Register MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp events in the GridView property bar of GridControl, add timer timer to GridControl, and implement its Tick event.
Additionally: Set Editorable in GridView OperationBehavior to false (non-editable) and MultiSelect in OperationSelection to true.
#region select many private int GetRowAt(GridView view, int x, int y) { return view.CalcHitInfo(new Point(x, y)).RowHandle; } //Click on the mouse to trigger the gdvPO_MouseDown event private void gdvLotData_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { StartRowHandle = GetRowAt(sender as GridView, e.X, e.Y); } //Mouse release triggers gdvPO_MouseDown event private void gdvLotData_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { StartRowHandle = -1; CurrentRowHandle = -1; timer1.Stop(); } private void SelectRows(GridView view, int startRow, int endRow) { if (startRow > -1 && endRow > -1) { view.BeginSelection(); view.ClearSelection(); view.SelectRange(startRow, endRow); view.EndSelection(); } } private void gdvLotData_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { GridView view = sender as GridView; GridViewInfo info = view.GetViewInfo() as GridViewInfo; GridHitInfo hi = view.CalcHitInfo(e.Location); int newRowHandle = GetRowAt(sender as GridView, e.X, e.Y); if (CurrentRowHandle != newRowHandle) { CurrentRowHandle = newRowHandle; SelectRows(sender as GridView, StartRowHandle, CurrentRowHandle); } if (info.RowsInfo.Count < 1) { return; } if (info.RowsInfo.Count >= 2 && info.RowsInfo[info.RowsInfo.Count - 2].RowHandle == hi.RowHandle) { scrollDown = true; if (!timer1.Enabled) timer1.Start(); } else { if (info.RowsInfo[0].RowHandle == hi.RowHandle) { scrollDown = false; if (!timer1.Enabled) timer1.Start(); } else timer1.Stop(); } } } private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (scrollDown) { gdvLotData.TopRowIndex++; } else { gdvLotData.TopRowIndex--; } Point ee = gdcLotData.PointToClient(MousePosition); int newRowHandle = GetRowAt(gdvLotData, ee.X, ee.Y); if (CurrentRowHandle != newRowHandle) { CurrentRowHandle = newRowHandle; SelectRows(gdvLotData, StartRowHandle, CurrentRowHandle); } } #endregion
(child window) Gets the value of a column of the selected item and receives it in an array, which is passed into the parent window:
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { GlobalVariable.gaSelectPOID.Clear(); int[] iaPOs = gdvLotData.GetSelectedRows(); if (iaPOs.Length < 1) { CommonFunction.ShowMsgBox("Please select one or more parameters");//ToDo: Multi-Language return; } int[] iaRAWID = new int[iaPOs.Length];//+2 for (int i = 0; i < iaPOs.Length; i++) { iaRAWID[i] = Convert.ToInt32(gdvLotData.GetRowCellValue(iaPOs[i], "RAW_ID")); } //saPARA_ID[iaPOs.Length] = cboModelVer.EditValue.ToString(); //saPARA_ID[iaPOs.Length + 1] = "EVENT"; if (iaRAWID.Length > 0) { if (this.Owner is frmFDCTranMTSpecCalculate) { ((frmFDCTranMTSpecCalculate)this.Owner).LotDataRawIDs = iaRAWID; } this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonFunction.ShowMsgBox("frmAPSReleaseWO.btnSelect_Click()\n" + ex.Message); } }
(parent window) Sets the array that receives the incoming child window:
private int[] iaLotDataRawIDs; public int[] LotDataRawIDs { set { iaLotDataRawIDs = value; } }
Verify successful reception (add a label and button to the parent window). Click button to spell the array into strings and display them in label:
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < iaLotDataRawIDs.Length; i++) { this.labelControl13.Text += iaLotDataRawIDs[i].ToString() + ";"; } }
GridView Settings Table Not Editable: