Dry goods chapter | encountered a very practical Shell, use the script instance!

Posted by rabidvibes on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 18:25:18 +0100

Like and watch again, form a habit!

The day before yesterday, I saw a reader sharing several Shell script example topics in the group. I simply saw them. Why not write and consolidate the basic knowledge, as follows:

1. Obtain the hostname from several machines concurrently, record the time spent returning the information, and redirect to a file hostname Txt, output the CPU information of the machine that takes the shortest time after all is completed.

`# Therefore, the host is separated by spaces`
`ALL_HOSTS=(IP address IP address)`
`for host in ${ALL_HOSTS[*]}`
 `start_time=$(date +'%s')`
 `ssh $host "hostname" &>/dev/null`
 `sleep 2`
 `stop_time=$(date +'%s')`
 `echo "$host: $time_consuming" >>hostname.txt`
`host=$(sort -n -k 2 hostname.txt | head -1 | awk -F':' '{print $1}')`
`ssh $host "top -b -n 1"`

2. Count the relevant quantity information of Linux processes under / proc category, and output the total number of processes, running processes, stopped processes, sleeping processes and zombie processes.
Output all zombie processes to zombie Txt kills all zombie processes.

`ALL_PROCESS=$(ls /proc/ | egrep '[0-9]+')`
`for pid in ${ALL_PROCESS[*]}`
 `test -f /proc/$pid/status && state=$(egrep "State" /proc/$pid/status | awk '{print $2}')`
 `case "$state" in`
 `echo "$pid" >>zombie.txt`
 `kill -9 "$pid"`
`echo -e "total: $((running_count+stoped_count+sleeping_count+zombie_count))\nrunning: $running_count\nstoped: $stoped_count\nsleeping: $sleeping_count\nzombie: $zombie_count"`

3. Change the suffix of all files with ". sh" suffix in the current directory (including subdirectories) to ". shell", and then delete the second line of each file.

`ALL_SH_FILE=$(find . -type f -name "*.sh")`                                   M         `for file in ${ALL_SH_FILE[*]}`
 `filename=$(echo $file | awk -F'.sh' '{print $1}')`
 `mv "$file" "$new_filename"`
 `sed -i '2d' "$new_filename"`

4. Judge whether the directory / tmp/jstack exists. If it does not exist, create a new directory. If it does exist, delete all contents under the directory.
Print the jstack information of the inceptor server every 1 hour and print it with jstack_$ {current time} name the file. Delete the oldest file whenever there are more than 10 files in the directory.

`CURRENT_TIME=$(date +'%F'-'%H:%M:%S')`
`if [ ! -d "$DIRPATH" ];then`
 `mkdir "$DIRPATH"`
 `rm -rf "$DIRPATH"/*`
`cd "$DIRPATH"`
`while true`
 `sleep 3600`
 `# Here, you need to change the inceptor to its own java process name`
 `pid=$(ps -ef | grep 'inceptor' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')`
 `jstack $pid >> "jstack_${CURRENT_TIME}"`
 `dir_count=$(ls | wc -l)`
 `if [ "$dir_count" -gt 10 ];then`
 `rm -f $(ls -tr | head -1)`

5. From test Log intercepts all the gc information logs of the day, and counts the average value of gc time and the longest time.

`awk '{print $2}' hive-server2.log | tr -d ':' | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print "avg: ", sum/NR}' >>capture_hive_log.log`
`awk '{print $2}' hive-server2.log | tr -d ':' | awk '{max = 0} {if ($1+0 > max+0) max=$1} END {print "Max: ", max}'>>capture_hive_log.log`

6. Find the top 20 IP addresses with the highest number of requests on port 80, and judge whether the minimum number of requests in the middle is greater than 500. If it is greater than 500, output the system activity report to alert Txt. If not, try again after 600s until there is output.

`while $state`
 `SMALL_REQUESTS=$(netstat -ant | awk -F'[ :]+' '/:22/{count[$4]++} END {for(ip in count) print count[ip]}' | sort -n | head -20 | head -1)`
 `if [ "$SMALL_REQUESTS" -gt 500 ];then`
 `sar -A > alert.txt`
 `sleep 6`

7. Transfer the files larger than 10K in the current directory to the / tmp directory, and then output the file name from large to small in the order of file size.

`# Target directory`
`# View directory`
`find "$FILEPATH" -size +10k -type f | xargs -i mv {} "$DIRPATH"`
`ls -lS "$DIRPATH" | awk '{if(NR>1) print $NF}'`

The above is the seven practical Shell script cases shared today.

I hope you can apply what you have learned through these cases and apply it in combination with your own actual scenes, so as to improve your work efficiency.

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Topics: Java Back-end