E-book analysis

Posted by georgee.b on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:50:50 +0100

Book constructor

The Book object is divided into two scenarios:

  1. Parse the Book object directly from the e-Book file
  2. Generate Book object from data object
class Book {
  constructor(file, data) {
    if (file) {
    } else {

  createBookFromFile(file) {
    console.log('createBookFromFile', file)

  createBookFromData(data) {
    console.log('createBookFromData', data)

module.exports = Book

Create a Book object from a file

Add the following three constants in utils\constant.js:

  • MimeType may be application/epub or application/epub+zip. Here, I use the StartWith method of string to judge
const { env } = require('./env')
  env === 'dev' ? 'E:/upload/admin-upload-ebook' : '/root/upload/admin-upload-ebook'

const UPLOAD_URL = env === 'dev' ? '' : 'http://www.book.llmysnow.top/admin-upload-ebook'

module.exports = {
  // ...
  MIME_TYPE_EPUB: 'application/epub',

After reading the e-Book from the file, initialize the Book object

const { MIME_TYPE_EPUB, UPLOAD_URL, UPLOAD_PATH } = require('../utils/constant')
const fs = require('fs')

class Book {
  // ...
  createBookFromFile(file) {
    const {
      destination: des, // File local storage directory
      filename, //File name
      path, // File path
      mimetype = MIME_TYPE_EPUB, // File resource type
      originalname // Original file name
    } = file
    // E-book file suffix
    const suffix = mimetype.startsWith(MIME_TYPE_EPUB) ? '.epub' : ''
    // Original path of e-book
    const oldBookPath = path
    // New path for e-books
    const bookPath = `${des}/${filename}${suffix}`
    // Ebook Download URL link
    const url = `${UPLOAD_URL}/book/${filename}${suffix}`
    // Folder path after e-book decompression
    const unzipPath = `${UPLOAD_PATH}/unzip/${filename}`
    // Folder URL after e-book decompression
    const unzipUrl = `${UPLOAD_URL}/unzip/${filename}`

    if (!fs.existsSync(unzipPath)) {
      fs.mkdirSync(unzipPath, { recursive: true }) // Iteratively create unzipped folders
    if (fs.existsSync(oldBookPath) && !fs.existsSync(bookPath)) {
      fs.renameSync(oldBookPath, bookPath) // rename file

    this.filename = filename // file name
    this.path = `/book/${filename}${suffix}` // epub folder relative path
    this.filePath = this.path // epub folder relative path
    this.unzipPath = `/unzip/${filename}` // Relative path after epub decompression
    this.url = url // epub file download link
    this.title = '' // title
    this.author = '' // author
    this.publisher = '' // press
    this.contents = [] // catalogue
    this.cover = '' // Cover image URL
    this.coverPath = '' // Cover picture path
    this.category = -1 // Category ID
    this.categoryText = '' // Classification name
    this.language = '' // languages
    this.unzipUrl = unzipUrl // Unzipped folder link
    this.originalname = originalname // Original name of e-book

E-book analysis

After initialization, you can call the parse method of the Book instance to parse the e-Book

  • Here we use the epub library Source code : we directly copy epub.js to utils\epub.js

Install the two libraries that epub.js depends on:

npm i xml2js adm-zip

Parsing e-books using epub Library

Add the parse method in the Book class of models\Book.js

  • Parse the data in epub.metadata and assign it to this

const Epub = require('../utils/epub')

class Book {
  // ....
  parse() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const bookPath = `${UPLOAD_PATH}${this.path}`
      if (!fs.existsSync(bookPath)) reject(new Error('E-book does not exist'))
      const epub = new Epub(bookPath)
      epub.on('error', err => reject(err))
      epub.on('end', err => {
        if (err) reject(err)
        const { title, creator, creatorFileAs, language, publisher, cover } = epub.metadata
        if (!title) reject(new Error('Book title is empty'))
        this.title = title
        this.language = language || 'en'
        this.author = creator || creatorFileAs || 'unknown'
        this.publisher = publisher || 'unknown'
        this.rootFile = epub.rootFile
        const handleGetImage = (err, file, mimeType) => {
          if (err) reject(err)
          const suffix = mimeType && mimeType.split('/')[1]
          const coverPath = `${UPLOAD_PATH}/img/${this.filename}.${suffix}`
          const coverUrl = `${UPLOAD_URL}/img/${this.filename}.${suffix}`
          fs.writeFileSync(coverPath, file, 'binary')
          this.coverPath = `/img/${this.filename}`
          this.cover = coverUrl
        try {
          this.parseContents(epub).then(({ chapters }) => {
            this.contents = chapters
            epub.getImage(cover, handleGetImage)
        } catch (e) {

Get pictures using epub Library

epub format content can review this article: Project technical architecture ePub eBook in

  • content.opf (some may not be called this, but the file points to the file container.xml. Generally, it is right to find the file in OPF format). The content has about five parts, one of which is called the manifest file list, which contains the information of the cover
<meta name="cover" content="cover-image"/>
<item id="cover-image" href="images/cover.jpg" media-type="image/jpeg"/>

<!-- The other is No meta Label is cover Yes, through properties obtain -->
<item id="Aimages_978-3-319-64337-3_CoverFigure" href="images/978-3-319-64337-3_CoverFigure.jpg" media-type="image/jpeg" properties="cover-image"/>

Modify the source code of obtaining the cover image in utils\epub.js

  • If you encounter other formats, you can continue to improve them here later
getImage(id, callback) {
  if (this.manifest[id]) {

    if ((this.manifest[id]['media-type'] || "").toLowerCase().trim().substr(0, 6) != "image/") {
      return callback(new Error("Invalid mime type for image"));

    this.getFile(id, callback);
  } else {
    const coverId = Object.keys(this.manifest).find(key =>
      this.manifest[key].properties === 'cover-image'
    if (coverId) {
      this.getFile(coverId, callback)
    } else {
      callback(new Error("File not found"));

E-book catalog analysis

In the process of e-book parsing, we need to define e-book directory parsing. The first step is to unzip the e-book

class Book {
  unzip() {
    const AdmZip = require('adm-zip')
    const zip = new AdmZip(Book.genPath(this.path)) // Resolve file path
    zip.extractAllTo(Book.genPath(this.unzipPath), true)

genPath is a property method of Book, which can be declared using the static property

class Book {
  static genPath(path) {
    if (!path.startsWith('/')) path = `/${path}`
    return `${UPLOAD_PATH}${path}`

E-book parsing algorithm

  1. First, get the href of the toc in the epub instance spin (if not, get it through the manifest), and then read the corresponding ncx file according to this address

  2. Because ncx is an XML file, it needs to be converted into json in combination with xml2js (get json.ncx.navMap)

  3. epub.flow array contains the display order of e-book directories, but this is not necessarily the actual directory. It is better to find the directory in combination with json.ncx.navMap.navPoint

  4. Finally, add some useful information to the chapter and finally push it into the array, as follows:

  5. The directory also has levels. For example, there is a first section in the first chapter and a first section in the first section, so it needs to be flattened with the flatten method. According to this idea, we can write the flat method of ES10 and attach a reduce Version (we can also use the ternary operator, so there is only one line)

    const arr = [1, [2, [3, [4, [5]], [6]], [7]]]
    console.log(arr.flat(Infinity)) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    function flatten(arr) {
      return [].concat(
        ...arr.map(item => {
          if (Array.isArray(item)) return [].concat(...flatten(item))
          return item
    console.log(flatten(arr)) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    function flattenReduce(arr) {
      return arr.reduce((acc, cur) => {
        if (Array.isArray(cur)) return acc.concat(flattenReduce(cur))
        return acc.concat(cur)
      }, [])
    console.log(flattenReduce(arr)) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
const xml2js = require('xml2js').parseString

class Book {
  parseContents(epub) {
    function getNcxFilePath() {
      const spine = epub && epub.spine
      const manifest = epub && epub.manifest
      const ncx = spine.toc && spine.toc.href
      const id = spine.toc && spine.toc.id
      if (ncx) return ncx
      return manifest[id].href

    function findParent(array, level = 0, pid = '') {
      return array.map(item => {
        item.level = level
        item.pid = pid
        if (item.navPoint && item.navPoint.length > 0) {
          item.navPoint = findParent(item.navPoint, level + 1, item['$'].id)
        } else if (item.navPoint) {
          item.navPoint.level = level + 1
          item.navPoint.pid = item['$'].id
        return item

    function flatten(array) {
      return [].concat(
        ...array.map(item => {
          if (item.navPoint && item.navPoint.length > 0) {
            return [].concat(item, ...flatten(item.navPoint))
          } else if (item.navPoint) {
            return [].concat(item, item.navPoint)
          return item

    const ncxFilePath = Book.genPath(`${this.unzipPath}/${getNcxFilePath()}`) // Get ncx file path
    if (fs.existsSync(ncxFilePath)) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const xml = fs.readFileSync(ncxFilePath, 'utf-8') // Read ncx file
        const filename = this.filename
        // Convert ncx files from xml to json
            explicitArray: false, // When set to false, the parsing result will not wrap the array
            ignoreAttrs: false, // Resolve properties
          (err, json) => {
            if (err) reject(err)
            const navMap = json.ncx.navMap
            if (navMap.navPoint && navMap.navPoint.length > 0) {
              navMap.navPoint = findParent(navMap.navPoint)
              const newNavMap = flatten(navMap.navPoint) // Split directory into flat structure
              const chapters = []
              epub.flow.forEach((chapter, index) => {
                // If the directory is larger than the number resolved from ncx, skip directly
                if (index + 1 > newNavMap.length) return
                const nav = newNavMap[index] // Find the corresponding navMap according to the index
                chapter.text = `${UPLOAD_URL}/unzip/${this.filename}/${chapter.href}`
                if (nav && nav.navLabel) {
                  chapter.label = nav.navLabel.text || ''
                } else {
                  chapter.label = ''
                chapter.level = nav.level
                chapter.pid = nav.pid
                chapter.navId = nav['$'].id
                chapter.filename = filename
                chapter.order = index + 1
              resolve({ chapters })
            } else {
              reject(new Error('Directory resolution failed, the number of directories is 0'))
    } else {
      throw new Error('The catalog file does not exist')

data received by the front end

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