DRM framework (vkms) analysis - connector initialization

Posted by JellyFish on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 20:50:23 +0100

This paper mainly analyzes the initialization and configuration of connector, DRM_ The connector structure is as follows:

 * struct drm_connector - central DRM connector control structure
 * Each connector may be connected to one or more CRTCs, or may be clonable by
 * another connector if they can share a CRTC.  Each connector also has a specific
 * position in the broader display (referred to as a 'screen' though it could
 * span multiple monitors).
struct drm_connector {
	/** @dev: parent DRM device */
	struct drm_device *dev;
	/** @kdev: kernel device for sysfs attributes */
	struct device *kdev;
	/** @attr: sysfs attributes */
	struct device_attribute *attr;

	 * @head:
	 * List of all connectors on a @dev, linked from
	 * &drm_mode_config.connector_list. Protected by
	 * &drm_mode_config.connector_list_lock, but please only use
	 * &drm_connector_list_iter to walk this list.
	struct list_head head;

	/** @base: base KMS object */
	struct drm_mode_object base;

	/** @name: human readable name, can be overwritten by the driver */
	char *name;

	 * @mutex: Lock for general connector state, but currently only protects
	 * @registered. Most of the connector state is still protected by
	 * &drm_mode_config.mutex.
	struct mutex mutex;

	 * @index: Compacted connector index, which matches the position inside
	 * the mode_config.list for drivers not supporting hot-add/removing. Can
	 * be used as an array index. It is invariant over the lifetime of the
	 * connector.
	unsigned index;

	 * @connector_type:
	 * one of the DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_<foo> types from drm_mode.h
	int connector_type;
	/** @connector_type_id: index into connector type enum */
	int connector_type_id;
	 * @interlace_allowed:
	 * Can this connector handle interlaced modes? Only used by
	 * drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes() for mode filtering.
	bool interlace_allowed;
	 * @doublescan_allowed:
	 * Can this connector handle doublescan? Only used by
	 * drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes() for mode filtering.
	bool doublescan_allowed;
	 * @stereo_allowed:
	 * Can this connector handle stereo modes? Only used by
	 * drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes() for mode filtering.
	bool stereo_allowed;

	 * @ycbcr_420_allowed : This bool indicates if this connector is
	 * capable of handling YCBCR 420 output. While parsing the EDID
	 * blocks it's very helpful to know if the source is capable of
	 * handling YCBCR 420 outputs.
	bool ycbcr_420_allowed;

	 * @registration_state: Is this connector initializing, exposed
	 * (registered) with userspace, or unregistered?
	 * Protected by @mutex.
	enum drm_connector_registration_state registration_state;

	 * @modes:
	 * Modes available on this connector (from fill_modes() + user).
	 * Protected by &drm_mode_config.mutex.
	struct list_head modes;

	 * @status:
	 * One of the drm_connector_status enums (connected, not, or unknown).
	 * Protected by &drm_mode_config.mutex.
	enum drm_connector_status status;

	 * @probed_modes:
	 * These are modes added by probing with DDC or the BIOS, before
	 * filtering is applied. Used by the probe helpers. Protected by
	 * &drm_mode_config.mutex.
	struct list_head probed_modes;

	 * @display_info: Display information is filled from EDID information
	 * when a display is detected. For non hot-pluggable displays such as
	 * flat panels in embedded systems, the driver should initialize the
	 * &drm_display_info.width_mm and &drm_display_info.height_mm fields
	 * with the physical size of the display.
	 * Protected by &drm_mode_config.mutex.
	struct drm_display_info display_info;

	/** @funcs: connector control functions */
	const struct drm_connector_funcs *funcs;

	 * @edid_blob_ptr: DRM property containing EDID if present. Protected by
	 * &drm_mode_config.mutex. This should be updated only by calling
	 * drm_connector_update_edid_property().
	struct drm_property_blob *edid_blob_ptr;

	/** @properties: property tracking for this connector */
	struct drm_object_properties properties;

	 * @scaling_mode_property: Optional atomic property to control the
	 * upscaling. See drm_connector_attach_content_protection_property().
	struct drm_property *scaling_mode_property;

	 * @vrr_capable_property: Optional property to help userspace
	 * query hardware support for variable refresh rate on a connector.
	 * connector. Drivers can add the property to a connector by
	 * calling drm_connector_attach_vrr_capable_property().
	 * This should be updated only by calling
	 * drm_connector_set_vrr_capable_property().
	struct drm_property *vrr_capable_property;

	 * @colorspace_property: Connector property to set the suitable
	 * colorspace supported by the sink.
	struct drm_property *colorspace_property;

	 * @path_blob_ptr:
	 * DRM blob property data for the DP MST path property. This should only
	 * be updated by calling drm_connector_set_path_property().
	struct drm_property_blob *path_blob_ptr;

	 * @max_bpc_property: Default connector property for the max bpc to be
	 * driven out of the connector.
	struct drm_property *max_bpc_property;

#define DRM_CONNECTOR_POLL_HPD (1 << 0)

	 * @polled:
	 * Connector polling mode, a combination of
	 *     The connector generates hotplug events and doesn't need to be
	 *     periodically polled. The CONNECT and DISCONNECT flags must not
	 *     be set together with the HPD flag.
	 *     Periodically poll the connector for connection.
	 *     Periodically poll the connector for disconnection, without
	 *     causing flickering even when the connector is in use. DACs should
	 *     rarely do this without a lot of testing.
	 * Set to 0 for connectors that don't support connection status
	 * discovery.
	uint8_t polled;

	 * @dpms: Current dpms state. For legacy drivers the
	 * &drm_connector_funcs.dpms callback must update this. For atomic
	 * drivers, this is handled by the core atomic code, and drivers must
	 * only take &drm_crtc_state.active into account.
	int dpms;

	/** @helper_private: mid-layer private data */
	const struct drm_connector_helper_funcs *helper_private;

	/** @cmdline_mode: mode line parsed from the kernel cmdline for this connector */
	struct drm_cmdline_mode cmdline_mode;
	/** @force: a DRM_FORCE_<foo> state for forced mode sets */
	enum drm_connector_force force;
	/** @override_edid: has the EDID been overwritten through debugfs for testing? */
	bool override_edid;
	/** @epoch_counter: used to detect any other changes in connector, besides status */
	u64 epoch_counter;

	 * @possible_encoders: Bit mask of encoders that can drive this
	 * connector, drm_encoder_index() determines the index into the bitfield
	 * and the bits are set with drm_connector_attach_encoder().
	u32 possible_encoders;

	 * @encoder: Currently bound encoder driving this connector, if any.
	 * Only really meaningful for non-atomic drivers. Atomic drivers should
	 * instead look at &drm_connector_state.best_encoder, and in case they
	 * need the CRTC driving this output, &drm_connector_state.crtc.
	struct drm_encoder *encoder;

#define MAX_ELD_BYTES	128
	/** @eld: EDID-like data, if present */
	uint8_t eld[MAX_ELD_BYTES];
	/** @latency_present: AV delay info from ELD, if found */
	bool latency_present[2];
	 * @video_latency: Video latency info from ELD, if found.
	 * [0]: progressive, [1]: interlaced
	int video_latency[2];
	 * @audio_latency: audio latency info from ELD, if found
	 * [0]: progressive, [1]: interlaced
	int audio_latency[2];

	 * @ddc: associated ddc adapter.
	 * A connector usually has its associated ddc adapter. If a driver uses
	 * this field, then an appropriate symbolic link is created in connector
	 * sysfs directory to make it easy for the user to tell which i2c
	 * adapter is for a particular display.
	 * The field should be set by calling drm_connector_init_with_ddc().
	struct i2c_adapter *ddc;

	 * @null_edid_counter: track sinks that give us all zeros for the EDID.
	 * Needed to workaround some HW bugs where we get all 0s
	int null_edid_counter;

	/** @bad_edid_counter: track sinks that give us an EDID with invalid checksum */
	unsigned bad_edid_counter;

	 * @edid_corrupt: Indicates whether the last read EDID was corrupt. Used
	 * in Displayport compliance testing - Displayport Link CTS Core 1.2
	 * rev1.1
	bool edid_corrupt;
	 * @real_edid_checksum: real edid checksum for corrupted edid block.
	 * Required in Displayport 1.4 compliance testing
	 * rev1.1
	u8 real_edid_checksum;

	/** @debugfs_entry: debugfs directory for this connector */
	struct dentry *debugfs_entry;

	 * @state:
	 * Current atomic state for this connector.
	 * This is protected by &drm_mode_config.connection_mutex. Note that
	 * nonblocking atomic commits access the current connector state without
	 * taking locks. Either by going through the &struct drm_atomic_state
	 * pointers, see for_each_oldnew_connector_in_state(),
	 * for_each_old_connector_in_state() and
	 * for_each_new_connector_in_state(). Or through careful ordering of
	 * atomic commit operations as implemented in the atomic helpers, see
	 * &struct drm_crtc_commit.
	struct drm_connector_state *state;

	/* DisplayID bits. FIXME: Extract into a substruct? */

	 * @tile_blob_ptr:
	 * DRM blob property data for the tile property (used mostly by DP MST).
	 * This is meant for screens which are driven through separate display
	 * pipelines represented by &drm_crtc, which might not be running with
	 * genlocked clocks. For tiled panels which are genlocked, like
	 * dual-link LVDS or dual-link DSI, the driver should try to not expose
	 * the tiling and virtualize both &drm_crtc and &drm_plane if needed.
	 * This should only be updated by calling
	 * drm_connector_set_tile_property().
	struct drm_property_blob *tile_blob_ptr;

	/** @has_tile: is this connector connected to a tiled monitor */
	bool has_tile;
	/** @tile_group: tile group for the connected monitor */
	struct drm_tile_group *tile_group;
	/** @tile_is_single_monitor: whether the tile is one monitor housing */
	bool tile_is_single_monitor;

	/** @num_h_tile: number of horizontal tiles in the tile group */
	/** @num_v_tile: number of vertical tiles in the tile group */
	uint8_t num_h_tile, num_v_tile;
	/** @tile_h_loc: horizontal location of this tile */
	/** @tile_v_loc: vertical location of this tile */
	uint8_t tile_h_loc, tile_v_loc;
	/** @tile_h_size: horizontal size of this tile. */
	/** @tile_v_size: vertical size of this tile. */
	uint16_t tile_h_size, tile_v_size;

	 * @free_node:
	 * List used only by &drm_connector_list_iter to be able to clean up a
	 * connector from any context, in conjunction with
	 * &drm_mode_config.connector_free_work.
	struct llist_node free_node;

	/** @hdr_sink_metadata: HDR Metadata Information read from sink */
	struct hdr_sink_metadata hdr_sink_metadata;

drm_ The main initialization interface of connector is drm_connector_init

Here we analyze some common parameters.


After the connecotr instance is initialized, it is hung on the DRM through the head_ device. mode_ config. connector_ On the list

    list_add_tail(&connector->head, &config->connector_list)

, note each DRM_ The device has only one mode_config member, so you can use mode_config.connector_list traverses all connector instances of the device, which can also be accessed in the following ways

drm_connector_list_iter_begin(dev, &conn_iter);
drm_for_each_connector_iter(connector, &conn_iter);
    // ... use connector to process

(2) Connector - > base (drm_mode_object type)

Pass__ drm_mode_object_add to dev - > mode_ config. object_ IDR application id (base.id=id, base.type=DRM_MODE_OBJECT_CONNECTOR)

    ret=__drm_mode_object_add(dev, &connector->base,
            DRM_MODE_OBJECT_CONNECTOR, false, drm_connector_free);
        ret=idr_alloc(&dev->mode_config.object_idr, register_obj ? obj : NULL,
                1, 0, GFP_KERNEL);
        0bj->id = ret;
        obj->type = obj_type
        return ret;

Note that connector - > base ID will be used as the connector when the user interface drmModeGetResource is called_ The ID is returned to the user status, and the subsequent user status can be through the connector_id, call drmModeGetConnector to find drm_connector and get its related parameters

Get connector in user mode_ The ID logic is as follows:

//User state
    drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETRESOURCES, &res)
        //res.crtc_id_ptr points to all crtcs of the device_ id
//Kernel state
        drm_connector_list_iter_begin(dev, &conn_iter);
            drm_for_each_connector_iter(connector, &conn_iter); //Get connector recursively
                put_user(connector->base.id, connector_id+count); //Copy id to user status

User status according to connector_id get DRM_ The logic of the connector is as follows:

//User state
    conn.connector_id = connector_id;
    drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETCONNECTOR, &conn)
//Kernel state
        connector = drm_connector_lookup(dev, file_priv, out_resp->connector_id)
                        //According to the id and type passed in from the user status (drm_mode_object_connector finds the drm mode obj type)
                        mo = drm_mode_object_find(dev, file_priv, id, DRM_MODE_OBJECT_CONNECTOR);
                        return obj_to_connector(mo)


Record the attributes of the connector (such as crtc_id / EDID / DPMS / link status / non desktop / title, etc.). These attributes are first recorded in drm_mode_create_standard_properties are created, initialized and saved in dev - > mode_ Config, as follows:

//With 'CRTC'_ 'ID' attribute as an example
            //Create an attribute named "CRTC_ID"
            prop = drm_property_create_object(dev, DRM_MODE_PROP_ATOMIC, 
                    "CRTC_ID", DRM_MODE_OBJECT_CRTTC);
                    //Create attribute
                        //Save the property in mode_config property_list linked list
                        list_add_tail(&property->head, &dev->mode_config.property_list)
            //Save to mode_ config. prop_ crtc_ In ID
            dev->mode_config.prop_crtc_id = prop

In drm_connector_init will attach the initialized attribute to base properties

    connector->base.properties = &connector->properties
    drm_object_attach_property(&connector->base, config->prop_crtc_id,0)

Getting properties

//User state
    //Via connector_id and DM_MODE_OBJECT_CONNECTOR gets all its properties
    drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_OBJ_GETPROPERTIES, &properties)
//Kernel state
 DRM_IOCTL_DEF(DRM_IOCTL_MODE_OBJ_GETPROPERTIES, drm_mode_obj_get_properties_ioctl,0)
    //According to obj_id(connector_id), and obj_type(DRM_MODE_OBJECT_CONNECTOR) gets the DRM of the connector_ mode_ Object instance
    obj = drm_mode_object_find(dev, file_priv, arg->obj_id, arg->obj_type)
    //Traverse connector - > base Properties and copy them to the user status,
    //Here, only the id and value of the properties are copied, and no name is copied
    drm_mode_object_get_properties(obj, file_priv->atomic,
                                    arg->props_ptr, arg->prop_values_ptr, ...);

//All attribute IDs and value s of the connector are obtained above. If you want to obtain an attribute with a specific name, you also need to do the following:
//User state
    //According to prop_id get property instance object
    drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETPROPERTY, &prop) 
//Kernel state
    DRM_IOCTL_DEF(DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETPROPERTY, drm_mode_getProperty_ioctl,0)
        //According to prop_id gets the attribute instance and copies it to the user state      

There are three methods to set properties:

1) All properties can be set directly through prop through drmModeObjSetProperty_ Find the prop instance ID and set it


2) The properties of the connector can be set through drmmodiconnectorsetproperty. This method will first pass through the connector_id found drm_connector instance, and then traverse the connector base. Properties by matching prop_ Find the corresponding prop instance by ID


3) Atomic operation, drmmodeatomicaddroperty. This method is analyzed separately later. Of course, the above two methods also modify attributes through atomic operation in the kernel state


It is used to save the display mode set by cmdline. The initialization process is as follows. How does cmdline write the reference document documentation / FB / modedb txt:


cmdline_mode is mainly used to create the framebuffer of fbdev. This logic can be sorted out later. Please refer to the blog:

How does the DRM driver create fb device_ Additional reading notes - CSDN blog_ drm fb


The encoders that identifies its connection is called drm_ after the connector and encoder initialization of the DRM device. connector_ attach_ Encoder binding.

Through this parameter, you can find the encoder connected by the connector. Through the macro



The detected DRM obtained through DDC or BIOS_ display_ Mode type instance mode, through drm_mode_probed_add, add the interface to connector - > probe_ Modes linked list. There are three common calls as follows:

1. drm_add_modes_noedid
        mode = drm_mode_duplicate(dev, ptr);
        drm_mode_probed_add(connector, mode);
                list_add_tail(&mode->head, &connector->probed_modes);
2. drm_add_edid_modes
    mode = drm_mode_create_from_cmdline_mode(connector->dev, cmdline_mode);


connector valid drm_display_mode type instance mode linked list. There is only one update of the linked list, as follows:

//connector->funcs->fill_ Modes in DRM_ mode_ Call in getconnector
//.fill_modes = drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes    
                    //From probe_ The modes in the modes linked list are added to the connector - > modes linked list

The mode instance in the connector - > modes linked list will be displayed in DRM_ mode_ Copy the getconnector to the user state, and the user state creates fb according to the width and height information of the obtained modes

//User state
    conn.connector_id = connector_id;
    drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETCONNECTOR, &conn)
//Kernel state
        connector = drm_connector_lookup(dev, file_priv, out_resp->connector_id)
                        //According to the id and type passed in from the user status (drm_mode_object_connector finds the drm mode obj type)
        list_for_each_entry(mode, &connector->modes, head)
                //The user status is drm_mode_modeinfo type object. The kernel state is drm_display_mode type object
                //There needs to be a conversion
                drm_mode_convert_to_umode(&u_mode, mode); 

(8)connector->func && connector->helper_private

These two are both function pointers. Together, the helper function implements atomic calls.

Connector - > func in drm_ connector_ When init is initialized, func is some standard helper functions, and its internal will be finally through connector - > helper_ Private calls the interface customized by drm driver

static const struct drm_connector_funcs vkms_connector_funcs = {
	.fill_modes = drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes,
	.destroy = vkms_connector_destroy,
	.reset = drm_atomic_helper_connector_reset,
	.atomic_duplicate_state = drm_atomic_helper_connector_duplicate_state,
	.atomic_destroy_state = drm_atomic_helper_connector_destroy_state,

    ret = drm_connector_init(dev, connector, &vkms_connector_funcs,
                connector->funcs =funcs ---->vkms_connector_funcs

connector->helper_ The initialization of private is as follows

static const struct drm_connector_helper_funcs vkms_conn_helper_funcs = {
	.get_modes    = vkms_conn_get_modes,

    ret = drm_connector_init(dev, connector, &vkms_connector_funcs,
	drm_connector_helper_add(connector, &vkms_conn_helper_funcs);
        connector->helper_private = funcs-----> vkms_conn_helper_funcs

connector->func && connector->helper_ The usage logic of private is analyzed in the next section

Topics: gpu drm