf adds the following configuration
local0.*                                                /path/to/keepalived.log

Finally, we restart the relevant rsyslog log service and kept

$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl enable rsyslog.service
$ systemctl restart rsyslog.service

5.5 keepalived.conf

Note that even if the RS is the same, NAT64 mode and ordinary IPv4 mode cannot operate in the same VRRP_ Both IPv4 address and IPv6 address are defined in instance because they use different VRRP protocol versions (VRRP and VRRP6)

The following takes NAT64 and IPv4 network configurations as examples to intercept some key configurations

! Configuration File for keepalived

global_defs {
    router_id DPVS_TEST

# Configure LOCAL IP
# The network card uses the lan network segment network card of DPDK
local_address_group laddr_g1 { bond1    

# Configure VIP in IPv4 mode
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
	# Confirm that the status of the VIP is MASTER or BACKUP
    state MASTER
    # interface is specified as the kni network card that can be recognized by the Linux network stack and virtualized by dpvs
    # The keepalived mode needs to ensure that the kni network card is in the up state, which is not required for previous simple configurations
    interface bond2.kni
    # dpdk_ The interface is specified as the wan interface network card, that is, the dpdk network card where the VIP is located
    dpdk_interface bond2
    # Virtual route ID, which needs to be globally unique
    virtual_router_id 201
    priority 100
    advert_int 1
    authentication {
        auth_type PASS
        auth_pass dpvstest
	# VIP can be configured in a group, but IPv6 and IPv4 cannot be mixed
    virtual_ipaddress {

# Configure VIP in IPv6 mode
vrrp_instance VI_2 {
    state MASTER
    interface bond2.kni
    dpdk_interface bond2
    virtual_router_id 202
    priority 100
    advert_int 1
    authentication {
        auth_type PASS
        auth_pass dpvstest

    virtual_ipaddress {

# Configure the corresponding VIP and RS
virtual_server_group { 80 80

virtual_server group {
    delay_loop 3
    lb_algo rr
    lb_kind FNAT
    protocol TCP

    laddr_group_name laddr_g1

    real_server 80 {
        weight 100
        TCP_CHECK {
            nb_sock_retry 2
            connect_timeout 3
            connect_port 80

    real_server 80 {
        weight 100
        TCP_CHECK {
            nb_sock_retry 2
            connect_timeout 3
            connect_port 80


virtual_server_group {
    2001::201 80
    2001::202 80

virtual_server group {
    delay_loop 3
    lb_algo rr
    lb_kind FNAT
    protocol TCP

    laddr_group_name laddr_g1

    real_server 80 {
        weight 100
        TCP_CHECK {
            nb_sock_retry 2
            connect_timeout 3
            connect_port 80

    real_server 80 {
        weight 100
        TCP_CHECK {
            nb_sock_retry 2
            connect_timeout 3
            connect_port 80


  • After keepalived is started, we can use the dpip command to view each defined VIP. In the ipvsadm command, we should see that the status of each group of RS is normal
  • However, it is necessary to ensure that the dpvs must be in the normal running state during the operation of keepalived, and the kni network card specified by the interface parameter in the configuration file is in the normal running state
  • The relevant routes of each network card and network segment still need to be added manually (IPv4, IPv6)
# Check whether each VIP and LIP configured is effective
$ dpip addr show
inet scope global bond2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 2001::202/128 scope global bond2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 2001::201/128 scope global bond2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet scope global bond2
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet scope global bond1
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

# Check whether the RS service of each group is normal
$ ipvsadm -ln
IP Virtual Server version 0.0.0 (size=0)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP rr
  ->              FullNat 100    0          0
  ->              FullNat 100    0          0
TCP rr
  ->             FullNat 100    0          0
  ->             FullNat 100    0          0
TCP rr
  ->              FullNat 100    0          0
  ->              FullNat 100    0          0
TCP rr
  ->             FullNat 100    0          0
  ->             FullNat 100    0          0
TCP  [2001::201]:80 rr
  ->              FullNat 100    0          0
  ->              FullNat 100    0          0
TCP  [2001::201]:443 rr
  ->             FullNat 100    0          0
  ->             FullNat 100    0          0
TCP  [2001::202]:80 rr
  ->              FullNat 100    0          0
  ->              FullNat 100    0          0
TCP  [2001::202]:443 rr
  ->             FullNat 100    0          0
  ->             FullNat 100    0          0

# Use curl to test whether IPv6 services can go through
$ curl -6 "http://\[2001::202\]"
Your remote_addr and remote_port is
Your toa_remote_addr and toa_remote_port is [2408::1]:9684
# Use curl to test whether the IPv4 service can go through
$ curl
Your remote_addr and remote_port is
Your toa_remote_addr and toa_remote_port is -:-

Finally, it should be reminded that if NAT64 mode is used, nginx cannot directly obtain the real source IP. You need to set the XFF header, for example:

	proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For "$real_remote_addr,$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for";

    map $toa_remote_addr $real_remote_addr {
        default $toa_remote_addr;
        '-' $remote_addr;

    map $toa_remote_port $real_remote_port {
        default $toa_remote_port;
        '-' $remote_port;

6. Summary

Among the above configurations, the best one that can be used in the production environment is basically the kept active standby mode. In addition, there is a multi active mode that requires the switch to support ECMP. It has not been tested temporarily because of limited conditions, and it can be supplemented later if conditions are available.

As for the selection of NAT64 mode and IPv6-IPv6 mode, if RS is nginx, the difference between the two modes lies in whether to be compatible on nginx or configure IPv6 network on RS, which depends on the actual network conditions and operation and maintenance management tools; If RS is another third-party program and doesn't want to make too many intrusive changes to the source code, it's best to use IPv6-IPv6 mode directly.

Topics: Linux Operation & Maintenance Load Balance network lvs